71help wanted ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE 71help wanted TI Iialp wanted MERRITTHIGHLANDLIITLE AREA WELDONNAPIER AREA DONALDFRANCIS AREA LETITIA HEIGHTS DUCKWORTHEUGENIA AREA ST VINCENTMARION CR AREA THE EXAMINER or Phone 7265539 76 emponnienf wanted hearing from you 76em ploy ment wanted MALE 10 Ramble cmplnye sevktno raineh 305 on years tuning5s exp mer desk purchiisnu octvertisinu uslvimer relations marketing years nrol counsnleina ritervienmg univers backaro nc Pllartnl 705 My 775 ritil Will are for children in Alanmlw Wï¬x Coming Events I01 81 birth PARTTIME EMPLOYMENT WANTED Many students attending Georgian College in Barrie want and need parttime employment They have variety of skills to of fer If you have regular parttime or short term jobs available the Job Placement Office of the College would appreciate SPECIAL NOTICES Death Notices Engagements Births $550 sworn It Dont be out of the news when youre away at school this yearGet Student Subscription to The Examiner Only $1950 For an month subscription Postage included Manda Cltlld is fair of face TUESdrI Child is full of Harr Wednesllays Child is full of hue Thursday Co In Ma far In on Fridays Child laying and giving Saturdays Ch lrt works hard for itr livina And ttild that bar on thn sati bath Day Is to ir and we and gÂ¥l and cm Children hiiarvna III verse by Countur Cullen always wan to know which iii of the week was We blrln dale hffp this and other irtipnrtan information for your childs future An Eldfiilllr Birth Announcerrmnt writ include the nanc of your child Ihc day of the week month and year of arm the wright anti nIhrr Vital informawin printvrt mlSal an her title permanent record in Babys Book or Famin Albums Tlllfall for in EtatiinrV sirir Nritri is only 35 50 matimum do Minis Into tirmaI words ler on per worrl PHONE 118 JAN 85 death BUTLER Rita Elvin Suddenly nt ttn Honore Mcrr ier hospital St Hyarinlhe Quebec on Sunday September Minty1 Rita Butler Laying mother of Kenneth of Angus Allan of Hawkestnne Harold of St Arnable Quebec and pro riornawt by Shirley Dear grandmother of 10 grandchildren and four qrra grand children Resting at the Jcnnclt Funeral Home 15 Bradford St Barrie tha tion from Tuesday at Servire in the chapel on Thursday September With at Interment Grenfell Cemetery RAND WILL At his honn li Berczy St Sunday September 71 I911 Survived by his Wife Barbara Young and histhreechilrtrrm Cremation Intcr ment in Verrrionl No flowers plcasr BOYD father September 24 19 He had nature you oold not hrlu IW ing And heart that was purer than qolrl In Iovrnq memory of drnr Walter who passed awat And to those who knew turn and loved him His memory vnll newr grow old Always remembermt HI writ Itiili by daughter Debbie SCHOFIELD Charles Iovrnu memory of dcar husband father and grandfather Clrlrllf xhofiiEil Nfll passed away September Ill Also our parents Ctiorlir Sirrirnon Septemter 71 193 and Dulrm Sim rnans0r tuber How we 115 the walr onii footsteps of the one we love so dear Oft we listen for his coming Fully sure that he near Thou art gone but not forgotten Fresh our low will ever be For as long as thcri is mffttm We will always think of them At Nays remembered by Witi DiI daughter Juan son Ronald amt Iarnilies 76 eaploypient wanted Please call 728I95I Ext 250 or 324 during regular business hours $202327 CASH maximum 40 words additional words I0 cents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words 10 cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line 5322 per column inch Send cheque or money order with your name and complete address the examiner CIRCULATION DEPT I6 Bayfield St BARRIE Offer Expires Sept 30 87 in memoriams EMMS In loving memory of dear son and Dr tthrr Timrr who passed away Sirpt 77 Ill Well always remember Your laugh and your ways The comfort and You gave us those Ila We think of you often ind yr wo shod trars Well pronanly rtr that The FISI of our years We low you we iv you That 111 wnr an say Anri hope that We see you In hriii Jln some 10 Alea roirierntmrerl by Mom Dad Charles Jeffrey and Define DIEcoining events ANAF