Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Nov 1977, p. 13

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OT property for do SUMMER VAATION PROPERTY 112 acres within approx 200 yds of Ossossane Beach DAaults Boy Nottawasaga Bay on Concession Township of Tiny Nicely wooded with stream Signs on property $59800 Call Del Ban nerman Family Trust Corporation formerly Thas Shea Ltd Wellington St Markham 4162971270 Only our name has changed 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 $46500 Dont be disappointed by sold sign see this immaculate bedroom home newly decorated throughout with $2195 per sq yd Dacron broadlaom including lz baths sliding door walkout to patio Large lot Values like these sell quickly so call today Jim Quinlan FIVE BEDROOMS car plus garage large fieldstone fireplace with heatalator 78 acre with privacy ideal family home $69900 Ask for Gard or Margaret Wright BUY NOW FOR SNOWMOBILE TIME LATER bedroom near Lake Simcoe partly furnished includes fridge $18900 Ask for Margaret or Gard Wright BUILDING LOTS Innisfll Barrie Call mean these Gard Wright N4 Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 728I662 Corby Adams 7286829 Ross Leeder 7269245 Jim Quinlan 7260873 Gard Wright no toll 4363669 Margaret Wright 4363669 TF LIMITED REALTOR MEMBER BROKER EALTY WORLDg 33 I9 Collier It Ierrle OMIIIO Barrie line 7264491 Toronto line 8630398 3111 liilr Real Estate Professionals AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Baytield St BARRIE Ontario 7370011 Jim Cancilla 7371597 Bill McCreary 7281865 Enid Day 7266904 Verna Mullin 7282875 Jack Slessor 7266280 Judy Pennett 7371264 Bey Neill 7260205 Wayne Pennett 737I264 Vilffltarpe 4362576 Gard Harris 4362403 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays 910 7372101 LTD EA LTOR 40 Maple Ave Agent for Pineview Estates of Mldhurut JOHN COLE 7288017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 TOM CAIRNS 7280653 AL CALHOUN no tall 8352742 BERNIE BLUM 4872299 ART MAW 728146 CREEMORE NEW HOMESF Come make your home In this friendly village 044015 for sale 011 Since no SECOND MORTGAGES T0 85 0F VALUE II We are mortgage brokers and since we specialize can guaran tee prompt and individual at tention to all mortgage inquiries ensuring maximum mortgages under the most favorable market terms Ample funds for residential com mercial and recreational properties We also purchase existing mor tgages for cash Call Mortgage Manager ian Kerr for valuable advice BUS 7371881 RES TOLL FREE 4875965 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD 51 72671 30 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association III TF il MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 7264651 days 728 4651 evenings COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 3362 Pat Quinn Ltd 737vl414 14 mobile homesvl trailers RUSSELL CHIRCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 Souith 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury furnishings king size bed sacrifice at $7000 firm cost $9500 new used only six times 705 445 1480 FTFTH WHEEL CAMPER with Ford truck like new Telephone 4282101 224 Main st Slayner 71975TMASTER COACH 10 ft Many Ex tras Any reasonable offer wont be refused Telephone 1445 5505 60717 uséd mobile homefdéiuxémoitél bedrooms broadloom drapes fridge stove Call 705 7370086 1976 26 TRIPLE Motor Home for sale or rent Fully equipped condition Must be seen to be appreciated Tele phone 4362448 Prices start at $41900 bedroom TT EXAMINER bunqamwsy iarge kiychenl meted 1TWO ACRE LOT private With large mroughou some have eplacesl some mature trees Close to lake North Ora WANT ADS with freed lots Down payments start at $2 10 per cent mortgages Call 466 2240 or 414 5100 Hutchinson Real ly Inc PRIVATE $2000 BELOW listed price Bungalow on quiet street Five bed rooms one full two half baths family and games room $47500 Existing $40000 mortgage available 726 2455 COOKSTOWN 355900 This 1600 square foot bungalow will accomodate your growmg family Large kitchen plenty of Estate 7371414 new overpass $8000 and $9000 each Rick Harker Quinn Real 7371414 06farhts fOr rent close to Edenvale $325 monthly Contac 617500 Call Rick Harker Quinn Real irwo TREED éUiLbING Cars 75 200 each Highway 11 north right beside HOBBY FARM with bedroom newly decorated farmhouse barn and 10 acres PHONE 7252414 Ibapts to rent apartments available Central Adults only 7260988 weekdays TWO BEDROOMAPARTMENTS $1116 monthly includes all utilities and cable No pets Close to Bayfleld Mall Lease required Telephone 7266046 cupboards separate dining area living Harry Magi re esemm ONE AND TWO