Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Oct 1977, p. 16

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be 01 Margit sale 01 prepertyfer sale BILL IIOCILEY AS BROKER 01 rmmfir sele M2211 PAT MMATII ASS BROKER REPIISENTATIVI £1 property for sale JIM MILES REPRBENIATWI CHOLKAN CO LIMITED Realtor Is pleased to announce the appointment of the above ladies and gentlemen to their sales staff providing over 44 years of combined real estate experience in serving the people of Simcoe County Bill Hockley will be specializing in guaranteed sales and mortgagingl Nora Rivers is an expert in Residential Sales Pat McGrath goes to Management and in charge of training Poppy Wilde is new and eager to provide service Jim Miles looks forward to general sales We welcome these additions to our present staff of Joe Dyson Don Allan Joe Dlrracolo Doug Ferguson Ruth Gibbons Lorna Verstraten Martha Dyson and Margaret Ferguson and not forgetting our efficient secretarial staff of Brenda Green and Darlene Leaf MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD 51 BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL TVIIIOH Latzditlg MIDHURST Open Sat Sun noon til dusk THREE ACRE TREED LOT Just outside Elmvale surveyed permits to build and septic approval OUTSKIRTS OF BARRIE Just off Sunnidale Road year old brick home complete with family room and fireplace huge all steel garageworkshop 36 by 24 feet and many extras Ready for your In spection THREE BEDROOM storey vinyl siding home in Barrie new kit chen cupboards furnace and renovated two years ago very clean home Asking $36900 $41900 bedroom semi on spacious levels vendors are tran sferred and want action True value in this property See It now and make an offer MUST SELL THESE INCOME PROPERTIES So make an offer Two homes rented and on one large lot Highway 11 at Painswick makes this potential winner Asking $53500 for both homes and good terms can be arranged IIB COLLEGE CRESCENT Three bedroom semi bungalow would carry for about $375 monthly with $4000 down payment 25TH SIDEROAD OF INNISFIL Bungalow with aluminum siding sof fits and fascia new broadloom in living and dining rooms full basement and large treed lot $43900 $47500 Four bedroom four level semi backspllt broadloom fireplace rec room walkout to landscaped and fenced yard ALLANDALE HEIGHTS Large bedroom washrooms garage on huge lot $56900 $29900 STARTER SPECIAL Large first mortgage bedrooms minutes to town OWN YOUR OWN BEAUTY SHOP Excellent location try an offer EASTVIEW COLLEGIATE AREA level sldespllt featuring large master bedroom with piece ensuite and walkin closet main level family room garage $52900 LARGE SIDESPLIT Situated in Midhurst on large treed lot bedrooms family room fireplace games room double garage In ground pool Asking $86900 SPOTLESS THREE BEDROOM HOME Large kitchen separate dining room living room large family room sauna bar cold room large garage large landscaped lot Asking $70000 north west of Barrie COUNTRY LIVING Only mile from Barrie on an 80 by 190 ft treed lot located on St Vincent St near the country club this Davies custom storey boasts bedrooms family room plus rec room 2500 sq ft on two floors Ideal for the large family Asking $98900 TWO ADJOINING BUILDING LOTS On Sunnldale Road 100 by 200 mature trees sandy loam only minutes to Bayerld 5t In an area of new executive style homes Builders terms available at$21900 NEW HOME bedroom bungalow attached garage all brick con venient location full basement $49900 25 ACRES Near Moonstone Ideal building site only $25000 1700 SQ FT Unique design bedroom fully broadloomed acre lot beach rights $70000 LARGE RURAL LOT With bedroom home paved drive to single garage big patio around fenced Inground pool Asking $64500 In Vespra INSTITUTIONAL ZONING Large masonry