Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1977, p. 15

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40 isrticles for sole UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Our Prices are so low its like STEALING Brand new BABY CRIBS complete with mattress full price $5299 Brand new BAR STOOIS $9 HEADBOARDS 20 COLOR factory fresh cartons $397 wily rent to own pc COFFEE TABLE SET $89 factory fresh cartons DeeItIe sise MATTRESS 54 LIV NO ROOM SUITE $I39 loose ceshiens NO MONEY DOWN N0 PAYMENTS TILL JAN 78 We accept CIIARGEX MASTERCIIARGE new STAND UP BOOZE BAR $129 itt BOOKCASE with glass $69 NEW DESKS $89 HAVE GOOD DAY Unclaimed Freight 202 DunIOp St lust west of the Barrie Arena 72642900 Ol4l71921 40 arti les for sale DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE noes esscsitts WINTER COATS SlRLS Ski Jackets Car Coats Dress Coats $18 S29 LADIES Ski Jackets Car Coats and Dress Coats 51935545 CHILDRENS Down filled nylon iackets sizes 814 $18 MENS Full length winter coats sizes 3844 only few left Less than price SCATTER RUGS 27 44 $650 Many colors good quality ROOM SIZE Carpets price OFFICE DESKS $40 and up SMITH CORONA electric typewriter like new $199 DESK AND CHAIR Photo copier bumper pool table deep fryer coffee machine guitar with case stereo Lawn mower set of golf clubs Call Jack 726 3020 or 728 6722 TY PEWRITER Remington electric Very good condition Ideal for student 580 Telephone 726 9983 YARD SALE Saturday October 15 at To 69 Henry Street 1970 Maverick as is wringer washer 10 speed bike knick knacks skates etc 726 66907 GARAGE SALE Saturday October 159 am Old bottles collectibles mini bike sports equipment some iurniture mis cellaneous Highway 93 one mile Cash way Lumber Crown Hill PAIR UNIROYALVSNOVWTIRES E78 14 complete with rims In good condition Telephone 9320 DR APES par geld wifh we aesiaa lined 125 x95 $50 175 x95 $75 One year old excellent condition Telephone 458 9071 aftero pm coloninii RENTALS RENTAUPURCHASE 26 Electrohome per week 5495 20 Toshiba per week 5390 20 RCA XLIOO per week $565 26 Panasonic per week $650 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TIL DECEMBER 77 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE SNOPPINO PLAlA 1321192 GRAMAPHONE with horn very old drop leat tables selection of old clocks brass bed old rifle 1949 Ford running perfect Interested parties only 29 Ross Street after POOL TABLE two sets ivory balls cues accessories Also pair of Lang hockey skates site Telephone 726 9283 alters BASEMENT SALE Saturday October Is 47 Downsview Drive side door to l04 items for all interesi toys washer dresser drapes sewing machine miscellaneous and lots more for fireplace and stove 50 lb bag $4 350 lb bags $10 Weekday and Saturday sales Dealer inquiries invited regarding 10 lb bags OLDE KING COAL BEETO ONT Phone 4167292654 or 7054359481 Were lo the yellow pages 014 1971 METEOR STATION WAGON good running new tires brakes and shocks was certified March 19773550 Propane space heater with Ian s45 Hi Ii 65 Clothes Dryer $45 Small Chrome Table S20 Electric mangle ironer Slo Set at lamps $10 Plug in heater $10 Fireplace screen $10 424 5570 RCA XLIOO NEW COLOR 100 solid state fully automatic $497 cash or $450 weekly on rent to own Starting January 1978 No money down Phone tonight deliver tonight 726 2900 Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlap Street West Just west of the Barrie Arena SANYO 26NCH NEW COLOR 100 solid state fully automatic $527 cash or $4 50 weekly on rent to own Starting January 1978 No money down Phone tonight deliver tonight 726 2900 Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlap Street West Just west of the Barrie Arena $6 PER WEEK Buys beautiful 26 RCA xuoo colour Spanish to the floor console television Automatic colour automatic fine tuning No money down No payments until December Phone tonight delivery im nut RELIYS Barrie Plan 72171182 NI WOOD STOVES CANADIAN STEPSTOVE Cid VERMONT