WWW WW vffwwwmw 12 thO akaminorf Wednesday Oct 19 guthrie by Vilda Campbell 4873201 Recent VISIIOIS were Mrs Speers of Waiva with Mr and Mrs Mason Mr and Mrs Norman Graham 0f Aneaster and Mrs Melton when thev also attended the silver wed ding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Murray Caldwell of Orillia at Guthrie Hall Dr Melton who is presently working III the North Bay area Mr and Mrs Paul Melton and baby of lluntswlle visited with Ntrs lt lelton and Glen Mr and Mrs ti tam bell liss lliy llis Campbell larlie Horne and lItIVltl Campbell ot the liiieisity oi Waterloo spent Sunday 0e till Her and lis Osborne oi Osliaiia During the past several eeks Hugh talduell helped slum eultle or liall tloy Flums oi tolgan arions Fall Fairs iii IiJlllt iliillia Brampton Nlarklniiii and Erin Mr and Mix liilieii ITyiin held llianksgiyin dinner tor the ioiiiieis mother lrs Horn ot ltariii lrs hung iatlter litilpli Carson oi Harrie her You brothers lll their Z$llllllllllllt lik iliiiiptieil oi rilliti lake is spendiis ieu lays at his home ieie lr iiitl lis loiii laisliiill lertriitei llltl Joanne spent lliiksgi lllllllulll llll lis ll ltlll mother li Iis leii Morison ly and lis teeil itientlui xltiridi1e or loiiilay here lien etf sortie it his leisey herd OntarioUS licenceplate reciprocity ltlltthltl tl James Snow minister of Iran sportation and communication told the legislature Monday that Ontario has approved lieeneeplate reciprocity for commercial vehicles between this proyince and the states oi Florida Georgia and South Carolina He said the agreements were reached Oct and he will Dill eiallv sign them today The agreements Wlll mean that commercial vehicles from those states Will not have to ha Untario licences for trips into this proyinee and Untario operators of commercial ye litcies Wlll be able to operate in the hree states yith lllllillllt piiitesonly Snow said similar agree ment is being discussed Wllll ln diana and he soon initiate talks Wllh lichiian len iLsylvania Virginia Kentucky and North arolina Snow said the agreements cover trucks tractor units trailers and chartered buses They Alll no tllmllldlt he olS warning on estrogen Iui Airqu said and car In uimer haL to In zitiei aker erw DARlENE For All Your Travel Information Hm Hm ui In lnwn BRISTOW Travel Sm Ht ol piano at oral 7370340 73703 19 Ionic 0M FRESHLY MINCE REGULAR FRESH FRESH 3LB AVG pork IOifl roasts 3108 CARPET CLEANERS Rental Equipment is available at FOOD CITY We have Easy Off Rug milsme of SWEET PICKLED cottage rolls 3LB AVG mm REGULAR 0n BEEF Ivy Wwvavm max at BEEF Breakfast Sausa fun DELI STYLE 5VARIETIES Sausage Sticks 41m Vii abl if SLICED or Sh mpOOelS and P0 Cooked Ham Steam Carpet Cleaners FANCY FROZEN WHOLE KERNEL CORN GIEEII Giant nlblets OR GREEN GIANT FANCY FROZEN SWEEt DEOS BONUS PACK or 302 EXTRA 3502 POLY BAG STRAINED MEATS EXCEPTED JUVEX raft baby PEA VEGETABLE OR PEA HAM Hobltunt READYTOSERVE SOUDS BEATRICE ASSORTED VARIETIES fruit bottom KENT FROZEN CONCENTRATED orange iuice 12 zFL OZ TIN HEREFORD COfflEd beef 28FL oz TIN 1202 TIN FRESH FROM FLORIDA NEW CROP white grapefruit ONLY SIZE 48s ONTARIO GROWN CANADA FANCY GRADE Stakg HOSPITALITY SLICED white bread FOOD cm McIntosh Apples mu Qt tlililti PI HMANENI tl ll ION OI 33 ONTARIO GROWN yyoRLOs BEST RECIPES Pepper Squash 535591 2402 LOAF ittnr IHIlilll IIlIlHltlllII Hum lwmi lilm XIIITJINPHI IftltAv ZUMM II IV ltIIJI Al HIGHWAY 2627 BAYFIElD ST city MAPLE LEAF Breakfast Strips SM INCH Deluxe Pizzas SHOPSY Potato Salad sucm MAcacnsrsr prdgiflianddi CHICKEN 0R BOLOGNA HUHAK SUCHJ 601 sandwich Meats Pastrami Supreme FRESH QUARTER PORK LOIN TO CHOPS PER PKG loin pork chops Cole Slaw 15 LITRE RET BTL BEST PAK ASSORTMENT MAPLE CREME PEANUT BUTTER CREME CHIPS CREME PAR MIX OR CHOCOLATE VANILLA CREME colonlol biscults PRODUCE OF USA CANADA No GRADE head lettuce 39 EACH SIZE 24s ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO GRADE 29c Cello Carrots uEACH PRODUCE or USA CANADA NO GRADE Cucumbers szicn OPEN NIGHTLV TILL 10 RM wmgrassroots TOWERS FOOD CITY PLAZA 2LB SIZE IOSING TUESDAY OCTOBER 25TH 1977 ICEPT BAKESNOP PRODUCE PRICES Hfl JTIVE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER WTH 1977 NIH CLOSING SATURDAY OCTOBER 22 1977 ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE ONLY AT LOCATIONS LISTED minus mumu it IMIT ouAmmlS BARRIE good place to shopfor meat FRESH CENTRE CUT 39 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN FRESH 3LB AVG TENDERLOIN END pork loin IOIISCS 18 SWIFTS OVEN HDASTING Corned Beef LB 159 DEVON RINDLESS SLICED LLB Side Bacon my SEASONAL BAKING NEEDS The new season baking needs have iust arrived Check our complete variety for all your baking requirements We have new pack glaze and candied fruits peel and cherries baking nuts raisins currents and dates ALL PURPOSE GRIND MCIXWEII HOUSE COFFEE MILD MEDIUM OR OLD Kraft Cracker Barrel ChEddflf CHEESE 2021 STICK BONIMARI PROCESS INDIVIDUAL WRAP MILO 0R NIPPY Cheese Slices are 75° SHEETS DISINFECTANT Pinesol msrosme Comtees Daytime 69 Diapers 33 Assomo SCENTS Tickle $169 Deodorant ESL ASSORTED SHAPES um 99 HAWAIIAN PUNCN ASSORTED FLAVDRS Drink Mix S169 Crystals am Bounce Fabric 99c Softener Pl Premium Dog 59 Dinner in Salted Mixed HOSPITALIIV ï¬g Crumpets uoswssrmuun mm WWW sm VINEGAR on ammo Pie Potato Chips 100 VEGETABLE OIL OUAIITEIIS Parkay 29 El mum llilOl Nuts Mugs Apple FLAVORED 89° Hi Margarine mm mom mmsaonousmPntx Vegetable 69C 95 Cocktail azit Shell 32 aommm cuoncr Cut Green Or Wax Beans tit mom Richs Cofloo Rich