41 17v rmeewwwywwï¬swrwm lt 210 wvvvvvwvvvvwvmwvvvv vvaVV 12 the examiner Sammy Oct 15 1917 toronto stock exchange summary Declines outnumbered advances 410 to 232 on the TomnIo SIocII Exchange IIIIS week Issues IIIIcIIIIIIgIIII gagrgeggi 2733 33 10II 191 16I1 Econ lnv 615 512 12 12 14 1111 Leona Frn 430 571 an 01 R0 91 ir 4930 816 1014 1616 109 141 Versatile 150 5105 1051 109 13 101 IoIIIIIIIII III CS PeIe IIIIIIIIII II 40 251 27 24 Mines 25500 105 97 100 110 42 Liberian 1477 514 137 14 1x 10 11 Ry 200 513 13 13 1316 101 Versaill 3000 5101 10 101 137 101 Volume IIII the week ended was IoIIIOGIIIIs IIIIIIIIIS Can IIIIIIIIII IIIIII 27 420II 10 455 221 Eectro 1700 30 30 30 09 25 LL Lac 15392 170 105 173 12 179 121 Russel 3400 501 714 791 91 91 71 Vestgron 250 512 12 12 151 11 down from Ihe pIeIIIOIIs ween ISIIIIIIIIIIIIII Tom IIIII IIIIIIIII II IIIIII 26 27 201 ElectroA 3100 220 550 Jk 10 390 172 Livingsto 100 5171 171 171 10 111A Russel 91 200 52151 219 2151 1s 221A 20 Vic 0157 5301 30 30 301 231 the year to dIIIe Is 7165101 IQIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III cams Can IIIIIIIsI 4w IiIs 7L 21I 22I1I2 19 Electro 210 533 33 33 47 32 Lob Co 4172 330 315 315 390 205 Ryanor 1000 1A Voyager 10450 5101 107 1091 1106 Mess marked and occasionally when mm III TIIIIII IIIIIIIII or III I1 1+ II 1211 Elks Stars 100 507 91 11 01 Lob Co 1977 020 315 315 10 390 205 SiL Cem 100 5141 141 141 107 14 Vulcan ind 2200 5011 07 10 001 mm mm IIIId doIIIIISII CdII AIIIIIW IIIIIII I2 I2 III mco 2000 551 511 55 0911485 Lob Co pr 070 527 28 261 1A 2791 2211 Sandweil 100 5101 107 101z 107 77 Wa ax 2170 59 016 091 91 991 07 IIIOIIIINIIII WEEKLY STOCK QUOTES CCIIIIIeII IIIIII SIII III 16 11 EmcoI Iw 500 120 115 115 10 105 90 Lab Lid Ap 900 5171 171 171 171 1391 Schneid 2050 5916 91 959+ 916 Walt Gw 10925 5209 20 291 291 241 DIIIIIIIIIIIIII II The IIIIIIIIIII PM CIIIIIy m2 IIII 1441 15 11 Exqumte 200 240 240 240 205 240 Lob Ltd Bp 1575 5171 171 17111 18 1401 Scot Lasal 400 100 100 100 225 155 Wardair 300 290 290 200 355 210 IIyIII aII Cd ceI 93 931 +3 155 75 Extndcar 037 571 71 71 16 01 01 Lochiel 42050 245 221 230 14 259 123 Scot Paper 1100 52011 26 20 11 2991 211 Waringtoo 400 100 175 175 290 110 WII III II cooIII1IIII CCnM III 7510 50I 5I911 07 51 Falcon 30620 440 420 425 420 Loeb 390 475 475 475 25 276 Scot York 15400 335 320 320 305 100 Weldwod 700 511 1091 101 1391 1051 gIIIIIII sue IIInII I11II0Iv IcIIIIe C1IIIeIII II to Cums 2135 32556 25 25121 201 21 Plbrg H111 5090 523 221 221 391 211 Lost River 5110 94 75 75 19 215 05 Seoits 2900 509 07 01 91 70 Waiburne 13306 5141 137 131 11 151 91 ti 11 11 Pound III I27 5t 53 63IIII 4I1III 23 1I3I71éerIII 736 zossIIII2057 205IIIII03II 201I1I 202 Lyiton 4420 10 10 10 50 15 geagramM 20359 522 214 2111 I747 201 wcgastAPt 33355 1211 117 111 51 12V 61 eawa 25 400 400 400 415 070 231 231 237 24 13 ggEInvesI 272155331 2I5II1 2I5II 2591 211 £113 ion II 17000 24 24 24 2711 21 Seawa pr 100 490 490 490 71 490 Weoast TD 4070 5321 3216 325 33 20 17 ion 1200 90 90 96 100 96 Selkirit 2400 5125 117 1217 127 107 Wcost 8V2 3050 55516 5515 5515 50 53 and Hidrogas 26600 270 261 267 +2 335 102 Fidelity Tr 4700 315 300 300 10 350 290 to Sh aw Pipe 8500 5991 971 405 Wcoast 18190 86 6V ï¬ve=41 71 300 ï¬gmeosld 139235 53 I1711 gIIu I1 IIlIiI Sgdeltys 323 73 73 73 I1 37 731 MOS II IIII III 324 Can 31154 51515 15 15 169 1311 Westeel 1550 5141 14 14 91 1511 117 AIGIFIM 700 200 I95 lllnln 270 200 260 275 230 erritt 53097 440 410 415 15 011 405 West Mine 2465 405 390 390 25 400 355 My 2300 I20 III I95 gI HByIfrg 550 $14 137 13 14 11 Eireco SA 200 200 200 200 +5 295 100 MlCC 2401 5103 107 101 1114 91 Sherritt 1000 415 405 405 25 405 suppls 100 5141s 1415 1416 11 141 1012 Abilibi 31697 59 01 112 01 cu 39 32271 22 22 26 22 city Fin 100 591 