DOWNDRAFTER Airtight stoves for more ef ficient combustion Phone 7266886 Jim Kenny MWF N14 lHREE CUSHION Chesterlield and Chair to match two end tables wringer washer old type drawer dresser All in good condition Telephone 424 9512 GARAGE SALE Wringer washer com plete double bed chesierlield suite numerous other values large and small Saturday October 15 10 24 Shannon St Barrie AUTOMATIC WASHER DRYER stove fridge and treeler for sale All in good condition Telephone 728 6627 GARAGE SALE Saturday October 15 at 28 Virgllwood Cr from to Phone 726 3481 $200 BUYS MATCHING box spring with regular purchase of Beverly Dreamrest 540 coll mattress Free delivery Barrie Mattress Factory is Dunlap St East downtown Barrie 9977 FIREWOOD Mixed upllt hardwood $35 face cord delivered 530 picked up INSTANT SNADE GARDEN CENTRE RR NO IARRIE 726001 N14 54 Radio AM FM AC DC $10 TV por fry pan 55 Birdcage 52 TV pole $2 ADAIR VOLUME SALES 723 3779 IMism NEWFOUNDLAND SeuthofDenlopSt PRODUCE Hard bread sweet bread salt cod 01214 caplIn rounders partridge berries balre apples etc Goulds Groceleria 9th Line 25th Sideroad lnnislil Township 40 articles for sale REPOSSESSED 26 RCA XLIW carved wood cabinet to the floor Casters total automatic color Illuminated channels dlgltal UHF Instant on Take over payments of $29 per month Phone tonight delivery tonighi Where else RRAIY RELLYS IIIIII Phl 7371 02 REVOLVERS AIR PELLET Crosman 38 barrel 22 cal double action with holster Crosman Colt 45 style White staghorn grips 22 cal single action with tie down holster and whom belt Both for $75 436 3669 GARAGE SALE 42 Ottaway Satur day Furniture lamps toys clothing baby carriage two matching outside metal doors tires small appliances washer anddryer N1 CEDAR POSTS4x4lt6x 6Sawdusl pick up or delivered Red Oak lumber Custom log sawing Logs wanted Telephone 726 I922 BASEMENTSALVE Sunday October 16 IO am to pm 65 High Street Some antiques and many other items siT 57 srToTrinOWE WTth tire Chains In good condition Telephone 737 3930 HIGH CHAIR saiiiichén Sink white table 555 Record player $25 Electric 3519 GIANT RCA XLI 00 We have RCA XLIOO selld slate color por files new In crates for only S466 or pay lust $475 weekly on our Reniol Purchase Plan No money clown no payments till December 1977 Phone tonight delivery °I9I RRAlY RELLYS Iarrle Phua 7371181 N3 ONE PIECE SNOWMOBILE SUITS 100 per cent nylon wind and waterproot thermaiquilted Good to 40 below Childs size adults small and medium 550 garden supplies 68 personals CHOICE TOP SOIL Excellent for lawns gardens etc Evening and Satur day delivery Call 726 3928 or 726 1117 RAS PB FE CaFeSTOTWIpl ting regular 35 piece on sale 25c Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2951 52plants and births TROPICAL PLANTS for your home or office etc Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndalepr 726 279756 54service and repair FURNITURE STRIPPING and re tinishing hard and soft woods Reas onable rates Telephone 436 2997 alter pm PATTERSON REPAIR SERVICE AND SALES Hydraulic iacks hand and CP air tools 155 Barrie Rd Orillia at rear of Martin RentAll Phone 3250633 anytime trucks N11 SAVE ON FUEL OIL FURNACE CLEANING EFFICIENCY TESTS the way it ought to be done DE IONG NEATING SUPPLIES 4363430 St Pauls Stroud Space Reuters and Carburetors Repaired Stay with your oil supplier in the oil O7142128 We are not business 56camping equipment 25 FT HOME BUILT motor home all oqmpped ideal buy for ITIITTILIS qoorl buy a153200 or bust alter ihuiii 737 3079 after 30 m9 scoTTMAN Cabin Trail to loot sleeps four weighs 1550 its leisprunin 705 466 5815 57Iivestock for sale TACK SHOP English eqmpleIiii Ger man Sarltllis rind brittlus Rottinsnii Good condition Reasonable 728 4605 GARAGE SALE Saturday Oct 15 at Believue Cres Household articles small appliances Halloween costumes Christ mas decorations used lumber and ply wood Owners leaving country szTanTTRES F7814 glass belted nylon on rims used 4000 miles s25 pair Telephone 