BINGO Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm Jackpot $300 must go every week Admission $1 00 for cards Air conditioned hall GEORGE SI BARRIE WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow rind cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions oflwant ads we know tomorrow is the best day tostart your ad and every day is the best day to ad vertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 Please fill out the application below and return it to Circulation Dept 15 Bayfield St Barrie Telephone Age gross and the Pentagon have NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise US US survey shows onvenrional war ability weak Militarytomparison USUSSll By PETER ARNETI And FRED HOFFMAN WASHINGTON AP The ability of the United States to fight major conventional war has been seriously weakened by shortages in key wea ons and ammunition and by at er criti cal deficiencies Stated frankly and simply our army is outgunned and in adequately equipped said Gen David Jones US Air For ce chief of staff We have had to live with un derequipped tactical fighter units shortfalls in airlift capa bility an austere air defence force and persistent shor tages of aircraft spare parts and some types of munitions Jones said the Pentagon has started corrective actions but two month investigation by The Associated Press shows it will take two to six years to cure most of the major short comings It will take at least five or six years of concerted effort be fore the material condition of the entire fleet attains sus tainablc satisfactory level said the defence department describing the US Navy Unlike the conventional for ces US strategic nuclear Fstriking arms appear to be in good shape These longrange missiles and bombers and mis sile submarines are designed to deter any nuclear attack on the INCREASED CONCERN During the last year Con shown concern about the read incss of conventional US land air and sea forces to deal with possible attack on Western Europe by the Soviet Union This concern grows front at belicf that the Russians may have developed cnougli hard hitting fastmoving ground illlfl air power to attack Western 0pc with little warning Andiiicss problems also unr dcrcut INS ability to usc ground $02 and air forces cf fcctivcly in the Fur linsl Mill dlc East and the oilprrxliicing Persian lull The investigation highlighch thcsc significant weaknesses among others lhc army has only 7000 of the nearly 15000 tanks planinch believe it must have to defeat Soviet armor and rcplncc nit zinticipzitcrl licuvy bottle losscs The Russians outnumber Alliid urmics by about three to onc in tanks in tlic crucial cntrzil lilur I6 hur figgru Enos 4300 Anp mat 50 Tanks Divisions Helicopters Ship Submarines Tactical Aircraft Iizirt coinpzircs capability of the and Soviet Union to fight conventional nonnuclear Hlt according to figuns supplicd by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff AP Photo Iupczin scitor lhc riir force has about half the urlvuncul znr to air missiles ll netls IS defence against cncniv fighter planes llic army national guard and rcscrvc lizis fcw units rated ready for deployment llic air force marines and navy arc gcncrzilly rcgzirrlcd IS being in better SllilptL ll1c rcscrvc manpower pool has dropped to 430000 from 10 million five years ago Because the draft is dead this in dividual ready reserve would be the main source of replacements for battle casualties in the first weeks and months of war P00r reliability of some new aircraft ships and other complex weapons have caused major problems During one recent period fewer than 50 per Besf and worst of both for Lloydminsler Alla Sask 111 An At swimt mindgt lltc bordcr marker bctwccn Saskatchewan and Alberta runs down the west sidewalk on Lloydininistcrs main slrcct TIN town does not fccl di vi Iid by the bordcr but fuccs vuriclj of problems in dealing with two provincial governments and two sets of laws Pcr capita grants from tlic pnniiiccs go iii LLYI1IINSTICR li This community of about 10300 sitting on the border between Alberta and Saskatchewan some imes feels it gets the