the examiner Tuesday Sept 27 1977 Orillia couple Looking for the unusual Until seven years ago Ron Edwards wasnt interested in antiques He thought anything that was old had to bejunk Today Edwards and his wife Mabel are antique dealers and have been com ing to the Georgian Guild An tique Show and Sale in Barrie 35 for five years They sell china glass items brass jade and ivory But the Edwards dont own store Their home is in Orillia and the couple only operate at antique shows We do about 15 shows from April to October every year says Mrs Edwards Then we go to Florida for the winter months Mrs Edwards and her daughter started the antique business 17 years ago Today the Edwards find it an interesting business It does take lot of work says Edwards There are lot of hours involved in researching the items and each item must be washed and polished before every show Each piece the Edwards sell is marked with date and price COLLECTIBLES The Edwards have many collectible items at their booth collectible item is anything that is discon tinued like Roseville pottery that dates back to 1925 or an thing that is royal is con si ered collectible Moor craft and Royal Doulton china are collectibles Edwards gets his wares from Canada and the United States the New England States primarily and Europe Ir and Mrs Ron Edwards were among the 29 antique dealers at the Georgian Guild Antique Show and Sale at the Over 2000 people attended the fifth annual Georgian Guild antique show held last weekend at the Barrie Ar moury Twentynine dealers from all over Ontario displayed their antiques Joanna Scarth dealer con vener said the show went very well The dealers seemed pleased with the show said Mrs Scarth Nonpar MONTREAL CP People mend weeks deciding on what kind of car to buy or dress to wear to ball But when it comes to lifelong com mitment like having child they dont give it second thought says the executive director of the US National Organization for NonParents its good publicity and exposure for them There were seven new dealers in this years show The women in the Geor gian Guild begin planning for the show in January The dealer convener travels to other antique shows to find dealers for the Barrie show It does take quite bit of work preparing for said the show Scarth Mrs Carole Goldman who was in Montreal recently said in an interview that most people never think about whether to have children or notwthe question is when as opposed toifever Ms Goldman said that non parentsarentantichildmn Actress Shirley Matlame is feel antiques have to be at least 100 years old says Edwards When searching for items he tries to find unique and in teresting items At his booth this weekend he has an old gramaphone dating back to 1906 in perfect working condition He also had Montreal Tramways collection box dating back to 1896 It was coin box they used then to collect money on buses like things that are out of the ordinary says Ed wards When Edwards buys an item either from another dealer or at auction sales he looks for markings on the china so he can tell how far the piece dates back He refers to books for the dates and different kinds of china In pottery the artist often left his initials says Ed wards So look up the initials in book and it gives me the ar tists name and the approx imate date the piece was made GLASS HARDESI Glass is the hardest item to trace because there is no marking on it You have to go by the pattern and they all start to look alike after while Edwards prices his items according to what he paid for them originally pass whatever savings get on to my customers says Edwards It pays me to give them good price Edwards says most of his customers at the shows dont know very much about anti ques However he does get some dealers Barrie Armoury last weekend The couple fmm rillia sell their antiques at shows throughout Ontario and feature rol Iectible items in china and glass Examiner Ihotmi Over 2000 people attend fifth annual antique show There is lot of time involv ed in looking for the dealers variety of items were displayed at the show Everything from furniture to old coins china and glass ware Were pleased with the dealers and they seem please ed with the show said MrsScarth People may not always buv at these shows but may member of the association So are singer Anthony Newley and Alvin loffler the author But Ms Goldman said they just want people to realiu they have choice when it comes to having children its the most important decision of couples life she said adding that the number of call dealer few days later about particular item they saw at the show The dealers make lot of contacts at the shows she said The money made at the an tique show goes to support the Gryphon Theatre in Bar rie during the summer The antique show and sale is the biggest fund raising project for the Georgian Guild ents not antichildren wives between the ages of 25 to 29 in the United States who do not want children has doubled in the last five years Deliberate childlessness was such an unusual phenomenon that it was rarely disctssed