737 0859 wooos FREEZER sioo Tractor years snowbiower and grass cutter 51300 Italian collee and end tables Haldwarr310unlup East 728 241 THORSLS BOARDED Cruse to Barrie Well cared for Truck and lldll wiriin Hill Farm 436 8621 ERICK SZIJARTO bltlrkerItir by paintment 705 435 6808 IHORSE TRAILER FOR RENT move your animnlfi 726 3407 Isalivestock wanted to UT will 245 Eclqr liII Drivw sns italian chair s75 Doll carrmqe WAN1 ED flamm twrs rilStlllttl at $15 Doll cradle $10 Baby crib and mat tress $15 Girls winter coat SIIC 515 Rugs Iunderpad51 x12 gold hardtwist $125 15 20 gold plus $300 Kitchen table and chairs 487 2323 HOOVER TWIN TUB WASHER Stereo Both in good condition $75 each tirm Telephone 728 927i seen anytime 424 5997 OARAGE SALE October 15 lo four miles west Highway 90 Household items various other articles rwd CEILING FIXTURES six spoke wooden wheel with amber shades ap proximately 12 inches in diameter were S60 each will sell tor $30 each 726 9036 41 boots motorsw I975 ONTARIO YACHT SAILBOAT Model 032 foot 110 300 400 puund leni after 815 3139 $175 T819900 DEKALB READY vi lay pullnls 59poultrychicks iTYdII Table Also farm trust igq Cr IirI HUIIILV also Poultry Farms riurt 136 1811 I60feedscedgrain I726 2411i 17 ode To be sold under power of sale personal property security act on or about October 31 1977 Written bids to be received at TORONTO DOMINION BANK 320 Bayfield Si BARRIE Ont 0141521 22 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inblflll good condition Asking S350 Tellphoni 424 0905 WINTER STORAGE available boats trailers etc Telephone 458 9060 42 articles wtflted WE BUY All kinds of scrap metal steel copper cast brass etc Boxes available if needed for fac tories Also trucks and cars for wrecking We sell structural steel pipes etc 7372600 027 CASH FOR old furniture books CllShI old pictures clocks odds and ends Pro 1950 items 728 8234 Handyman wil do paintIng paper hrinq ing floor tiling furniture stripping and refinishing Call Paul 737 2875 FRlDGE in good condition left hand hinge preferred but not essential Call 726 1776 or 726 4598 after pm 44dogs and pets BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampumnq and clipping at all breeds Sophln Street East 726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and di livery 726 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 726 0094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR sional enable rates Phone 726 0061 Eon sALE Purebred miniature whiti poodle puppies registered ready to do this weekend Cal1424 1577 FIVE KITTENS to be given away two grey two orange one sandy Telephone 726 5587 or 436 5182 BLUE DOBERMAN pun lor sale good with children live months old male Must sell $150 or best otter Telephone 737 0483 allcr6 30 pm Two SILKY Tov TERRIER Pups months old Reasonable Phone 726 3481 anytime FOR SALE registered male poodles Champayne and Wormed and needled Call 424 9528 PUREBRED POODLE PUP miniature female CKC registered All shots and dewormed $12stirm 424 5997 TWO FEMALE BASSET registered papers years and yearsS10010rpalr Telephonn726 1247 toy whiio home improvements EAVESTROUGNING Clean Your Eavertroughing One Storey Names $1800 Dirty Eavestroughing Causes Problems Book Now Grahams Eavestroughing 7286628 017 5ltrees 9nd shrubs SHADE TREES Now is the lime to select your shade tree We have large selection and small deposit will hold for tall pickup Brays Garden Centre 76 Ferndele Dr 726 2951 RCA NT your white spruce trees now till freeze up All sizes available Free delivery 728 9404 VERY REASONABLE PRICES Shade maple walnut locust Border cedar poplar Evergreens pine spruce Must sell 010 your own and save Call weekends or weekdays alter pm 7269295 black Proles clipping and grooming Reas lVou drink that your husirIiu HOUNDS INT ERMA IONll SEARS KENMORE MICROWAVEICUSTOM CORN LONIHININI tril vin Oven 24 wrde 14 long 15 deep land drying ptiirlllltlljll DlkIllt Mill Cooks 22 lb turkey $800 new Asking Stumgpwde