BEDROOMAFSIOVE room with fieldslone fireplace car Goedemondy Rea game 728306 trldae Parking laundry facilities and garage all this on acre lot low down 776 3364 heat included Nochildren or pets Apply payment owner moved and anxious to sell Call John Quinn 424 5100 or 416 936 3041 Hutchinson Realty Inc NEW HOME under construction in Cold water $43500 Bill Simms 7260406 07bus ass Oppbrf nTtiesF apartment one acre good garden RETIRING BUT NOT READY TO QUIT Snack bar gas pumps modern highway location lake access Fifty six apartment 201 55 Blake Street TWO BEDROOM Apartment 74 Shirley $260 per month plus hydro All other utilites included Available immediate ly No pets Nochlldren 726 8733 BEDROOM APARTMENT available VATE SAL miles northeast of Barrie at Head Lake December 15 Paklngv WM Remdl dummys sale rams carry Owner must set Telephone 1705 cilities $230 monthly plus hydro building costs Angus area Must sell 4543553 RFlFFPCES 51°59 72831035 owners leaving arca Telephone 7281429 UNFURNISHED TWO BEDROOM COMHETELY MODERNIZED wo l2mortgages apartment available now Suitable for bedroom home central to downtown workng coup Close norms and $2000 down Carries like rent Call d°9WTesphPESmfiSZQ Russell Carson Frank Nelles Ltd FURNISHED BEDSITTIING lroom 726 14150r 726 6161 apartment one person on ma non LOAN MONTH smoker Fully equipped kitchen piece 100 LAK RONT AMOUNT PAYMENT bath private entrance utilities Includ onnmy ctecuive modem home Ci 5000 5336 ed Midhurst area $135 monthly conveniences Prelige area superb 30000 310671 View 31651000 am Telephone $15000 $16006 HILLSDALE Attractive two bedroom 325 5145 $20000 $21341 dupclfx Plze klloorst huge kitchen PRUAra 00 bedroom whieha Ba on 12157 peryear 95 en sun ec pr va en rance SUIT Home 31500 down moves you in As 25yaaramartilalioh gflférgzlgmlgggggfiplelm animals °r sume first mortgage Telephone 471 Lu 716 4515 Compare what you are paylng ONE BEDROOM apartment central now for car loan personal loan and credit cards with what you could be paying All you save is interest Call anytime Wayne Dobson 3222838 OFFICE 7269262 First mortgages from We buy and sell existing mor tgages 02pr0pelly waffle WANTED IMMEDIATE LY 25 loo acre farm or workable acreage within twenty miles of Barrie Call Larry Thompson representing Taurus Real Estate Ltd Realtor 737 3000 WANTED RURAL PROPERTY for Client with arge down payment Must have good house and large lot or small acreage If you have suitable property please call Collin Nelles rep Frank Nelles Real Estate Ltd 7261405 or 726 5208 all replies confidential MwFn fflrmstrung OSIarms for sale TWO FARMS One 30 acres new huus and ham Ont 53 acres new house lm mediate possession 728 6655 after 600 71mm xmvmoiiuiuo mum locatlon available Immediately newly redecorated Call collect 14167279857 or 1416 8594493 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent on Dunlap Street West Available Int mediately Telephone daily 7372600 Aller6 pm 7265207 ONE BEDROOM apartment Centrally located Available December For fur ther information telephone 737 1830 Del ween6and8pm SMALL ONE BEDROOM apartment situated in downtown Barrie above new office building New paint and carpet Prefer single or couple fridge and stove Available immediately $190 first and last Phone 726 3871 ONE BEDROOM apartment near Wyevale All utilities included $140 Call 322 2329 after pm 12 mortgages IF YOU NEED MONEY Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed Igve to help you To consolidate debts low monthly payments oHome improvements any worthy reason 0To pay all existing or maturing mortgage oConstruction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages gt 31 MORTGAGE FUNDING Call Anytime 129 DUNLOP ST EAST our ignzflngTgieTr BARRIE ONTARIO PM 8mm 33 342 7260981 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc fAdults TWO BEDROOM AND THREE BED ROOM apartments Modern building $290 and $310 monthly includes electric heat light water and parking Lease re quired First and last months rent in ad vance Call Wellington Place Apart ments building superintendent apt No 208 135 Wellington St Barrie 726 7153 SUBLET TWO BEDROOM apartment available December Ist Grove and st Vincent Close to bus route $232 mon thly Telephone 7373839 TWO BEDROOM apartment in quadplex at 11 Victoria Street $210 monthly plus hydro less if willing to superintend building Apply apartment or telephone 416297 3320 17 houses to rent 23 offico stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angeloff On Eastview bus route two TWO OFFICES lust over500square feel Mrooms immacukflg con film can be lolned together $150 mon dmon fu baseman hem each Includes