Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1977, p. 13

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TIltelp waited lielp wanted IIIIIlllllllllllllllllllIIIIllllllllllllllIIlIIIlllIllllllIlllllIIIIlllllIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllll ACCOUNTING POSITION Progressive manufacturing company located in Barrie requires bright energetic selfstarter in our accounting department Exposure to cost accounting and automated accounting systems would be decided assets student enrolled in recognized accounting course would bepreferred This is challenging career opportunity in growth en vironment offering an attractive starting salary and full range of company benefits Please send detailed resume indicating experience and salary requirements to 11 legal ONTARIO GOVENMENT NOTCE THE EXPROPRIATIONS Act NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPBIATE LAND IN THE MATTER of an application by the Minister of Tran sportation and Communications for approval to expropriate lan ds being in the Townships of Vespra Flos and Medonte all in the County of Simcoe In the Province of Ontario for the purpose of twinning Kings Highway 400 and works related thereto IINIIIIIIIIIIINIW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made lor approval to expropriate the land described in the schedule hereto Any owner ol lands in respect of which home is given who desires an inquiry into whether the tailing of such land rs lair sound and reasonably necessary rn the achievement of the objectives oi the expropriatrng authority shall so notify the apprOvlng authority rn writing BOX use esSlerea owner served personally or by legstereo marl within thirty days alter Is served with the notrce or when he rs served by publication within lY days alle first publication of the notice lDt in the case oi an owner who rs not registered owner within thirty days alter the first publication ol the notice THE APPROVING AUTHORITY is the Mrnrster oi Transportation and Communlcalrans ParliameniBurtarnqs Toronto Ontario MM 128 Minister at Transportation and Cammunrcatrons N9l0ll16l7l8 IlllllllllllllllllllIllllIlIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllll HELP WANTED No Experience Necessary Male or Female Full training excellent wages All that is required is car Witter of Inimonltiorl end Danmlnicsttons Mutts linguist Director Solilttwnnenl Region EB Enter Road Post Office Box me Inrldorl Ontario NEW 221 NOTES The Exproptrallons Act plOvrdes that lat where an inquiry IS requested II shall be conducted by an inquiry oilicar appointed by the Mlfllslef ol Justice and Attorney General to the rnaurry oiircer shall give every party to the inquiry an opportunity to present evidence and argument and to exarmne and crossexamine witnesses either personally or by his cornsel or agent and may re mend lo the apprOvlng authorrly that party to the inquiry be paid irxed anlou let his costs at the mauin not to exceed 3200 and the approving authority in in IIS diSCfCllO order the expropriatrng authority to pay such costs forthwith owner and registered owner are delrned in the Act as follows owner mctudes mortgagee tenant execution creditor person enlrlled to limited estate or Interest rn land committee at the estate of mentally Incompetent person or of person incapable at managing his aliens and guardian executor administrator or trustee rn whom land rs vested regsieved owner means an owner at land whose interest rn the land is defined and whose name rs speclied in an rnstrument in the proper Land Regrstry or Sheriff office and rncludes person shown as tenant at land on the last revised assessment roll The expropriatrng authority each owner who notifies the approving authority that he desrres hearing in respect ol the lands intended to be expropriated and any owner added as party by the rnqurry olircer are parties to the inquiry Call 7371903 or 7371904 between IO am and pm Nl2 DENTAL ASSISTANT Fulltime chairside dental assistant required progressive preventive oriented dental practice Previous experience or completion of approved community college training program is essential Please reply in writing to DR JEFFERSON for modern llo Dunlop St East SCHEDULE Barrie Ontario All right title and interest in the lands described as follows Stating qualifications and references Applications Will be con In mo Townshipof vespml in the county of smcoein sidered only until Friday llth of November Interviews will then be the Province of Ontario being arranged for selected applicants part of Lot 37 Concession West of Penetanguishene Road designated as PART on Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan P2B47l79 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe as Plan 5i R6664 parts of the Westerly Half of lot 33 Concession designated as PARTS and and parts of Lot 34 Concession designated as PARTS and on Ministry of Transportation and Com munications Plan P2847l80 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe as Plan SIR6704 part of Lot 39 Concession West of Penetanguishene Road designated as PART and part of Lot 40 Concession West of Penetanguishene Road designed as PART on Ministry of Transportation and Com munications Plan P2847IBI deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe as Plan 51 R6946 In the Township of Flos in the County of Simcoe in the Province of Ontario being parts of Lot 41 N10 Royal Trust Company OPPORTUNITIES IN REAL ESTATE With Canadas Best Known Realtor Check these advantages Bonus commission arrangement and Benefit Package Proven SalesListing and Promotional Aids Noncompeting Professional Manager Martgage advantages including Sécond Mortgages and in terim financing Professional advertising incuding local magazine Notional Transferee and Referral System Advanced Real Estate Training Join winning team All enquiries confidential CALL TERRY VOGAN MANAGER 357 Beyfiekl St 7283300 The Royal Trust Company lOntanol Realtor TThSDl9 CENTRE MOULDED PLASTICS LTD Concession West of Penetanguishene Road designated as PARTS l0 ll 12 i4 15 and 17 on Ministry of Tran sportation and Communications Plan P284718l 7287141 deposited In the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe as Plan SIR6946 parts of Lot 48 Concession West of Penetanguishene Road designated as PARTS and on Ministry of Transportation and Com munications Plan P334695 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe as Plan SIR6808 part of Lot 47 Concession West of Penetanguishene Road designated as PART on Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan P33534 deposited in the Land Registry Of fice for the Registry Division of Simcoe as Plan MOULD MAKER required with not less than seven years ex perience an injection and thermostat moulds MAINTENANCE PERSON required with not less than five years experience an injection machine hydraulic and elec trical maintenance Nllu SPARE ME tradiscliools If you want to work approximately hrs daily LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS days week Toggliho 5i R7l08 n0 SOIUFdOYS HOIIdGYS 68643381 In the Township of Madame in the County of Simcoe hold valid drivers licence over 2i yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU Call Mr Howlett in the Province of Ontario being part of lot 47 Con cession East of Penetanguishene Road designated as PART on Ministry of Transportation and Com munications Plan P334695 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe as N7892l2223 72sales helpagents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn 4000 per ear Ius bonus Contact customers Plan 51R6808 SOCk BronLars NW same We Wrile All right title and interest for limited period of time upto schoo Bus Lmes Siifapiéifdnf°f£32° pemeum and including October Gist l98l in the lands described as follows 12 7391YIel W993 In the Township of Flos in the County of Simcoe in the EXHPESIYENCFEB oeAYgAR aggillgrbgz province of Ontario being lipT bgedyong ygar lalnd avian CdnsTahtsuper Of LOT concefflon we Real Estate 333366féfrfgigfigéiggfinplease C8 Penetanguishene Road designated as PARTB on MOTEL MANA¢E fiovrirfiérigmi Ministry of Transportation and Communications Slnce seeks responsible position Full or part Plan P2847l8l deposited in the Land Registry LePAGE ONTARIO UD Ime TEelWDe 391721 Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe as Plan assooylreid7sat7goAi12RIE Oniorro aisEzlnEyNCEanngg rtrlliagmteo $6946 Envelopes manuscripts etc Prefer part of Lot 47 Concession West of REAL ESTATE SALES $222520 be dropped Teeph°e Penetanguishene Road designated as PART on Recent transfers have resulted Ministry of Transportation and Communications in the need for additional Plan P334695 deposited In the Land Registry sales representatives for the Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe as Plan Barrie regional office of SIR6808 Canadas leading Real Estate part of Lot 47 Concession West of firm Only those with proven performance T4 need apply For confidential interview please call Larry Fortin manager at 737001l LePAGE Ontario Ltd 355 Boyfield St Barrie TTltN24 Penetanguishene Road designated as PART on Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan P33534 deposited in the Land Registry Of fice for the Registry Division of