building on one acre cor ner lot Asking $190000 ANGUS low down payment will purchase this bedroom aluminum bungalow Asking $27500 WE MUST SELL beautifully kept bedroom bungalow on the edge of Barrie as the owner has moved Take look and try your offer Asking $31900 LARGE ALL BRICK TWO STOREY HOME With or bedrooms on large lot in Minesing and the price Is right at $43900 HOW WOULD YOU LIKE NICE BRICK BUNGALOW Wlth attached garage on large 70 by 173 ft lot Give us call to view this one NINE ACRES HARDWOOD BUSH In Oro with view beautiful treed rolling hills 10 mortgage asking $26900 Montreal Trus Wellworkhardtoruou 47 lform°ion co laurie Belsey Bedroom Bungalow 10 minutes drive from Barrie large lot 120 250 bargain at $35000 Call Jim Bouchard 7371223 or 7285772 COMMUTER SPECIAL 40 miles from Toronto large storey stone house bedrooms oak floors throughout fireplace In living room large welltread lot Call Jim Bouchard 7371223 or 7285772 ideal Starter or Retirement home bedroom brick bungalow full basement large lot at city limits Hurry call Jim Bouchard 7371223 or7285772 ll GEORGE WORRALLi EALTY LTD 10 DUNLOP ST 7373200 STRATHMORE HOMES OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY OCT 9TH NOON TO PM 248 ANNE ST BARRIE SELECT HOMES IN WOODED SETTING OPRICED FROM $55900 TO $60900 0FOR PERSONAL VIEWING OF THESE HOMES CALL ON SITE SALES OFFICE AT 7264333 OR TUULA DOVER AT 7286398 08 30 OWEN STREET BARRIE ONTARIO 7373000 TAURUS REAL ESTATE LTD REALM ALLANDALE HGTS EXECUTIVE Approx 1800 sq ft of finished living area 20 living rm Ige dining TM 16 Hollywood kitchen with dble glass wo to deck Ige bdr ms Finished fam rm with wall to wall floor to ceiling FP dble glass wo to patio den baths dble garage paved drive Ex BARRIE Y7 ma £53th AN MOVEDMUST SELL FAST I4 year old fUlIy winterized bedroom home on Trent Severn lWaterway near Port Severn 100 Good sandy shoreline year round road access iReduced to $47900 More In nos7562353 TRANSCANADA HIGHWAY IBusy restaurant and service statlon near Waubaushene on way 69 over acres of land leth 600 frontage plenty of lgood water fully equipped at $II0000 Offers Invited Call lEIla Vivian 7055382656 after pm or 7056867800 days or 101 Laurie Belsey at 705756 2353 DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION Cottage Resort in Honey Har bour rental units plus year old living quarters office and store Boats and motors etc Owner must sell now Was $115000 Now $95000 with reasonable down payment For more Information call Laurie Belsey 7057562353 08 DREAMING FOR PENTHOUSE CONDOMINIUM Overlooking Kempenfelt Bay bedrooms baths for only $43900 For appt Phone 7370731 YEAR OLD country home 25 acre lot horse barn many many extras Excep tlonal value Philip Peacock rep Unigroup Inc RE Broker 7281136 oi 7371771 HOME FOR SALE Horseshoe Valley Resort closest house to the hills back lng onto golf course four bedrooms ilv ling room dining room kitchen family groom sauna room two fireplaces twc bath rooms large balcony facing ski hllis WIII sell furnished or unfurnished lnquireatl705 835 5689 SUNNIDALE AREA PRIVATE Brick bedroom sldespllt garage large foyer two bathrooms broadloomed through out fireplace in living room bar In faml Ily room mature trees on fully landscap ed lot $59900 Telephone 726 0570 $45900 New single family homes under con struction well located In the Georgian lcailege area variety of interior colour schemes are available Quality built by Pratt Construction Ltd Telephone 7267972 or7282210 PRIvATE BEDROOM bungalow In laayshore Estate subdivision innlsill IFlreplace recreation room bedrooms In basement Lot size 75 363 Priced $51900 Must sell Telephone 7281632 HOBBY FARM house and barn situated on acres miles from Elmvale on paved road buildings In good condition house has bedrooms with large