MW 3400 firm In excellent condition one TP iIr year old used about I2 times Can new Jgnfifibw 45x ISlmi in FARM FOR PROFIT SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 7266531 ii 64 farm machinery BROWN AND BELL Form Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Dairy Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7280338 Or 728 6766 TF 67truits vegetables motor A1 condition Asking $1500 Teiephone435 4245afier4 30p purer Matilda ii 17 FOOT SPORTRAY runabout 105 hp VtH rho Wu Chrysler Outboard convertible top ski bar accessories $3000 or best Olftr APPLF IIJl in Telephone 728 89ooafter5pm cesmnn Uri Iilipririvu 7m 7142 BOAT STORAGE inside or CUISIGE 76 3li Sale clean reasonable Reserve now APPL FI ROI Ytl iiV Call728 0915 pirkvrl Bra HMiv It ii FOOT TROUTIIbreglassiIshInq boat HQww Ir Mr Johnson and trailer all ill vtry WWml 68personals FRANKENMOUTII PREXMAS TOUR Dec 10 11 I2 days to the delightful Bavarian town noted IOI Xmas decorations nights hotel BLIVOTIIJIT dinner tour of the town ChrIsl mos concert at St Lorenz church includes the hand bell Choir woodwind chmr deluxe motorcooch suitcase porter service Call now THIS IS VERY POPULAR WEEKEND ESCORTED HAYS TRAVEL 7284700 Ol4H HOLIDAY IN THE SUN At TREASURE ISLAND ST PETERSBURG FLORIDA We have vacancies from October onward Efficiency units from $75 wreck for two persons Plume BOIIIU 72133136erItifouiiulion WThF N30 CRUISES Call us for information on cruises all meals with airfare Inrluded new islands discos dancing Lots of activity if you want Yes weve been on cruise NAYS TRAVEL 7284700 some 014 ALCOHOL ILHAIIUNYMOUS HillGill II it you wanttilquil that sums Cnllany littlt RIDING INSIRUCTIUN lritliirJ Hrlrne intruded Hillrlf Iivi Windy Hailgh Form 7160th hr vim llllnlllt lilVFillerlllnll Serwcrts CIVI Etllllllvll iivoltl SurvrIlliIniI Dltlllll illl lltlll lillllill 737 797 5MONECA p5llyilt InI Irri riilrling counselling Days ilnri IVIIIITTIJ Mimtlil through Tldrly Phoni Hit MIMI BOWLERS WAHH tin Kvmpvirw Bowt Teams DUDII or silIulr Merl ur ladrea for length starting soon Crintnrl Artor Chuck at 728 9761 KEMPVIEW BOWL nIInmliti es the slur ting of mixed league on Sunday night at pm interested bowlers call buck or Art at 728 9761 TELECAPF Why light your problem alone Let Ifllntl help Call Talicare 726 7922 anytime UNWANTEL HAIR removed safely permanently meditally ilppriivud Ly dia Hrinrhuk CPfllIltd Flfflllflllglil 737 2671 YOUR TOMORROW today Tilrnliilrits and tea rup lflflltll Fur Illllllltllllllllll call 728 090 RIDE WANII from Allgll It in lll Barrie Ior li in and to Tfllltll lnytinii alter4 30 Willing ll my lillllllt 4741802 WOULD MR MOORI llll scilttiil teacher pIinai leiIphiiiii Mr Lor kwnmi Illllll at 14161 I12 2419 regarding IE husIIus mathr lisr unfitd Ill Brlyllllfl Mall Lions Hall Everyone welcome For more information call 728 8476 71 help wanted SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age poss medical Then we wont YOU Call Mr Howlett Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 Automatic Screw Machine Setter required Permanent position for qualified person Preferably with dovenport experience Write BOX 481 ORILLIA 19053266361 cu Inik The Board of Commissioners of Police has authorized Earl Snider Chief of Police to receive written applications for the position of Constable Class to bedetermined Applicants must have Grade 13 or equivalent of be physically fit Canadian or British subiect and of good moral character Application forms must be ob 71 help wanted OPEN DANCE or ParentsWItnéutTart ners Saturday October 15 pm Angus SALES Lodies wear chain requires full tlme and parttime employees Experience essential MAMSELLE BAYFIELDMALL 015 WANTED Parttime afternoon and evening help hourly telephone survey Also messengersales delivery person with own transportation Tele phone Mr ONeill 7262030 alter2 pm HOUSEKEEPER TiTveIn for retired gentleman For more details call 7372066 PIANIST ORVSENIOR STUDENT