finest job possible ALUMINUM CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain 11 wood fences Improve your progert5H7g7l BUILDING L537 PRODUCTS DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT It made by JOSIE AQUINO Specialising in pantsuits gowns and altera Eavesfrough MAKING TAILORING and altera so Wmdows lions Reasonable rates For appointment F000 Doors 3117373984 between am and pm Shutters Awnings EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING trou hln Installed Call 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING 3p on Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates Call Martin Verstraten 424 956 New Lowell EAVESTROUGHING contractor and repairs Jock Dates Free estimates 117 Burton Ave Allandale 7268657 after pm ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and ser vice 7264996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework Em Forfree estimate Cd PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business WTHERN ALUMINUM Products Solfit Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar anteed 7262609 7269002 FRALICK ALUMINUM °Siding Soffit Fascia SPECIALIZING IN Tuck waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion joints Work guaran leed4589346 EXPERIEN CARPENTER house raising panelling chimneys roofing Estimates coll72691115 CONSTRUCTION House raising datlons 432955 or 4364175 after ALL THE HELP YOU NEED ITIlll72IHZZIEZT Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the HOME IMPROVEMENTS pointing chimneys NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec roan renovations extensions etc etc Guar anteedwo 7262609 or rte9002 Renovations masonry and renovations additions Phone Graham Roofing 10 Yecs in Iarrle Shingles Installed Roofing Repaired Dont Wait Untl It Snow Roofing lOyeors old or more cool give you problems Call Graham Rooï¬ng 7286628 INCOME TAR INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Dar rle area SS up Dobson 4245 50nd weekends 10 alter 40 articles for sale WOODS FREEZER SIOO Tracror 1V2 years snowblower and grass cutter 51300 Italian cottee and end tables $175 Italian Chair S75 Doll carriage s15 Doll cradle 510 Baby crib and mat tress Sis Girls winter coat site 515 Rugs underpads x12 gold ttardtwlsl $125 15 20 gold plus 5300 Kitchen table and chairs 5125 Telephone 487 2323 HOOVER TWIN TUB WASHER also Stereo Both in good condition S75 each tirm Telephone 728 9271 SEARS KENMORE MICROWAVE Oven 24 wide 14 long 15 deep Cooks 22 lb turkey $800 new Asking $400 lirm In excellent condition one year old used about 12 times Can be seen anytime 424 5997 TWO CEILING FIXTURES six spoke wooden wheel with amber shades ap proximately 12 inches in diameter were S60 each will sell for S30 each 726 9036 DOOR with hardware 9x steel win dows barn boards 200 gallon oil tank toilet and tank Telephone 726 0937 ALUMINUMAAWNING 46x4f earn plete with uprights Also wrought iron railing tor steps Call 7268860 alter pm PAINTING PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced free estimates Jock Richardson7262OI2 was WURUTZER JUKE Box 000 restorable condition Also Heintrman L126Qlfl square grand piano 726 4611 alter DONSIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING in 773 39 terlor exterior paper hanging custom 36 MAPLE BUNK BEDS and mat work Sotislactionguoranteed 7266808 tresses piece chrome kitchen suite TTm TNT HWTT WT drawer dresser portable humiditier pair provincial lamps red oval 942121 99 Islerhonwlé 969° PIECE Iurnisheddining roomï¬suite in s9nfiiti9n Tslsaï¬ws 450 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Cut and split 16 long lace cord Also slab wood Telephone 728 9204 DRIVEWAYS RAWLEIGH AGENT Airieng lot the lamily Family and pet needs elivery Frorragtpph72i8gt7639 evenings PIANO apartment size like new condi tion Asking $875 Call 726 3929 alter ALL WORKGUARANTEED SEEN BAG coucï¬ s50 TI bl C0 er FREE ESTIMATES and two end tables suitable lor rec room 820 All in good condition Telephone 7286948 is OFFICE FURNITURE desks