accommodations to share 26 births adoptions 82 boots motors 41 opts to rent 16 business opportunities 07 apts wanted to rent 18 camping equipment 56 articles for sale 40 card 0T IDONRS 36 articles to rent 43 COTS for sale 32 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 auctions sales 79 coming events 88 auto accessories 36 auto service and repairs 35 01 property for sale 11 7K HlllIlIH OPEN HOUSE Sat 14 Sun 14 263 Highland Cres Take little Ave east of Highway 11 to Highland Cres Extremely anxious must sell Bright immaculate bedroom brick back split nicely decorated Finished family room laundry den or 4th bedroom Lovely landscaping and chain link fenced yard Many extras must be seen to be appreciated Immediate possession $52900 Phone 7261875 No0no ED LOWE LIMITED commercial sale or rent 09 construction machinery 55 01 property for sale TOP THIS 4BEDROOM TOWNHDMES ALL WITH ATTACHED GARAGE WASHROOMS TV OUTLET SUPERIOR BROADLOOM PRICED FROM s35995 CARRIES PER MONTH AS LOW AS AHOPIHOME s1 57 FAMILY INCOME FROM $9050 FULL YREGSTERED READYNOW MODEL ONLY PRICE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE am DEE SALES OFFICE OPEN DAILY 11 AM PM 08 REALTOR 488 Bayfield St BARRIE Ont 7263871 4n4u0e4 cottages to rent 27 cottages for sale 28 cottages wanted 29 deaths 85 dogs pets 44 employment wanted 76 engagements 83 exchange 48 farms for rent 06 forms for sale 05 farm machinery 64 farm machinery wanted 65 feed seed grain 60 financial 11 florists 89 fruits and vegetables 67 garages 25 garden supplies 50 help wanted 71 home improvements 47 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Officesare open from 830 am to pm pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday 48 hours prior to publication ICANCELLATIONS Accepted up until am XWORD ADS SEMIDISPLAY PRINCIPAL INTEREST EXCELLENT STARTER bedroom stucco bungalow in Guthrie on large corner lot Hollywood kitchen living room 20 11 piece bath $21000 first mortgage Asking $34900 Try your down payment CUSTOM BUILT HOME now being built featuring bedroom backsplit large bright living and dining room family size kitchen with lots of cupboards View of the boy and still time to choose your own broadloom 50 ACRES of beautifully treed property southwest 01 Barrie has several springs on property Asking $37500 HANDYMANS SPECIAL acre hobby farm with bedroom home and large barns Owner anxious TO VIEW any of the above call Lenore Laycock 7285018 or 7263871 068 Examiner Want Ads Dont Cost They Pay 01 property for sale iOI property forsTIIe TO QUALIFIED PURCHASERS SEE SALESPERSONl SALES OFFICE REAL ESTATE LIMITED EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GRAND PLA CE BY CHANUTE INVESTMENTS BARRIE PORTUNITY KNOCKS Much desired Sunnidale area on well treed lot close to both shopping and school This spacious four bedroom brick home is practically all broadloomed has large family sized kitchen with builtin range and oven Den on ground level as well as finished rec room real family home Asking $69500 Call Jane Young 7261938 or 7284717 MLS 3068 SPLIT ENTRY with two car garage Brick and aluminum finished rec room bedrooms Call Wili Vezeau 7261938 Or 4246358 Na 1334 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $49500 Owner has bought another house so he has to go Clean bedroom brick side split with at tached garage Lshaped living and dining room rec room plus 4th bedroom Asking $49500 Call Rita Scandrett 7261938 or 7284865 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL 325 WILLIAM STREET SHELBURNE ONTARIO CALL COLLECT 5199256241 MLS 28i9 ceptional privacy Suited for 1938 or 7265407 MLS 2743 7261938 or 4245033 MLS 2582 MIDHURST 475 acres on Willow Creek All treed with ex custom home where the owner wishes elbow room All approvals septic health etc Survey available Asking $55000 and open for offers Call Ian Rouse 726 VERY NICE BACK SPLIT bedrooms on nice quiet street in north east of Barrie Has walkout from family room Call Lee Benham FISHERMEN Bungalow only 12 years old Fesserton at Mat chedash Bay Buy this and rent to summer vacationers Call Pete Switler 7261938 or 4365759 MLS 2360 08 Lee Benham 4245033 Jack MacLaren 7284950 Wilma Didwell 7269135 Ian Rouse 7265407 Bill Barr 7280744 Rita Scandrett 7284865 Lou Duff 4241356 Peter Switzer 4365759 Bob March 7288444 Wilf Vezeau 4246358 Elaine Jackson 7263780 Jane Young 7284717 Mary Morrison CRA 7289933 STF houses to rent 17 houses wanted to rent 19 in memoriams 87 instructions 69 insurance 10 landscaping 531 leasing 39 legal 77 livestock for sale 57 livestock wanted 58 OI property for sole