113th you No 246 Monday0ctobor 24 1917 15 For Copy Canhr Home Dollvory 90° Wookly 16 Page theexamner serving barrie and simcoe county Fire destroys VeSpro chalet ospra To nship man was loft homeless Sunda after fire dostrmod tho Vospra thalct on Highway 93 Omrr Mar childon ho rented basement apartment in the chalet bdfls discm cred the fire at 455 pm According to Home OPP the fire started in the storage room and quickly engulfed the on tire structure espra Too nship firefighters spent nearly tau and half hours fighting the blaze No one was injured in the fire and no estimate of the daniagt has been HlkaMd The cause of the fire is being im cstigated toda espn fire chief Bob Byers Mediator has no luck in trying to end strike 517 Eons annaers chiral satisfied vat the compar pistior or oher bargazrizrig agar 1ir Jiitl oan lr At tisal in or rrw Rota or issues including momLa lSSLJé wants the proposed fx it the week nda Bot Side haw approachec 3124 Ross Hand formua iride Yul paw uriners awa as ever Archer he W99 aowrwRalpr would pa urixir due which or no thy SQTZIQTIHTE ElpDZi L15 PT1L aho roe ii Jan Garlan asizec he mamr for of aSESEt Damage Ln irzior yp hrw Hss no much 00 sait mta mi lad if lcflfg oath Sides of 3194 mm Spwflmw WM mega 55 smite anvoua when packets are parting then 13 par ram 32 DU Pm 088 Tamara empts cars The mayor oi Tm EXthLYif acirir an 671 35 iT FVitli 119 SI JOVI all an 3K Co 5159 ng 30 T5 reques Garlaii has sa untr in may Frusa Us 154 EXEFTJHP Th ir has express1 set up meeting zen91150 ins ingniss 91 invr may management represfnzatrve an alst mow Ems aimair la manager the may asi 2mcoe Lentre Mrr George Taylor 193319 mmmsxr 3r Tkmpéé slcfmff net tr sexing ins stoke 38 53F PVJL iJ QUdl SE1T 1m 13531 ta rompiizaie sigma Mayor archer sai 2002 Gananc decline has 7wa style ariaï¬x is attend meeting Garland iii no or an 935 cntonninmont The workers momma5 of Sip222 an reachec for ZJITimfï¬ 1012 now Sal men 1371 its East ieris UVHEJUL vne 10 Plastics Technicians Luca ff wer it 517m the strike nothzng or wr hv m2f5 foam 390 $5th mg av of nciuain soienecsue he arm kï¬al surf matsz in uro ha Mayor Assn said he has hi ye ati Znio official sag sitriwm ï¬ftfVliE 00 12 me itymgt neggt rr rearrfayinr strike pa frtir in mm 13 to 15 Imor smkesrz or are The union tilec Iiecerritw aL 6150 YiW TI Plane kills womon MIAMI Fa unisex uhrna ua itLiC Ii are was mutt wes cr here who ar piane svmopec anur frrm Jif si an Strum her Iiaae fourj pow SEA took Inone foot lbth mi police saw the plant tan Jib aheac on Yi was Irving ms var along the ma He sai that of one Ia iusi Burma an cars hei aoec now me ma an puliec aiorigsmé var The mrupans of the 12 01 the the pane triec ml and tha he Com sax lsau in gnaw gr rimr monday Isfor City teams do we TA ttvi straw tinn Eixki Jami kick of mntho sensor pm 97 one v91 wt on an her ant cam was no zirnieiaté OWBHJMC wnezher the plane was 2h groan woe fli UK OH Lows hospgfc Coll tor unification chA At Jot nt 1m nmo no Mon charm or L33 15109 93 536 at EQTi an aaa lmPI or snow aff c554 1002 aim 50 they vr Countries we or malri Decorm one umiogiiim some 1953 one aftr rr in grimer 1hr mama wit dies 00 $553 Dlll sessm cr her NH pariiament ne group of mu ludiar womvr wearing Millsrmxxw Bosnia as PC in pragmati aspects indiiionai costumes hm up saw gin1 tegranor iden Sada oic the 61 parlaner tartar amic Shouts ion ie Egvptiarv Sudanese um ina 2m meeting snouir ssue mic um saw 2113 31 the manor building one oeszzrij He $31 as wasnec it 31 the gem0 ans meiec foam of the ue talk Bot he an Nunez sat the hit coup ties mc imrnanas agrimlum recor PLML Cm OLE lumfl SLDCJU mmmfllla anc manor 93mm 03 53 P3134373 uneir 5m 35 for 353 treaties ovrahexmng approxa 931333 um moffma returns ï¬rm oeuvre3 Riemann some 10023 ï¬n acetic tritium repoiec it we rota in 713111 voze Sunset Elli of the mm dscic aa can at our the estimate moo mam vote hectic offmau 53 mm 1va 321 our Panama 214541 mine Cr in sea of mini Juitior 11 meate hm prairie ream iron the pm 11 11 am it mi WEEK can rug in oza farizr cf bat