and chairs like new less than halt price MANIERI PAVING Telephone 737 0901 days SADDLE black western type tooled leather with accessories 5100 Also Hammond organ keyboard with 5°W°w lidvsmc C°mmerci° Wm °°r°nn2fl°° isIis23RescilcssissrhW D°°5 EOVPSIIOUBU es °l°l F°5 Nonhern Insulation Concrete Work allboatsandfmotors Call today Lthlng 99519 Electrical consulting Landscaping FREE ESTMATES 4361830 smoun 20 yrs experience Ame Blowm wrmen Guarantee 1975 ONTARIO YACHT N6 my M°s°s UC 18 Free Estimatgs SANBOAT GIBSON ALUMINUM 7288234 Work Guaranteed Serving Simcoe County tdeldoaz foo so 950 on or owero on Fashion PARRY ELECTRICAL 7371131 ml personal props security act SiddIng Softtt Trough etndusyrid ecommercial LAWN CARE PICTURE FRAMING on or about October 31 I977 Awnings Doors Windows qurm eResidenï¬a Written bids to be received at STORM WINDOWS INSTALLED FALL FERTILIZING all cleanups Hedge and OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom shr Elednc Heat and wd way framing of all types We stock many sizes TORONTgo BANK Dryers Ranges Mrm Phone 723 3270 °Y BARRE 72656o9 Roof Baking MASONRY BARRIE 0m N24 QUALITY SINCE 1949 STAN KNKiELYhMASONRY anci block and ABBEYWOOD 014152123 1133396 $12Â¥n13271l833731 CUSTOM PCTURE FRAMING 22 FT sitarHERD mahogany boat APPLIANCES RETAIL COMMERCIAL double hull CYIlndel Chrysler Inboard N23 77 motor condition Asking 52500 CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE la ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized soles 35 Selle 309m and service 18 Alliance aha Unit 19 EXCAVATING THE PROFESSIONALS 7370832 Ir FOOT SPORTRAY runabout I05 it 7283392 WE WILL PICK UP and dispose of old ap pliances at no cost to you 72172873 ROGERT BOYCHOFF Excavating houloge septic systems trenching loader work gravel 4361558 4361257 WEST GROVE WE mm Ufslmm CONSTRUCTION ritls ur eon an nese cars Coronation Autoosperv 171714129 St BOCIKIIOO EXCOV Eu Im ENE Trenching BIRD nous HorIzontal Augertng 7289833 EXCAVATING AND EQUIPMENT RENTALS Dragline backhoe bulldozers grader Law Construction Ltd Shgnty Bay 7268229 PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at 92 Melrose Ave Barrie or telephone 7285283 CUSTOM MADE CLOCKS LEONS Custom Made Clocks will also do repairs Showroom Hwy 93 at Dalston 7289548 FIREPLACES STONEWORK and fireplaces speCIalty VK Watson for tree estimates 7281599 CARPENTRY flak AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces SAhsNTfWSOd will on guaranteed 7371507 kw 900 ry seasone AV wood4872113 CARPENTER Specializing in rec rooms in terior remodelling trim etc Please call 7288884 after CABINET MAKER European Trained Kit ASSORTED chens vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 gm CUSTOM CUT cottages renovations repairs Satislaction Earanteed and Constructim 72614$ CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations TF remodelling etc No iobto small 726BL CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters for renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates 4354995 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes FLOOR REFINISIIING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and GUITAR LESSONS Classlcal and Popular Marcel Potvm Guitar Studio 726I489 Lowest prices Honest efficient Free Estimateslnsurance Local or long hauls CAMPIELLS Matting Storage 7266555 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN Muttc for people who like to dance Good rules 728 9545 MUSIC SERVICE DJs available for bowling bon quets weddings private parties etc Book now for holiday season References Available 7370947 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS DANCING INSTRUCTION Ages years and over Tap Ballet Jazz Baton Enrolling now for classes commencing in September Telephone 7264723 REGIONAL ACADEMY ororrcmo mamfrzJOREG refinishing old and new guaranteed not to ACCORDION ï¬gmtbr piano organ beginner custom cabinets Experienced and reason wand Lug8341 ableCallafter4304589342 77Â¥ FREE Garages cleaned trash hauled YOUR wring bufï¬ng mdcy