Pianist needed for Sunday morning wor ship service Apply Cundles Heights Church 728 7133 PART TIME HELP wanted Apply Skyline Farms RRVSLBarrieJlo 1512 EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn 314000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 sales helpagents DIRECT SALES PEOPLE needed in Barrie area tor food and freezer ser vices Crew managers and closers need Cd Top commissions paid Wiil train Call collect 416 884 9651 75 trade schools LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS CALL TORONTO 4168649381 01112131424252 76employment wanted CHILD CARE any age my home Goodlellow Schoril area all Line 436 4363 ExPERIENCED DAYCARE available in my home Full or part time Children aged one year and over Constant super vision References available Please call 728 7086 lor more information EXPERIENCED TYPIST will pick up land deliver Essays business letters thesis financial statements Accurate IpUflCanIlOn and spelling Call Mrs Long 728 6157 DAY CARE Will look attér child or lover for company of own three year old Riverwood farm area Telephone 7265549 The cooperation of all residents is appreciated Public Works Superintendent SOpultlic notices ESOpultlic notices 0F 54 its All the 100 $3 °°nAT The Barrie Planning Board will be holding Public Meeting on Oc tober 13 1977 at 700 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall to discuss rezoning application of the Service Commercial C4 and Multiple Family Residential RMI lands located on the north west corner of Blake and Steel Streets to Apartment Residential RM The property consists of 16 acres and currently accommodates the Transmission King automotive repair establishment and residen ce Interested persons are invited to attend or write to express their concerns and opinions JONES SecretaryTreasurer 014 0F 5q A4 $9 VI ti 09 32 DORATTO LEAVES Leaves placed on the boulevard will be picked up by the Public Works Department To maintain drainage and prevent dangerous con ditions please DO NOT place materials other than leaves in the leaf pile for pickup as foreign material will interfere with the operation of the mechanical leaf vacuums ByLaw 2247 prohibits the deposit of refuse on city property Neil Fox CET October 1977 the examiner Friday Oct 14 1971 15 79 auction stiles AUCTION SALE of furniture household con tents Tools miscellaneous some antiques For MR MRS DOUG HALLIDAY to be held WED OCT 19 com at am Located at 103 YONGE ST SOUTH on Highway Ne 11 half mile south of Barrie The undersigned has received Instructions to sell Fridge stove Chesterfield chair piece bedroom suite Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table pedestal parlour table desk wicker chair oak buffet chrome set antique parlour tdoles small china cabinet drawer chest kidney type desk arm chairs wooden roll neck couch antique hsll tree um brella stand old wooden chairs pine fruit cupboard other small tables etc Dishes china miscellaneous dishes oil lamp nic nacs pic tures brass wall plaques radio etc Tools miscellaneous Quantity of hand garden tools forks shovels etc old wooden plane saws small wheel barrow Master Croft lawn mower hand emery etc Partial list Terms Cash no reserves as owners have retired to home and property is sold Management or auctioneer not responsible for public liability or property loss Selling by number cheques with ID VERNON AYRES AuctioneerStroud SCL No 234361922 014 Iqu RI LIABLE Ti RSON required In live in tained in person by applicants at the Police Office 65 Vesprd Street Barrie Ontario NOTICE on Deadline for ZIIISSIIIOLI word ads pm day previous noon Saturday AVOI WHATS NEW iaEténiers Everything At Avon weve iust introduced dazzling choice OI new gifts with something great for every gift IIst Customers love our new Ideas and as on Avon Representative youll love the earnings The Avon opportunity is TENDERYIB wmmq phone dum Sealed tenders Will be recered up to 500 pm ill NOVEMBER 1977 for the supply of 1000 tons of