011 01 111 01 Mice 200 529 29 29 291 251 Siebens 0630 5191 10 184 1111 131 Westiair 100 5241 241 241 25 2111 MINI I00 III III II III IIIII CIII II 10411 519Is 19l 19I +1 201 171 City wt 1400 230 225 225 51 220 MTS inter 4500 19 17 17 19 Sifton Pro 210 5111 111 111 1215 61 Westtield 1200 115 115 115 165 110 Abiibi 10 440 55411 541 541 56 CI Pg II man 33 40I1 46I 391 Mar 2100 37 37 37 50 37 Maclarn 250 534 34 34 34 20 Si ma 12000 531 201 31 +27 31 191 Wesinhse 400 $2212 22 22 15 25 1111 Acklands I405 II II II II CLI PI 22 23 iii1 Foodcrp L1 652 51111 111 111 111 350 Maciara 1500 34 34 34 34 20 Slvmq 20125 24 22 24 +1 36 21 Weston 4547 513 129 13 141 1111 AckIIId 2p IIIII sII II II IIIIII II eIe II 5700 50 55 59 +3 67 25 Foodex 3262 561 51 511 714 51 MH Cable 230 5127 121 123 14 1011 Silverwd 2750 5711 791 71 Wstn 42p 215 55111 511 511 541 401 Adam IIIIIIII so Is III III II ManOIII 500 430 430 430 470 375 Ford Code 1200 505 04 04 95 94 Melan 3041 51016 1011 1011+ 107 Silverwd 400 501 01 07 07 Wsin 6pr 110 575 75 75 +1 75 00 MVOCIIII 600 330 330 330 I0 I00 MgrcoIrIii I123 410I 400I 4ooI 10 465 340 Seasons 100 273 273 273 +3 305 225 MB Ltd 40356 51017 177 1714 2417 171 Simco Eri 2900 559 51 51 275 White 240 5201 207 201 2m 16 MIIIII MIII I050 II III SIII III IIIII SIII Cd InI 515 141 14 16 121 Sea pr 200 561 6111 511 Madeline 0403 00 56 00 +2 110 55 Simpsons 32195 465 450 450 57 450 Whiihorse 100 103 163 163 225 150 Agnico 26635 5611 611 67 355 gcdgntalesllggg 571 731 70 37 Wm 255 335 22 +11 23 27 was 65° 77 SW93 62° 71 67 371 71 371 WhIInok 5568 39 8711 87 11 10V 711 1nd 2750 III 11 raser 11 agna 11 171 197 167+ 91 201 11 ar 37350 09 05 66 150 65 Wi ro 68798 2l0 187 205 24 210 90 Aged III I00 I535 1505 IIIIIIS III zzguIszn gPochntl 5250 529I 201I 205 11 2911 251 Eruehaul 300 57 61 711 51 Magna 2101 5191 19 10 131 Sklar 11000 1114 10 1111 +110 70 10 Win1Eld 1000 511 511 515 11 Manchu IIIIIIIO I06 III IIIII I6 IIIII 57 CF III 1271 31 IiIgI IiIgI Iz 771 gitII inIeel 9711 1g 43 22130 magnafon 310 1752 170 175 +5 245 170 Res 17000 5911 02 91 91 101 410 Woogredef 132020 60 57 60 99 57 Albany 5100 In I7 54 II CI IIIII es agne cs 40 49 74 40 yinc 200 155 155 155 235 155 Woo 3320 5141 1415 1412 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1034 36 36 36 05 36 Ana 335 mu 45 30 Cd 306 28 27f 272 Ia 41 271 Distrb 2000 120 115 115 200 115 Li Gard 50 5231 231 231 24 221 Spooner 67050 41 351 37 211 45 2311 Yukon 70320 250 235 244 44 250 153 MN 23285 $26 ZSII III 30 zaIII 1I1III I11e 15089 880I 29II1 29 43 291 GMC 5470 57611 751 762 77 091 Li Mills 7190 51491 131 1414+ 141 91 St Brodcst 2700 59 10 71 Zellers 26241 551 51 511 51275 IIIIIIII III I79 mu 29 III IIII III CUIIiIties 59100 513II1 121I 13I1+1I 147 121 Genstar 13337 5251 251 2511w 275 2211 Maplcx 500 551 51 51 30 511 200 Stand 590 59 1o 05 Zellers pr 10 534 34 34 34 211 MED IIIII IIIIZ mII IIIII I2IIII III IIIII UIIIIGIOPI 27213 73 73 +11I1 gnsiar 1II50 1052210531 251 251 271 221 MarcanaI 7000 15 1311 1314 311 19 111 Steico 10517 $26511 2611 2611 2011 231 Roma SI SIG I5 ns or 01 011 1011 61 Mrtme 1310 5101 97 107 101 014 Sleep 13550 310 295 300 +1 310 I73 IIIIIIIIIIII SI II IIrIIII III 27 2711+ 924 00 5201 201 201 29126 Gesco iIs 250 275 275 275 15 340 275 Mrime El 5341 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I11 Ign ganronD 7269 $2312 231 211 2511 20 Granduc l4000 s86 121 ï¬zzsmlier 277306 $128012 1187M £35 Isln 117 cSupengrA 6702310 525 go 25350 2133 If Emir 231 207 2207 285 202 apit iv 4400 90 00 90 100 19 Gt Oii Sds 3000 57 61 61 01 pm Am Lagic 990530 199 155 190 32 199 37 300 27 25 26711 711 29 261 710 300 296 300 345 100 It =1 59 01 01 91 51 Nicki 1000 50 50 50 75 50 1r 77 Am 11 Mas 4050 527 271 27 29 26 Andre $38 stII 31 qu gII RKP 173 2I 14I 210 gape 2299 322 WI 2m 2m MIIIchIIII