Westcane granulated white sugar Loblaws frozen unsweetened concentrated orage juice was Loblaws 59 parchment margarln mp1 343 Babies Only Please was ply all colours 133 ready cut macaroni ham Catellr pasta 2lb pkg Savarin frozen beef kidney turkey beef or chicken Roman Meal was 63 sandwrch bread 12 price spaghetti or was 89 41 24 oz ABC was powder 225 deterg Lays Martins choice was 85 regular or dip wa Alcan 34sea unsweetened vitaminized extra heavy Valuplus choice peas St Lawrence corn Gillette Trac II cartridge dispenser vaseine Vanishiflg reQular tinted formula Homecare soit 60 or 100 watt 05543109 razor petroleum 50091 19 medlcatesi 1201 39 light 651 48 pmmoun blades pkg jelly Snaponjar Clearasrl tube bulbs gem Head and Shoulders Scope red socks Marquis 334 02 I79 QTr 1805 louon 100 ml momhwasn 17 Sa hlne grlgoz La slasagna spagheniwim SW3 box ampoo ble 02 bile tumbler tumblers mmrooms or spaghetti italian Johnson Johnson Straytree Lady PairiCia firm gentle Gillette Right Guard household uce 15021 max 3051 hair 1002 bronze 13021 OCedar 2s xes pkgs pads box spray aerotin dgodorant aero tin sponges pkg Quikki kitchen JohnsonS Tameregularbalsambody with body we ocedar nylon arbage 55 baby 37 creme M1 29 V8 100w 49 pot a93 Pkg POWde bile 39 02m e°°n°mya scourer p395 66 Canadian Cheese Festival oolby havarti or brick Baden XXX cheese $331 Black Diamond marble cheese 23 139 ac iamon our orwhite akromedrws cheese 1223 139 you can win $10000 over 250000 chances to win pick up your free collector card play Loblaws scratchn score thooxamlmr tampon 10 10711 Royal all flavours jelly powders W88 Flowerdale 233 orange pekoe tea bags Gay Lea was 87 strawberry blueberry or orange swiss yogourt OCedar metal pct 3s scourer pkg Aliinone ironing board pad cover each ggtetigos 1502 state bIUSh each Prices effective Tues Oct 25 except produce bakery prices effective to Sat Oct 22 BARRIE ONLY We reserve the right to limit quantities apto by Mrs Carson 7288767 Clarence Carson has been in Victoria Hospital for an Mr and Mrs Murray Carson visited friends near Oshawa and relatives at Aimira on the weekend Visitors for ving in cluded Mr and Mrs Barrof Orillia Mr and Mrs Bernard OHallarn of Kin ton Mrs OConnell an Vincent OHailarn of Thornton Mr and Mrs Jones of Midhurst and local relatives with Mr and Mrs OHaliarn Mr and My arid Mrs Bilfï¬unlop and tarnilfof Toronto with Mrs Rush Mr and Mrs Mcbellan of Woodland Beach with Mr aners Carson Mr and Mrs Bernard Loftus and family were in Windsor Oct 10 for the funeral of close friend and relative Mr Affleclr Brian Loftus was home for the weekend also Teresa and Roseanne Moran from Univer sit Mr and Mrs Kevin Stove have been up north for holiday Mr and Mrs Stove of Barrie stayed at their home intheir absence plus many more great values Teng moves to prevent iumble TOKYO AP Teng Hsiao ping who has fallen twice as vicepremier of China has made series of moves in dicating he is trying to insure himself against third tumble He fell first from the hier archy in Mac Tsetungs cul tural revolution in the 19605 only to be rehabilitated in the early 19705 thenpremier Chou Enlai ter Chou died in January 1976 he fell again Teng made it back into the Pairing leadership last July af ter the arrest Chiang Citing Maos widow in the events that followed the death of her husbandintilwi Since then he has moved qui etly to reinforce his ition as the No man of na after Chairman Hua Kuofen and Army Marshal Yem hien Ymg Tengs first gesture was to sit back and let others principally Hua do most of the talking at the 11th party congress in Au gust The congress elected new leadership and confirmed Teng in his old jobs DISCLAIMS AMBITION Then he pubiicl disclaimed any ambition to ome pre mier the office Hua now also holds With these initiatives Ten possibly disarmed Hua an those few who in the past may have comidered him too brash blunt and uncomprornisi He was able to adopt this low posture because he has in fact gathered back much of the power he once held He is di recting an industrial great leap forward whose blueprint essen tially is his own and he may well become premier anyway once the National Peoples Con gress meets sometime soon His next step as chief of the army general staff was to put men personally loyal to him and in sympathy with his mili tary modernization plans into positions of power Old friends of Teng have moved into top positions in the Communist party central corn mittees military affairs com mission the count most powerful military and in the armys general polliltical de partment SPEAKS 0F PERILS It is not possible to say whether Tengs wheeling and dealing has encountered resist ance inside the army However one military leader Marshal Hsu Hisangchien was quoted at length recently on the perils of dictatorship and the abuse of collective leadership in the par ty and the army In the larger context of the seemi neverending ocir eying or laces in nas Tengs acti its canbeseenas counterploy to the unex pected rise of Maos old bod yguard Wang Tunghsing to one of the five top jobs in China The 11th party Congress made him are of the partys four vicechainnen and mem ber of the Politburos standing committee the select group which concerns itself wi the countrys daytoday affairs Presumably rewarded for the decisive way he arrested Maos widow and her three radical Po litburo associates last October he is rite cleari Hua man Their riendship tes toYenan in the 19303 when the were col lea es in Maos guard reg ment GUARD COMPOUND Wang heads the Communist party central committees gen eral office and Detachment 8241 which guards the com in Petting where the cen ral committee meets and Chairman Hus lives In these capacities he is privy to the party deepest secrets and essential to the very exis tence of its leaders His power reaches down to the lowest lev els of village life With Warm on his side Hm is able to maintain nice halance with the military where hir roots are shallow