samrday for BUSINESS The RRSP battle Ottawa is taking close look at both sides in the Registered Retirement Savings Plan battle ragin between the Consumers Association Canada and Canadian life in surance companies Tom Delaney national RRSP spokesman for the CAC and Reg Lachance chartered life underwriter and public relations chair man for the SimcoeMuskoka Life Under writers Association were interviewed by Examiner reporter Richard Dunstan The opposing views in the battle are on to days Business Page Tokyo talks in Geneva Geneva is long way from the Ginza Strip says business analyst Vincent Egan but thats where the Tokyo Round of trade and tariff talks is being held between now and Jan 15 The important thing about the Tokyo Round is not that the talks are being held in Geneva but that the talks will likely be battleground between rec traders and pro tectionists What this all means to the businessman and the consumer is explained by Egan on The Examiner Business Page today Bond market prices TORONTO iCPi Prices were moderately lower in active trading on the Canadian bond market this week The short end of the market was unchang ed Mid longterm and provincial issues were off threeeighths to onehalf of point Corporate issues fell onequarter of point Analysts said successful moneyraising operation by the federal government has helped buoy up the Canadian bond market last week despite falling currency and further weakness in the United States market Highway collision An accident on Highway 11 north of Bar rie late Friday afternoon resulted in minor injuries to one of the drivers and $3500 damages to the two cars involved Constance Salisbury of Shanty Bay was taken to Barriels Royal Victoria Hospital with minor injuries but was later released The driver of the second vehicle Paul Oscar antz of New Hamburg was not injured in the accident The accident occurred at 435 pm on the strip along the Highway known as Gasoline Allev Dogs used in search KINGSTON Ont iCP Escaped risoner William Paul Frederick described police as dangerous and violent was believed still hiding Friday in heavily wooded swamp area northwest of this city police spokesman said Frederick was spotted in the area late Thursday and the search was resumed with the aid of tracking dogs The search had been called off earlier in the day because it was belie ed Frederick had managed to escape after hitching rides with two local reswdeiits Frederick serving years for armed robbery and attempting to escape custody with force and Violence escapai yediies day from Collins Bay penitentiary by hiding in truck loaded with wmd Surgery for baby LlIIDEN Netherlands AP Dennis N1jsseir me of the sextuplets born to Dut ch housewife Sept is was taken to Rot terdam ClmC Friday to undergo surgery for perforated intestine Leidens liiivetsity Hospital said the perforation develoixxl at ter the infants general condition had ni proved following an intestinal infection The other five children are lI good health Nonsmokers only llltl£ltALG CP Dominion FOUIr dry and Steel Co Ltd of Hamilton is con sidering hiring only nonsmokers for certain jets the mmpanys medzcal director says Dr Richard lartr hedirector sazd Thur sday at symptszuni on occupatuma health that there double haard of lung cancer for smokers who work around he plants coke ovens Dr Ernest astromatteo dirmflor ot txcuixitmrtal health for Inco Ltd saxd czgarettes are suspected to be the cause of to per cert of all cases of lung CJIA School to reopen PORT HOPE Ont CP Mary separate school wall reooer its doors Tuzsclay after bezrlg closed years txrsuse of radongas tirxor as 371123lele Endy Peter Rtxacr cl tht of Petertxrmg cra North erlaml and Newcastle Roam Cathol separate schA boa rd the trawl TrxYlsrx lerancc Friday truancal health ttzrtstry to reaper the Sxfhl s32 Roach the 223817 told if rsclcr leiels were with Che rangx Roach es 53 Ht bursal for heSfo In me work At Boar mas ï¬rst resvrsrle 23 clearru xsts Truth is The up mien re the nmiuurm cl the deadline Made in Collingwood quality control inspector checks high pressure pneumatic hose before it is covered with layer of rubber and vulcanized The hose manufactured