Simcoe as Plan SIR7108 In the Township of Vespra In the County of Simcoe in the Province of Ontario being part of Lot 38 Concession West of Penetanguishene Road designated as PART on Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan 2847479 deposited In the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe as Plan 5i R6664 THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE 25TH DAY or OCTOBER 1977 O25Nl8 IS BEST MONIAY TUESDAY WEINESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertiéers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to ad vertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 BOX REPLIES IWhile every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or MANAGER Vlfith proven sales ability for ladies wear store in Bayfield Mall Salary commensurate with experience For ap pointment call Mr Jack at 728 6066 between ll am and pm Ministry of Transportation and Communications BUY THE EXAMINER TO READ READ THE EXAMINER TO BUY NI NO STRIKES NO LAYOFFS Immediate positions available with local concern for full ilme people Good earnings and excellent opportunity for advancement Car necessary Phone 7267401 for personal interview TF Hand Full Of Cash Is Better Than GARAGE Full LIVEIN HOUSEKEEPER needed for motherless family children and years nice home in Coldwater with comfortable accommodation Apply Box 457 Goldwater Cell 835 Silo days or 6667900evenlngs SUPERINTENDENT for new apart ment building In Barrie Must be able to get things done Experience not essential Cell Toronto 3624M weekdays930530 DENTAL ASSISTANT Réccbriomsr required immediately Experience pre ferret but noMtecessery Please reply irl damage alledged Prue own an wr no to Box V97 The Ex aminenyfli thropgh eltdlier failurhe or dfilay JANITOR Few hours daily Year round °rw° posttlog M32 or female Apply in per however otherWIse son ays reMoior Hotel FARM IIVIOTOR NTECrIANlC Must have Place on exummer own 00 arm or cnted an asset Apply Gillan Farmgulpmenttnstblo EXAMINER Put TIME PERSON with knowledge WANT ADS of Mr ml netics and heir colouring Apply to ddenNadeau Woolworth Phar Beyfield st PHONE 7282414 ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Iirthe $550 maximum 40 words additional words I0 cents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words to cents per word In Memoriam no verse 8550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events $322 per column Inch 8i births BATES Robert and Judith are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their se cond daughter Cheri Lynn lbs 01 on October 27th I977 at 805 pm Many thanks to Dr Les Pattlson and staff at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Mondays Child Is fair of face Tuesdays Child is full of grace Wednesdays child is full of woe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child Is loving and giving fiayurdays Child works hard for its no And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Isfalr and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other Important Information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record In Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $550 maximum 40 words Addl tlonal words to cents per word PHONE 7282414 83 engagements PEACOCKBURNS Mr and Mrs Or val Peacock of Palnswlck Ont are pleased to announce the engagement of heir daughter Joyce Kathleen to Car poral Russell Burns of Petawawa son of Mr and Mrs Gordon Burns of Amherst Nova Scotla The wedding is to take place on September 30 I976 in Bar rle Ont 85 deaths DYER Elmer At Kempenlelt Manor Barrie on Saturday November W77 Elmer Dyer in his 79th year Beloved husband of Gladys Srlgley Survived by one sister Mrs Florence Redtern and one brother Dr Floyd Dyer Predeceased by brothers William and Mervyn Harry Charlie Marley and Dr Alfred Dyer Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie Service in the chapel on Tuesday November at pm interment St James Cemetery Stroud STRACHAN Ellen At the Royal Vic toria Hospital on Monday November I977 Ellen Sirachan wife of the late George Strachan and dear mother of Beatrice Sirachan Grace Mrs McNaughton of Port Perry lda Mrs Johnson of Willowdate and the late William Grandmother of Carol Mrs Collins Bill Johnson Richard and Anthony McNaughton Sister of Beth Mrs Mustard and Grace Mrs Kelly bath of Alberta Friends may call at the Arnold Funeral Home l27 Bayileld Street Barrie Funeral Thurs day at st Marys Church for mass at to am interment Barrie Union Cemetery aArnold Funeral Home Parking at ear KUZMIENKO Basil Atthe Royalvic toria Hospital Barrie on Monday November i977 Balil Kuzmienko in his 63rd