llllliillflï¬lll ens ursu eeols 89 DUNLOP ST BARRIETmsm BEDROOM STOREY Large kitchen main floor family room fireplace greatly reduced for quirk sale $53900 Call Dave Scanan 7263422 or 7372493 BEDROOM SIDE SPLIT On quiet street close to schools 8eautifully decorated To view call Gary DAmbroslo 7263422 or7372043 TOWNHOUSE If you are looking for townhouse before you buy see this one To view call Dave Scanlan 7263422 or 7372493 EAST END We have client looking for house close to Maple Grove or Steele Street lost found 70 lots for sale 04 market basket 66 marriages 84 mobile hames8 trailers 14 money to loan 13 mortgages 12 motorcyles 37 nursing homes 15 office stores for rent 23 VwWVVVVVVVVVVw opportunity for men women74 pasture for sale 61 pasture to rent 62 pasture wanted 63 personals368 photography 49 plants and bulbs 52 poultry and chicks 59 professional directory 90 property for sale 01 the examlner seasrdey October 1m 18 72824111 01 property for sde 01 property for sole Bedrooms 7373972 MONDAY THURSDAY 100 PM 800 PM SATURDAY SUNDAY 1100 AM 600 PM STOP RENTING JUST $450 DOWN With our movein package on our large bdm home 1270 sq ft bthm garage EASY QUALIFICATIONS First mortgage at only bdm 1V bthm family room over 1400 sq ft in this spacious well designed semi FULLY DETACHED First mortgage 0NLY9 bdm 1V2 bthm 1500 plus sq ft qualification Close to schools CALL LOWE REAL ESTATE LTD BARRIE 17057262621 ALLISTON 17054357323 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR sxom uomrs 081214 Easy 10 Ross St Beside Woolworth 7371414 School If you are located In this area and wish to sell please call Gary DAmbrosio 7263422 or7372043 INESON PERSONALIZED SERVICE 7284294 08 MWFTF ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ usr BUY on SELL WITH LEON ARRICK REAL ESTATE LTD RRIE 726582 MWF1F Ext uslve agents for Davis Homes SPECIALS ALL WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION EAST END New bdrm bungalow ensuite bath dishwasher full basement 54 EILEEN CRES Ingr pool fam rm wfireplace dbl glass walk out mud rm baths finished rec rm dbl garage MAR SANDY COVE Lrg lot beautiful split entry bung lrg kit wwalk out to cedar deck fam rm wbrck fireplace LRG COUNTRY LOT quality built pick your own brdlm fixtures extra features are fam rm wfireplace glass wout baths dbl gar take 8th of Innisfil follow Quinn signs off 8th ust before 25th sideroad Beautiful retirement home in country with lovely fireplace garage LL THE ABOVE WILL GO BELOW MARKET VALUE Bernice Whelan 36 ACRES IN iNNISFIL touching Barrie City limits must sellli Bernice 08 Gerry Syvokas 487336 BerniceWheian 7262334 PatQuinn 7263109 Rick Harker 7264940 Earl Hooey 7260656l Jy2930 property for sale or rent 03 snowmobiles 38 property management 08 space for rent 24 property wanted 02 stamps and coins 45 public notices 80 summer properties for sale 31 resorts 30 swaps 46 room and board 21 teachers wanted 73 roomstolet 20 tenders 78 rooms wanted 22 trade schools 75 sales help agents 72 tl5ees and shrubs 51 service and repairs 54 trucks and trailers 34 01 property for sde 01 property for sole COME AND HA VE DINNER ON US All you have to do is visit our models and discuss our Low Downpayment Plan then go to Dinner on us at The Schnitzel House PURCHASE PRICE $39370 DOWNPAYMENT plus Garage ansup 51 31 Exit 400 at Duniop Left on Anne St North on Anne St to Letitia Heights NEW HOMES FOR SALE BY CHAPELTON BEDROOMS GARAGE PURCHASE PRICE s39370 D0WNPAYMENTs 370 MONTHLY PAYMENT 271 CAN BE REDUCED IF YOU QUALIFY FOR ASSISTANCE ANNE ST SOUTH OF CUNDLES FOLLOW THE SIGNS TO CHAPELTON HOMES the home folks vita car about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 Phone 7373972 MONTHURS 18 PM SALSUN 116 PM 1W ACRE HORSE FARM 15 minutes north of Barrie Excellent barn good three bedroom home and many exciting features Asking $84900 Call Corby Adams BRACEBRIPGE DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM SANTAS VILLAGE 150 acre dairy farm Muskoka River frontage and backs onto Lake Muskoka Possible severance Call Corby Adams ANTEN MlLLSMCLOCKLIN ST Custom two storey an approx one acre treed lot Four large bedrooms main floor family room with fireplace Many many fine features with quality construction and decorating Asking lust $89900 Call Corby Adams 97 NELSON ST Two storey with sunken living and dining room Finished rec room Large treed lot Price reduced Call Corby Adams 08 Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Iielen Hopkins 7281662 Corby Adams 7286829 Ross Leader 7269245 Jim Quinlan 7260873 Read The Examiner To Buy Buy The Examiner To Read