modern kitchen and separate ldinlng room new piece bath living room and large utility room Asking $48500 Cali Dick Draper rep Torpey Real Estate 7260715 or 7203378 TOWNHOUSE three bedrooms th washrooms fully broadloomed garage Ferris Lane $35000 For sale or rent WCWM 82000 DOWN to one mortgage on this three bedroom brick bungalow close to North Collegiate and public schools Tom Cairns 7280653 ALLANDALE AREA Completely renovated two storey brick home Three bedrooms IV baths living room dining room kitchen and dinette Finished family room and broadloom through out Large lot with private patio and many other extras 51000 down take over 838000 mortgage Owner must move Telephone 726 2738 after 400 BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Country and city living Exclusive slx bedroom farm home on three acres Can lease barn Moving urgent Excellent buy Now 369900 Was $83500 Call 3256744 after 600 please COMPLETE HOME In quiet area rr lrfrbTE lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 01 imperty for sale I01 propertyfer sale NTAR Professionals Since1913 at THANKSGIVING SPECIAL Owner must sell has been transferred to Thunderbay Spotless three bedroom Vs storey with main floor family room large bright kitchen professionally decorated and landscaped Call me for an appointment Jim Cancllla 7371597 $50800 bedroom level sldespllt finished family room with automatic gas fireplace and extra cupboards In the kitchen Call Verna Mullln 7280875 Looking for backspllt with or bedrooms Has kit chen that overlooks family room with fireplace and door to the backyard Call Verna Mullln 7282875 ORO STN Country living with the convenience of store nearby If you like this type of lIfe see this or bedroom bungalow wIth view of Lake Simcoe $66000 Call Verna Mullln 7282875 BE YOUR OWN BOSS man and wife could operate this fast food business In Barrie All equipment Included Call Verna Mullln 7282875 $69900 Near Minesing bedroom sldespllt on 10 acres of treed land ap prox miles from Barrie Call Verna Mullln 7282875 JUST LISTED bedroom insul brick bungalow on large lot in Angus $27500 Call Verna Mullln 7282875 ORO bedroom cottage on lakefront lot electric heat and furnished $50000 Call Verna Mullln 7282875 $46900 RIVERWOOD FARM 1840 sq ft luxury twin home lg bdrms den fam rm with brick fireplace combined living rm and dining rm I2 baths shag br dlm throughout single garage with paved drive Heat $300 last year Call Larry Fortin at office 7370011 or res 7269127 BARRIE SOUTHLAKEFRONTCOUNTRY LIVING BELIEVE IT OR NOT $28000 buys lakefront property with 50ft of safe shoreline cot tage with convenient outdoor relief station NEAR LAKE High and dry with mature birch trees this 80 190 lot on paved road ready for building asking $19300 IS BAKING YOUR BAG Busy unrivalled bakeshop In growing community of Barrie Ac cessible from two main roads Includes all equipment and fixtures Live next door in the handsome bdrm home featuring cathedral ceiling and stone fireplace $120000 DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE 23 bedroom cottages separate deeds on paved road close to ldre shopping and schools $15000 each $63900 LAKEFRONT HOME storey bedroom winterized all facilities Including fiberglass boat and 50 hp motor CALL ONE OF OUR INNISFIL SPECIALISTS GORD HARRIS AT 426 2403 or WILF SHARPE AT 4362576 AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Boyfield St BARRIE Ontario 7370011 Jim Canciila 7371597 Bill McCreary 7281865 Enid Day 7266904 Verna Mullln 7282875 Muriel Jeffery 7266383 Judy Pennett 7371264 Jack Slessor 7266280 Wayne Pennett 7371264 Bev Neill 7260205 Gard Harris 4362403 Wllf Sharpe 4362576 fR EMORY mu MILLER LIMITED REALTOR o7 DUNLOP SEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 WHERE THE RED CARPET IS OUT ARTISTS DREAM