1414 Wood craftsman originally from Holland Breg hadnt intended to stay but now hes leaving his mark By PAUL DELEAN Examiner Staff Reporter Simply shaking hands with Sjaak Breg tells lot about what he does for living The hands are large muscular the handshake firm Breg makes and designs fur niture in nofrills workshop around the back of the brick building at 205 Dunlop St The sign on the door reads Progressive Wood Design The company was founded by Breg in 1972 year after his arrival in Canada from Holland had not intended to stay at all relates the 29yearold now resident of Shanty Bay great place with his wife and two children Progressive Wood Design is modest operation but one which allows Breg the variety that he values in his career He employs just one assistant In Holland worked for three years as an interior designer was not completely satisfied like to build things as well From his Barrie workshop he is able to do both Breg The home of Mr and Mrs Winston Partridge is on wellwooded lot at the top of hill overlooking Highway 26 and the Minesing Flats Sjaak Breg designed the house which is due to be ready for occupancy in December Examiner Photo Garden notes Three solutions for geraniums By JEAN CABLE Barrie Horticultural Society Phone calls keep coming re how to winter geraniums Usually this task has been solved by now but since we have not had killing frost as write there are still many flowers blooming These are my solutions to this problem You can dig the plants shake off the soil put in card board box and leave in place they wont freeze until all the leaves have shirvelled Then dust them with fungicide use Captan and hang them in bunches upside down until February At that time take slips and start the process over again cut the old plant shoots to three stems of about three inches in length and respot The old plant wont be as vigorous as good new one but nevertheless will give good amount of bloom The place you store all geraniums must be cool and dry Another method use is to cut all plants down to three to four inches and repot in good soil putting about four inches in sixinch pot When February comes start these up and repot as they get growing into fourinch pot Geraniums wont bloom well unless they are pot bound They dont need rich soil but do respond to regular feeding with 202020 My third method is to take any smaller plants and pot them up and keep them growing for winter bloom Nothing is more cheery in the dead of winter than healthy geranium blooming in kitchen window This also applies when am trying to get various varieties for next years stock These plants may need some rest period and severe cut ting back before being set out next Spring This is wonderful time to get your compost started Some people know are glad to gather and bagged leaves to USC If you see how much it takes to make one inch of compost you will begin to realize the value of the top soil and what it took to make that layer of top soil on our earth Conservation concerns more than oil and electricity It also concerns that soil that provides the worlds food If you dont have compost maker you can dig in the leaves and garden refuse and it will rot eventually Society News Your local society will take some part in the 125th an niversary of Barrie Austin McKnight has been selected the societys representative on this committee Your society has few white amaryllis for sale The coming events are making next week busy one Nov the tour to Hadassah Bazaar and Nov Awards Night at Blue Flame Room of Consumers Gas Building when friends and sister societies are invited Time is pm Glad to hear the city gardening course is filled but another course will be held in the spring or early new year All are reminded of the societys photographic contest and also the Toronto Garden Clubs Photographic contest and that of the Ontario Horticultural Society Camera fans you are invited to participate Details on request phone 7284543 first aid to homes My lttltililt WHITMAN ltlIt ROOM MISIY When we returned from vacation ltllllllt musty odor had settled in our basement rec room Its in the carpet citr tains even in the space under SIEVII FILLINUSUN Heres way to steal little space along one side of room and hide whole railroad line in it or slot car racetrack The folddown table shown here is eight feet long and four feet wide of course it may be made longer in the event you have more wall space available The handy part is once displays stylish pine table that he is working on my own design produces photographs of kitchens recreation rooms fireplaces and staircases that he has designed in the area Wordofmouth is how he gets most of his business and there are he notes many repeat customers SCANDINAVIAN His style both in furniture and interior design is distinctly Sandinavian The creations are clean and solid the wood warm andpolished Scandinavian furniture is compact it doesnt take much space in house You wont for example find chairs with big jutting arms on them In smaller homes this is an ad vantage My priorities are that the furniture be simple and very cleanlooking and that there be no waste says Breg Although more expensive Its affordable and its quality The same he feels applies for interior designs think that if you improve your house with good design you in crease its value its more enr joyablc to live in and you get the expenditure back in the higher rcsale price Most of the designing Breg has done since coming to Harrie has involved individual pieces of furniture or single rooms but xcasionally he does an en tirchousc One such project is the Minesing residence of Mr and Mrs Winston Partridge which is due for completion in llcccm her try to design compact houses open very efficient but with lots of living space in side SAME lRtHEIHlI Regardless of the size of the job the preliminary procedure is always the same The first step is to