away Just give us your costoffs Telephone 719 4875525 or 7263441 HANDYMTZTT EXNVIuat rorï¬meei an reasonable quote for fireplaces rec rooms chimneys painting etc For old fashioned Revitalize your carpets with AI carpet steam cleaning 7266321 CHIMNEY REPAIR Tnieimur Storm windows cleaned and installed OTree cutting Eaves Garages and basements Trash hauled away Ton Truck and Tandem Trailer DARRIE 4875 51 Chimney Repair IO Years in Barrie Chimneys Repaired Chimneys Rebuilt Chimneys Cleaned Call 7286628 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Lo design art work layout etc Flese col collect 416 mm CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 NDYKARANWda painting popET 33an floor tiling furniture stripping and inishinl Call Paulr7J72875 N14 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Ruu 4363681 alter 30 References available MED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom ploy room laundry office storage space Also pointing wallpapermg Murray Boll 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete base ent planning and decorating privacy screens aid patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 Gianninitai 40articlas for sale 40 articles for sale 40 articles for sale ADVANCED VACUUM 1416 Mulcaster St Barrie 7268643 One of the oldest and most complete vacuum services north of Toronto Special offer $1050 with this ad only COMPLETE SERVICE parts not included Bags and belts for most machines in stock We also rebuild vacuum hose Dont take chance on door to door selling you are losing money Advanced is also service warranty depot for HOOVER EUREKA and ROYAL SERVICE IN IARRIE SINCE 1961 021 GARAGE SALE GUITAR and drums The Bandstand Boylteld Ma AE VELLINGA PAINTING and decorotIng In terlor exterior Work guaranteed Establish 830 years moans 726 9007 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed 7389 ondodvanced Two momhslrtal instrument loaned for home practice Canadian Aca dernonMusIc 121 Doyfteld 728 I799 Classical and folk string banIo PROFESSIONAL TION Private lessons available In Ion rock DRUM INSTRUC or classical Reasonable rates Telephone 726 2900 PIANO LESSONS for all ages WIII visit your home for details Phone 458 9189 SOCIAL AND IALLROOM DANCING Instruction for all occasions Classes now forming Danceosize for adults Fitness CALL 7264723 REGIONAL ACADEMY or DANCING PAINTING mm PAINTING Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 GIANT RCAxuoo We have RCA Xle solid state color por Idsles new in crates for only $466 or pay ust S4 75 weekly on our Rental Purchase Plan No money down December 1977 Phone tonight tonight no payments till delivery KRAlY KELLYS Ierrle Phu 7371182 N3 SANYO 261NCH NEW COLOR 100 solid state lully automatic $527 cash or 5450 weekly on rent to own Starling January 1978 No money down Phone tonight Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlap Street West Just west at the Barrie Arena THREE CUSHION Cnesterlield and Chair to match two end tables wringer washer old type It drawer dresser All in good condition Telephone 424 9512 deliver tonight 7262900 40 articles for sale THEEX AVAILABLE DAlLY AT THESE SIMCOE COUN Chrysler outboard convertible lop ski See our ad in the Yellow Pages bar accessories 53000 or best otter Telephone 728 8960 alter BOAT STORAGE Inside or ou15tde Salu clean reasonable Reserve now Call 728 0915 EWLISH RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor and outdoor rIdIng schools Five manII from Dorrie WINDY HAUGH FARM 7760192 ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs ree estIrnales 436 3177 alter trailers ctc Telephone 458 9060 42articles wanted WE BUY All kinds of scrap metal steel copper cast brass etc Boxes Graham Roofing available if needed for foc lo yum 30 tories Also trucks and cars for Shin les Installed wrecking We sell structural Wmd steel pipes etc Dont Wait Until It Snows 7372600 Rooltn 10 years old or more coul gtve you problems and clipping of all breeds Sophia Angus Street East 726 4141 4241709 