parking and heat Located Dunlap St downtown Barrie $205 plus all and utilities adults Mrs Petch 7263338 only no dogs 2455561 for reiltw Phone 7284752 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 Between and pm 60000 sq tt fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 14ft 18ft clear part of large expanding Industrial TF OUSE mall7267I30 THREE BEDROOM ava immediately For further information Sgfihoffise+elfhfrlyanipaiitit 8er telephone7287204between 900and 500 Ammo weekdays only EAST END four plex bedroom townhouse unit $295 monthly Available COMMERCIALINDUSTRIAL BROK ERS Mortell Limited Real Estate 40 articles for sale 3229 PARIS SLE morons find Cl Trucks no Blah SI uni 7280390 COMPETITION KNOWS US YOU SHOULD TOO Our prices are do low Its ridiculous 1963 PLYMOUTH Sports Fury good con dition Recently certified Will accept ot fers Telephone 7269840 after pm 1975 VW RABBIT for sale 18000 miles In excellent condition Must sell Telephone 424 0173 I973 OLDSMOBILE 98 LS In excellent condition Telephone 7262209 Plus this ad is worth 7130674 25ga rages AUTOBODY SHOP for rent in Barrie Two stalls plus paint booth Reasonable Telephone 737 3023 immediately Telephone 416884 0649 or 416884 6287 262 SHANTY BAY ROAD Kempenfelt Village beautifully wood site bedroom townhouse garage electric heat hydro water refrigerator and stove included Adults only No pets Available De cember Telephone 728 4590 32cars for sale BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 12 per cent interest 18 Collier st 728 5191 1974 CADILLAC Coupe de ville tuli power excellent condition Reasonable Phone 7373036 1972THUNDERBIRDIeerllentEdndi tlan fully loaded with options Tele phone 726 8712 after 600 pm 1974 CHRYSLER door custom Newport blue with white vinyl top new tires one owner certified Telephone 7371458 SMALL HOUSE FOR RENT with garage small workshop and garden Highway 93 at Dalston Available im medialely Telephone 726 1109 evenings FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE with den wall to wall carpet throughout curtains on all windows fridge and built in stove Franklin stove in living room IV baths double garage Just outside of Barrie $350 monthly Cali collect 1416 7757284 THREE BEDROOM Home in Bayfleld Grove area on quiet street References required Call 728 0674 TWO BEDROOM winterized collage fridge and stove included $215 plus utilities Available approximately December 15th Call 487 5722 Ora after pm TOWNHOUSE FOR REN $272 per month three bedrooms baths tour appliances Available December Ist Celina1762 I970 CHEVELLE MALIBU V8 58000 miles power steering power brakes tach mags snow tires Asking $850 Telephone 322 1410 anytime 1972 IMPALA two door hardtop 350 motor power steering power brakes radio white wall radials good mechanically Asking $1150 or best of fer 726 9655 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT close to downtown on bus route Available December lst Stove fridge laundry facilities parking No pets First and last months rent Telephone 7266725 after4pm SMALL FU RN ISHED bachelorette Cén trally located In Barrie $35 weekly Phone 726 6271 after pm LARGE THREE ROOM apartrmentfcan be seen at 134 Owen St available December Ist Telephone 728 9668 after TWO BEDROOM selfcontained In downtown Barrie Ideal for professional people Adults only no pets Available December 1st Utilities and parking In cluded 726 7676 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT over looking the lake opposite Simcoe Plaza Pay own hydro Adults only Available December Ist or January lst $224 mon thly 726 5247 SEEPCONTAINED two bedroom base ment apartment in modern Hillsdale home Stove fridge carport and utilities included Adults No pets TelephoneL 8352642 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED Apart ment In downtown area Available November Ist for girls only Rent $130 monthly plus heat 7263257 between amand9pm TWO BEDROOM Apartment in down lawn area available immediately Tele phone 726 3257 between am and pm TWO BEDROOM apartment Allandale bus route Telephone after pm 7266051 SELF CONTAINED unfurnished apart ment in duplex Centrally located Sorry no children or pets $190 monthly Call 728 8612 after615pm ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT close to downtown and hospital Fridge stove and utilities included $190 per month Telephone 726 6633 ONE BEDROOM apartment with re frigeralor and stove parking heat in cluded in rent $185 monthly No pets East end location Available December Telephone 726 0875 iONE BEDROOMVApartment close to downtown on bus route stave fridge laundry facilities parking No pets First and last monlhs rent Call 726 6725 