best of both worlds being serviccd by two provincial governments But at other times it seems to gel the worst When Mayor Russ Robertson leaves city hall Iic must obcy Ssakatchcwnn law and bucklc his seat belt He can undo it three blocks from home he causc his house is in Alberta where sentbell use is not com pulsory The ltftth Meridian which di vidcs the two provinces runs down the wcsl sidewalk of the citys main street The village of Lloydniinstcr Alto and the town of Lloyd minstcr SilSk were joined into single municipality in 1930 by it onepage charter passed by the legislatures of both prov inces It provided for single town council and support from hot Ii Edmonton and Regina Because the larger cmmunity was in Saskatchewan 47 ycurs ago the post office city hall and hospital are on the cast side of the boundary Rut AlIxrlti Power Ltd Alberta iovv lernmcnt Telephones rind Lloyd minster Gus an Allxrtuchtin tiered company provide the scr vtces REVENUESIIARED We dont ruilly think of our iselves as being from citbcr psidc said Lou Hanson llic ionly member of tlic sevenmain cuuncil who lives in Saskatche lWiIIl The fivcpcrccnt sales tax in lSZISkZIIChQWafI versus noiic in iAlbcrtii is another problcni Merclianls on thc cast side by to absorb the tax llltllSlVta ill IOZISI on smullcr items rntbcr than pass it on to llic cuslonict Tbc city pin Siiskzitcliwnn education and licultli tux on vcr hicles and maltrials used to Service the eastern llillf of Ilic municipality lintil Saskatchewan drople succession dulics this your tlicrc wrrc reports that Lloyd minster residents were moving across town to avoid Ilicin Albcrtu incomc tnxcs zirc lower than Sziskzilchcwuns but Sziskzitclicwzin residents get free medical care insurnncc and break on car registration and insurance Per capital grants from llic provinccs go Hill cminnion pot with tlic rcsult that ii ncw fitsmillion nineslicct curling rink and cultural ccntrc is on thc SilskfthIXWilll sidc but Al berta is grunting $100 per per son for construction wliilc Sits katchcwrins contribution is $30 head Wcrc sort of on the outsidc here said Robcrtson But were gctting big enough for but It Sidcs to start In if ice nc provincial official in Rc ginn suggislnl that Ilic pcoplc of Lloydniinstcr lizivc bucomc masters at ripstiwing tlic gov crnmcnts if both provinccs for all thcyrc worth But city businessman rcspundcd with Wcrc supportcd by two pro vincitil governments Sonic tinics we feel as if iicillicr of 10m WillllS us At other tinics both of Ilicm want us Wc lttl up getting the good illlll tlic bad Ihc director of the public school board It Price said We never look on it child its illl Albcrtli lir Susklilchcwiin rcsi dent As Izir its that goes Ilic border doesnt cxrst to common put with tIic result that ncw nineshch curl ing rink and cultural centre being biiill for 815 million is on tlic SuskntclIwun sidc but Alberta is granting $100 per per son for construction yliilc Saskatchewans contribution is Silflu IIIII lI Iliotnl lublic and separate school bonrds draw up their budgets on the basis of per student cx pcnilit urcs aprovcd for the rest of Saskatchewan Albcrlzi prn vnlcs its SIliIlO Ilithl on the Snxkntchcwnn formula and 0n the number of Alberta students in IIttllSIIHI illll IS I813 Like the municipality and hospital the nccd to deal with two governments lends to liighcr administrative costs or the school system said Price More than half the citys pop ulation now lives in Alberta and 54 per cent of the 2600 students in the school system come from the west side of town Robertson had no pat answer as to why must of the house con struction and industrial de volopmcnt lately has gone into Alberta Learn to Prepare Income Taxes Like to meet the public Want to earn extra money Work accurately with figures Enroll in the Block Income Tax Course beginning soon in your area and learn to prep are income taxes for yourself your friends and its source of income Job interwews available for best students Send for free information and class schedules today Classes begin Oct I077 H3 Canada LTD contact the office nearest you ISDUNlOP