tho oxamlnor Saturday Oct 22 1911 VW The doctor game By GlFFORDJONES Hawaiis beachboys are not usually destined for long life know that their livers take terrific pounding But its not just from the raging surf cant quote statistics yet Ive reason to speculate that they suffer from an assortment of venereal iseases The constant exposure to the blazing sun must cause an increase ed number of skin cancers And theres little doubt they would be among the worlds leading contenders for winner of the morning hangover However beachboys are immune to some Canadian diseases Wh does GiffordJones have such impeccable quali ications to talk about beachboys For several years fate destined that had to visit Hawaii twice year Time permitting would travel the same beach talk to variety of beachboys listen to the strumming of their ukeleles and hear them recount their many expl0its So may have to pick up the telephone and ask the medical experts how to spell computerized axial tomography but the professors call me when they want in formation on Hawaiian beachboys And although many people would question their wanton lifestyle Canadians could learn few tricks from them My 10 year study on beachboy watching shows that apart from Pineapple Rum Hangovers beachboys dont get ten sion headaches In Canada its quite different story The Migraine Foundation reports that 4000000 Canadians now suffer from this malady Add to this figure the cluster tension and other assorted headaches and it makes you won der if there are any Canadians left who are not holding their heads National headache Since so many have this national headache its im portant to know when you should buy ukelele and when its Wise to see the doctor Headaches like many other symptoms have been surrounded by good deal of folklore Some are convinced its due to an upset liver eyestrain sinusitis or constipation But toning up the liver new glasses washing out the Sinuses or the Saturday night purge rarely curw the aching head Similarly most headaches are not due to high blood pressure What causes headache Tension headaches result from uptight muscles in the head and neck that limit the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain This causes the pain in the same way as reduced amount of blood to the heart rtsults in an attack of angina Migraine headaches on the other hand are initiated by too much blood The arteries like river in spring expand allowin torrents of blood to rush into the brain which causest intense pounding How should Canadians treat the common headache Peter Finch who gave such talented performance in the movie Network passed along some sound advice when he thun dered that people should turn off their TV sets It would help to stop the TV conditioned reflex response Pavlov the great Russian scientist didnt have TV set but he did own simple bell By ringing it before every meal he conditioned the dogs stomach to secrete gastric juices Today it would be amusing for this Nobel price WIHBEF l8 return and see how advertising agencies can hmuwum human brain as easily as dogs stomach TV Conditionitis This new disease IV Conditionitis isnt good for Canadians Peo le with this illness believe that they must always take pi relieve their tension headaches And those who have the serious form of the disease think that its even better to swallow tablet that dissolves secon ds quicker in their stomach That advertising gimmick would have even made Pavlovs dogs chuckle Remember that bright ad men can trick you much easier than the travelling huckster whos snale oil allegedly cured everything So dont tell your children to msh to the medicine cabinet for every headache They too can become conditioned to look towards drugs as an easy out for minor problems ukelele might not be bad idea for most common headaches It would also be ate in the right direction for migraine sufferers People wit this affliction usually have racehorse personalitv They are quick sensitive types who take life seriously Some are so compulstve and perfectionistic that they literally burn their brains out Racehorse personalities also react more to the world around them For example migraine attacks can be triggered by excessive noise or bright lights patient who shades his eyes as he gazes towards the window is almost always member of the 4000000 club Strumming on ukelele wont change his basic per sonality but it might decrease the frequency of the attacks by easing some of the inborn tensmn However there is no point in being hero once the migraine attack is imminent The sooner he reaches for the people and places Headaches separating reality from folklore medication an ice pack and the solitude of quiet dark room the quicker the patient will be able to resume his ac tivities How to separate How can the rsononthestreet separate the serious headaches from thgse annoying ones At times the symptoms are so dramatic that its obvious to evervone maior problem is present For instance when an aneurysm ruptures in the brain the patient will clutch his head from the intense pain and there is usually vomiting and loss of consciousness Yet there are less shocking occasions when the warning light should start to flash Patients who become aware of progressive increase in