vrvw rw vevvwvvwvv the examiner Monday Nov 14 1977 12 Clark wants versight security committee OIIAWA CP Opposition Leader Joe Clark says ex clusive control of national se curity services has to be taken away from the party in power by implementing policy of briefing opposition members on security matters The US system of congres sional oversight committees or the British system of briefing IRS gt THUNDER BAY Ont CP Norman Cafik federal minister of state for multiculturalism said Satur day the RCMP like all Canadians have the right to occasionally break the law to further their own interests One thing emerges perhaps that the public doesnt understand he said in an interview Its this charge that they the RCMP are put in position where they are above the law Everybody is above the law For example person driving critically ill relative to hospital might speed and ignore traffic signals Cafik said 55 Would he be guilty of an offence Technically yes But no court would ever convict him Cafik said the RCMP con troversy will continue to dominate Parliament because the opposition par ties particularly the Progressive Conservatives have selfish attitude RCMP haVe right to break the law Norm Cafik say the leader of the op sition are treferable to Cana as system the Progressive Conservative leader said in an interview taped for broadcast Sunday on tintedCTV program Question Pe ri Clark said he prefers the broad American system be cause it extends responsibility to greater number of people NORMAN CAFIK above the law Their motivation is their desire for office Theyll take every opportunity to destroy whatever institution is in the right if it serves that pur pose Cafik was in Thunder Bay to speak at conference on multiculturalism Bell tells Jerome today oboutdiodein telephone TORONTO CP Bell Canada report on tophat diode found in tele hone in conference room jacent to gDPOSILIOIi Leader Joe Clarks fice will be given to Commons Speaker James Jerome today for further action company spokesman said Sunday The spokesman declined to release the contents of the re rt or whether the diode ound two weeks ago might be used as transmitting device Bell Canada security staff have been testing the diode and the telephone in question since last Tuesday diode is ordinarily used to indicate an occupied line on telephone console Mal He said he proposed in letter to Prime Minister Trudeau that Commission moyinclude Canada adopt an oversight committee Trudeau replied about mon th ago suggesting this would be Armed Forces in probe TORONTO CP Security operations of the Canadian Ar med Forces might be included in investigations conducted by the royal commission into ac tivities of the RCMP the com mission chairman says In an interview broadcast Sunday on the CBC radio pro gram Sunday Mornin Mr Justice David McDonal of the Alberta Supreme Court said the commission will investigate se curity services which it feels might interfere with those of theRCMP If there is evidence that some agency of government other than the RCMP has unit of persons or has had unit of persons in the past which has operated in the security field we would be interested in know ing what that structure and that organization was and what the policies and procedures and the law governing it are Mr Justice McDonald said TORONTO CP The Globe and Mail says the RCMP gained access to confidential medical files and released sen sitive information from them in an attempt to disrupt radical groups in the early 1910s Quoting sources close to the operation the newspaper says information on who had been treated for mental illness who was sexually deviant who had emotional problems or any in formation that might humiliate people in target areas was ob tained on regular basis from hospitals or provincial health sources including the Ontario Health Insurance Plan The sources are quoted as saying the health records were obtained from paid informants who had access to them or by RCMP officers predominantly those in the security service who were permitted direct ac the commission appointed July will begin hearings early next month probably in Mon treal WILL REPORT He said the commission will make an interim re rt if it completes investigation of particular case and feels rec ommendation such as for criminal investigation is necessaary The federal government could block information to the commission on the grounds of national security but that is un likely Mr Justice McDonald said The overnment has created this commission and has undertaken that the fullest possible information will be given to the commission He said the commission not the government will decide whether contents of any docu ment examined by the commis sion will be disclosed publicly oess to them by sympathetic employers The Globe and Mail says in formation was released through an informant in the target group in the hope that it would cause dissension or if the group was not infiltrated by the RCMP the information was mailed or transmitted through anonymous telephone calls source is quoted as saying leftists black and Indian radi cal groups rightwin ex tremists and extremist p0 itical parties were the groups on which the tactics most often were applied The newspaper also quotes an RCMP source as saying the work was mainly done by mem bers of countersubversion unit which at various times concentrated on universities and teachers federations the news media unions and politi SHOPS oun COMPLETE SELECTION 0E FALL AND WINTER com 25 on PRICE SALE NOW ON AT ALL 65 LOCATIONS NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS GEORGIAN MALL 7267463 MR JUSTICE McDONALD heads inquiry Medical files used by RCMP against radicals says Globe cal parties such as the Commu nist Party of Canada and the New Democratic Party an ap ropriate time for Clark to be riefed on security mat ters Clark said In light of this prime minis ters record want to be very careful about accepting any in vitation Clark said Ill be resKonding to his letter by at tac ing some conditions to the kind of briefing DUTY TO ASK Clark said that with an over IORONIO CP The RCMP security service strand be taken away from the Mounties and re ed into new secret service similar to that of Great Britain former RCMP SSgt Don McCleery said Saturday Im the biggest supporter of having security service there is but theres been lack of communication with the men at the top in the Secret Service plan suggested for security sight committee opposition members would know whether cabinet ministers are doing their jobs and asking the ques tions it is their duty to ask The controversy over evi dence of illegal RCMP ac tivities revolves around this big unanswered question of the role of cabinet ministers he said The cabinet must have been present force RCMP setup said McCleery 43 who organized and led the RCMP special squad in number of activities in Quebec that were alleged to have included burning barn He said in an interview You cant control terrorism by following lot of Girl Guide rules He suggested tough new laws to permit security forces to penetrate suspicious organizations BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC COLELLA DT Complete Denture Service 726472I I49A Dunlap St Member Denturist Society of Ontario tlockmi Iron up llunliutnu ll llund1ltwnl llnni Barrie pretty slee group of minis ters if they idnt ask the kin ds of questions that would lead them to uncover illegal ac tivities said Clark If there are dirty tricks being carried on the ministers JEWELLERS Suggests you shop early for that special Christ mas Gift QUALITY and Friendly SERVICE Bill to Boeuf and his trien dly knowledgeable staff are experts in helping customers In their selec tion of line diamonds and other Our Diamonds are guaranteed iewellery and insured for one year Come to Bill to Boeuf JewellersYoull be glad You did II iv Him ll ll ill him Ilhlu ilrllillhlt1il llondli IMr Wagon THE EARLY BIRD GEPS THE HONDA OPEN WED THUR$ FRI to of the Crown who are respon sible to Parliament and the ï¬ople have 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