orporal ornelis Balk left receives the anadian lrorces Decoration from olonelJ rosman Base ommander TH hilliwack pl Balk who hails from the Netherlands regards Iainswick as his anadian llome received the anard in recognition of 12 years of exemplary duty in the anadian Forces Norma Bagg daughter of Nlr and Mrs liagg of liston counsels trainee at the dut Occupational entre at Edgar She received her secolldal school education at illi ting Memorial High School in lliston anrl in lliiti graduated from the turryear lental Retardation ounscllor Program at ieorgian ollege in Barrie She is emplo ed at the eiitre as Mental Retardation ounsellor in No it Banting Memorial Iliin School ill host ieorgian ollege Ila ltepresentatixes of all programs offered Ilie ollege will he on hand to proide information to interested elementar and secondar school students in the Iiston area In addiv tion there will he manned tllhpltts arid literature prinided ide range of employ ee firms it Premierelect Sterling Lyon stands at the door of the of lice he will soon occupy following the onsenatiu partys in oer the Nlil in the Manitoba prmincial elec tion lon as meeting with Premier lId Schreyer to discuss the details of making the transition to onser atie administration itl lhotol Jason Mattingly signs hank loan agreement that ill illltr him and his fellow third graders to go into the pumpkin business The class ill pa s2 cents interest on the $oo 3i week loan istl Ihotor roaring torch reaching more than 1000 feet into the air helittles Northern sunset following the spectacular rupture of Itkinch natural gas pipeline on the eastern outskirt of North Bay on Wednesday evening The line is the main natural gas connection between Western anada and Southern Ontario Ilowever because of looped line no interruption of service is expected by gas company officials lhotoi The doctor says This compulsion is disease By GC THUSTESON Ml Dear Dr Thosteson If you think the subject of sufficient importance medically will you discuss compulsive gambling in your column have known of two cases and sus ected third all of whom help When person decides to stop gambling what are the com mon withdrawal symptoms and does he suffer regression What is your opinion of Gamblers Anonymous Your answers are so comprehensive that Im sure that many can be helped with both physical and mental problemsIIKB The medical importance of such nonmedical problems is evidenced day in and day out in doctors offices often as the family spinoff from the problems often resulting in real physical ailments You are quite correct the compulsive gambler is caught in trap of his own making and cannot get out by himself It is disease like alcoholism or dope addiction The gamblers family suffers He resorts to embezzlement lying and thievery Many people in jail are there because compulsive gambling paved the road Gamblers Anonymous is an excellent organization which has salvaged many victims Ive mentioned it before Members have been through the mill and know how to ban dlc neWcomers Arrangements are made with creditors for set tlemcnt of debts Theres an auxiliary organization called Gam Anon which helps fami lies of gamblers cope Because it is an emotional problem one couldnt say there are actual withdrawal symp toms as with narcotics or alco hol The gambler learns the folly of his ways and stops No wagering no cards for money no lottery chances the prolife ration of state lotteries poses real problem to the former gambler no racehorse bet ting Gamblers Anonymous chapters are located in most large cities and can be located through telephone book listings Im always happy to mention such organizations which con tribute so much to mental and sometimes even to physical health in an indirect way personally know of someone who gambled heavily for 15 years got himself into finan cial mess and who was saved by Gamblers Anonymous Dear Dr Thosteson After number of years needed sleeping preparation again This time the doctor gave me Dalmane 15 milligram pills and said it was safe sleeping pill The ones had before were barbiturates Does this mean dont have to worry about tak ing too manyMrs PM You certainly DO have to worry about overdosage Stick to your doctors prescribed do sage In fact the lower dosages are recommended where pos sible to prevent dizziness and other side effects that can re sult Dear Dr Thosteson Will exercising help reduce cholesterol and other blood fats3S To some extent but general weight reduction will do more Exercise should be part of that when possible BRIDGE Oswald and Jim Jacoby South plays to make queen to unblock WEST A875 vJIO982 664 +K93 EAST AKQ93 VQ64 0A7 10875 SOUTH Di 102 Both vulnerable West North East South INT Pass 3NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead JV By Oswald St James Jacoby We havent mentioned the code word ARCH for some time stands for Analyze the lead for Review the bidding for Count winners and losers and the all important for How can make my contract South lets West hold the first trick with his jack of hearts wins the second in dummy and undoubtedly notes that East has dropped the letter If he doesnt