909749 ONE BEDROOM selfconlained un furnished east end suitable for young couple fridge and stove $165 inclusive Available November 71h7281948 ONE BEDROOM apartment on ground floor in older home Quiet setting in east end Private entrance Stove fridge heal hydro paved parking Included in rent $210 Call 728 4867 after 5p TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent $216 per manlh Includes cable pay own hydro Available December lst Telephone 7264706 between 00 land 10pm ONE BEDROOM Apartment including fridge and Stave 39 Donald Street available immediately $175 per month Call Ted Long7371599 after 6p SUBLET Two bedroom apartment central location Available November 26 or December Ist Phone after pm 737 3990 SUBLET SPACIOUS TWO bedroom apartment $275 monthly includes park ing laundromat fridge stove and utilities 135 Wellington St 737 3286 LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartments Well kept home Allandale bus route school and shopping Large yard slave and heat No pets GrOund $300 upper $265 monthly Available immediately 726 1045 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment overlooking the lake $190 month One year lease required 194 Dunlap St East 728 8420 or 726 0241 SPACIOUS BEDROOM apartment to sublet Close to plaza and bus stop Phonealter 530 717 1625 Ilhouses to rent TOWNHOUSE three bedrooms Ift baths four appliances broadloom throughout garage $325 monthly in cludes cable and water Close to school shopping and bus route Telephone 7264338 NEW BEDROOM HOUSE in Alcona Beach Family room with fireplace baths Available now $350 monthly plus heat and hydro Telephone 726 3257 am toe pm 436 3348 after BEDROOM HOME Big Bay Point area $285 monthly References re quired Telephone 416 877 5982 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE available November Ist Rec room garage and large backyard Candles Rd area Rent $330 monthly plus utilities Also close to bus stop 726 3257 between am and pm TNEWCONDOMINIUM HOUSES For Immediate rental All broadloorn bedrooms large living room and dining room located at 17 St Vincent St 7233939 or 453 9411 STROUD Three bedroom house fir la Em FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom 99 Ce and broadioomed WM 0pm to buy Very immaculate mature responsible people no pets references 436 3022 FOUR BEDROOM FARM HOUSE three miles east of Barrie near Shanty Bay Two bathrooms all modern Slx monlhs lease required $300 per month First and last monlhs rent in advance Telephone 726 0988 LARGE HOME ON BAYFIELD ST three storey beautiful freed 101 two garages heated greenhouse suitable for professional people 737 2600 evenings 726 5207 THREE BEDROOM central two washrooms den large kitchen and din Ing area Central air conditioning and heating $365 plus heat and hydro Telephone 7370901 days AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY bedroom bungalow redecorated broadloom garage large lot quiet street $275 plus utilities and heat references Telephone 728 6089 ON BUS ROUTE near school bedroom bungalow fully broadloorned full base ment garage available Immediately $325 monthly nopets 728 9745 THREE YEAR OLD four bedroom bungalow fully carpeted family room games room garage 1z baths avail able November 15th Call 728 5619 NEW BRICK THREE bedroom Innisfil near the 10th Concession and 25m Side road Living room with fireplace full basement No lease but first and last months rent required $300 monthly Telephone Baker 728 4067 or 728 3274 after Stone Fireplace Prestigious living upgrade broadloom three bedrooms office rec room bar two baths appliances garage im maculate Call Harl Jain 737 3000 or 726 9915 iNNISFIL Two OR THREE bedroom home on large lot Garage 728 2291 or 7211 91150 LARGE BEDROOM Townhouse full basement No appliances References required Angus area $210 monthly First and last monlhs rent required Telephone Sunday through Thursday 900amto9000m424 5246 tWO healed MUST SELL 1968 Chev acumen good running order $300 or best offer Telephone 728 4745 after 5pm SHANTY BAY Concession and Ridge Rd Older three bedroom two storey recently renovated and broadlaamed Call Oshawa 416 576 2496 or shown on weekend FIREPLACE NEAR LAKE SIMCOE Three bedroom bungalow 12 miles south of Barrie garage large lot $300 plus utilities Telephone 458 9124 after pm TOWNHOUSE FERRIS LANE bed rooms four appliances $300 per month LePage Real Estate 737 0011 ONE BE DROOM HOUSE large kitchen sewing room large living room full basement large parking lot Cookstown area near Hwy 400 $175 monthly No pets 456 2545 FOUR BEDROOM BACK SPLT1I975 DODGE TRADESMAN Van 313 garage private fenced backyard opens engine Cylinder automatic