moo II II II H11 II III Systems 760 490 470 490 20 495 170 TD Realty 5916 524 233 24 261 211 A116 CT 160 527 27 27 21 23 CI 660 III IIIII 22 Iap 350 310 325 325 71325 Matgmi 1050 511 ll 11 11 15 11 29 301 261 GN km 5100 126 125 125 165 110 Ad Ang 211 10 31 35 352 30 Carma AP 3300 $9 am 1500 27 25 25 43 23 91 51 6196110 100 5101 101 1111 101 ET D12 3153 II 31 gIlIn Carrier JD 500 110 105 105 165 105 Litep 640 360 60 60 11 62 if 35°33 thill 271 275 11 4771 tto Amhes II ZIII $6M GIIIII GIIII 70 IIIIII 38551111 14612 38 91 Gt West 3650 275 251 260 15 320 220 McLaghIn 2500 551 51 51 71 90 Talcorp 000 50s 85 17 12 AqIIIIaIIIII 2n SIG ISII IIIII7 III III Celancse 5515 300 291 300 +5 390 291 Goose 911 1300 5107 1011 101 12 102 Melcor 5700 37 77 20 Tambiyn 175 $24 24 24 30 19 Argo 540 II II1 311 Ceianes 2700 511 101 11 111 91 Greyhnd 2100 55 55 55 70 30 Mentor 9000 320 310 315 300 116 T5 300 511 57 19 15 TORONTO CP5°d b°nd gs IIIIIII II I20 33 33 iIII SI Celan 175 260 510 101 1011 191 161 Greyhnd 0914 51711 17 17 101 16 Mercantil 9249 5111 111 111 16 111 Tec C01 2440 35 574 51 31 79400 mm for October 141 1977 with of er AIIIIIS II III IIII III IIIII III III III 291 C11 Eat 160 5121 121 1211 141 10 Guard Cap 210 375 375 375 375 305 Meriand 01650 5711 61 711375 190 C01 3157 455 15 5711430 SPJ yeld 99 by 00mm Argus pr 20 5111 12 II And 2050 I355 54 54 Gulf Can 12637 327 26 26 29 24 M91 sir 57p 101 3151 151 151 12 1517 731 Teledyne 30 35 570 7150 securles Lmted ASIIIIIIIIII m5 SIIII IIII IIIIIII III IIII gï¬giriglonm £37 63 51365 Guiistrem 63576 40 37 19 54 25 Mel Trust 549 26 26 26 I1 26 197 IgexSO 490° +2 57 CANADA ha II II1 05 290 Midcon 250 130 130 ex Can 5930 53111 30 31 +1 321 241 1As Yel mu 73G 2IIIII III1 Chib Kay 4000 71 15 Mindamr 14000 133 Texaco 771 23 549 49 49 52 41 41 Sept 103 0325 0375 000 IIISIIIand pr I00 328 IIII 28 2III 87197011 11075 $147 14Iz 1412 is 101 Mindusiri 550 851 512 512+ 60 51 Texasgul 7790 $22 215 215 331 212 51 May 190 7525 7575 8141 ASOC POW IIZIIII 90 IIII 90 +7 53 Chic aln 1840 $64 642 6412 511I Min Res 910 142 175 131 Texasgult 100 $44 44 44 58 44 612 Oct 195 8000 8050 8165 A100 17295 515 550° 03 98 03 04 Halifax 700 16 MOW 500 310 02 12 Thd cm 200 30 3° 3° 3° 27 CNR 11 11 13 Ch 162 162 200 151 A11 op 1000 31 31 31 +1 43 29 0er3C0 205 2001 200 200 22 Hambro 7256 551 51 51 51295 050 W99 61 51 1871 2° 5° 50 Feb 81 89 963 755 AIIaS Yk 5000 II II II I8 III rys er 8275 $18 17 74 IN 22 15 Group 2050 300 290 300 I5 350 25 Mon nv 600 51 512 512 lI 61 Thom Ind 925 329 274 2774 34 30 514 Jan l85 87125 3775 300 ur1c Res 3000 21 21 21 +1 32 101 200 Ham lr 200 5221 2211 221 221 151 M0 In Th°m 800 12 oct H7 78 75 813 IIIII IIIIIII II III III IZII III III III III 1520 31 I11 I9 I1 IIIIIII TI III I25 IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII III Mona 500 50 50 55 Thom pr 350 543 43 43 441 371 PlioylhclAL III SugaI III In ZIIII III 29 Ciy SatI 101 000 5111 12 12 121 10 and hm I00 VII 7III 7III III IIII Monenco 1500 571 51 Tombill 4400 39 361 30 +1 59 33 Alta 771 06 1531 9275 93175 865 III Sugar III II III IIII1 Coch 11111 44100 56 43 56 12 56 26 Hardeo 7800 79 75 75 75 M11 Trust 9110 13 13 13 14 101 10 C111 1000 $6 57 531 415 BCaEec A08 156 7800 7900 835 HP Can 16336 5111 13 131+ 141 01 EMLPL Hard irp 5275 290 291 205 495 2110 Moori 29174 $287 211 2011 371 201 T°rom°m 600 275 255 265 35 235 MT Aug 92 00 00 899 Hamsier 7050 5131 121 121 15 91 coc 500 3537333 Hard rp 200 2115 205 205 450 200 87 25 24 Bk 16 16 19 NB Mar 196 8600 00 923 Bank BC IOIIG SIIIIII 28 29 II IIIIII ZOI om 9500 Al 10 Harlequm anus 22 ZIIII 22 III 22III IIII Mun AC 4557 415 400 400 425 245 Torstar 1225 $l21 117 1171 711 1614 111 Nfld Sep 192 995010050 806 Bank IIII IIIsz GI IsIII IGIII III I33 30135 Book 1077I 5141 IIi 1I flII HarIIIS II IIIIII 36536573st