stop to use that he attacks diamonds East takes his ace and knocks out Souths ace of hearts Now South counts to only eight tricks and needs club finesse for his ninth The finesse loses and so does South He is down one since West cashes two hearts If South counts his tricks early he sees the need for two club tricks and should take an immediate finesse in that suit It loses but since East holds the ace of diamonds West cant get in to cash two hearts and South collects his nine tricks What would happen if West held both the king of clubs and ace of diamonds No play would work and South would have to pay off Canadian reader asks what card you play from dum my The deuce of spades has been opened against your three notrump contract Dum my holds You hold 10 The correct play is the five spot This insures two spade tricks for you If you rise with dummys queen you may only score one trick in the suit daily crossword ACROSS 44 On the ocean 45 Young flower Purchase 47 Greek letter Aromatic seed 49 Tresses Buddy 52 Scraping out 12 Spanish gold 56 Native metal 13 Accustom 57 Boy book 14 Gridder author Jimmy 61 Franklin 15 Ask alms 62 Taboo 16 Viper 63 Bird manure 17 Past 64 Eggs 18 Marina srght 65 Sandwrch 20 Ballots type 22 Gamble 66 Hurled eggs 24 Babylonian at deity 67 Tool 25 Card game pl DOWN 28 Possessrve pronoun Dunks 30 One Ger Animal waste 34 Scriptural can chemical ticle Baseballer 35 Boxes Berra 37 TranSIt coach Call it qurts 38 Spelling Conjunction contest Ger 39 Ships Muck complements Indignation 40 Mental Daring component Bug pl 10 lmportune 4I Slav 1i Brothers 43 Sooner than abbr on U1 at Answer to PreVIous Puzzle 19 Pounds abbr 44 Astronauts 21 Spanish cheer all right 23 Was golded comp Wdi about 46 Custom 24 Bee make 48 King of Judea 25 whole lot 49 Ameca 26 Idea Fr humorist 27 Never contr ver 29 over we 53 Nigerian 3i Nile bird mbesmen 32 Naked 54 River in 33 Weather Russm bureau abbr 55 Chew 35 200 Roman 53 pull 36 Ocean liner 59 Joke abb 60 Compass 42 Barrel abbrl point Ln the examiner Friday Oct 14 1977 17 AStIOG raph Bernice Bede Osol Oct 15 1977 This coming year you will have some extremely interesting ex periences Theyll have great influence upon expanding your outlook and making you wiser more profound person LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Today take care not to be maneuvered into making loan to friend who never returns what he borrows History could repeat itself SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 It will tarnish your image it youre Winthrop THE NEW TV SHOW TH 15 55A60N ARE PRETTY Short Ribs LOVE YOUMARKS ROBOT HOW ABOUT JUST ONE LITTLE KISS 77 am No 5723 jZfi SCHNOOGLE caps HAVE FCTtON THAT Tc RUB our EVERYONE ON TiaS PLANET rumnu WILL ENE YOU THE RDWER Ltzsf too selfserving today Youll chalk up points however if you are equally concerned with pleasing friends SAGITTARIUS Nov 230 21 Unless youre on your guard today there is possibility you could repeat mistake that got you in serious bind before Profit from experience CAPRICORN Doc 22Jon 19 Youd be wise to avoid activities today where you might have to associate with people who make you feel ill at ease No use spoil ing fun day AQUARIUS Jan 20Fob 19 An opportunity may arise today for you to rectify misunderstand ing with an associate Take ad vantage of it THE BEEST THIN65 IVE sEEN 019mm MLTMMUSlIlO SAME TIME TOMORROW BE HIT AT PARTIES CARRY NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 RlCleTICKY tEg lmrPIPPY PiPrY POO YOUR OWN GH TRACK 10 SEE VOUOUT TIL NEXTMONTH CATCHY WHERE DID You LEARN THAT 415 mun Al lHr OKUKODTORE IALKlltle PHARMACHT PISCES Fob 20March 20 Beard the lion in his den today When you confront that which you tear y0u will find it to be but figment of your imagination ARIES March 21Aprll 10 Disappointments are likely today if expectations of what you feel others should do for you are un reasonable Try not to be demanding TAURUS April 20May 20 lel ty of purpose is admirable but sheer stubborness has no redeeming value Today you must be able to distinguish between the two GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Tasks that should be attended to today are apt to be neglected for more pleasurable pursuit Unfor tunately this will mean heavier workload later CANCER Juno 21July 22 To day stay well within your budget Should you splurge beyond your means you could sufter severe case of buyers remorse LEO July 23Aug 22 Things will come easy to you today If you remain calm The more up tight you get the more dif ficulties youre likely to have to contend with VIRGO Aug zitSept 22 Just because you were unsuccessful in past attempt doesnt mean you have to fall again today In similar situation This is new ballgame XX5t FOOD COMMERCIAL AND T561 PATTERN woo SAss rzosors CANr GET EMOTIONAL SESSION WE PLAYED TOO FEW HAPPV GAMES OF WHATS piNOCHLE WRONGjJ SEEM WITH THE USED TO BE BOPVOCALIST WlTH HAVENT THE HEART TO TELL HIM HESdUST BEEN Hfl BY METEOQITE HE now OWES ME THREE MEDITATIONS AND COMPLETE COURSE 1N VOGA no in So vii NDNMUGI HE HAD FOUK HEARS OF lile SUIOOL LATIN Come see our wide selection of 1978 Calendars and Diaries for home office use