and childless couples were defen sive or apologetic about their decision Teaching boy that honesty is the most important thing Cub leader Lawrence Parry has tuaght lot of boys in the last 18 years but he has learned alot too Parry leader of the 3rd Barrie Cubs at Collier Street United Church since 1959 was the guest of honor Friday night at the church hall to mark his retirement from the Cub move ment Ive learned that every boy has feelings Parry said That every boy needs little bit of attcnt ion He said he has also learned that word of praise at the Lawnnee Pany right ub master at Collier Street United Church for the past t8 years was honored by friends and former charges at church hall Friday night as he retired from the Cub movement Two of Parrys fonner ubs who have graduated to the Boy Scouts David Hoffman left and Doug Beatty congratulate him Examiner Photo right time can give boy that extra incentive to do things he didnt think were possible Parry has seen his share of problem kids pass through the ranks of the 3rd Barrie Cub Pack but experieiiCe has taught him that unruly behavior can be the symptom of more serious need All kids need love he said It may not look like it at the time but if you pay attention thats whatitis Young boys learn how to tie knots and survive in the btsh in Cubs but Parry said he feels the most important lesson the tub movement teaches is honesty Ive always felt that is the most important thing the Cub movement has to offer he said think you could ask any Scout or ub question and be sure of getting an honest answer The scouting movement has been family affair for the Iarr ormer tub himself Parry decided to get involved as leader when his son John decided he wanted to join Iarrys wife Babs has work ed with Girl Guides and Brownies for 20 years she said We have three girls and boy and theyve all been in the movement Mrs Parry said The leisure look Model wears the ultimate In leisure looksan oyster toned cord and beige ensemble Sheep skin sleeveless topper has crocheted bands and toque to match The outift was part of fashion show Sunday at the Toronto Eaton Centre CP Photo Swedens royal baby already causing stir STOCKHOLM Renter Swedens royal baby Princess Victoria has already stirred up squabble among the memo tional Swedes and has injected new element into the 1979 elections here Under Swedens existing con stitution only male diild can inherit the Swedish crown but there are moves now to open the way to female succasion Swedens large Social Demo cratic party which stands chance of regaining power at the 1979 dections has been warned it will risk losing at the polls if it opposes the i$ue of female succession The political stir cuts across party social and generation lines And by implication it re flects upon monarchies in other democracies where inherited privilege and wealth are com ing under increasingly sharp scrutiny In Sweden as elsewhere the monarchical isue touches upon vibrant national nerve and the subject is not susceptible to logic or political loyalties Under 44 years of Social Democratic rulewhich ended last autumn when Premier Thorbjoern Faelldin took over the Swedish royal family was allowed to melt im perceptibly into the ackground The Social Democratic hope apparently was that it would eventually fade out through sheer neglect ISSUE REVIVEI But the royal family issue came to the fore again when Heidelbergborn Silvia Som merlath married King Carl Gustaf inaugurating an era in which the king set out to become an earnest democratic young ruler in tune with the modern age it rose again to the forefront of the national consciousness when Prinoem Victoriafull name Victoria Ingrid Alice Dc sireewas born on July 15 to the 33yearold queen It touched off speculation that she might become the ï¬rst ruling een in the thryear history of Bemadottedynasty Falledin who defeated the Social Democrats at the polls last September and heads middleoftheroad coalition will need every vote he can gar ner to win the 1979 elections His personal popularity has waned and public support is eb bing under the impact of bad economic news high inflation the threat of rising unemploy ment and poor export pros pects FAVORSCIIANGE Recogninng that small but nationally emotive imue might tip the balance Faelldin has al ready said he favors mon archy for both sexes His statement appears to re spond to broad popular senti ment and his governmait is ex pected to introduce bit later this year amending the con stitution to permit female suc Cission But any amendment to the constitution must be en dorsed by two parliaments with national elections in bet ween Arguments about the royal is sue are already getting mud dled The Royalists argue that equality in Sweden means uality for man or woman to erit the crown The Social Democrats and other leftwingers Progresswes and youth goqps argue that equality means at the monar chy which they see as in herited inequality iS glar inï¬anomaly Sweden where national wealth is more evenly divided than in most countries and where anyone can pry into his