POODLE TRIMMING professional Ns grooming all breeds pick up and dc Itvery 726 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection In town Aquariums all Sizes at unbeatable LELEHE prices Evenn95 and weekends Edge hillAquarIa14 Ardagh Road 726 0094 SEASONAL CONTRACT or as you need It MAY pOQDLE pAQLOR prong blower or plow Stmpson Telephone sonal clipping and grooming Reds 77 538 5957 unable rates Phone 726 0061 PAULS SNOWPLOWING Illdonltal and FOR SALE Purebred miniature while rommemol reasonable rates it estI 000410 puppies registered ready to an mates ollPaul 737 3064 this weekend Call424 1577 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small ommer BLUE DOBERMAN PUP tor sale good lol and residential Reasonable rates Wlh HUN11 IIVL monms Old male Dependable 726 7757 Must sell $150 or best otter Telephone REICHEN SNOW PLOWING aanSrtowblowmg 37 0493 3° Reasonable roles Contracts seasonal or by TWO SILKY TOY TERRIER Pups clean up Call 726 5666 months old Reasonable Phone 726 3481 anytime Vsfllscï¬oï¬ PUREBRED POODLE PUF blak miniature temale CKC registered All RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco Interior textured walls and ceilings Free Show and uewormed 25hr 5997 estrmotes Dale Russell Mrdhursl telephone TWO FEMALE BASSET HOUNDS 7234397 registered papers years and years Slootor pair Telephon07261247 FOR SALE registered male toy Â¥VV poodles champayne and white DOYOU NEED TYPING DONEFasI accurate wormed and needlcd Cdl 9528 service now available Reasonable totes ADORABLE LITYLE TOY pOMERA ï¬nvale 3222713 TYPING Collubawo NIAN puppy Male nine weeks old orange sahln can be registered Also black main one year old Telephone WELL DRILLING 718 936 Cnlberts Water Well Drilling Farms 47home improvements tomes cottages Free estImate 10 years experience Angus 424 5657 WELL DIGGING MAZZA WELL DIGGING RR No Barrie Home Form Cottage Concrete well tiles EAVESTROUGHING Clean Your Eavestroughing One Storey Homes $1800 Dirty Eavestroughing Causes Problems Pump installations 8° Hm For Free Estimate Grahams Eavestroughmg CALL 7284634 7286628 etytlmo OI7 sogarden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL Excellent tor lawns gardens etc Evening and Satur day delivery Call 726 3928 or 726 1117 RASPBERRtES Canes tor tall plan ting regular 35¢ piece on sale 25c Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 295l sttrees and shrubs SHADE TREES Now IS the time to select your shade tree We have large selection and small deposit will hold tor tall pickup Brays Garden Centre 26 Forndale Dr 726 2951 PLANT your white spruce trees now till lreelo up All sues available Free delivery 718 9404 VERY REASONABLE PRICES Shade maple walnut locust Border cedar artIcIesfor sale EUTBFAWcWASTETE RBR niacin lridge and tremor tor saltI All in good condition Telephone 728 6627 CEDAR POSTS 4x4 6x Sawdust pick up or delivered Red Oak lumber Custom log sawing Loos wanted Telephone 726 1922 BASEMENT SALE Sunday October 16 10 to 65 High Street Some antiques and many other Items TYPEWRITER Remington IICYIIT Very good condition ideal tnr student 580 Telephone 726 9983 DRAPES pair gold wuth white LITSIQ lined 125 95 $50 175 95 575 One year old excellent condition Telephone 58 907 PM poplar Evergrecns pine spruce Must DESK AND CHAIR Photo copier sell Dig your own and save Call bumper pool table deep lryer cotter weekends or weekdays alter pm machine qunar With rasc stereo Lawn 726 9295 mower set of poll lubs Call Jack 52pansand bulbs 726 1020 or 728 6727 TROPICAL PLANTS tor your home or 40iCI0AtorEEh office etc Brays Garden Centre 26 FetndalrI Drï¬726 Amr 54 service and repairs AMINER LE PATTERSON REPAIR SERVICE AND SALES Hydraulic lacks hand and CP air tools trucks TY MERCHANTS 57 livestock for sale HORSES BOARDED Close to Barrie Well cared tor Track and trails Windy Hill Farm 436 5624 RICK SZJARTO blacksmith by ap polntment 705435 6808 HORSE TRAILER FOR RENTLEFWITI 69instructions move your animals 245 Edgehill Drive 726 3407 sativestoclkiwantedm WANTED 20 grade