10 the examiner Friday Sept 30 1977 Giglance Elevenyearold Clint Stickland who won the Class BB competition of the Barrie Optimist Clubs Sixth Annual Soapbox Derby last Sunday got prerace briefing on the rules from Jim Workman Clints Big Brother lint drove soapbox racer built by Optimist lub members for Barrie little brother to drive in the races Examiner Photo or er Herc laizis appeared at Saturday nioniings Progress lub bikevathon piloting this bike andcaniage combination loaned for the event from private collection Mains as one of about 20¢ bikers braving cold and Windy weather in the event rganiuis estimate swoon was raised Examiner Photo The doctor says Can be missed in diagnosis By G1IISIESON Ml Dear Dr Tliosteson Early in the year you had column on polymyalgia rheumatica It was one of those missed am most frustrated suffe rer from this am on Pre dnisone along with massive doses of aspirin These drugs have brought the pain down but leave me like zombie unable to cope with the sini plest daytoday problems of life When the dosage is cut down it flares up Could you please discuss it again Mrs Ive had so many requests to do so that will relax my general rule about repetition Polymyalgia means pain in many muscles It is disease that can be missed in diagnosis lhis painful disorder is found chiefly in persons over 50 This cause is not clear but arteritis inflammation of the arterial walls is often present It need not be Temporal arteritis iii flamniation of an artery III the temple area is found in some cases The pain is often centred iii the muscles of the shoulder and pelvis Patients tend to get tired easily Weakness and anemia is often present sym pathic with you The drug you are taking is the correct one7 steroid tirir diiiaiily small doses are used and it can he curative It may be that you have more extensive arteritis than usual or that the dosage of Prednisone needs to be reeval uated by your doctor ltcmeiii her too what said about anemia You should be checked for that since it might be con trilitiling to your zombie syn ironic Il similar disorders rest is important Are you trying to lxtooactivc its worth iiiciiiioiiing here BRIDGE also that pork worm disease trichinosis should be consid ered as an outside possibility if one is not responding to treat ment for other ailments such as polyniyalgia rheumatica Irichinosis can cause severe and rsistent muscle aches Bio studies and biopsy of an involved muscle should reveal this It will also show the presence of artery in flammation have another reason for re peating this infornation Since mentioning polymyalgia rlieuriiatica several months ago have had continuing mail from several readers who did seek help for it specifically As said it is diagnosis that car be easily missed among all of the other rheumaictype ailments Even doctor colleague told me he had forgotten about the disease and sought help for himself after the light bulb went on Dear Dr Tliosteson am 19 male and have problem have frequent nose bleedings after drinking two cups of cof fee also have dizzy spells Is this related to high blood pres sure ILL With the dizry spells it could be High blood pressure can occur at your age If the bleeding is frequent and of con siderable volume you should guard against anemia resulting from blood loss Another thing your nasal membrane should be checked to see if there is any local weakening as from ulceration If the problem is due to stimulation by the caffeine try dccafteinated coffee Your blood pressure and blood count should be checked nonetheless High blood pres sure it that turiisout to be your problem has to be dealt with at your age just as it must be at any age Diamonds turn lit NtiHIll ti Ii ti ll IZSl liAST 10 ti VKUS Vlrilli3 OJElTl 910 ti StitTll ti fl ti Both Vulntlillllt est North East South ll Ii lass lass lass Ilpening hard 46 Hy ilavrTirsdracohy ll West could see all the cards he Would open spade or heart against three notrump Not being clair voyant he opened the four of diamonds South won With the king over Easts 1t and led club West rose With the king and now saw that second dia oswaw ananimtacbnyi to paste mond lead would be give up play since South was marked with the ace and queen of that sun He also saw chance to shut that club sun out by leading heart and he led the right one He plankcd down the king of that shit This gave South an extra heart trick but it cost him four club tricks and tour for one is pretty good trade South had to win With dum nivs ace Then he cleared the clubs West led second diamond South still had chance for his contract Maybe that queen of spades would be an entry to dummy He led low spade and played duiiimys queen East produced the king and South was held to seven tricks Three hearts three diamonds and one spade the The bidding by opponents has gone one spade two spades four spades An Iowa reader wants to know our lead from A9 It 2V1 til OK not 10 