year Beloved husband of the late Mildred Fountain Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie until Wednesday noon Funeral service private on Wednesday Nov ember followed by cremation II in memoriatns BROWN In loving memory of dear husband and father George Brown who passed away November 8th 1976 MY DAD Though hes gone far away We can still dream of the good old days Of camping trips and summer nights And even of the silly fights Around the house he wasnt handy But when it come to fishing he was dandy His piano still plays on Even though hes gone had our children three girls and it Or Sometimes they did annoy He had hard time showing his emo lions But he was honest and good and lull of devotions My mother loved him with all of her heart Sometimes think they are not apart When the day comes for them to be together again God will be there with welcome hand By Sheila Collins WALLWIN In loving memory of dear wife and mother Muriel Jane who passed away on Nov I975 lotten think of bygone days when we were all together The family chain is broken now But memories live forever To me she has not gone away Nor has she travelled tar Just entered Gods eternal home And left the gate alar Always to be remembered by her hus band Harold 88 coming events ANAF BINGO Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm Jackpot $300 must go every week Admission SI 00 for cards Air conditioned hall GEORGE ST BARRIE TTF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Oasslfled advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $550 Additional words To cts per word CARD or THANKS 40 words s5so Addi tlonal words I0cla per word lN MEMORIAM NOTICES Na verse $550 With verse per count line 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 per column Inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two Insertions 96 per word Insertion Three consecutive Insertions cents per word In sertion total $648 Six consecutive Inser tions Blic per word per Insertion total $l224 Multiple Insertions may be ordered subect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of couniln fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Eoc Initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly recheck ihelrv advertisement Immediately after first lneer lion In order that any error or omission may be reported before am In order that same may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner le responsible for only one incorrecin printed Insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that Involves the mlsprlni Er rore which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc lions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or relecl any want PHONE 7202 l4 examiner patterns Make The Jump Printed Pattern so IOIb ilfk sv It gq Maybe last year y0u wore mostly leans But now youre ready to jump into something different and lust as easy This Jumper and neat shirt Printed Pattern 4676 Teen Sizes 10 12 I4 16 Size 12 bust 32 jumper yds 45Inch shirt 58 yds $125 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern lor first class mail and handling Ont residents add 9f sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your flame Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Examiner 60 Progress IAvenue Scarborough tario MIP 4P7 Prices too high Save and sewsend for our NEW FALL WINTER PATTERN CATALOG Over 100 styles all Sizesdresses tops skirts pants Free pattern coupon Send 75¢ Instant Settling Booil $100 instant Fashion Book 3100 Instant Crochet Booli $100 Pillovi ShowOffs $150 Long walk notenoughl EATLOCK England CPI When his romance came to an end Paul Willers decided to walk the girl out of his mind The 21yearold papermill worker gave up his job and set off with his pet collie Judas to hike from John Groats the northern extremity of the Scott ish mainland to Lands End the extreme southwest point of En land rec months and nearl 000 miles later Paul saidy his heart was still as sore as his feet He couldnt forget his girl When get home know will be looking for her he said wont be able to help myself 090 at your house Its time to call your Welcome Wagon hostess She will bring congratu lations and gifts for the family and the NEW BABY QtIilcitm 728646l Or 726 454 on LTD Phone filiston Margaret Stoltz 4357676 Two hundred and fifty Alliston andarea friends of Dr and Mrs Ewart Charters and family gathered in Banting Memorial High School recently The family leaving Allislon this month for Mobile Alabama Mayor Oak Gray spoke briefly in opening the formal rogram of the farewell open ouse and Dr Nigel Gnpper reviewed his association with Dr