winter sand Tender forms must be obtained from the Township Office Lowest or any tender necessarily accepted DENNIS WILSON Clerk Township of Vespro 7289652 not Commission 170wen St SalesFull Time Borne0m Excellent potential for high commissions in the home In suldtion ITdUily Clean con scientious people required for in 0nd Barrie Leads suppliieI cor necessary Please call sl manager 7286232 III to In around HE80834 TEH on FRIDAY OCTOBER 25 1977 PartTime Clerk Required For EXOInlnET CIrCulDtIon Diaper Basic typing skills mqurred and ability to work With children Nineteen hours per week Please send op plirolion to Circulation Depart merit The Examiner Box 370 Barrio LAM 4T6 TE 6K7 trrient SUPERVISOR Of workers in factory producing he wanted mobile homes preferably familiar with this or similorl operation Steady employment very good benefits required soon Phone 705 4727170 daytime 4746327 evenings or write to PO Box 660 NORTH BAY PlBBI5 015 llJi lN llLJlJiEk llLR nnedid tor lIIllt7Itii tiIiIIIly tilllterTl and your 1111 llllllt Ill CUIKlelIl wit llllllfltllr117ll ill IllVlIIlIiIlrIllOII Apply Bnq iti7 Lillitwulrr iIll 83 JIIO days or Min IlllllvIUlllllt SARIIL UH Surrounding Area llIllI11r111iIIJ rvquitnd th IIIiiissilry part or full llllll wrirk TIILDITOTII 416 89 671 ASSIIIANI HOUSLKT EVER part IlIIlI IXplllftllll only need apply Firmi apply ll pnrsmi In The HOUSI klIDIT Il lllllflilltlilyllIl1BrIfllC MATURE RESPONSIBLE PERSON rll qiiiriii tn IIVL in Mid lilkl river householdl llrllllnIlllllI Also looking alicr two srhuril aged children Most have tlfEIlll$ meli home on lake lllllllflt 728 5975 between ands WANT El 1EAIHF PS and illtyono in IPFIIILI In lriirnilti hilgpipirs 0r drums l0 yIars and ovrr Contact Rick Hillnn 456 387 or Royal Canadian legion 4567511 iFilllIllllf new band ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE and lw landhli rtf inking cart III lady who this had struki Salary plus room and board 726 14261 FULL IIME liliIlIllllliIIIfO person Lx plrIIIICl preferred All company honetits Apply In person to The Holiday Inn BRITII HEAVY DU IY WORK mechanical ex perirncc required Philpott and Richard son Spring Service 726 897i WORK YOUR SPARE HOURS 15 or more week We require ambitious per sons Willi car for Barrie or surrounding RIO GOVERNMENT DE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Repair Leaks over Stores Area at the Mental Health Cen lre Toanche Building PENETANGOnt SEALED TENDERS will be received until 200 pm LOCAL TIME Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Of fice 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V NOTE For further information regarding this Tender please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address telephone no 705 3257403 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Ministry Transportation and UNCLAIMED GOODS Held prior to Oct 18776 will be sold for the cost Of repairs if not claimed by Oct 1877 WIDE AWAKE SHOE REPAIR 38 Mdple Ave 7265999 79 7euction sales AUCTION SALE furniture appliances household articles rugs dishes china lamps silverware an liques collectors items Round oak table chairs buffet rockingchairsetc From the Home of MR GEO WATSON Tobe held SAT OCT 22 Corn at 11 Om Lacated at Lot 13 Con 10 In nisfil Township mile west of Stroud Terms Cash VERNON AYRES Auctioneer RR Stroud O7I4H of Ielldilf 01417 of Communications help wanted and Win Prizes MERRITTHlGHLANDLITTLE AREA DONALDFRANCIS AREA DUCKWORTHEUGENIA AREA ST VINCENTMARION CR AREA CODRINOTONALBERT AREA Please fill out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER 79 auction sales approximately hours 01419 79 auction sales DCS AUCTIONS DCS ANTIQUES FINE FURNITURE LTD ON HWY 89 WEST OF HWY 27 40 MILES NORTH OF TORONTO IN uc rIIl an AI rnrwsrnwxl SUNDAY OCT 16 AT PM PARTIAL LIST ONLY Pc Oak Mahogany Walnut Dining Room Suites Carved Triple Door Armoire Victorian Hallstands in Mahogany Oak Walnut Case Pianos Welsh Pine Servers Several Oak