the severity of the headache should see their doctor This is particularly urgent if the increasing 28m 121 associated with nausea vomiting muscle weakness visual or speech changes Its also bad sign if the headaches are related to change in the patients personality or if convulsions occur Remember too that the most dangerous ages are prior to 12 and after 35 But luckily the vast majority of headaches are not due to these rare roblems Thats the space my editors will allow me on this topic Besides Ive developed pounding headache trying to get this column completed before their deadline And hate to admit it but in becoming such an in ternational expert on Hawaiian beachboys GiffordJones committed grave error forgot to ask one of them how to play the ukelele Berton Ilerc Noted Canadian author Pierre Berton will make per sonal appearance at Trites Book Shop in the Bayfield Mall Nov froin 330 to pm Berton whose list of Cana dian bestsellers includes The Last Spike and The National Dream has new book on the stands entitled The Dionne Years Attends Reunion Miss Hclcn Van Luven has returned from Kingston where shc attended reunion of former Queens University students Miss Van Luven studied arts Anniversary The public is invited to attend the 50th anniversary celebra tion of Midhurst Hall to begin Sunday at230pm dedication ceremony mark ing the founding of the com munity centre will be held at 130 pm at the historical marker at the site of the blacksmiths shop Local politicians and officials have been invited to attend Recent Visitor Rev Archie PughCilchrist of Ottawa visited Barrie recently while enroute from Goderich where he visited his daughter and family before attending grandsons wedding in Toronto During his stay in Barrie he was the guest of Mrs Effie Besse and her daughter and soninlaw Edna and Bob Cameron Rev PughGilchrist visited his sisterinIaw Mrs Gilchrist who is in Royal Vic toria Hospital and an old school friend Jessie Hunter Mr and Mrs Newton Besse of RUG Everyday Specials 10 off all remnants Guthrie were also dinner guests of the Camerons Sorority Tea harvest moon and tea sale will he held Oct 29 at Trinity Hall on Collier Street Spon sored by Beta Sigma Phi sorori ty the sale will feature assorted crafts and run from 130 to4 pm RIOT Cupcakes capture their imagination Mark Hamilton two and his sister Tanya four of 5x Druiy Lane Barrie just couldnt get their eyes off those cupcakes with the creamy white icing and red cherries on top Mark and Tanya were isiting the Senior Citizens GetTogether Ann Landers Poison plant kills brother Dear Ann Landers Last year my mother bought Ricinus Communis plant commonly known as the castor oil plant The salesperson assured her it was not poisonous My three yearold brother ate the large seeds off the plant and died Mother went to pieces after my little brothers death and has been under psychiatric care ever since Because of this tragedy have done lot of research on plants and was shocked to learn there are many poisonous plants in homes with small children Unfortunately many plants shops employ persons who are uninformed So will you please warn your readers to check with knowledgeable horticulturist or with poison control centre before they buy house plant wish my mother had The following are poisonous if eaten in large amounts and will result in death the berries of the daphne plant bulb of the hyacinth plant leaves and branches of the oleandcr green berries of the red sage plant any and all parts of the rhododendron plant and the berries and foilagc of the yew ant Sign this letter One Less in the Faniin Dear One Less Thank you for letter that may save many lives Too bad you had to lose your little brother but hopefully you will have saved someone elses DearAnn My wife is 27 am We have been married five ycars From the beginning knew Martha had emotional problems but was sure that with lot of love and understanding we could work things out Everythig was fine until last January when our little girl was born Martha became depressed couldnt do much housework and wanted nothing to do with me sexually con vinccd her to go to counsellor It helped In May Martha announced she was swrtching to an unli cenccd hypnotist Sihcc that day she has become stubborn and unpleasant She phones the hypnotist several times day and cant make decision on her own She has bad cough but wont go to doctor says the hypnotist is curing her What can dofStymied Dear Sty If the hypnotist is unlicench and practicisng medicine which he seems to be doing he should be reporv led to the county medical socicty and to the district attorney at once Dear Ann My mother and just had big ar ument We both respect your advice and have agreed to go what you say Here is the problem good fircnd ta boyi didnt know what to buy me for my 15th birthday so he handed me $20 bill and said Here IS your birthday present Buy what you want cant think of anything My mother did not like the idea She says it is not proper for young boy to give girl money as gift think its more sensible to give money than buy something dumb Please settle this Only Friends Dear Only Im with your mom If the friend couldnt think of an appropriate present he should have given you gift certificate rather