bedroom home with view of the bay large separate studio fenced lot Numerous extras Call Mike Lysablld 7266054 EAST END BUNGALOW Asking $49500 Call me anytime Helen Burns 7262386 BUILDING LOT High and dry 132 frontage by 165 depth Asking $17000 For more details call Helen Burns 7262386 NORTH STREET Immaculate and tastefully decorated con dominium features family size kitchen broadloom throughout 1t baths sundeck Only $35500 Call Helen Burns 7262386 year old brick bungal0w fireplace in family room good quality broadloom thrOughout 32 16 heated and fully equipped pool well kept back yard patio bar bque and fully fenced Call Bill Purvls 7260452 ATTRACTIVE STOREY On Debra Crescent many features ln cluding full and half baths four bedrooms family room with fireplace panelled double garage with automatic door opener Bill Purvls 7260452 EXECUTIVE HOME Barrie west end angelstone sldespllt 1830 sq ft Including good size bedrooms lls baths big family room with fireplace office or den oak hardwood and parquet floors This home shows very well up to 85 mortgage available Call Bill Pur vls 7260452 CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN Older bedroom semi corner fireplace and walk0ut ln dining room modern kitchen Ila baths utility room on main level Hannah Pentland 7288028 BUILDING LOT Located In Village of Ivy Asking $12000 Hannah Pentland 7288028 1600 SQUARE FEET Close to lake Under $40000 and owners anxious to sell Call Wayne Ward 7268220 BEDROOM On large lot on Ferndale Drive $36900 Call Wayne Ward 7268220 STRABANE ST $59900 treat to show this spotless open concept home fireplace and 40 20 Inground pool Home In very desirable 01 preperty for sde AEL PAGE Real EllynIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILJ In good residential area Ifinished recreation room with bar attached garage triple paved drive tethoexemlner ammomenm 101 property for side RCHOLKAN co LTD REALTOR IBIIIILIHIII 10 Collier St Barrie 728440 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 PARKSIDE DRIVE excellent condition bedroom sturdy older home Newly decorated priced right In the low $40sl Call Poppy Wilde 7281887 or 7284401 JUST BEAUTIFUL Owner anxious to sell landscaping gardeners Ii dream This bedroom level affords baths shaped living and dining room with doors to patiol Broadloomed throughout All this and more Ruth Gibbons 7281409 or 7284401 ENJOY YOUR FAMILY NOW Just listed rural setting school bus at door acre plus unique storey Tudor styled home Com pleter refreshed Interior using an open concept design Large 16 12 dining or family room with fireplace Open staircase to 2nd floor Ultra modern Hollywood styled kitchen with eating area 24 13 master bedroom double garage and workshop Pony barn with tack room and two box stalls completely fenced and freed paddock Plus the pony Have look priced in the $50s Call Bill Hockley 7284401 or 72mm $22500 FULL PRICE Brick twin home bedrooms full basement Ifreshly decorated thoughout Ready for occupancy Contact Nora Rivers 7284401 BEECH AVE INNISFIL Just 10 minutes away from summer and win lter activities Beautiful treed lot fantastic building with large mtge which expires In 2004 To inspect call now Joe DirracoloZ26 $67 or 728440I I17 ACRE ESTATE this Cape Cod storey Is all you could ask for in oountry living It features 30 22 living room with fireplace master lbedroom with ensuite rec room with bar games room and other llbuildlngs 48 12 that are presently used for kennels To view call Joe Dyson 7262090 lllINCOME PROPERTY REDUCED le3 free Near downtown yifell Imaintained duplex always rented Only $38900 Contact More Rivers 7284401 LITTLE AVE $59900 Absolutely nothing to do but move In Modern eatIn kitchen overlooks main floor family rm with fireplace Cen tral vacuum system bedrooms 2a baths