I5 IIIIIIazs Murphy 4300 87 8II 83 I0 Total Pet 8198 $81 81 81 511 107 51 NSco 71 Mar 191 8600 8700 893 Hk Mil 2549211 32 24 comb Me 759 Wood 3500 75 75 75 110 60 CW 1000 05 05 05 +5 120 60 Tm 2050 95 22 on Apr 15 00 9300 785 Bank IIIII IIIIII III III II 22II IIII Comm 270 531 301 293 IIIIwIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII III III ISO Mme 6600 99 95 95 I69 90 Toii Pet 000 320 310 310 10 460 170 On 101 May 2100 1060010700 943 Banker I390 175 60 it II 237 21311 Comma 6550 szgiI 231 29 291I 251I Hawker pr 27 66 64 6611 I2 11 661 57I NaChrs 5150 61 61 71 TrfldElS 4270 16111 16311 534 18 1439 oan Sept 1597 9175 9275 905 71 Na 90 131 31 131 gm Cap 28 5340 Hayes 4414 551 51 Nat Drug 600 57 Trade 42 125 555 55 55 +1 56 47 QueH 93 July 2996 9190 9200 957 Bar 4000 Nat Sea 100 591 91 91 +1 121 11 11 IIIIIIIIIIII IIIII JITII $35 IIII3II IIg mm 200 3231 231 231 231 111 LfIIImIIgfl 23 II nus 225 351 WI Trade 101 000 5117 1111 111 1251 101 MetTor 91 Sep 1592 9375 9475 902 Compr Ap 725 5121 121 1211 11 111 Name 32m 204 I9 I97 Trade 712 155 345 45 45 451 33 CORPORATES Hgirhrsiï¬xppl 4110 $18181 is 11231 is 2°°°h 31° 30 325 275 11 $37 101 €22 Nconix 4110 2115 203 203 +i l83 Trad 79 635 57 355 we Aug 95 10800 10900 026 IIIIIII IIIIIIS I00 II II II ggzdaugigsA 41718030750 1965I 735 47 32151 Howdn DH IIIIII IIIII II II III IIII my 91 91 20 17 rcc 55 300 425 425 425 420 glegISIItIleI III May 153599 iItIJISIgos 13620205133 geld 84 6685 511 Con Bath 2270 5227 2112 2111 2911 21 Bay mi 71 97 gthevnusc 8121 Tlrnsaltldt is 67713 131 73412339l 172 5815 01180 116 ï¬n 95 10510013750 871 IISIIIgBaIIIId IIIIIIlIlIiIUSISIIaI 537 IIISI I1 61 Con Bath 975 5171 1711 171 101 151 Hug Bayc K910 9700 I9 10 Transair 1000 145 145 145 105 120 ConsGas 811 Oct 1593 92175 9375 939 56 46 Bath 69 2250 475 470 47 40 Hell pr 203 5531 521 521 471 HB 011 Gas 10500 5427 421 411 421 371 vad 00 23 TC PL 3056 65 co may 95 070010800 990 Con Bldg 22350 330 320 325 330 215 TrCan pr 32 5041 941 041 901 76 EatnAcc 1071 Jan 95 10175 1027510108 P7 533 533 53 562 47 Con Fardy 11226 252 244 249 375 225 we 20 TrCan pr 1315 5371 371 371 301 32 internHch 71 June91 9425 95 25 924 Bell pr 400 5301 29 001 301 251 Durham 24500 79 75 79 II 99 III pr 1211 5101 101 101 11 101 uw cNYorkOil 44536 140 117 140 14 159 05 Trc 330 50 54 40 ImplOil 91 Feb1595 10275 10325 936 Bell IDI pr $551 551 551 57 4311 Marben 40500 95 95 I5 I06 50 Husky Oil 14659 920 25 26 111 l9 Newco Fin 250 5242 24 24 25 14 Trcan 100 357 57 57 571 5312 Molsnlnd Nov 19l 90 50 9150 35 1211 529 2911 29 297 26 Mons 9700 125 122 124 172 120 HUSKY PF 216 91 391 311 40 33 Newconx 200 350 350 350 20 430 350 Treco Inc 700 400 400 400 +5 51 325 Seagrms 10711 June 95 107400 10800 991 BSIIICL $3th ZgIn 234 239 20 Cons Pipe 450 $51I 51J 51I 612470 nuzky ii my I1 IEZi Il 121 lNIfld LP 450 5152 54 154 gt 31 15 12 Trimac 1600 310N 012 101 5II 123 51 TorEatnC 10 Apr 100 10150 102I00 973 III 67m £92 50 PgIoi 1946506 I52 I1 276 11 55 IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIf IflII7I $311975 3I6I0 3222731 227 227I1I III 25 2371 Trimac 912 200 5261 262 26 27 26 UnGas 1111 Sep 1595 10000 10900 1027 in er to 11151 11 I200 SIS Rexspar 75 mo 3111219 316 16 16 101 141 erd Te 005 750 5211 211 211 221 211 $7lnmaghivlv l22110 17 50 150 1g 327 WSICTNXWISB Apr 9100 92 00 50 Hlakuod 2500 315 315 315 425 275 Temp 2125 200 205 AC 100 3671 611 178 60 571 Ncwnor 1000 42 42 42 Trizec Cr 4161 510 10 10 13 91 Emmi 233 53 23 gI I1 271465 Con Distrb 30150 375 345 355 15 375 270 mmfd égiwsnf HIM I95 7500 11 IS 10 Trizec wp 4035 62 62 11 25 5m 9+ Cons Gas 36407 5157 751 751 I4 pr L1 82 Noble 27500 72 67 68 85 35 33131ch 116506 21g 23 231 21 203 75 75 75 £5 gcngn 1313 jg IfI1II2 IgIzI1I1 Nor Acme 15110 12 1o 12 +2 12 73335 $153 12 13 311213 mOSt actlve Con