Charters and the 17 years of practice in Alliston Musical numbers were con tributed by Theresa Whelan and Marianne Hanna ac companied by Mrs Thelma Bates Mrs Charters daughter Susan accompanied by Kenneth Inkster con tributed two solos which she dedicated to her parents FUN GIFTS Fun gifts presented during the festivities were unique surgeons cap with Canadian flag apples and jug of cider depicting apples gown on the Carters Beaver Valley farm and souvenirs advertising Can cer Capers and the Alliston Potato Festival Dr Charters has been active in the activities of the Canadian Cancer Society and Mrs Char ters is also well known throughout the county for her interest and work in the foster parents program through the Childrens Aid Society Dr Charters expressed thanks for the silver engraved bowl and wallet of money and also appreciation of the family to all who had contributed in making the occasion possible Jack Hanna expressed thanks to all who helped Present besides daughter Susan and son Michael was Mrs Charters mother Mrs Jane Hamilton for whom it was an added occasion to celebrate her daughters bir thday The Board of Governors of Stevenson Memorial Hospital at recent meeting paid tribute to Dr Charters during the years has has been staff member WELL ATTENDED The October meeting of the Alliston Potato Festival Com mittee was well attended by representatives of all organizations which par ticipated in the project over the past years as well as by in terested citizens The festival committee discussed the possibility of initiating an indoor pml at some future time with revenue form the Potato Festival Although the Festival itself has demanded goat deal of time and effort on the part of volunteer workers it was agreed after the 1975 Festival that an Indoor Swimming Pool Committee be formed to look into the cost of construction and maintaining an indoor pool and this commilee of which Gordon Wright former principal of Banting Memorial High School is chairman has done con siderable research and visited number of communities gathering data HIGH OST Findings were that an indoor pool has high operating cost and taking into consideration that the present Arena has limited life span the curling club cannot expand on present property Library needs more room youth goups and senior citizens would like recreation facilities and the band is looking for rehearsal facilities Wright proposed centre for Alliston and the surrounding area as solution After twohour discussion period It was evident no con clusion could be reached until representatives of various clubs and organizations had an opportunity to discuss the proposal with their members and report back at the meeting on Nov 22 which will also be held in the council chambers at Town Hall COOPERATION The Potato Festival has exemplified spirit of co operation on the part of service Clubs linemen churches and organizations in Alliston and the surrounding communin during the past four years but the public is now demanding some decision as to disbur sement of funds as all monies from the various projects is tur ned over to the Potato Festival Committee Committee solicitor Jamie Smith explained the bylaws and election procedure and Chairman Jerry Moon called for adjournment with election of officiers to be held at the next meeting NUTRITION COURSE Representing the Alliston Watch for Instant Printing Opening Soon VVVvvw+wvyw the examiner Tuesday Nov 1911 13 neighBarly news MQTQJMIMI8AM at recent course on nutrition in Barrie arranged by the home economics branch of the ministry of agriculture and food was Maggie Anderson and Marie Miller followup was their presen tation of Salute to Vegetables in the WI hall with those present enthisiastic in the esentation which reviewed value of vegetables in the diet selec tion care and cookery methods and the demonstration usin vegetables in recipes witfi fimshed product later sampled The leaders and the AWI members will attend Summary Day in the Blue Flame Room of Consumers Gas Building In Barrie on Dec lst to conclude the project POT LUCK SUPPER Twentytwo ladies attended the potluck supper meeting of the Sunshine Club in St Johns Fellowship Hall with over $50 realized from an auction con ducted by Mary Hanis which will provide Christmas fiuit boxes and other current ex penses of the monthly visits to the Good Samaritan Nursing Home Mrs Ida McKelvey was thanked for providing roses throughout the summer for birthday remembrances for the residents and officers chosen to commence duties in January were pastpresident Mary Alle Secretary Eileen Hunter and treasurer Shirley Gibson The ladies