at the Goodyear plant in Collingwood 0nt is designed for mining and construction operations in Canadas north and must re main flexible at temperatures as low as 57 degrees Celsuis CP Photo Markets affected By MURIEL JOHNSTONE The Canadian Press Forecasts of continued economic slug gishness sent Canadian stock markets frac tionally lower during week of profittaking that followed record highs in oilrelated issues Analysts said Finance Minister Jean Chretiens prediction that the economy will grow only moderately during the next six quarters added to alreadydrooping en thusiasm on the markets It was followed by projection from the Economic Council of Canada that it may take several years to achieve acceptable unemployment and inflation targets $280 drawers Dione Bmughton of Chelsea London tries on pair of pintucked kneelength drawers formerly the property of Queen Victoria which she bought for saw at auc tion in London Friday The drawers more prinin known in the days of their former owner as unnientionables consist of voluminous white linen embroidered with the royal monogram AP Photo Boy mauled by bear KITIMAT CP toyearold toy whose scalp was stitched back by sungeors after it had been ripped off by sixfoot 311 pound black bear was remverzng taiay in Kitimat General Htspztals intersvecare unit Chad Taskzner was in sansfactory con dztion followmg surgery to severe ab domiml shoulder and head wounds suir feted in the attack 1r thzs north coast coir rntmzty Thursday Surgmrs siten sev eral hours stztchmg the scalp back or and the operaaor was repor ted to have an ever change of success Klaus Kimhke who fatally shot ilk beer from yards wzih hzs sji3c3bre fle std he and other searchers cu he tear 39 wzth kr1e 1r despsrse 232 scalp was exe yards 3w two hours 31 n1gh aprrwachal Chad was attacked by the bear our home sad Kushke zclent nierx ew Friday BUY SCRE HIS heard boy yell 391 grabbed the axis teethsrxrd the be grd re and sslucky Kmrke father 131 msxstts and rad naught the year He xxxre as is as we wrspced and sisseas tie sulsce The snd magic eer wxirxg or Bjj St fi sir15 when the tear atscsei No passengers LOVICN Router Fr 2c scredcld flgï¬ 5ers cards geilrer Ira rf Friday 321 anger The Fir4 as reentry ras Ner run3 35 it rr er weathe F4 zany Snow cream sciences sadr saves in Cumin RI an 12 in at ï¬ï¬‚nb in the in of mm II 333 is quE inddcrudentmrv APP 113th yourNo ZMSaturday October 1977 the examiner 15 Hom ivory 90° Wukly serving barrie and simcoe county WWWVWeW leawar Barrie annexatio MPPs will ask cabinet TORONTO CP Leaders of the two opposition parties say they will ask the Ontario cabinet to reverse decision by the Ontario Municipal Board OMB to allow the city of Barrie to annex 15100 acres of land from two townships The annexation on Jan will allow Barrie to aim for population of 125000 by the year 2011 which Darcy McKeough provincial treasurer and minister of in tergovernmental affairs had told the board was government policy The board said it based its deci sion on the fact that McKeough left it to determine only how many acres would be needed to support the pro jected population Work more However Liberal Leader Stuart Smith said Friday that he was troubled that the board was in fluenced by McKeough because it calls into question the purpose of having board if the treasurer is going to impose restriction on it Stephen Lewis NDP leader said it was very bad decision Clearly the treasurer has tied the hands of the OMB and its grave disservice to the OMB and to Barrie Lewis said After 49day hearing the board awarded Barrie 14000 acres from Innisfil Township and 1100 acres from Vespra Township The townships opposed the annex ation askless PMs call to Canadians LONDON Ont CPi Prime Minister Trudeau called on Canadians Friday to work more and demand less to help the country through its current economic trials Trudeau in an address to Liberal party supporters during oneday electionstyle visit to London and Toronto said workers cannot afford to be chmsey about the kind of jobs they will take Foreigners have lost the confidence they once had in Canada because they feel Canadians are not working as hard as in