Gas 2200 II Iloraindil 32680 824 23 23 4J How Valy 42410 $191 19 191 2412 16 con Glass 200143 133 imasca 12515 5201 272111 201 24 Norbasku 7100 25 23 23 77 111 83235 9733 51 22 22g gowIm I7 210 $3 35 35 321 Comrm 12822 235 210 235 I0 290 lmascu 1200 150 350 150 15 2175 1130 NIorcan 4110167 5141 131 137 141 101 mean 300 170 166 165 190 135 By The Canadian Press or es 3020 483 475 473 20 52 290 conwesi 2400 300 170 370 10 51306 45 Mme 400 320 19 23 19 Unicor 232 100 100 100 135 101 ThiSWk Hramaiea 30021 561 61 I61 Cooper 400 42 420 20 SLIM Imp 011 92 $I9I 171 23 111 Nonn 150 5075 523 23 257 231 111 UnAcchl 220 543 43 43 45 411 d8 Iii71977311 gramedaA 11306 BI 12I 11I +3 778 105 Copeland 9500 72 63 72 15 50 OH ll6l SIlJI lJ I19I1 lI I2lI11 19 Nordair l300 440 430 440 20 5l120 Un Calde 383 31311 1812 7817 191 161 INDUSTRIALS rascanI 22424 513 13 13 14 11 Cop Fields 2900 200 200 2011 13 245 165 079 00 13 UGas 23315 5101 10 101 101 01 S°€1 V11111111H111h LowfloseChstflishLow grscrIiI 0I 1050 522 27I 27 281 241 Corby 122 5211 20 1I l7 30 SUI1 III Zl tl 34 20 NoIrmick 1100 365 350 350 25 400 275 U639 51 625 5351 351 3512 3512 301 Now 3an 480167 5141 131 131 112 103 BiIeéigéiri 2713173 5I igII 111 12 Corby 15 511 IrI1III11IlmIII 31122240 IHII I173 IiIi MI Oils 500 591 01 01 1111 77 116111 pr 300 5371 3711 371 +1 39 321 R°Y 106752 325 25 25H 28511 2231 III 10 7I2 Cornet 1nd 1209 351 51I 1I Im II 11 IIJI NIL pr 100 $42 42 42 42 37 UGas 301 950 24 24 24 iII 25 21 Cdn PBC 99015 $18 1714 1713 711 1913 16 rig 50 Coseka 529 71 WI mm n91 110 510 10 10 11 91 19111 Tel 30497 5201 27 27 19 351 267 111 on 5150 5121 111 121 121 Rothmn 2nd 90050 516 161 162+ 1611 141 Brtnco 11076 423 410 425 +10 450 375 Coslain 5150 WI III 4m inland 1115 11990 $ii 10 ltJ ll Jt NTecm 5925 310 91 911l11 Canso 12090 33 751 72 37 lmpl OilclA 92960 $191 137II 19 231 137 BCFP 4753 5201 20 201 2612 20 3051 I700 305 29 29 IIIIIIII inlnd 10p 250 30 10 30 101 27 Norlhgat 6570 450 440 440 15 611415 11 Co 360 30 10 MINES BClP pr 315 5391 391 391 401 34 Cour 225 Inter Guy 6450 $71 71 71 71 Norihld 3000 lo 10 10 11 131 Kane 39 31 Woodsr Mrl 13202000 57 606 0957H BC Pack 1200 531 31 31 33 191 Crajgml mo WI inter 1100 5171 171 171 171 14 NW 11111 260 540 40 40 50 43 Reef 80 15 11 Pamour Por 02950 551465 51 +421 51 205 BC Phone 5970 51311 13 1311+ 15 121 cm in inter I7 615 $19 19 19 15 NS Savniis 450 315 15 15 154 111 Siscoe 0402 571 61 07 07 Wk CHSG 70320 250 235 +442 250153 Bth 41 125 57 57 57 57 49 Creslbrk 1350 390 III 450 IHII Inter 1200 423 403 425 490 335 Nowsco 3529 5264 252 26 261 16 Un wburn 500 3312 31 12 91I 61 Willry Mns 68798 210 187 205 +24 210 96 BCPh 41 750 $58 57 57 602 5112 Crwn Life 550 34 45 a5 50 42 int Div 400 1115 133 1215 155 ll NurWsl 3130 517 iii 162 17 10 111 wsm 014400 47 44 44 +2 57 232 BUlOFB Corp 53000 52 14 BCPh 1956 100 $57 57 57 60 52 Crown BI on 23 22 Hi 23 2II lnlrmoico 3200 36s 61 71 Nudluma 4500 23 22 23 +2 33 12 Univ Gas 63100 33 OILS Bcph 013 3157 151I 15 162 WI ZeIIba 200 III IIII IIIII I7I 111M 667 52113 276 202 12 101 2551 Nutort Ros 7333 12 12 12 25 14 SecIIons 3700 IIIII IIII 521z II 307 Amer EgiP 990530 199 156 l90+32 199IIII Bcph 21 13 63 MAI 522 65 54 Crow Nos 6m 75 75 75 25 75 36 int Mogul 1704 335 105 2115 10 365 210 Numac 11620 51111 1111 1111 141 97 UPI Can 5700 220 95 20 220 TrnsC Resr 623000 120 70 120 +39 120 53 BCPh 31 160 $71 71 71 71 73 52 Crush 600 II 10 Mogul 1350 512 l2t lli l3 UPI 200 $7 731 714 11 82 475 vs San 500 450 450 450 365 Can NrwstL H7974 $10511 3711 10 +1 10511 579 Egg IfIiIIIIPr ZIISIII IZII I5 Cuvier 37400 65 42 60 20 90 36 3401131 1211 837 36 32 35° 35 20 Van Der 900 300 300 300 10 325 220 Cans We 090 405 420 10 55 22 350 81 ricn 154 144 144 +6 164 104 Oakw Peiro 221762 360 320 30 BCP 704 1130 5231 2311 231 231 191 lpscoI 