ewes also beet Cat tie 300 400 pounds Phone alter pm oss 3m 68 personals 71 help wanted RETIRED LADY seeks unattached companion 60 65 Interested in bowling dancing and travel Honest and sincere replies only Reply to Box V81 Barrie Examiner If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age ARE YOU INTERESTED in hobby ceramics art It so call 7268716 tor par tlculars certllled NCMA instruction Specializing in the supply and instruc tion in use of GARE material lor the Huronia area s9poultrychicks help wanted Odicll YOU VWT an we WanT DEKALB READY II able Also larmtreshoegspgrHTIitTiIr SUPERVISOR Call Mr HOWIeTI 3ELEIEEELELEEIPI Of workers In factory producing 60feedseedgraih mobile homes preferably 0c or TOP QUALITY HAY tor sale Also 20 run John Deere seed drill Telephone 726 2411 or 7370058 67truits vegetables PURE NATURAL HONEYFWhites mile north Georgian Mall Hwy 27 7288522 APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro Telephone 728 8489 or 726 1907 Closed Sundays APPLES PICK YOUR OWN or ready picked Brays Orchard in Nottawa on Highway 24 two miles south ol Coll ingwood 68personals ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Tree ripened fresh oranges ruby red grapefruit Delivery December 10th For In formation phone EAST VIEW STRING STUDENTS 9261347 7286962728 3274 021 ACAPULCO or weeks airhotel transfers or 10 full dinner some departures full breakfast welcome Sangria party quieter location excellent hotel HAYS TRAVEL 7284700 OISH HAWAII SAN FRANCISCO 18 days 15 days Howaii Islands days San Francisco Escorted from Barrie Feb 11 28th1978 seats only available WINTER STORAGE available boats Call Graham Roofing 927 CASH FOR old turniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pro Sh 1950 Items 728 8234 mg mg am mg Handyman Wll do painting paper hang tnq tlnor tiling furniture stripping and CUMMEEANTRAI Roorgnormwlw rIttn stung Call Paul 737 2875 Ml New IIIHI1£II Madogs and pels upham innikin BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoomg HAYS TRAVEL 7284700 OISH Why not try the beautiful island of Jamaica Its one of our favorites Most meals hotel air tron sfers Call us HAYS TRAVEL 7284700 OlSH ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 It you drink thats your business It you lwanttoqmtthatsours Callanytime RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie two minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services Civil criminal divorce Isurveillance Discreet and contidential 737 2972 MONECA pshytc and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 728 8868 lBOWLERS WANTED tor Kempview Bowl Teams couples or Singles Men or ladies for leagues starting soon Contact Art or Chuck at 728 9761 KEMPVIEW BOWL announces the star ting oi mixed league on Sunday night at Interested bowlers call Chuck or Art at 728 9761 TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let triend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly dta Hrenchuk Certtlied Elecirulogtsl 737 2671 YOUR TOMORROW today Tarot cards and tea cup reading For appointment call 728 0902 RETIREMENT HOME tn downtown Stroud Comtorlablc room Excellent meals Women and couples welcome Telephone 436 2288 WOULD MR MOORE the school teacher please telephone Mr Lockwood collect at I416 826 2419 regarding business matter discussed at BayltcldMall IOPEN DANCE at Parents Without Part ners Saturday October 15 in Angus Lions Halt Everyone welcome For more Information call 728 8476 RIDE WANTED to Alliston to 30 pm daily Tolephone726 3968 019 ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE familiar with this or similar SChOOI BUS 95 operation Steady employment 728594 very good benefits required IF soon Phone 7054727170 daytime 4746327 evenings or write to PO Box 660 NORTH BAY P18 8J5 PartTime Clerk Required For Examiner Circulation Depar tment Basic typing skills required and ability to work with children Nineteen hours per week Please send ap plication to Circulation Depart ment The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 