talk to the persons txforehand find out what their tastes are what they have in mind and try to in corporate these into may con cent of the project Then comes conceptual sketch which it acceptable to the client is followed by working drawing Breg usually does my wood work called for in his designs but when the project involves other skills for instance elec trical theyre handled by other tradesmen If the client wants someone else to implement the designs the bar Most of all it has set tlcd ill secondhand sota the ttVtlrSlllllttl kind We bought ll oiin few days before we left on ottr trip Ventilation is just sending boy to do mans job What can we do sofa as musty as that is pretty hopeless You can have the covering cleaned which will dcodorixc it But the only fine If he wants me to super vise would take care of the woodwork and subcontract the other parts In his opinion too many Nor th American houses are cut up into pieces Breg prefers more spacious open area One very important thing to me is windows They should be low so children can see out of them Many times children live between four walls they cant see out also like natural light with large windows if possible That doesnt have to mean much more windowarea but one big window is preferable to two small ones ZINIISS ozincss is the key for recreation rooms which represent the builk of his design contracts Wood not surprisingly gets prominent play in his designs prefer wotxl to artificial materials its warm its per manent and very nice sub stance to work with An ar tificial material may be just fad Breg says homeowners have become more conscious of the advantage of wood and of the small shops that specialize in custommade furniture Often theyve come in after seeing something they liked somewhere Other times they just want something different IiiYEAR AREER Although just 29 his professional commitment to woodworking dates back 16 years In Holland you make choice to follow certain direc tion when youre 13 took woodworking and kept on going Prior to leaving his homeland country with solid reputation in furniture craftsmanship Breg had work ed as cabinet maker interior designer and in the sailyards He would eventually like to open local display area for his creations cost permitting in the meantime there is much to be done in the cluttered workshop on Dunlop Street In addition to thinking up and im lementing designs and mo ding shapcless wood into furniture Breg teaches night course in woodworking at enr tral Collegiate llis rare moments of spare time are taken up with design thoughts for the new solar home that he intends to build in Shatt ty Bay next year Hell get head start on the building by fabricating its fur niture over the winter months thing to do with the stuffing is throw ll out and replace it tin ce the sofa is dmdorized ven tilation should take care of the rest of the room lllIMthlIllllIS Is it possible to remove those shiny glazed tilts from the walls of our bathroom would like to cover the walls with waterpitmf type of plastic bild it youre through playing the shelf may be folded up against the wall where its out of the way It protrudes only few in ches when folded and the one eighthinch pegboard face may be decorated so that it adds to the appearnace of your room Many folks place these tables in their garage or basement makes complete family en tertainment centre For example its also handy for mother when she lays out her sewing Then too there are many hobbies that call for large work table And daughter will like it for her doll house and furniture Its still another project that any amateur can undertake with success when using the easyltofollow pattern omplete directions the examiner Friday Oct 28 1977 11 In his workshop on Dunlop Street East Sjaak Breg doubles as creator of furniture and interior designer The native of Holland began to specialize in woodworking at the age of l3 and had experience as cabinet maker and designer in his homeland before coming to Canada six years ago Ex aminer Photo surface paper the selfsticking type How do proceed It is tar far simpler to forget all about removing those tiles ta tcrriblc lusty job and simply put the paper right over them If there are deep wide valleys between tiles smooth grout over them so theyll preseiil Hat surface for the paper illustrations and list of neede materials are alwasy included To obtain the easytofollow TrainSlot Table Pattern No 362 send $2 tplease add 25 cents extra for postage and handlingt by cheque or money order to Public meeting is set for new subdivision public meeting will be held Nov 15 on proposed 581home subdivision to be built by Metro Developments Ltd of Toronto at the northeast corner of the city The subdivision lying east of the unopened Johnson Street road allowance on both sides of Grove Street would have 177 my favor singlefamily homes 104 of which would be built as no frill units on lots with 40 feet of road frontage 184 semi detached homes and 220 townhouses which would be sold outright rather than operated as condominiums Storm drainage from most of the subdivision would flow into Im Oro Township Barrie Mayor Ross Archer said Tuesday he will get in touch with Oro Reeve Howard Campbell to set up meeting between Oro and Bar rie council members to discuss the proposed subdivision and other planning matters along the border between the two municipalities ite photo The Examiner Barriei Pattern Department 4630 St IatherineSt Montreal HQ H37 2th Debbie Dusonie of tilts Barrie wins this weeks My Favorite Photo ontest with this pic ture of her fivemonthold daughter Marcia Marie wearing the clothes of an original Holly llohhie rag doll As winner Mrs Dusome receives free roll of Kodacolor film including processing from the Kamera Shop at the Hayfield Mall To enter send your favorite photo to My Favorite Photo The Examiner lti Hayfield St Harrie HM th3