10544 517 17 171 1111 111 Oceanus 2470 66 55 66 00 49 venpower 3800 92 70 85 92 36 10 360 BCP 1016 3150 529 29 29 301 2714 lnv Ornup 423 57 71 74 Ocelot 3200 Sii2 il ii2 12 BCP 232 1370 51112 301 311 11 321 271 lnv cm 170110 71 71 71 71 61 Ocelot 34015 5111 111 1111 121 71 Broul Reef 5200 30 27 28 12 31 19 II lnv Grp 1520 316 15 16 16 137 kanagan 200 $912 917 17 101 Brunswk 0100 365 350 350 15 61 350 DRG Ltd 1330 410 440 450 51440 iron Hay 900 56 51 51 61 51 Orchan 11400 105 160 105 13 265 160 13111 Auto 3125 57 5121 DaleR 300 5111 10 101 101 01 lrw1n 1115 320 300 300 15 3711 105 Orlando 550 5131 11 131 131 1051 guild Acw I52175 100 170 190 220 140 goon Rev 17719150 127 137 71 11I 430 island Tel 300 514 14 14 141 111 Oshawa 29057 405 465 405 45 55 390 um or 1000 512 112 41 aon 61 lSO 1750 101 101 101 150 95 Oshawa 11050 21 12 Burns Fds 5110 5111 12 111 11 Daiiine 550 551 51 11 71390 lvaco 1430 56 712 511 sisko 17200 17 16 16 33 121 Bushnell 100 57 71 51 Debhld 15 $69 692 69 70 511 lvaco 11115 010 5401 4111 4011 501 401 Oxford 4100 5141 131 137 17 141 11l Decca 13050 591 05 07 91 Jannock 3275 510 91 91 101 01 Eldooa 34733 67 62 61 +3 92 50 Jannnck 11 4143 591 91 111 111 Beuii PIaIcd 1615205 I9 17 Jannock 4204 5141 141 141 141 13 cc Yachts 56 I8 32 82 82 Jannock 4049 231 227 227 2110 150 CM 6I°3 LESOULOI 303 l5 303 Denison 13796 55712 511 52 11 611 461 Jorex Ltd 54350 21 25 25 30 10 Pac Caper 29100 235 291 201 29 310 95 By THE CANADIAN Ilthb laulinelli Brazil agriculture minister said CFCN 265 51112 11 1112 14 BFIMII 46555 57 65 T2355 Jouicl 200 I6 51 19 Pac Nth 5700 355 350 350 410 200 anadan flee dmlkers are like 15 In TOPOMO that Brale longer has the 533 I13 82 01 81 DIScheg 1511330011511 104 I1 ï¬gmchIIflItIra 3172 III IIfIxIï¬u for Nth 01 200 519 191 19 191 161 potting less during the nexttew weeks butIin ca ability of building up large inventories of CEI For I1 3315 ggII IgII IlIgIL 32 77 200 WI KIIIIS TIIIII 30025 I37 I20 I20 II III III £20093 23 dlIcationsare that the 15centcup of coffee isa co fee that held down world prices for many Ca Pow 250 mu 35I 33 33 Damn 13400 551 5I1 I1 611 Keen Ilnd 3050 65 56 56 139 40 Pafoma 400 561z 71230 tthOf mePaSL yealS gaI 30 52 52 52 53 WI 333 Pm 31 15 27 5II5I7I7 370 liIlI igI 171 Pamour 02950 551465 51 42 51205 The fact was brought home to Canadians As well Brazil has become major C2 53 33 33 32 Bridge 19452 321 20 2011 2411 101 Kelsiy 725 5111 III II II IIII IZII zzcacneng £22033 24II5II 211II5III II ItIifIII gIII dunIng theIlastweekwhenav1s1tingBraz1110n producer ofI other crops particularly c3 71 255 399 99 99 103 Ciirs 100 57 01 Kerr 22401 3111 121 11 16 121 Pango old 4000 30 27 30 +5 43 17 08111119111110151 warned that 61975 mffee soybeans1 WhCh many Pr°ducers favor over Cal 10 1055113 112 1121 11 115 107 I13E1xpmA 15070 35 41 new 72 25 70 346 51 51 51 11 2° pnces mun rewm °°ffee 31 91 32105772 01I 1305 DoIasco 11001r 521 22 22 2I7I I261 Knitter 2050 56I 6I 61 455 Pe Hen 4100 3911 375 375 lo 415 270 In the meantime two major wholesalers In other major economic developments Cal 975 10051121110 110 21 113 1041 77 055 75 35 35 45° 29 Gener Foods Ltd and Standard Brands til Cal 236 0450 530 2912 291 30 26 Scotwh 100 8211 2111 2111 291 251 L11 Luz 200 561 61 62 Pemblna 2000 460 445 460 lo 495 300 as wee 1I 195307 106 WI I06 30 Store 11475 517I 161 16 1I 17I 14 Labatt 6551 519 101 111 l9z 101 Penningin 200 591 71 Food Co drop their wholesale pncï¬ on In Quebec Charles Moreau director of galI Pow 51665 55 77 nonfat 267380 sIfI I211 II IgI IgI 32111 I72 lIgI 131 IIg 52 Dept 2050 55I1 5I 51 71 400 both grounds instant coffees These moves the lnsuranceBureau oIiCanada warned that Ci1nririleB 255250 297 2970J 212 21 223 00m P1 144 $12 121 121 1311 11 Lacana 5400 425 400 420 20 511 340 SeilrmiliaA 53171 171 