ST III 716421 Please send me free information about your tax obligation Name Address City preparation course understand there Is no Prov ET CLP AND MAIL TODAY Phone cent ofthe Atlantic fleets 514 fighter planes were ready to fly PERSONNEL DROPPING The US military services have about 21 million men and women in uniform15 million less than the Vietnam war peak and the smallest number since before the Korean War in 1950 The 4685hip US Navy is nearly the smallest since before the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor The fleet was re duced by retiring hundreds of older ships for economy rea sons But there are pluses as well as minuses The air forces tactical air ponsible commandywhich is res for preparing USbased fight wn fie Em 529 Sir 519 rr 52 MGM at =gt3+ayo+gto+stgt+ï¬ewewoealeeStraw 3+ 72 gt Gkazlx urnfl cgraHr WHEN YOU OPEN YOUR NEW ACCOUNT WELL HAVE ANOTHER GIFT READY FOR YOU EDWARD PAGE Mor tgaqe Officer which we offer wwwwwwwhwwwwwwmwwwwwooewean Accounting Secretary the examiner Tuesday Sept 27 1977 15 ers for depIOymentclaims it can double the nearly 600 US fighters now based in Europe in 96 hours and have them on com bat almost immediately The volunteer military con cept has been under criticism from Ca itol Hill since the draft en ed more than four years ago However The AP found that military professionals from generals down to sergeants and chief petty officers generally praised the quality and performance of the new breed of enlisted men and women DEFENCE ESSENTIAL new defence directive is sued after months of study reinforces what has been the major focus of US military policyto defend Western Eu rope as c105e to the Communist border as possible without yielding any more German soil than is necessary In its annual report to Con gress the defence department stressed that conventional AI lied defence must be based on wa he Wall to Wall Carpets Rugs and Furniture Established 1948 Cecil is retired RCAF years fer 549 qufield St flqu WERE OPEN and this week is Open Home You are invited to come in and see our new premises have donut and coffee and take home free seedling pine to MEET OUR MANAGEMENT TEAM who will provide that personal service RETA lENl We look forward to telling you about our fresh approach in meeting your financial needs and about some very special semces FOR COMPETITIVE DEPOSIT AND MORTGAGE RATES PHONE 3252328 HOU RS 930 430 Mon Thurs 930 600 Friday 930 1230 Saturday ORILLIAS FIRST LOCALLY OWNED TRUST COMPANY Mississaga Street East Member Canada Deposn Insurance CorpOraiion own merit 9M it it +9 Hi 92 lt4 Ms on ea M2 4M3 Nit he eJf 611 new Professional STEAM CLEANING In Your Home or at our plant FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY YES we claim velvet furniture SIMCOE CARPET who has resided in the Barrie area for the past five At Simcoe Dafsun were growing to serve you bet SIMCOE BEttY IHOMSON Deposit Supervisor Vw WV the assumption that an attack with little or no warning by in place Warsaw pact forces is possible that the attacking for ce could amount to 500000 men or more and that forward Allied defence is essential The reserve stocks in Europe are important because the shor tage of longrange airlift capacity makes it questionable whether enough fresh equi merit and ammunition co reach Europe in time to in fluence the battle during the first 30 days And top army logistics ex rt in Europe said We wo dnt have enough in war reserve stocks to fight for the first 30days of war The AP learned that the Eu ropean war reserves stocks contain only about 25 per cent of the tanks required onethird of the ammunition no armored personnel carriers and no long barrelled selfpropelled artil lery which division command ers say is vital to match the longer ranges of the Soviet field guns John Dupain ï¬g 0mm mflï¬ml Ml CIINK SWIM 728476 NEW DIVISION TO SIMCOE DATSUN We at Simcoe Dafsun are pleased to an nounce the appointment of Cecil Moore as our new Lease Fleet Manager and Canadian Forces Pilot DATSUN 7370254 ee+e+e+e¢e+e+o+m+v+e¢oees weatwerzseeï¬lw JIM GRAHAM Managing Director is gaugesgamesoeesmemmmwwmeï¬mcï¬