window onto field ideal for snowmobilers or packaoe air vent on top Mechanically skiers Bayfleld Cundles area cemlwr ASKIIIIJ $4700 Telephone Telephone 737 1107 after600 778 2379 1974 MONTE CARLO power windows brakes steering and trunk 39000 miles Good condition $3500 Telephone 728 5089 1973 BMW BAVARIA brown tan in terior automatic air power steering and baakes Blaupunket AMFM cassette cibie lights 53000 highway miles 424 9229 evenings and weekends 1976 CHEVROLET CHEVETTE automatic transmission radio im maculate condition 1500 miles Price in cludes two new snow tires Telephone 7286614evenings thEE gammymags 1553 1972 VW CONVERTIBLE Excellem fenced backyard available December shape and safety checked Complete Ist $275 monthly Telephone 726 5365 With radio mag wheels and five radial atter¢oopm ply tires Asking $1695 Phone for ALLANDALE TOWNHOUSE Available SSIPRHMW9733369 December Nea hows bus 1977 ASPEN two door custom sedan law bedrooms bamrooms finished rec mileage showroom condition must sell room refrigerator stove Swimming in N0 reasonable Otter relUSEd Telephone Icomplex $325 monthly plus utilities 79963 After6pm 776 2477 1976 MONTE CARLO Excellent condl ALLANDALE HEIGHTS four bedroom 09 LOW mile39 Price $4300 rm 156m availabye Immedmyely 375 per certified Contact Don McFadden at lmonth plus utilities Lease requ1red Call 11739le59m Harr MagIIl rep Lou Goedemont Reel 1977 HONDA CIVIC HATCHBACK tour Estate 728 4067 or 726 3864 speed with radio 10000 miles Excellent i161 CONCESSION mid wo icandition Asking$3200Phanc726 5023 bedroom frame home with basement 1969 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME 350 lavailable December Ist $250 plus automatic power steering and brakes iulilitics Lease requ1red Call Harry asking $400 or best offer as is Call MagIII representing Lou Goedemondt 737 2393 R93 551° 77 °°7° 77 33 1968 OLDSMoeILE 93 all power with FULLY FURNISHED winterized col big motor $2000 Call after pm Iage three bedrooms knotty pinc living 7726 5217 room CRac 89 331 pmm 5m 1976 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville for sale 10 rental Releences 445 6590 19000 miles fully loaded immaculate IVACANT TOWNHOU SE Lount SI throughoul $9500 Telephone 737 I223 Ibedrooms washrooms garage adults idays 728 5772 evenings after 1°1Y 970 WWIY 905 Ullllos MERCURY BOBCAT 1974 certified Telephone 726 7109 Delores excellent condition 35000 miles auto POYNTZ STREET central transmission new exhaust system bedrooms fireplace pine office and play $1735 orbest offer Telephone 325 0087 09 96600 Wernew $375 903 1972 CORTINA for sale In good condi Mme Callus 0799 tion Bucket seats 35 miles per gallon ITHREE BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME Sell as is or certified Best offer trout pond thirty one acres slone Tclephoneno 6294 remake Five miles from Barrie $7 1970 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Excellent 1°le lms Telepho conditionpower steering power brakes 776 JOQWNWS air conditioning new paint iob Asking BEDROOM bungalow newly $11000rbeslalfer Call436 2213 decorated Anne Street South Close 10 FOR THE ECONOMY MINDED 50° WSI Qhww GRWMOW 3775 1974 Pontiac Astre GT fully equipped olusuhlvlvrs P0000716 3821 immaculate Certified $1850 Private jTWO BEDROOM HOUSE available 737 0807 December Isl Centrally located close ltf975 pogo LTD your door V8 35000 59 downlow Ampe pak miles power steering and brakes radio ing $250 monthly plus heat and hydro whitewalls trailer hitch undercualed First and last months rent 726 9450 Telephone 723 1581 ilBapts wanted 10 rent 1976 CORDOBA power steering powrr brakes vinyl real 60 40 front seat with iSINGLf GIRL requrrcs one bedroom reclining backs air conditioned package apartment in central location before 22000 miles Excellent condition Must lDecemlxr Telephone 7267143 after self $5110 or best offer 726 5963 after Ep IGENTLEMAN WISHES TO SHARE two 1967 PARISIENNE factory recondition Dedroom aparlment Telephone 726 9248 ed engine 35000 miles New exhaust Tsystem running condition As is Also 12°r00m5 H91 two snowfires like new F78x15 726 4686 FURNISHED ROOMInAIIandaIeatbuS we stop cooking facnlilies available 97 CADILLAC BROUGHAM C00 Gemlpmnn Drown Telephone dittoning fully loaded drzlcganceiin 1721 Ajbedaysor72808101men95 Ierior 7000 miles in mint condition CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS Tecphmem common rooms fitf parking laundry I977 CUTLASS WO door hardtop V8 rfaCIlities 776 7186 automatic power steering and brakes lFUPNISHFD ROOMS clean modern imd 500 Tcephon icentral location Parking available 737 028 lnow Phone Hamilton Real Eslate 75 CURVLTTE Immacplatei 