02° TF 015 Automatic Screw Machine Setter required Permanent position for qualified person Preferably with dovenport experience Write BOX 481 ORILLIA 17053266361 7T help tutsmart 71 help wanted PARTTIME KITCHEN AND COUNTER HELP MCDonaIds L1 ATTENTION STUDENTS Interested in gaining financial independence McDonalds will hire 15 to 20 parttime employees Benefits include OAbove minimum wages Food discount Uniform supplied Scheduled pay raises shifts per week Contact manager on duty MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 330 TO PM 011131517 CULTURE RECREATION CONSULTANT FILE FC277 $17300 to $21200 THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND RECREATION HAS SEVERAL OPENINGS FOR CONSULTANTS IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE PROVINCE INCLUDING TORONTO BARRIE PETER BOROUGH OTTAWA KINGSTON HAMILTON WATERLOO LONDON WINDSOR HANOVER SAULT STE MARIE SUD BURY TIMMINS NORTH BAY THUNDER BAY AND DRYDEN THESE POSITIONS WERE PREVIOUSLY FILLED ON TEM PORARY BASIS AND ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON FULLTIME CONTRACT ARRANGEMENT Within designated regions the consultants will provide con sultative services to wide range of groups and agencies which are involved in community based services in Sports Fitness and Arts Heritage Conservation Multicultural Development Citizenship Libraries and Information Ser vices maior function of the consultants will be to assist in the identification of community needs and problems and provide advice and information in order to facilitate com munity access to Ministry and other appropriate resources QUALIFICATIONS degree in relevant field from recognized University and several years directly related Community Development experience Or an equivalent com 71Itelp wanted PEOPLE WHO LIKE PEOPLE If you love to work with people ma ke it on Avon Christ mas Weve got great gifts for every family in Territory of your own Being on Avon Representative is the nicest way there is to earn extra Christmas dollars Call 7289652 5015 or 94 4gt 9a The Board of Commissioners of Police has authorized Earl Snider Chief of Police to receive written applications for the position of Constable Class to be determined Applicants must have Grade 13 or equivalent of be physically fit Canadian or British subiect and of good moral character Application forms must be ob tained in person by applicants at the Police Office 65 Vespro Street Barrie Ontario 017 SALES Lodies wear Chain requires full time and parttime employees Experience essential MAMSELLE BAYFIELD MALL 015 Commission Sales Full Time Excellent potential for high commissions in the home in sulation industry Clean con scientious people required for in and around Barrie Leads supplied car necessary Please call sales manager 7286232 am toS pm TFH LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER needed tor motherless iamily children and years nice home in Coldwater with comtortable accommodation Apply Box 457 Coldwater Call 835 3110 days or 686 7900 evenings BARRIE OR TSOTrTouAnding Area Christmas help required Car necessary part or full time work Telephone 416 895 6532 MATURE RESPONSIBLE PERSON re quired to live in and take over household responsibilites Also looking alter two school aged children Must have references Country home on lake Telephone28 5975 between and binotion of education and experience good understanding of community and government processes demonstrated ability to establish rapport with people at all levels and to analyze community and socioeconomic situations PLEASE FORWARD APPLICATIONS OR RESUMES TO THE PER SONNEL BRANCH MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND RECREATION 5TH FLOOR 77 BLOOR STREET WEST TORONTO ONTARIO M7A 2R9 APPLICATIONS OR RESUMES SHOULD BE RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 28 1977 INDICATING FILE NUMBER AND PREFERRED LOCATION 015 SENIOR FAMILY WORKER TAMARAC CHILD AND FAMILY CENTRE Requires family worker to work with emotionally disturbed children