DrawLeaf Dining Tables Various Sets of Oak Dining Chairs Carved Victorian Parlor Chairs Corner Chairs Settees Etc Mahogany Walnut Pine Blanket Chests Large Selection of Lamp Parlor End Coffee Side Tables in Various Woods Oak Leaded Glass Bookcases Oak DropFront Bureau Bookcases Round Pine also Square Oak Dining Tables Heavily Carved Walnut Oak Mirror Hall Servers Variety of Poster Other Style Beds English Armoires in Oak Mahogany some having Matching Washstands Chests Marble Top Tile Back Washstands Parlor Pump Organ Welsh Style Pine Pub Benches Oak GateLeg DropLeaf Tables Various Pine Chests of Drawers Pine Kitchen Harvest Type Tables Dressers In Pine Oak Walnut Mahogany Spinette Desk Pedestal Desks in Various Woods DropFront Desks in Oak Walnut Pine Drysinks Mahogany Walnut China Curio Cabinets Selection or Rocking Chairs including Pressbacks Pine Mahogany Bookcases Pine Ash Washstands Mahogany Corner CUpbOOrL Brass Iron Double Size Bed lorn Cupboards Bentwood Hall Trees Plant Stands in Pine Oak Mahogany Selection of Benches Stools Jug Basin Sets Other quality ChanWClle Bras Cop perware Pub Mirrors Oak Case Other Wall Mantel Clocks Gill Wood Framed Wall Mirrors Overmantel Mirrors Hanging Brass Oil Lamps Various Pictures Prints Etc Etc 014 TERMS CASH CHEQUE CHARGEX PARKING REFRESHMENTS STORAGE DELIVERY AVAILABLE PREVIEW DAY PRIOR TO SALE 10 ALSO HOURS PRIOR TO SALE BIDS MAY BE LEFT AI OFFICE 11 LlNARL TO ATTEND SALE DEREK RICHARD OSBORNE AUCTIONEERS PHONE 7054589116 AUCTION SALE Of farm machinery household furniture and some antiques for MR AND MRS WEENINK BROWNS ANTIQUE AUCTION Our first at the COLLINGWOOD HOLIDAY INN one week from this SUNDAY on OCTOBER 23 at 130 PM Viewing from 271 YONGE ST pm nice mixture of PAINSWICKOIII refinished country pine and Vic Highway 11 torian furnishings Glassware and china Primatives and SATURDAY OCT crockery lamps etc No con pm FARM MACHINERY ITTOCIOI 160 Allis Cholnier 52 HP 1000 running hours WD Allis signments or reserves Length IVAN BROWN Auctioneer Chalmer good running con WAN OIAH dition Seed drill 13 runs New Idea mower ft Cockshuttt EXAMINER side delivery rake Massey WANT ADS iFerguson list $915 of drag PHONE 7282414 hariOWs and ft sections complete Corkshutl manure WA spreoder 40 bushel capacity 71IICIP waned IMassey Ferguson plow pt hitch snow blower Chicken picker no motor show scraper for Allis Cholmer ft cultivator Danis pl hitch wheelbarrows lawninowers grain dryer 12 flat bed trailer ft Massey Ferguson cultivator pull type rolls of snowfencing quathin of steel posls quantity of cedar posts 200 gallon fuel tank 100 gallon oil tank water trough and pig feeder chicken feeders 16 ft gate and 14 ft gate 24 fl aluminum extension ladder Cemenl water trough and hand pump lown furniture wooden Choirs and table household lut nilure automatic washer radio hi fi combination needs repair lreadle sewing machine very good condition record player occasional chair steamer trunk suitcases cast iron sink with tops ANTIQUES Rolllop kitchen cupboard very good condition four wooden chairs solid wooden dining room tables wall mirrors pic ture frames etc solid Cherry wood table small very good condition side board cupboard Austrian Bentwood chairs quantity of storm windows and screens Many more articles too numerous to mention Sole cash or cheque with proper iden tificalion area Can earn to So an hour pho Circulatlon Dept 16 Baylleld St Barrie EARN or Phone 7266539 SW9 XMAS MONEY one 7057284494 Celebrity is looking for homu $2301314 demonstrators to anti jewellery Ex piIiirnii not IiIIIITI as Wi Viilll train Name it easy and its fun up curnnhusiuns paid iitr Ititm vinw 717 0947 MI iimic CLASS required full llnll Wotlhs SITVILI Centre call 7760161 WOMF ANDMF for Kirby salt EX JIEIIIH not lIIt wary Excellent In Illlll potent11 ar iiilessary Call 726 7407 Telephone Age EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414

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