9110 737 1000 owner car With every possible option Silver with black leather interior and on EXTRA LARGE furnished rooms share 44000 original highway miles New ltirfggn Sm Tggles V0U°n°plf5 Firestone lettered tires Only $7450 Call 726 639 °Wn°w Tammy al 773 9622 between 10 and 4p Alter4pm 7371901 ROOMS FOR RENT gentleman prefer red available ITIIIVHUIGICIY Apply to 67 iMCDOItald St aftLr bp in Musl be sold to settle estate 18000 DOWNTOWN FURNISHED Room new milcsl 360 C10 auto radians vinyl Iybroodloomed and painted kitchen roof 91 Fully serviced with records lfacilities Ladies preferred Telephone 728 4268 days or 728 0810 after pm offer refused Phone 728 5831 FURNISHED ROOM available quitt1 area excellent view Preferably non 1971 FORD GALAXIC two door hard smoker For further information telL top power steering power brakes 351 phone 4361052 Very good condition Make an offer LARGE CLEAN ROOM llnen supplied Pmem and laundered kitchen facilities close 1972 DODGF MONACO two door hard to bus stop and stares Telephone lop POWf Sleerlng and bFaKES new 737 3675 paint iob radial lircs $800 certified FURNISHED ROOM for rent $18 week TSSDW 77° 93 Iy linen supplied Central location 1FOR SALE 69 Pontiac cylinder Telephone 737 1472 Good condition $650 certified Phone ICOMFORTABLE FURNISHED bedSII lae5°m 778730 Iting room Near bus and plaza parking 1967 VOLVO 123 GT 160000 miles Faur Gentleman preferred Telephone Michelin snows Needs valves and 726 5067 lbodywork otherwise reliable Uncor 21room and board Illlfd $150 Phone 835 5455 FERRIS LANE Room and board forl 1972 Cadillac Coupe de Ville Loaded lsinglo girl Monday to Friday $30 or full week 535 Telephone 776 13135 New paint new tires 728 5693 487 2142 after 600 RELAXED CLEAN HOME for female toroomUseolkitchenIasycorrirnuting 1972 CUTLASS SUPREME Excellent candilion $1400 Telephone 726 5159 Ito Barrie $145 monthly 458 9189 after 005 tor sfor eat 23 Ce5 1972 OLDS DELTA ea ROYALE four OFFICE SPACE for rent 99 Bayliolrl 69°F hardtop Power steering brakes Street Parking first second or my Windows air conditioned AMFM floor Single or combined offices No 990 735k SUmmer and Winter lease required $65 to $160 per month Pams ASk99311325 737 0495 Phone 716 2772daysor 7J7 2349evehings METEOR MONTCALM door 11200 50 FT OFFICE SPACE 34000 miles air conditioning power Downtown 54 Maple Ave Parking windows radio excellenl shape $4800 Available October 151 Call 7281743 or Telephone 726 6905 999791 1973 PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER automatic power steering power brakes tinted windows radials cer titled $2500 or trade for van T1mafter 530 436 1342 i976 cAMARO 350 tour barrel blue with white interior low mileage lady owner Take for any test Car better than new Asking $4500 but urgent so no senSIble STORE excellent condition Best offer Tele phone 737 3477 after 35005quarereet 1972 CHEVY NOVA four door six cylinder power steering power brakes 60000 miles Asking $1000 N0 rea sonable offer refused Telephone alter 430pm7261192 I970 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE New paint radio standard transmission bucket seats $695 Certified Runs real well Gas heater Telephone 435 6322 4245949evenlngs FORD FOR SALE 48000 miles good running order some body work re quired $350 Telephone 726 7959 11772 OLVDSMOBILE DELTA 88 Rnyale power steering and brakes one owner $1595 Telephone 728 7005 1968 CORVETTE ConvertibIE 350 automatic white with black top Reasonable price Telephone 436 4905 afler530pm I973 BROWN COMET vinyl roof V8 automatic leather Interior $1200 Telephone 456 3145after pm 1976 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT four door automatic excellent condition $3800 Telephone 534 7068 I976 CHEV IMPALA Landau many power options including air 24000 miles $4500 Call 728 8275 after pm 1975 LINCOLN Town Sedan Every conceivable option Including leather Interior stereo and tape absolutely spotless 7261581 or 7284530 Must sell this weekend new car has arrived 1968 PLYMOUTH VALIANT slant automatic 87000 miles in good condl flan Certified Asking $850 or best offer Telephone 481 3131 Can Divide Join Lobluws Woolworth LC80 Shoppers Drug Mart At the IARRI SHOPPING PLAZA Space Suitable For furniture Store Radio and TV Hardware Womens Apparel florist Fubric shop etc Phone Don Orme 416 9252851 Gift shop tnnsnfldnted building tarpDrntinn consolidated building corporation limited 176 BRADFORD ST JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices slruction New brakes steering box 728 4522 after 4pm transmission $300 for both Telephone dle bags and windshield mag wheels III additional 702 With preurnetiun of this