neigbbors income which is public equality usually wins the day Even the man appointed by the former Social Democratic government to inquire into the succession issue warns the left wing not to underrate the issue lngvar Lindell who heads the parliamentary commission of inquiry called the monarchy an appendage to state admin istration an anomaly in democracy fundamental inequality But he added that if major ity of Swedes want it then in the name of democracy it should be retained The Social Democrats should not jeopard ize an election victory in 1979 by sticking to their earlier line on thisissuehesaid The leading conservative daily Svenska Dagbladet wrote It is unreasonable to exclude princess from the succe$ion How unreasonable is demonstrated by the way in which three reigning monarchs in EuropeQueen Elizabeth Queen Juliana and Queen Margrethe perform their duties The Social Democrats seem already to have decided that discretion is the better part of electoral valor Lars Engqvist chatnnan of the partys youth movement said The Social Democrats must win votes in the next elec tion They will do so on essen tial issues not on whether boy or girl should be the mon arch But even if Princess Victoria does become queen by the time she comes of age at the end of this century there may be little or nothingleft for herto do Royal engagements have been gradually whittled down here to few state occasions each year Calgary scientist gets grant to study people watching CALGARY CP Calgary psychologist has been awarded Canada Council giant of 34280 to watch people watch people Ken Low says he will observe people standing on the corner watching all the iris go by but there is mu more to it than that For seven ears or more ive been study what people do with themselves when they dont have to do something said Low ooordinator for the Action Studies and Drug Education Program for the Calgary public school board grant will allow him to travel to public meeting areas across Canada such as malls and promenades Ive been photogra hing aple in wide range ordtu ations jtst like animal behav ioralists would observe their subjectshesaid analyse what theyre doing and theyre always doing something unless theyre dead why theyre doing it and how they acquired the wherewithal to do it It all has to do with the larger issue of the qtality of ell LISTS OTHERS Peoplewatching is one of nine activities which low calls universal activitis in which humam indulge when theyve nothing better to do Napping or sleeping fills time eating is form of en tertainment or diversion and easy shootingthebreeze con versation is another diversion from boredomLow said He also includes courtship among activities that help pass the time But peoplewatching is one of the most favorite activities there couldbe Low said this is evident in any civilization Because our society is tech nologically sophisticated we dont climb tree and watch our neighbors Television is our surrogate neighbor We bring in images of our neighbors it has made the function of church and village squares somewhat obsolete We watch the same sort of things ontelevision Low said people might see their neigh ors doing something really noteworthy interesting or traumatic once every five or six years IV MORE SPECTACULAR The average 18yearold kid now has seen 30000 homicides on TVéabout two an hour on the average This has created lot of our roblems We have an un althy feeling about life and other people We can make our surrogate neighbors creatures that are more sensational than our real neigibors The Canada Council yant Low said will enable him to take careful look at environ ments that allow people to per form five or six universal act iv ities When people talk about socializing they talk about envi ronment or contexts where they do variety of these simulta neously Many ways to remove stress NEW YORK AP walk around the block time out for meditating or reading lunch hour exercise at health spa These are some of the ways business professionals find refief from job stress reports registered nurse in the occupa tional health field interviews conducted by Dawn Kinsler health ad ministrator of Texas Corn merce Bank Houston revealed that indivudal workers per sonal habits play major role in creating stress she said Among them poor dietary habits elimination of daily breaks from work routint and skipping breakfast or lunch Ann Landers Nursing home bill of rights Dear Ann If you think this is worthwhile please print it wrote it for our special magazine Good HealthTire Con sumer Health Monthly Thank you John Callan MD Hartford Conn NURSING HOME RESIDENTS BILL OF RIGHTS am resident of nursing home Iam Human Being who through contribution to society uring my productive years helped to mould decent place in life for my generation and the enerations that follow me like to be treated with respect and dignity just as have always tried to treat others am and have been Somebody over the years to many people such as My Sweetheart My Wife My Husband My Mother My Father My Daughter My Son My many Friends If