177131 121 are exmted to be refleaedlnlower prices to many Quebecers face higher premiums the Calvert 43500 20 I7 I7 20 IO Donlee 700 I5IZ 751 I511 14 157I gI Laidlaw 70 3312 512 71I 70 611 Petrol moo 299 277 281 18 315 coffee prOVlnceS proposed Stalemn lofault insur Cam MW 6500 WI WI IIII 53 IIOLI 3ng gr 415133 IIZI 717311 giI sIsIsII 5I1 51 61 51 Peyto Oils 241126 501 01 01 11 91 440 The recent trend has been to worldwide anceplanisimpiemented 0w 381321 333161 38 II 421293 Dunraie 1333 11 111m Cem 11200 1151l1l1 3110 atlsill lall ShilliIOpsEilgb 53 5731 271 27 221 dmp flee pncw although Larry cross Iqolwwanthe Canada Mamfacmrers Camp RL 2365 mu 35 3M III II 23 Du Pont 1510 5131 111 111 151 121 Shnri 3750 270 245 260 10 270 195 11 Crow 120 manI0ntar10m1n1terofconsumerandcqm Assocmtion said inabrief to the government gampau 11417 55 511 51 370 uw cDusibane 200 56 51 61 pm pm 615 3301 302 301 31 291 merelal relations is unhappy With the SWlfl that Since 1970 about 250000 jobs have been 11 391 1r Pitts 900 61 +1 01 425 pee 19135 381 31 II km 133 $1 Laurasia 11750 30 15 30 12 63 34 Place 30600 110 02 60 +4 70 40 ness ththe mdï¬lgémiï¬mmgpmlvmcznn mm the manUfaCtunng Indus because Can Cem 569 517 161 17 17 131 Dynamar 1954 01 00 00 95 19 18 Pin 1275 $7711 72 Placer 11706 5191 101 10141 231 1711 He as as era canada 35 compeltwe abroad than at CDC pr 4696 $105 704iz 705 loer 991I ELL Fm 7650 70 lot 51N tau Fn 64 100 52 l52 IS 16 14 Plysr 840 8600 326314 2551 2614 11 27 2434 board to at Niall coffee prlca COm homeI giiiII Max II 1254 526 20 262 261 171 EL Fin 3025 124 105 105 17 160 20 II 233 IgzI 23 37 zg gomdmx 650 43 75 Flaming that Prices in the Ulmed States are In Uranium City SaSk1 the Chamber Of or ca 17974 10=11 011 101 +1 1011 51 East Mai 26113 350 330 340 20 350 166 on 4°00 05 00 00 05 55 si nificantl lower thaninToronto Comm 1hr 15 hnd he Pakrs 63115 5201 201 2011 201 16 East Sui 1040 116 110 110 145 91 32 25 20 455 85 Pop Shop11 5977 57 714 445 ce few 5UP Pow Corp 4330 501 01 011m 10 71 m0 953353 aï¬Ã©hgalggeï¬grgoï¬iggï¬ ripozgd IuraniuiIlIiI deteItIe opment Iat Cluii Pow 41 212 5101 3011 301 31 2713 miessou ecommuni EgydOCF IIizIIIIO IItIfiuIIIthzIthIs 223 03 was stil 50 per cent higher than in New York In Vancouver Fred SpokeI portmanagerI Prairie 01 29950 5101 161 10 11 101 07 sme alerted thattlamc the vancouvfl port Precamb 4500 113 01 01 14 103 45 LACKISCAPABILIITY w1ltotal47milliontonsthlsyeartoppingthe Ere $39wa 321 5171 sign21 Endingafiveuty tour of Canada Allysson record 0142 million tonsset in 1973 re r9 yRetraite 54 xcm 591 NW rou Preston 3130 8127 1212 12 15 211 TORONTO CP Recent prices of investment 5° IIII nCova M0 1011 Canadian 129 grce C0 3333 I331 311 at row llesjardins in Equity 699 rov1go funds supplied by The InvestmentFunds Institute of II111cIome I532 yCanadIlIlin 733 GrowiaI 404 gm iLIIICIzIm 3722525122 12201 12qu III 121 iIgIu av ngII lives rr yflypot eq xOne 111311 Lanada Friday hey are the net 3559 Value 411151111111 925 y1n1ern111n1 71112 xOppenhmr 151 0181 P1 71 71 57 ByTHECANADlANPRESS termediaries into shortterm securities such share or unit NAVPS last calculated by the fund in Canadian 14 yotiligains 14 II Que Man 1000 36 36 36 +3 46 13 Iock Is 11 Fund 504 yQucbcc 305 I5 Que Sturg 50600 125 109 120 17 125 02 0110 maJOIlI mar Pea as treasury bills The Dow Jones record low accordance With its pricmg practice as contained in Retiremnt 654 1191 211 IIc IV ggg item 111100 512 ion 1111 11 1351420 depressed by an ailingeconomy suffered fur onThursday 531317 the prospectus of the fund nnO sales charge PPï¬ 15W chlii 02 291 3570 27 ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬ 332 thersetbackslhisweek xUS Fund ydelaycd NAVPS exexdividcnd 8531513 M111 133 33371 Kéiï¬ups ii P111111 112311191 52 71 77 71 110 77 