ed ed per customer LUXURY GROUPING pc llvblg room suite pc hitdien suite pc bedroom suite $671 Money Down an at low as $11 00 per month D08 91054 Mattress and 1971 VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE excellent condition automatic stick shift Telephone 4246683 1973 MONTE CARLO power steering power brakes automatic V8 radio In excellent condition $2500 Telephone 7287709 1971 TOYOTAT200 four speed as is con dition Best offer Telephone 7264674 after pm FOR SALE 1965 four dour Chev car Good motor transmission rear end and tires Selling as Is Would be good for parts $100 458 4533 1971 TOYOTA Corona tor sale in ex cellent running condition 65000 miles $500 as isLTelephone 728 1973 oLbSiie TROYKL odcEITaition Will consider smaller car as part trade Telephone 7264212 1968 BEAUMONT two door hardtop 350 V8 automatic certified new body and paint re built engine snow tires serious inquires only Telephone 7288095 after T969 BUICK for sale in good condition uncertified $275 or best offer Telephone 7267817 I974 CHEV four door 350 V8 power steering power brakes winterized $1395 certified Telephone 7371310 63 Ferris Lane 1973 PONTIAC LEMAN power ing power brakes radio Excellent con dition Low mileage Very reasonable 726 6833 after I971 GREMLIN cylinder automatic no rust excellent running condition Cer lified $1295 or best offer Telephone 726 7437 I970 VOLKSWAGEN fastback three Speed automatic disc brakes radio etc good condition Best reasonable of fer Telephone 7280957 334carsrwantedtd Doy URGENTLY REQUIRED 7289249 or 407 articles for sale lllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll WOOD STOVES CANADIAN STEPSTOVE ltd VERMONT DOWNDRAFTER Airtight stove for more ef ficient combustion Phone 7266886 Jim Kenny MWF N14 FIREWOOD FOR SALE 12tace cord face cord $36 All mixed hard wood delivered 7265938 Sunday calls accepted SHOWCASE MEAT COOLER Almost new $1200 or best offer accepted Call after6 pm 7264612 FIREWOOD hard maple and birch 16 inch and 12 Inch lengths Will deliver Telephone 7289204 IiiIITiIIIfiIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIlIIIlIIIilIIIIIIIIIIIIII REAL SWITCHBLADE COMB This Is REAL SWITCHBLADE The blade is COMB Terrific gift Item Novel and practical Protect comb In pocket Fine tooth comb is great for sideburns and mustache tool Satisfac tion ls guaranteed Complete with Lock PETES SALES 7373955 MWFN28 IlllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIllllIllllIllllllll MCCLURY 30 range avocado green 11 months old owners moved to BC Ask ing $275 7267147 evenings WIDE ALUMINUM GARAGE DOOR complete unit like new $75 Telephone 100 Amelia Street at Duckworth PIECE BEDROOM suite table with chairs single bed Chesterfield carpets Telephone 7284138 after pm TITANO I20 bass accordian like new PALLINA 120 bass accordian New MORSE automatic Zig Zag sewing machine Telephone 7267941 For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 7284272 MWFTF Boxspring with legs 299 Paylent as low as $650 per month OD RCA XLI 00 to $488 No Money Den Plyout as low as $2000 per math paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 7A TRACY WANTS carsand truckstor wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 COLE BROS Cars and trUckswanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6327 Aftero pm 4245949 WANTE Clean usearcars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales17GowanSt72664887 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pickup anytime 436 2900 34trucks and 1975 F250 FORD four wheel drive V8 automatic In good condition Telephone 445 5562 after5pm DODGE T100 silver van slant six block heater automatic power steering swivel captain seats AM FM radio Michelin radial tires insulated panell ed carpeted 14000 miles certified $5000 Call 726 3510 1971 CHEVY TON custom deluxe 10 excellent shape Asking $1695 certified also 1968 GMC ton as is Asking $695 Phone anytime 728 9576 or 737 2232 ask for Dave ONE TON DODGE TRUCK I974 like new 17000 miles $3600 Telephone 436 5286 1977 DODGE van 4000 milesanly Cost $6100 Must sell for best offer speedi overdrive rustproofed radio Purchas ed August 171977 7179493 1974 DODGE 0100 club cab Law mileage automatic transmission power steering and brakes radio Limited slip axle Many extras 424 9633after 5p ANTIQUE TRUCK 1937 Canadian Tire delivery truck $150 Please call 737 2136 after 7v 1968 FORD BRONCO with plough in good running order Telephonejlb 3208 1968 GMCTICRUP inigbodrunning can ditlon withcap $495 Telephoner726 9274 1965 GMC PICKUP in running condilion with cat $100 without cap $50 Tele phone 726 9274 gt 1967 CHEV HALF TON Pickup uncer tilied $450 or best offer