It We open trump and wait for declarcr to break another sUit daily crossword ACROSS 49 Vase 53 Long period Take meal of time Boner comp 54 Run away to wd marry Water Fri 58 Actress West 12 Mom 59 Entertainment period group abbr Upper 60 The Thinker 14 Over prefix sculptor Edge 6i Become 16 Sharpener mature t7 Massachur 62 Second month gens cape mm en 20 Jouns 63 WM he 64 Cover With Answer to Previous Puzzle 5358 555 ltHEB 355 5555 555 555555 55 555 555 55 AStr°GaPh Bernioeesds 98° WGUJB 33 Eiiltttililtilï¬lig Oct 1911 lnvolvements you have witr progressive associates this year will come well Dealings with those who live in the past wont be as profitable LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Dont overlook old obligations today Take care of your end of the bargain without any attempt to pass it off sconeio Oct 24Nov 22 Pessimistic companions should be avoided today Their crepe Winthrop HATE BRLlésELS PROLJIS Short Ribs LAST MONTH THIS is OUR NEWEST SUPERDUPER TIRE WITH WARANTEE THAT LASTS Wizard of Idg we Are ENTHMQ YOU Toto THAT JOKE hanging could put you in the doldrums too and y0ull see mud instead of stars SAGITTARIUS Nov 2300 21 Its possible you could turn the smallest task into gigantic undertaking today Unfortunate ly its all in your head CAPRICORN Doc 22Jon 19 hidden tear could spoil your tun today You should forget it because it probably wont happen anyway AQUARIUS Jan 20Fob 19 When things go wrong at home today dont try to pin all the blame on your mate He Or she may not be entirely innocent but then neither are you STEEL BELTED WITH TOUGH NYLON SIDE iF MYJALJJLATISNE AC5 cameo 45001 Tmycérwb 35 ANOTHER M36 468 VE 4¢ï¬ï¬r PISCES Fob 20Mnrch 20 Use softsell approach in trying to convince helper to do what you want today Your subject may not be in the mood tor an oar beating ARIES March 21Aprll 19 It youre making purchase of any consequence today be cer tain to get exactly what you want Buyers remorse can strike quickly TAURUS April 20May 20 Any disagreement between you and your family today should be settled speedily Otherwise longlasting chill could set in GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Although youre not prone to hold qrudqes youre down on Vbu REKLQ cross someone you deal with on regular basis You could be the big loser there CANCER Juno 21July 22 Review how much youre spen ding on nonessential things and activities Your budget is taking beating unnecessarily LEO July 23Aug 22 Goals you set are not easy to come by to day It you give your best you can attain the heights It not youre the big loser VIRGO Aug 238opt 22 You have too many selldoubts Ior your own good today Being cautious is virtue but being negative is not in that category at all WHY DOE6 EVEZVBODY COME TO ME WITH THEIR IROLIBLESZ Uwouctj 5E7 vou THINK THAT SUMMER THQOUGH THE FALL REQUN EXCUSE t1msu unocusvaim bLOVVOUTPROOF CUSHIONED WITH AlR POCKETS FER PERFECT RID 230 CN AFFORD EM FUDDSV BUT iSNT THAT GREAT SALES BC YOU WK EXHAUSTED GRAMPs FEEL EXHAUSTeD as itci 43 YEAHAMD FINALLY CAUM ONE 22 Over poetic 10 Mothers 34 Silver 24 Snaky letter snster chem abbr 25 3ltelcment DOW ll Plant 37 Sapient 28 Lube containers 39 Supplcare WONDER WAT THE leceo me 32 Heamg organ Skinnvhsh Cn2nn° i352 LOSEK Loose LIKE 33 pouch Long vocal 35 Arrivaltime 501° Mlcmgan Egg Ft guess ebb Bug ca 21 Scouting 47 Tiny distance 36 Emma comphed organization 48 Stuckup 38 Exclamation Comeda 23 sum 893 perso here an easier ways to plow field but then not everyone owns team of lyrlesrtilcs Ol disgust 593 Emmy 50 CM wellschooled in the art of singlefurniw plowing Everett Marshall of Ienetaiiguislune 39 139 Enemy 26 Au bnhday does and he put them through their paces in front of walking plow it Saturdays plowing 930 M555 gmgno Ham matches on the Don iiffeii fami in Vespia Township Marshalls pair of nitwycarold in Er 33 29 8tgnma Ggm mares June and Queen was judged the trip plowing llalll at the annual competition held by 513 mt wopds 30 Beehive 5mg 56 51025 the Centre Sinicoe liraiic of the Mario llowniens Association Examiner Photo 45 Hm mung Jacobs 31 GMas bad on p03 VCTORY 46 Beginning brother review 57 Dessert pastry Andy Capp MOTHER SAYS COULD DO WITH IDSIN SOME WEIGHT FORGET IT KID matriarch you BECAUSE OF your EORVELY FIGURE in BACK TO SCHOOl SPECIALS 250 Sheet lined refill reg $248 NOW 155 It The large Tran traces the develo ment of Swiss road rail air and water 41 The SPCA donated this two monthold doe to Maplewood Farms In North Vancouver Deer Is being looked after by farm attendant Cindy Glesbrecht CP Photo NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 port Museum In Luceme Switzerland lBinderreg$2l9NOWl89 l2Binderlteg$279N0W259 transportation III lilo hill some foreign exhibits The avia tion section futures Bleriot monoplnne foreground flown for the first time over the alps from Borne to Milan In 1013 by Swlu aviation pioneer Oscar Blder CP Photo