P$1mlstlcaccouqtsofunemploymentand AfISTiIIVllYISLmIvIEi IIII 111 11 Inc 1153 PAW Headers 400 5131 1311 131 141 11 inflation coupled with uncertamty over the 0m ere compu erI rea Iown yfloyljund 5177 internainl 1352 111119 iroup Heaiiy 900 57 57 57 90 40 future of economic controlsI weighed heavily at the stock exchange slowed trading act1v1ty mm Myin Inc 5116 yDomln Comp 001 yBond 1110 Heaiiy i1 2400 57 57 57 100 25 oninvestorconï¬dence formoremanfourhoumpndayI 161313300 Calvin Bullock Gr GlS income 289 United Group ynExecul Can 6111 yCiinadlan 772 Redpath 2150 $157 15 152 154 13 down tom57atweek1send its IIIIIIItetheIzIlIiIffl IAIIcIroiund erIIth IIIrand 950 yAccumula 362 yum 11 Fund 1519 Redslonc 23500 32 10 30 00 20 And there was little consolation from Wall IlgwgugseIsIncéJunea art mer 915 Ame GIwIII HI CIIIIIIIIIIIC III IIIIIIIIIII II II 7AAIcIIcIuIrIncuIIII 11 erd Trend 1074 yioolscg 32 1151 II ItIsIIIII SI igI III Street where the traditionally trendsettin II riscon Fund 515 nyRR 11 1531 dr Among the four most eav1ywe ted Cdn Gs Egy 1623 0W ones In US 18 in ex 0p II mersy 262 Mutual Inc 448 ytoni M01111 520 nliarvard 079 pm Managmnt 130 50° 3° 11 Within the i4unlt index financm ser Cdn Sec iII 511 Gm 57 Income yum HeIIIIIIII IIPeIIIIIOII MI M5 Reich wt 000 290 295 205 25 1111295 duringtheweektoalowforthe ear 30 PS g2 13 mm WM VS°Y InduMII nXanadu F11 4104 eim 41 Statistics Canada releas figures in V3995 dTOPPed 674l089557 theloweï¬llevel IMP IIIV SIII 506 Nat Res Gth 397 Investors Group yVenture 207 ndugt Ame 252 punflpn Gr Reiiman 2730 513 121 i24 13 912 eating worsening unemployment smce June 13 011 am gas Issues were down thi Equity 7113 323 fnr11wr$tnl gig 7i 405 ing 32 Hem 72 QSFslilic 511133 510 Situation and inflated prices for some con 210 tol21026 and industrial products 197 to 11 us it Growth 11171 11 333 1131 11 171 iii 1111 1210 111 11 1111151 Ws m5 23323 w°°sdm°°°235° 8V9 come lndusi incm 1071 mam 1015 SPAN3 I337 nyLdm GP 988 yMutual 506 Non Members ndust pens 2574 greufnnfl Group II Rio Algom 55112 $2412 23 24 291 229 MmISterJean theuen rejected the Idea Ofa Among the other 10 groups golds were lndln Eaton Group yReliremni 527 Assoc lnv 557 7070 27 49 Riv Yarn 900 400 400 400 400 300 fa bUdgeuosumUIatetheeconom Compound 6410 Commwth 1659 yProvidt Mu 641 yBeaubran 3110 Una zlgse 11 1111111 2720 50 150 150 m7 150 The second anniversary of Cana avswa strongest of the Six that gained wiule tran Dividend Growth 970 yProvidt Stk 479 call Mgmt 11 112 491 Little 200 105 165 165 175 150 rkedt sportation issues were weakest of the four 30 xTec an price con r0 program was ma lS Northn II ncome 400 Planned invest or Goidiund 490 51 16 47 Temple Gth 1172 811 1000 465 445 1350 ted def losers Renal 39 lnternalnl 919 Canada Cum 029 Goldtruat 357 Culi 814 306 Roma 3555 20 194 201 22 16 wee governmep ml Id losed the eek 24 Venture 97 Leverage 476 it PM Hesour 460 1511 41 pom 312 Tr Inada Honyx Cor 2500 156 153 153 105 120 recordssbllionforthecurrentfiscal ear lssuesi J1 00 III Venture 433 aurus 812 yBond 904 111 larch l4l0 504 Roihman 100 $13 13 l3 1171 The slump in New York was attri uted in hi er at 1125844 had staged their blflï¬l Bolton 11 Viking 474 Pret ct Revenu ir Fund 920 Wanna 23 1050 Rolhm 310 500 00 00 00 701 vance on Tuesdayeasasince the ex Equity 535 Guardian ir yAmerican 925 lniernatnl 773 Mal111m Eq 246 Spatial 410 Rolhm 9305 35 1610 18 11 10 14 part to wesz ngrvousness°9r at Chan be amulet the cum 7nd nflncome IIgg Enterprise 05 yCanadien 004 yMortgagc 1039 arlbornugh 5511 Vanguard 042 Rolhmn 2250 57 analysis termed d1smte1mediat1on 8110 8811 118 11 ex 11 ternt GlS Comp 1002 rand 11 504 Capital Grth In in NW yWestern Gth 511 Royal 1151 106752 52514251 251 211 221 ofinvestmentfunds outcwanksandlomerm ona ailybasisinJanuary 1976