Call anytime 424 9437 1968 CHEVROLET STAKE TRUCK 2121 Ion four speed transmissioni Swartz built box Ideal for farm or can trailers it We to repeat Brand new JUKE BOX Sold mu minut usycbedelc Ight colplate nut syste Ful matulecturers trusty Payments as low ea $1650 per month NO MONEY DOWN N0 PAYMENTS IIL FEB 78 We accept CHARGEX MASTERCIIARGE Ififiit $1000 uncerlified Telephone 7287696 1970 CHEVY HALF TON 32751andard also camper lap asking $1195 certified $1000 as is Can be seen at 219 Dunlap Street West 424 9593 1973 DODGE VAN totally customized for show many extras murals cap tains charis sun roof bar shag rug Pioneer car stereo CB tires side pipes roof rack and ladder tire rack flares and spoiler hood scoop sun visor Serious inquiries only Best offer 197V4GJ5 JE tour wheeldrive 301 Vi roll bar good tires Asking $3200 Phone 728 1294 36auto accessories WRECKING 1969 FAIRLANE all parts available 351 engine four speed Living Room Suites Rocking swivel chair Cliostcrfiuld Highbeclt chair Ottoman full price $299 No money down Payments II low as $1100 per month It WE NEED YOUFOLKS 574 9693 37motorcycl 1976 YAMAHA 400 120 black with sad 7000 miles condition 726 7771 days ATTENTION MOTORCYCLE OWNERS $30 will store your bike in clean dry place from now until May 15 1978 For more information call 7370596 Show room 1976 SUZUKI RMIDD raced once In cellent condition $600 or best offer Telephone 7372060 1975 MOTO CROSS zsoTéz GP Bing car buratar and other extras Telephone 7792319 38snowmobiles I975 CANAM 175 $750 also 1977 440 MOTO SKI hardly used $1400 Reason for selling moved out west In excellent condition New TRELLEBORG KNOB BY TIRES studded for Ice racing $50 each other bike tires 728 7468 197i SKI Doo OLYMPIC 123 horsepower Good running condition $225 or best offer Telephone 7285709 1972 Ski OOO NORDICFeIectrIC start 18 track Good condition Phone 726 8825 Ow MOToSKI Sales and Service Lots of new 77 machines at BIG SAVINGS Dorrie MoteCross Centre ltd 389 leyfield St of Cun fllu 72641 MWFN30 40 articles for sale USED EIGHT FOOT two tube fluores 12 cent fixtures for sale $25 each Telephon£7263400 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlap St lust west of the Barrie Arctic 72629001 N47911MP Double Ill Head Open till 10 ELECTRIC SemiAcoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both In excellent condition Asking $550 7263435 in RECYCLE LOST HEAT from your fur nace Install heat mlser in your smoke pipes Call for information 728 0755 PIANOS New apartment size from $995 delivered Neales 147 Bruce Thorn bury daily Wed closed 15195992896 BEAUTY SALON EQUIPMENT Dryers basins styling stations and slyl lng chairs Telephone 7264621 or 726 am WOOD FOR SALE dry mixed hard wood spill Sold by the lace cord 436 1372 $449 LIMITED QUANTITY factory seconds this week 40 per cent off 39 and 54inch mattress and box springs Barrie Mat tress Factory 15 Dunlop St East downtown Barrie 7289922 PERSIAN LAMB PAW JACKET block size 1618 Brand new $350 Telephone 4563945 evenings MOVING SALE Rec room furniture couches chairs tables chairs lamps bar bossom heads electrical Items dishes numerous other items Apply 89 Steel St ORGAN FOR SALE Kimball 1100 with entertainer Excellent condition Asking $2950Teephone7281973 1969 PONTIAC 350 automatic Good motor Best offer Panasonic 10 TV $50 RCA TV good for handyman $10 Telephone 7373458 BANKRUPT CARPET SALE t70000 MUST CLEAR Room size and area rugs ADAIR VOLUME SALES 21 MARY sr BARRIE O2628N24H LAWN AND GARDEN tractor series 1300 rotary tiller series 33 rotary mower series 48 all John Deere and months old year old freezer re frigerator years old work bench with vice clamp 7372859 after pm COPIER 3M 107 with paper dispenser suitable for small office or home Almost ncw Was $550 Asking $250 Telephone days 726 5410 evenings 7282899 SEASONED DRIED HARDWOOD by the face cord DELIVERED Barrie area 7287871 EVENINGS WEEKENDS TThSDS ANTIQUE SALE Round oak table set six dining chairs Sideboards hall table hall rack butternut chest pine harvest table open hutch dry sink church ben Ches deacons benches three piece bedroom set dressers night tables blanket boxes washstands All items on sale to reduce stock Pine River An tiques 76 King Street Angus Open evenings and all weekend $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS Ilacover it Yourself °Wide selection of discount fabrics IFoam cushions Tools both amateur professional ONeedles threads twines Buttons made to order 0A complete line of upholstery supphes UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north of Georgian Mall 7371510 wThFTF

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