the past Trudeau said The result is drop in the international value of the Canadian dollar which has fallen to its lowest level 111 eight years As he entered London downtown hotel to give the speech Trudeau police and party aides had to force their way through chanting and tumultuous crowd of abou 20 many of whom were protesting unemployment The demonstration was held by the London and District Labor Council REFERS TO CROWD Trudeau made several references to the demonstration during his speech delivered as party supporters munched on hamand cheese sandwiches priced at $2 apiece About 30 of the group were truly unem ployed he suggested The rest were trying to make political point over their lunch break Trudeau said unemployment is not as bad problem as some have been suggesting There are lot of waitress and farm labor jobs available in southern Ontario for exam ple he said And there were to columns of job vacancies in the London newspaper he added In fact there were 13 columns but many of the ads stressed that they wanted employees with skills or experience Junior football change might mean bloodbath HAMILTON representatzve of separate school ratepayers or the Hamilton board of education says dectsion to create two different leagues 1r junior football means separate and public school athletes will com pete agazns each other only 1r fnal playoff games that iurr mm ticdbath Referrmg to the or between the separate and publzc IEpltseifait Murray Mama sad Freda ha milder sense it got to be the same as the IRA sztua 11cm in Belfast Prevzau ny1ed to HALlFA CP spent th the deCiSion by the counCils directorate to split the groups was made in defiance of recommendation by the board and without the knowledge of separate or public school trustees In directive to the board the c0unc11 said the change was made because of increased scheduling problems resulting from he grow ing number of separate schools The directorate also was concerned about abuse of transfer rule which resulted in the best Roman Catholic athletes flocking to separate schools with the best athletic record Since Catholic students were all0wed to attend the school of their choice Public school studens were reqmred to at tend schools their area negrwatzrg for the purchase at 91 cr the share of Tamarack Lake year when la sazc puns3r 5efy agar its nanLs pinsoc terrrs came as rult such as heft illegal entrj PerpetuaImotion machine Cor runs on wote LONDON Ere57 77 cwster 37 TEéJ bh54 r2 as 9117 ec are an tick7 witwed says inventor rue Lireewaxig 333 raye gs aI PPLi INC FOR PATLN $167343 54 13 Lime sax rec922 212 asre apirg 21 car ï¬rs5 Swede Wes Germs arn lager an Suï¬ purl derricrstrat rs pres fr in arir Iï¬Ã©s steel aztue want sue 3f 333s stat1 246 51 fate The etar array separates tie mi oger wane pipe carnes gargar 11¢ car The eagzne r23 ins 39 radargag Jz setter The tafiéfji seeps Hit jtrzgeczryge 51583111 Lic rws Lady an Afghan hound takes along hard look at the competition in the form of tiny terrier Charlie Brown during Fridays annual Elmvale Fall Fair pet Show Both were winners in the show Lady for longest tail and skinniest dog Charlie for smallest dog and shortest tail Shagginess was also evident at the school parade that opened the fair an Wanaga Beachs Cori Robertson found out while making the acquaintance of bemaiiked Steven Quesnelle of Phillipsmw The fair wraps up tonight with show and dance at the Pllmvale Arena lExaminer Photos V313 Vs 98 Not challenge to validity is QUEBEC CP Alumna Montreal judge ha ruled as uraxstmzmal sectxx 42 of Quebec French language char me otJx 562152 does in crallerge 17 law try karma for QJfï¬f put r5 rrrliser Pg sazs Friday The damnTatar quxes tome miracr J3 re prorra 17 iustzce tanster ira mileage can itsahi made Htvo you heard the news 59d 5071 35 793753 4711 5654 ha mm CteiCutPrrx £¢ to mizng Tit33 Meyer judge 33 Qatar zigzge la be tFrrzcr rtrsf local Trg sax1r er page 382 rt sua £2353 North Arnerrz Azt Frg Inunllnmn 1112 1314 Tit32 15th 7312 1B10171C1 12 fr1ezrc umber camper in water fan2v were oéid lZO fir rr 457 er as 91 3312 iï¬ï¬ia No paper Monday The E13511 yir Mara 11213g mtg in mi ca 2x v1 resignr 7532