Poppy Wide 7281887 or 7284401 llCOUNTRY SETTING bedroom modular home separate dining room family room and extra bath ensuitel Laundry area off kit chen can be moved to your own lot if you choose Ruth Gibbons 7281409 or 7284401 EXECUTIVE SPLENDORI On Kearsey Ct Magnificent storey with bedrooms baths huge kitchen lovely fam room open fireplace and walkout to canopled floodlit patio and private deeply treed reorl Broadloom throughout dishwasher electronic garage door opener professional decorating Only years old Vendor must move to Toronto Just gorgeous Details 7284401 OPEN FOR OFFERS 9200 sq ft lot No carrying cost till spring OVERLOOKS BARRIE Treed cul de sac In prestigious area of higher priced homes Bldrs terms Call Nora Rivers 7284401 CANT AFFORD NOT TO $26900 taxes $150 carries $250 monthly or less bedroom back split 1400 sq ft large living room glass walkout Excellent starter or retirement home requires handy man to complete Interior trim etc Build your equity today As low as $2500 down Vespra Township Call Bill Hockley 7284401 or 726 2596 MILES OUT MIDHURST AREA bedroom home situated on nicely treed 81 ft lot on Snow Valley Road This home is In excellent condition and features main floor laundry room Priced to sell at $43900 Call Joe Dyson 7262090 CODRINGTON STI Family home features large bedrooms 22 ft living room ensulte washroom off master bedroom large terraced lot Choice location hear all schools Existing $47000 mortgage Asking price $49800 Poppy Wilde 7281887 or 7284401 VARDEN CRES Feast your eyes on the exciting interior of this bedroom den family room with stone fireplace hardwood un der broadloom illuminated ceiling in 11 13 kitchen Home on quiet Cul de sac To vIew call Ruth Gibbons 7281409 or 7284401 GLENECHO DRIVE Owner has lavished love and money on this bedroom home Features Include main floor family room with fireplace Furnished games large kitchen with walkout to deck and swimming pool Broadloom over hardwood Many extras Poppy Wilde 7281887 or 7284401 ONCE IN WHILE IT HAPPENS First time offered Elegant 30X sq ft fieldstone ranch home Meticulously designed with twin ver tical planked entrance doors Large foyer opening to 24 18 living room featuring beamed cathedral ceiling 18 floor to ceiling stone fireplace formal dining baths master bedroom 15 12 with dressing room and ensuite Unique horizontal rough plank 24 18 family room 2nd fireplace Step out via slidng doors to patio and heated pool Call Bill Hockley 7284401 or 7262596 MANSFIELD SKI AREA Almost new chalet nestled among acres of mature trees Ski tows adlacent to property Can be used year round with all privileges of resort area Priced at $30000 We have the key Call Ruth Gibbons 7281409 or 7284401 THE COMPLETE PACKAGE ACRE picturesque and private set ting on the Nattawasaga River miles of boating pleasure Meticulausly designed bungalow in glass cedar level com pleter separate for entertaining or apartment log burning fireplaces baths bedrooms builtIn double ovens and range Twin walkouts to balcony and deck 27 24 over double garage Heated Inground pool Plus room guest cottage and pony barn No Its north of Barrie Realistically priced at $76900 Call Bill Hockley 72844010r7262596 ONLY 10 LEFT VALLEY DRIVE Spectacular clearance sale of these lovely spacious storeys Circular oak staircases beds baths family rooms fireplaces separate dining rooms huge kitchens fIt led baradIOOm treed ravine lots on quiet crescent Trades ac oeptedl Quality built quality features Details Jim Miles 7284401 Pat McGrath 7373394 Nora Rivers 7262596 IJoe Dirrocolo 7260567 Joe Dyson 7262090 lRuth Gibbons 7281409 Don Allan 4872412 IMartha Dyson 7262090 Doug Ferguson 7286172 lLorng Verstraten 4241956 Marg Ferguson 7286172 Bill Hockley 7262596 Poppy Wilde 7281 887 REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7263111l Photo Multiple Listing SerVIce Esther Kennedy 4245471 Vicki Kent 487250 Leo Cavanaugh 7281207 Bob Saunders 7263883 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Ross Batstone 7263043 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Bill Moran 7282305 03 cellent broadloom throughout steal at the reduced price of ALfimgfifigimfijfi oroacallw°yn word 726322o Tlrénon AlszillrJlr 32425825 Chuck Lambert 7288001 357900 C0 WI THOMPSON 3332 mpgmgmmczimgrgzlr 91 ACRE FARM With bedroom brick house Beef setup 45ft silo vans no Larry Brewer 7289745 Larry Thompson 7285219 AshJaIn 7284915 inns sunken living room fireplace loose housing creek thru property nice view in Vespra Call JBerrtiuflf 32327 Harry Magill 7263864 Doug Renault 7280810 HarIJaIn 7269915 gamma133333722815353 Gerald ONeill7267733 79 BAYFIELD ST we Simon Beekh TF Doug Baker 728327 Lo Dewud 3795 DO NOT Mss TH Is APARTMENT BUILDING In Barrie apartments zoned RM3 car Jim Harris 7267173 Franyk Hooey 7283 72 NORMAN $850 DOWN dlv°w°yay° °ld C°llG°r°ld °lN°lll726773° PHONE 7264405 Harold Davis 7287543 Peter Bracalente 7263916 sow brlck mme large rooms 0R0 LOT Clo lake lo e9 rlghl ol way luck Slmcm LIMITED cm Fred Reynolds 7285333 JPaulDumouIin FR RA 8341 ltlscomrltfilttl$k3iimclll$ SUVY availabsApprovaltorsopticin i974 mutboupdolodColl gt Paul Arbour 72453897 I737 0751 DUNLOP 7283293 payments ssoo month For Inspection Gerald ONeill 7267733 TVS TF call representative of Taurus Real EAST Estate HarIJaln7373°9°72995 Al Rose 7288116 Mike tysablld 33338 OWNER MUST SELLI ree room Harv Weber 4363815 RonT orne in sc GAMGE deEAtlTaturda to5 llllkbiilrltgftlfclligiilfillfiflafnalln PercyFord 7287930 Les Lavegrove 4241289 04 lo lor sale sh oppomnm °° 7°9°t°atia2°l widowm mma Noton 726m 8227133 intonemommrata Living quarters four roomf 233 geghfimfigfififi Ross Burwell 4589248 Helen Burns 7262386 Ilaélwaywllding paved roads mt gelephone l245717 or 4249200 after office 100 car fenced com JON pursue 34 acre land airport road Rob Knapp 7267294 Jerry McNabb 7262386 zltrfinqulm fireaznmlgzfllgskt WAMEDW of ski country About 45 minutes to 7263545 TO BUY Local business by POUHd five car garage DUNLOP ST Manon won 7900 Ken Miller 4873365 Sue Drennan agorgooticmuol Torpey Ltd two Inde endent businessmen with ca with truck door hoist and lao Mortgage slugggfljgflfibfiflL Wayne Ward 7268220 Bill Purvls 7260452 BilW gigging zzlpédEfigfgyuwwtfilanspovrg companorl 90 Pumps 7269933 PRWATE SALE Farmbgds achlestlofllsaey Hannah P°nll°nd 7283028 no Mlllor 7260563 Philip Peacock TOTTlghwrleplflnihcrbvp The Examiner Barrie Ionthrieo ox Idw I°r body MW Wbllliunlillfblllllcll t°8opl shop or garage Call Bill and Implement shed Terms with low BUILDING LOT 13 acres sioooo No comlortg your home Information send DONALD down payment stayner area For an 12 Hwy lust past Warmlnster signs on 3O ressed stamped envelope to am 7453555 polntmentphonenBsaoz afieropm Phil Peacock rep Unigroup Inc RE central Anneles Ltd Box 590 It mm In PRIVATEWW EXAMINER WANT ADS DON COS Broker7281134or737177l rgacninaacvotttxo 40 IIe Ave lr Alrun THOUSANDS Immaculate bedroom back split Finished rec room baths 015 MLS REALTOR hardwood throughout Near Eastvlew 07busmess opportunities Collegiate Telephone 737nm I2mortgages THEY PAY Anon tor PinView EIt32Mldhum Ws ACTIVE PARTNERs wanted for INER iOHN COLE 7288017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 lollllffnoesgallcfgcrtrltlncitmsaléoo mgzuggagog°gmigfgzglc c°°li fillet r233 gunfiglrltlfigvfllmg WANT ADS OM CAIRNS 7280653 AL CALHOUN no toll 8352742 A133 were 333352355611 no to 30 v43 mm groutng Estate Broker cell 725ml pHONE 7232414 LS421 ERNIE BLUM 4872299 ART MAw 7281346 37ml rnw 651 mines

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