oersauna an scion tamer Ni pr an air ataxia rmna poll mailman or fun atfioa is if azxunï¬ an 1M AKIY no tum polling statior ir Panama nmoto bar Bias laxm Tic wen preparing cut then you Panama referendum at the mo Panama analfrieaty legouairc the regime of Omar Tami vnu the AP Photo the test Hen hem mdusia xterm whether ALb mr Stole tea task it or admzttn it our ï¬stula lat Somme mgr an arms 53 1h tit521 urrnlc um if zit1 day He or sit and tritium saic hospiza offing Rem L115 Bu n5 5151 mar His ecudiner aster no guaroec mus wh so Mitt flfli rt Lea+5 1m Two Tu tizis lib we wean an Ti 77 7097 43W Jfifi Nit Caesa Pause hlt Fnw Aiaï¬em 45 110534 Hacks gsagat pa ove the Pate wins Southern Toronu fapir Leah Erro Thli use his stick to slou Pref list not cist dour as Marlins hack dour ict wit puck it the first period Sun do nights game ir Philadelphia Photo Handover approved weaken The Leafs route the QWKlClï¬l $122312 Fiyes Saturday tapn La 30 LYRK us lgwa at Sam by of Pa 357 83 var if Fulaaezoma For means to $3233 1i tit oil amine Joe gum an mg VH4 901 murriartser riarnpimi witr mg wwrwrm max In Larges or rr use linea nor13w usgt gum tr cat rm Seeks $3Ml don as after LII sat hm sat 371mm urdc for Pensuaa FHA 307 Tn was hat hi ins amour or insist122 Bo Lasso Brace 3x ins sectr 32gt or in mu La fine in urea tour rno in not it damages tron 81 bun4r ma m1 Jonimu lzuer has wife 11 F17an cumin Nuclear wor any time WI1P£C prominent Lmuac Stains 23s 55 shame of mayor your in odor rreric of um at metoptimism 51 ate 62016sz more murmur that it won mmmmzszï¬ sarr mag 11 mac sugar or com an an Inco men turn down shore plan SUDBURY Ont CP Trudeau government proposal for shared work to avoid the elimination of 2800 jobs in this Nor thern Ontario city has little chance of suc ceedi union leaders said Sunday night Fres from rotest rally that cheered his efforts to save jobs in the Inco Ltd mines and smelters Dave Patterson president of Local 6500 United Steelworkers of America said We wont go to 32hour week He was referrin to federal overnment proposal that will presented en govern ment representatives meet with union and company officials Tuesday in Toronto Under the proposal an em loyee would work shorter week with the wage dif ference made up by unemployment insurance benefits That say other union officials provides further taxpayer subsidy to lnco which they say already gets too many concessions While Patterson meets today with lnco of ficials to discuss the layoffs pressure will be put on the Liberal government in Ottawa and the Progressive Conservatives in Toronto to order the company not to go ahead with its plans Federal NDP Leader Ed Hroadbcnl and hit Ontario counterpart Stephen Imus brought more than 1000 mintworkers and their friends to their feet cheering at protest rally when they promised that action will be taken Lewis said he will tell the minorit govern ment of Premier William Davis ou are direct lnco it cant proceed with iti layoffs no argument no qualification He said he presumes the oppositior Liberals will go along with the plan Too expensive to ski abroad OTTAWA CP Finance Minister Jean Chretien says he hopes the devalued dollar and the large domestic travel deficit will prompt lots of Canadians to ski at home this wmter instead of fleeing to sunny spots in the south In television interview Chretien said its got to be more expensive to travel abroad now that the Canadian dollar LS lower for travelling so hope that the Canadians this winter will be in great number doing some cross country skiing or lungs like that in Canada Anyway it better for your health than to be in bar in Miami Chrotien said He made the comments in an intnrview for the CTV program Question Period which Will be broadcast Sunday Chrotieri also said he hows the am of the country travel deficit Will help conwnu pwple to holiday lfi Canada instead of vacationing abroad Deod minister got $5 million BLENDS AIHES AP former Peronist economy flllleSltf who recently dlfl in Washington received the srrmillior fee alleged to ha been paid to clinch