than cash Warnica wins seven awards at Central commencement Glen Warnica took top honors with seven awards including the Valedictorians trophy at Central Collegiatcs comlt mencement exercises Friday night Warnicas awards included the Canadian General Electric Award $100 Cockburn Trophy Knox Head Boy Trophy Barrie and District Real Estate Board Award $100 Simcoc County Scholarship Queens Univcrsity $145 and the Dr Bob Delaney Memorial Award $175 Other Grade 13 Award win ners were Brian Smith BTC Centen nial Award $400 Canadian Legion Award $50 Linda Kaye Kiwanis Club Award $100 Andrew Hay Award $25 University Womens Club $200 Donald Nixon Dr Bob Delaney Memorial Award $l75 Leighton Clarke Memorial Award $100 Queens Universi ty Anniversary Scholarship $600 Carolyn Kostandoff Lions Club Award $50 and Janet Verwcy Cockburn Award $50 Public concert set for Sunday Young musicians mirror the cultural health of country This was the message given by Walter Babinak conductor of the ongoing Festival strings workshop of high school musi cians at Georgian College at press conference Thursday night at the Bayshore Inn This marks the first time oup of high school musicians roni around Ontario have come together to participate in threeday workshop of string instruments The workshop will culminate in public concert on Sunday at 330 pm at the Georgian College Theatre luh bazaar lhc halaar which was held at the ANAI tluh attracted approx imately lltt people The llLAlOglLllll luh holds their combination bazaar tia and draw twice year to raise money for group actiiitics Examiner Iliotot Named to the principals honor list for excellence iii school leadership academic profiCiency athletic prowess and responsible leadership were Patricia Bolcchowsky Cath erine Casey Kathryn Douglas Paul Finkbciner Linda Kaye Carolyn Kostandoff Iaul Lak ing Donald Nixon Karcn Scott Karen Wadge and Glen War nica Ontario scholars were Yolanda AbspOcl Michael Barscvich David Beck Charlotte Copas Steve Craig John Davidson Liliana Denar da Kimberl Fildcy Paul Finkbeincr ois Freundorfer Sandra Harper Patricia lncli Linda Kaye Jacqueline Keogh Carolyn Kostandoff Glen Laycock Rita Lenarduzzi Rodney McLeod Donald Nixon Wilma Ongaro Debra Punting Brian Smith Dale Valaitis and Glen Warnica GRADE l2 Grade 12 awards went to Anne Irice Business and Professional Womens Club Award $25 Nancy Harris Na tional Association of Secretaries Award $25 Debra Boley Barrie Community Credit Union Award $25 Bradley Nullmeyer Excelsior Life Insurance Company Award Doulgas Young Tech nical Faculty Award $45 Barry Webb OxyWeld Ltd Trophy and Award $25 Steve Bradbury Parker Award $25 Jeff Cook Pratt Motor Supply Ltd Award $150 Janine Nelissen Andrew Ilay Award $25 South Simcoe Coun ty Orange Lodge Award $50 Family Studies Trophy Jeanne Cumming Central Brick Award Elizabeth Morton Womens Auxiliary to Kiwanis Club Award $50 History Department Award $25 Mathew Peltis Inner Wheel of Barrie Rotary Club $25 and Area bridge results Rcccnt Harrie Bridge lub 3r05318nd and sama R0553 rpsum mt as Ounws Eastwest Marnie Boulter and Josie Hansen Danny Scham merhorn and Jack Kolby Jim Bailey and Wetherstone Results of Rays Bridge Club play was Oct 14 north south John Hazel and Gary Edmunds llelcn Rowe and Midge Stubb lugs Orvilla Copp and Ella Soanes Cast west SyIVIa McLarncy and Bill Thompson Joigrwiï¬ytï¬aléegefsxg 23 Iteino Lctsuis and Jean Burkc John Kui rs peg More and Vivmn Menczes and John Jean Bur Eastwest Joyce Im Betts and Lucy Blackburn Oct 17 north south Jean Florence Turner and Gail Burke and Bill lurvis Olivc Hayworth Frank Harrison and Horsty and Ella Swain Al ScottyChurch It ywu want bargain rent um UI our smaller size cots Tlmvin rec tlool Tilden also has large curs By the day weekend week or month at very eroriomical totes Residential Karen Scott iraiidy Trophy Harold Whitc lrophy Moira Groat Award and Powys Hall Equestrian Centre Trophy and Award $100 OTHER AWARDS Other awards were presented to ollen Dick Student Council Award $25 hcryl Christie Faculty Award $25 Ross Holt Faculty Award $25 Kim Casey Student Council Award $50 and John Raynor Student Council Award $50 TIEDEN 341 Bayfield St 7310800 Featuring Chevrolets and other fine cots BLTZ October 24th MONDAY 251ll TUESDAY OIll WEDNESDAY COMFORT SERVICE AND SATISFACTION FULLY STAFFED SALARIED SERVICE DEPARTMENT AND OUR SERVCE VEHTCLES CARRY COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS FOR Alt MAKES OF OIL BURNERS 24HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED ANNUAL FURNACE AND OIL BURNER CLEANING AUTOMATIC FUEL OIL DELIVERIES RADIO DISPATCHED LOW COST PARTS REPLACEMENT PLAN FUEL OIL BUDGET PLAN NO CARRYING CHARGES FURNACES HUMIDIFIERS AND AIR CONDITIONING OCOMPLETE FARM SERVICE DIESEL GASOLINE LUBRICANTS I3 agencies need our help Leave your lights on and tie up your dog Tlio warmth of Sarloiints Service Its lust phone call away BARRIE 7282460 ORllllA 32635 Service with smile Industrial Home Carpeting 7372860 305 BLAKE ST ISIMCOE PLAZA JCKIk DuY Joe Horradine LOSE WEIGHT GET BACK INTO SHAPE FOR PRICE HURRY CALL 7372281 Limited Offer Only Swimming Pool OScondanovion Sauna Whirlpool Both Complete Gym Facilities Protessional Programs BARRIE FITNESS CLUB Mwm