adolescents and their families MSW preferred with ex perience in marital group and individual counselling Resumes ac cepted until November 4th 1977 Reply to TAMARAC TREATMENT CENTRE PO BOX 421 ORILLIA ONTARIO L3V 581 0151719 Earn Extra Money and Win Prizes MERRITTHIGHLANDLITTLE AREA WANTED TEACHERS and anyone in terested ill learning bagpipes or drums age 10 years and over Contact Rick Hillan 4563879 or Royal Canadian Legion 456 2531 Forminga new band FULL TIME maintenance person ex perience prelerred All company benetits Apply in person to The Holiday lnn Barrie HEAVY DUTY WORK mecnanical ex perience required Philpott and Richard son Spring Service 726 8971 WORK YOUR SPARE HOURS 15 or more week We require ambitious per sons with car tor Barrie or surrounding area Can earn up to $6 an hour Telephone416 895 6532 EARN XMAS MONEY Celebrity is looking tor home demonstrators to sell ieweltery Ex perience not essential as we will train Its easy and its tun Top commissions paid For interview 737 0947 MECHANIC CLASS required full time Webbs Service Centre call 726 0161 7Wï¬ WOMEN AND MEN tor Kirby sales Ex perience not necessary Excellent in come potential Car necessary Call 7267407 HOUSEKEEPER live in for retired gentleman For more details call 7372066 PIANIST OR SENIOR STUDENT Pianist needed tor Sunday morning war ship service Apply Cundles Heights Church 728 7133 PART TIME HELP wanted Apply Skyline Farms RR 5Barrie7261512 $265 AN HOUR Interesting iéIEBRKne work Telephone 7260241 Monday 0C tober 17th between and 12 EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER needed to babysit in my home 830 530 Part time basis in Toronto Street area until November 10th 728 0997 IFYBU HAVE naaprevibus exoéraencé in TYPING SHORTHAND BOOK KEEPING and would like to work day week or month please 83117737772275 72fsales helpagents DO YOU WISH AN EXECUTIVE INCOME Canadian firm with 30 years ex perience in the Motorists Ser vice Field Due to expansion we offer career positions to two aggressive and ambitious people Experience un necessary Training aids provided Excellent fringe benefits Promotion on merit within six months Higher than average income Salary plus commission plus bonus to Full DONALDFRANCIS AREA DUCKWORTHEUGENIA AREA ST VINCENTMARION CR AREA CODRINGTONALBERT AREA Please fill out the application below and return it to Time or PortTime qualifiers Requirements good Character bondable desire to succeed reliable car able to start Full Time or PartTime immediately Apply to Sales Manager Frank Ayers Box 474 BARRIE Ontario Please give your phone number so that an interview can be arranged 52401 815 DRESSERS MIRRORS END TABLES BEDS CHEST OF DRAWERS CHESTERF IELDS WOODEN CHAIRS UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS DESKS REFRIGERATORS STOVES KITCHEN TABLES CHAIRS WE HAVE RECENTLY PURCHASED ROOMING HOUSE AND ARE SELLING THE FURNITURE FROM IT EVERYTHING Is PRICED FOR QUICK SALE SUNDAY OCTOBER 15th to pm ONLY 17 ROSLYN RD DARRIE O15 Comet Milk Hwy 2627 Midhurst Milk Hwy 2627 Midhurst General Store Silver Maple Service Hwy 27 Phelpston Store IGA Elmvale Buds Billiards Elmvale Beckers Elmvale Petries Esso Orr Lake 155 Barrie Rd Orlllla at rear of Mortin RentAll Phone 3250633 anytime N11 56cam ping eqqument 25 FT HOME BUlLT motor home all equipped Ideal buy lor hunters good buy at532000r bestotter Phone 737 3079 THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield 81 Barrie or Phone 7266539 atter5300m Name 1969 SCOTTMAN Cabin TLdlleTn10rl100tI sleeps tour weighs 1550 eep one 705 466 sans Address 57Iivestocktor sale TACK SHOP English equipmenlGer 9913 0118 man saddles and bridles Robinson Hardware31Dunlop East 2431 EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn 514000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont LaT 2J6 DIRECT SALES PEOPLE needed in Barrie area tor tood and freezer ser vices Crew managers and closers need ad commissions paid Will train Call co lectl 416 884 9651 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414