will meet at St Johns to fill baskets Dec for the Christmas Party the follow ing day and Stevenson Memorial Hospital Auxiliary members have again offered to provide gifts for the young peo ple and children attite home ANNIVERSARY SERVICE St Johns United Church ob served their Anniversary Ser vice recently with Miss Ferne Graham graduate of the united Church Training School and presently working with lay organizations in the denomination as guest speaker Miss Graham who served for two years in rural charge in Saskatchewan where she was born said anniversary time is not only time to look back but also ahead and to look up for strength and theme for her remarks was what is that in your hand Each has some special ministry some tool in our han ds which can be an opportunity for service in our daily lives and it is most important how we make use of our tools she said She emphasized the need to reach out to others including children and young people who need friendship and enouragcmcnt and as Daniel and Goliath used their hands to destroy the enemyso today we should destroy such enemies as injustice intolerance and lack of concern We should not just pray for our immediate circle but reach out to those across the seas God will grant courage joy Call DARLENE FriAll Your Travel Information The Best Service In Town BRISTOW Travel Service al phases of travel NOW LOCATIONS 29 Owen St 1370340 14 Dunlop St 13716 and strength to use that which is in our hands site concluded MEMORIAL SERVICE Allislon has lost number of wellknown senior citizens memorial service for the late Jennie Bumet was held recen tly as was the funeral Mrs Alice Ney who passed away at Scarborouin General Hospital Oct 19 Unexpected was the sudden death of Whitney Thom in Toronto while visiting his wife Elaine who recently had surgery in Toronto hospital Friends of Mrs Glam Murphy were sorry to learn that although she had recovered from broken hip sufficiently to be moved back to Dufferin OaksinShelbiune she has had another fall breaking theother hip ndisnowapatient in Orangeville General Hospital Mrs Mary Smith of Flinf Michigan visited recently at the home of her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs David Gierak HOLIDAY TRIP Mr and Mrs Allan Latimer have returned from holiday with their son and daughterin law and family the William Latimer family in British Columbia Mr and Mrs Elmer Stoltz accompanied Mr and Mrs Ralph Lafleur of Toronto recen tly for the Convocation Exer cises of the Society of Management Accountants of Ontario at the Skyline Hotel Allan of Cambridge was among the 365 persons graduating with rebistered In dustrial Accounting degree The Stoltz attended con vocation exercises at Eilfred University when their daughter Anne Haddock of Bell Ewart was awarded her Bat cher of Arts degree IEuro station Bessie Crawford 4873921 welcome is extended to Mr and Mrs Hendrik Wamar and Hank who have moved into their new home in the village SYMPATHY Sincere sympathy is extend ed to Mrs Arthur Burrid on the assing away of her be oved hus and Mrs Burrldge is the former Ruby Shelsweli The funeral service was held at the Mundell Funeral Home with burial at Oro Station cemetery HIGH WINNERS At the euchre at Oro Station community centre high win ners were Mrs Lestand Ellwood Reynolds second wool to Mrs Dorothy Gentle Bert Mulholiand third to Mrs Elsie Bartholomew and Ray Greenhalgh SUCCESSFUL PARTY very successful Halloween party was held at the Com munity Centre Oct 29 the eyes have it could you tell if shes wearing contact lens The new soft contact lens by Bausch and Lamb are prac tically invisible In use and theyre made by one of the worlds finest lens specialists Whats more they are of fordable and available right here in Barrie from Better Vision Optical am $1 79°° Contact us for your up polnfment to get better looking Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded BETTER the rim uanpl hm VsIOQDpUCOI Dede St am am fleas 7106 Learn to Prepare Income Taxes Job interviews available for Classes begin Nov 2977 Like to meet the public Want to earn extra money Work accurately with figures Enroll in the Fl Block Income Tax Course beginning soon in your area and learn to prepare income taxes for yourself your friends and as source of income information and class schedules today H8 BLOCK Canada LTD contact the office nearest you l5 puillop nest nilsen best students Send for free II Please send me free information about your tax obligation Name Address City Prov preparation course understand there is no Phone is CLIP AND MAIL TODAY

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