the sale of Canadian nuclear reacw here rightist newspaper with government connwwozi says Th4 riewspaper La Nona Proina of Rama Blanca an Atiantir port 48 kilometres wt miles to the south said Sunda tha for me econom minister Josh Ber Galer ua tht romper 2w afivgec on Oeloarc 00 Poiaiic and gawa 2H for sole of Canadian reactor Argentinian died of near attack earlier this month ii Washington hospital He had beer livmg in Viriual etile in tbt United State hiriilr lfl when tr ldt Ar en tina Argentine milrwr leader urin mm of in Argentini itimnsiii shorr affix they ousted arid arraitaf PY111 balk Peron it monln ago Last new in Agwitnl atorney genera lfu 52V it wade nuclear dazeloprmxi agentg Lorri Canada LU and is partrit or wait salt Npdl nk lio to an aaev 12V Beckers milk store robbed at knifepoint Barrie yam are upon for Mg 93 mar aged 21 the busy ua ac ir holsu Saturday 1m banr in store or Coliier Stm say Iine Lav Snider Wizrmy descriux run oewz and £81th and wearing burguiicg unique it mo nit fact brow sit Janlie and blue yeah says Chief Snider the mar neic Anni keic stow manager an iw tr assistants near itrufepnn saw or ualr ms no something on in face uu didi ll rm wna var going it mapper salt Vn hm Surila moron deadline Deer on rompoge 7itl wrizfla Off 136 wen or llrKilJYYif rampage Tmnc was eventualrg sno VJllJ if the lying won wwnwn apartmeri The out na smashec fence am an CUDdEUOYW JUL5i bun an mac b3fr twougr WIDOUW it its slain an car wast irrirt landing lf ti apariinen the Mezwiiizar Town ooroug Buy my He camv timing the mom luv mm sat Hm Hines 21 wm we mung char drew ume the lftJfW He SZuCl tr aciiing mung mg spo oiooc ant the mm aoou f9 inzi the rum miidhi Roman Haw bar it ran page awarer have saflec um JP anznm we or Eligriua 41 Nature the worst THINDEP LAY 1w be premen Aoitio Pay Lin bait Somme tbee promo mm oazura poliqu tin immzza poliuzm ii fir Ameica The macaw tra erup a1 ow Ur wcric MD man it poth trait an Mama curring be talc The mod but the Kammxstizwia lv€ mt fa airing the mar rainfaln promo3 dic more it pdiuze tna iau Sup3M mar mweveomtireimgtmt be Etc mmm ma 1712353 Ira loin ir fit it HM ha aitmua tatre Until an ruerow woou act or may 311 min on Agree on Concorde SINGAPJRL Emir Singapu Amine Sli an brunt Airnay uglier may in mi Jami up Wim Cantor or in mutt Ulnar in WT Wm tut airline til marinara Mimï¬dfifli no on Ipii mm or aria tam Convenes porliomem fang say to Nation Peopiv Conga Chine uizzrLaii parliarmm must 1Yvffiflf7 371 it thYUIJk tr dfiua Timur4 ow agent filiiiflf aOQeb rr fourti pmay mm rt 1m SLdffllilg wrnnniw of tin tonyac The anc soar was war mt va 3t uni Ysa 7th wuoiutiwtar minimum vanouz wvm govritineri during Jr raï¬rn yeah wizhcb MM Paper than nqu unmask air to ima ritryHiaw riiaii trsaic M®W fieith wt am iwwmaiw pi sortag iiiiouic elects ier ful GIVIUSXMUY arr OkttflIdï¬i cm notation Couldn continue am Mr Znvmw ii Tommi mow uia mun may oat try firmgr stqunia ii Lama aw in umzmm stun mt trm mutants Low mm mat bumai for mixmataa bowth um um pawn rm airnw oai fortigi sump iisairgalig air yr txn of tar nmu new or saving am b01103 Imp for foralg suntm witx ï¬rst mum thg up can minimurr mm it MGM lump lim Mar rm foray 51mm our av llVllt out mom mirwrwcc azc ax loom iivuq Canada mun aptmir tuai auxin an pr ctr sax tit an uappg mitt um wer sun ii Latino sum mu in WI with mom Cam Int moanrs 7W2 LAN mgr Twas Hr potter tuning riI ai nan uanx riirim b7l51i wax gaw fll aiou 5a Mi KEV am Hi ia aims Tm wax urnrm woe int now rivc ua r1 Punt not ï¬t him am 5m if or ow Ah use of happening ai grit th to wirivning ir iiapym JJuiJ do BYYUilfig wrm oo walked am gtac iJJLllJf 12va 610051 HJU uaImc on im mow am 61 Jua UN iiia Nitfizi damai auoJ if1 can 17 auet ltk f2 am homage of mm VJ du PEKZNG hwtv Chairmai nua Koo ï¬nd 15ch nuc ruan Lin ca fiuma liars Hue atLaJIxC min ba pzrpiv Win and iumimhï¬ am nac The iiaC aimzzhl mooya run Lu hua 5251 na to Hi furtiiwimiig wmLammg propit varioui TOHJNYC JP surve Tu HQ Ifllflihifll9 tir Sana Tm yammo 3a aver13 yam Maui um of tar 7v funny weather