the waning years have been unkind to me please dont blame me if dont see too well Idont hear too well Ispill my food am incontinent need hel often am cran though idont want to be could be your Mother Father Grandmother Grand father Sodme day you may be Me little kindness soft wor Some acknowledgement by you that am still person not thing This is all ask Is it too much Dear Dr Callan You have spoken for millions today and thank you CON FIDENTLAL to Your Reader and Admirer for Many Years The Chicago Rehabilitation Institute does wonderful work for the handicapped Leave your nest egg to them with complete confidence Fgr What Its Worth What season is this was in the middle of one of my quick lunchtime tours around local store last week when my eye caught the unmistakable glitter of tinselled card rapid check of my not altogether reliable memory bank a$ured me that it really was still preThanksgiving and that scarcely leaf had left the trees at least in my yard So the sight of bank of cards bearing glowing candles chuckling Santas and Canadian pines against blue sky was unnerving to say the least furtive check proved that they werent even pretending to be those discreet little numbers that we are supposed to send to far flung friends and relations in midNovember These were blatant Chirstmas cards Surely this could not be reflection on our postal service Mail now for guaranteed delivery some time in December Doubtless holly wreaths gla$ baubles and plastic poinsettas are lurking beneath the counters ready to spring forth in abundance the second the pumpkins disappear Ihave to admit that am not Christmas addict In fact my nearest and dearest have been known to mutter Bah Humbug knowingly in my direction when the subject arises suppose it might have something to do with my Scottish background along with the sneaky suspicion that am being taken for glorious commercial ride It isnt just Christmas though is it This seasonal madness has gradually taken over Easter bunnies abound in January and Halloween witches stalk the aisles in August wouldnt mind so much if it was confined to greeting cards but have you ever tried to buy pair of mitts in February did last year battled fearlessly through bikinis and halter to fought my way over mountains of summer san dals an sorted hopefully through bins of endofline sun specials To no avail Every last pair of fully washable 100 per cent virgin synthetic mitts had mysteriously disap peared Perhaps they were basking on some sunlit beach in the south of France ready to appear again looking fit and well in early July My son wore two left gloves of varying colors through until April suppose the conclusion is inevitable In few years we will be able to buy Christmas cards in April and pick up couple of Halloween specials at the same time it is confusingfor simple souls like me though think Ill just go back to rowsing through my spring catalogues but may be the very first to wish you all Happy Mothers Day 1978 Pollys Einters No grease Lt for angel food DEAR POLLY have been told not to bake an angel food cake in pan that has been reased and used for other cakes Do you know if coul use such pan do not want to waste that many eggs if it will not work IREIIA DEAR IREITA Deep tube pans such as used for baking angel food cakes are seldom used for other things and if It has been thoroughly washed after each use see no reason why It cannot be used for an angel food cake Do not grease it for such cake as all recipes can find any to bake such cake In dry ungreased pan The trick ll not to remove from the pan Immediate ly after baking but Invert pan with cake and let hang until completely cool which will be an hour or more Loosen at sides and around the tube with narrow Ipatuia turn over and catch cake In the hands as it falls from the pan What do you think readers POLLY DEAR POLLY would like to tell Blanche whose syn thetic yarn sweater has an odor that when washed such sweater added favorite cologne to the rinse water It work ed Also to use up odds and ends of cologne sprinkle bit into the bag on my vacuum cleaner and when it is used it gives off pleasant odor EVA DEAR POLLY have found an excellent way to remove black marks on shoe heels that were caused by office chairs Wet cotton ball with fingernail polish remover and use on pa tent leather shoes find this works great and does not harm the shoes VIRGINIA DEAR VIRGINIA AND OTHERS have found this works very well on the patent finished shoes white particularly but do be careful and not make the mistake did had tried this remedy on so many different shoes the black mark were made while driving car that one day thoughtieuly tried It on pair of red leather shoel Off came the red with care and always tent POLIY DEAR POLLY kee piece of dark colored cardboard and piece of white card ard in my sewing box When sew ing on white or light colored fabrics hold my needle against the dark piece so it is easier to thread The white piece is used when sewing on dark things am 69 years old and my eyes are not too good so this is great help MRS CGW