Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1977, p. 14

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14 tho examiner Tuesday Sept 27 1977 18 apts wanted to rent URGENTLY REQUIRED by October 15th Furnished bachelor apartment tor single middle age responsible male Must be reasonable Good relerenCes Telephone 322 3059 GENTLEMANIRWISHESMFURNISHED FLAT or two bedroom apartment to share Telephone726 1664 YIroom and board ROOM AND BOARD Ior young gentleman in centrally located home Lunches packed light laundry parking Abstainers Telephone 728 7568 22rooms wanted YOUNG MAN would like room and board Monday to Friday in Barrie Would preler young atmosphere 7287922 23offices storesrlor rent MODERN OFFICE space lor lease small or large smtes immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 1400 Angeloll OFFICE SPACE available lrom 125 to 1200 square reel Rental rate 5450 per sq ll Call Bill Sakaris National Trust Company 728 9201 TWO OFFICES iust over 500 square leet each can be oined together $150 mon thly each includes parking and heat Located Dunlap St dewnlown Barrie Mrs Petch 726 33311 24space torrent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq lt lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 1111 18 it clear part at large expanding industrial mall 716 7130 FOR LEASE warehouse Angeloll VERY NICE Dunlop St properly Phone 728 7044 or 635 0637 sou so FT WORKSHOP Ior lease Available immediately Rental includes heal and Ilghts downtown Barrie Call 728 0580 belore 5p or industrial Telephone SDBCE and 726 1400 Industrial building on West With large lenced in 4I6 26accommodationsto share PERSON TO SHARE comly home in Stroud $100 monthly includes utilities Call J36 5074 heavy duty springs alternator and power 5190mm poww bmkoserc poo BRAND NEW GOODYEAR all winter sENlOR CITIZEN Wishes to share two radiator Extra DPBTLT rear Third Orlqmal milLS excellent condition radialsnowtirestselottwoonrimstolit bedroom aparlmenl or obtain rurnisned lseat Excellent condition Phone Serieus enqumes only Telephone Mat9 Ganada ASH 75 CG Teepmm 16 7er 6726 ll16 1018 alter 6p iNetI835 5791Aalter5 30 FI finest IIIIiII ALUMEUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eavestrough Sollit Windows Facia Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRooting Porch EnclosuresStonework For lree estimate Col PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business NORTHERN ALUMINUM Products Sallit Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar gfltood 7267609 7269W2 FRALICK ALUMINUM Siding Sollit Fascio Shutters Windows Doors Eavestrough Call today 4361830 STROUD GIBSON ALUMINUM Old Fashioned Pride Sidding Sotlil Trough Awnings Doors Windows STORM WINDOWS INSTALLED FREE BARRIE 7265609 N24 APPLIANCES EIECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and service 18 Ailipgce Blvd 728 3392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars CorOnOIIOn Auto Serv 17 Mary St 7255441 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses lot sale Apply c1192 Malrose Ave Bartlegrgr lalophone 72B 5283 CUSTOM MADE CLOCKS LEONS Custom Made Clocks will also do repairs Showroom Hwy 91 at Dalston 7289548 CARPENTIIY T2 cars For sale 1973 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Custom door Sedan radio V8 auto ps pb spill bench Seat heavy duty equipment block heater radials excellent condition original owner will certily $1900 Telephone 728 1510 alter pm I975 PLY PASSENGER WAGON ps pb ow lactor air all heavy duty equip ment Excellent condition Telephone 726 8405 1972 TOYOTA CELICA standard transmission AMFM six radials ruslprooled Ansa exhaust recent tuneup 50000 miles Excellent condi tion Certilied $1550 Call 487 5714 thTVOLIZsTtAOEN TBEETLE mlni condition 5500 as is Telephone 778 4081 1969HCORTINA tour Cylinder automatic two door sedan Good cheap transportation As is 5300 Telephone 728 5060 alter pm 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600 deluxe two door hardtop lour speed rust pronl ed 36000 mile warranty whitewall radials rear delogger 19000 miles 7282138 1972 TOYOTA CELICA certilied AI upholstery body good new paint speed AM FM radio Best oller Call 322 13440r 726 5087 I968 CHEV 301 MOTOR body good power steering asking $200 1966 Pan tiaC body good power steering and brakes 5100 or best otter Telephone 7289204 1971 TR6 TRIUMPH CONVERTIBLE new paint radio reburlt transmisswn and rear end Excellent mechanically $1300 Willcertily Telephone 726 8204 1968 CHEV eight cylinder automatic with radio Uncerlilied Asking 5100 Phone alter Sp 728 5667 I971 PINTO radio 53000 mules body in good shape $650 or nearest oller Telephone 726 4559 evenings 283 CHEV ENGINE erh transmisSion and starter 40000 miles Since rebunt Slooor best otter Telephone 728 511st SACRIFICE SALE 1977 Camaro cer tilled 13000 miles hood scoop spoiler 305 engine two tone brown 60 series tires mag runs on rear Call 4245152 or 424 5771 I974 VENTURA HATCHBACK 350 automatic power steering 311000 miles 52 500 certilied or best oller Please call 436 2206 alter 5p 1974 GMC SUBURBAN 46000 miles 350 PS PB trailer tIlIctI wtrlnu and brakes 32 cars tor sale 1965 CORVETTE Stingray coupe 327 cubic inch certilied $6950 Telephone 72610010r 7269005 I976 DART SWINGER cylinder automatic radio rear delogger low mileage excellent condition priced to sell Telephone 436 4517 alter 6pm 1973 METEOR V8 automatic power steering brakes 58000 miles radio new exhaust system good condltlon $1800 Phone 728 0851 1975 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM Fury power steering and brakes automatic radio etc 360 like new $3200 Telephone 728 7484 evenings 1973 DODGE CHARGER special edi tion Green with white vinyl top two door hardtop motor power steering power brakes and radio Certiried under coated and Ming glazed 45000 mies Ex cellent condition 52850 or best otter Telephone 7287538 between pm pm I931 LORD COUPE Model Excellent condtion Trade or cash $3900 or best oller All high perlormance options Telephone 726 48130r 728 6807 I973 MERCURY COMET six cylinder aUIOlnallC transmissmn radio radial tires excellent condition $1800 will cer tily Telephone 487 5468 alter pm or weekends ONE OWNER I975 DATSUN 710 Stan dard low mileage excellent condition with tour winter tires economical gas saver TelephOne 726 5757 alter 6pm LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1970 Air conditioned power equipped 84000 miles Newly painted Private sale $2000 Telephone 728 7156 BRAND NEW 1977 Pontiac Parisienne two door vinyl root V8 305 cubic inch engine extras Won at CNE Telephone 728 11203 alters 00 1975 TOYOTA CELICA GT 25000 MILES speed AM FM Radio radial tires rear Window delogger block healer AI condition make otter 728 8864 I977 CHRYLSER ASPEN two door cus tom sedan 26 options including on the lloor overdrive balance 01 warranty Will sell Ior low price 01 541175 lirm 728 3631 TWO CARS I968 TRIUMPH SPIT FIRE been restored asking $900 1968 Chev asking 5600 Will certiiy both cars Telephone 76 0909 ask lor Steve 1973 VW SUPER BEETLE automatic stick shill gas heater rear window delogger good condition $1500 or best otter Call 436 2579 alter 1975 TRANS AM while 400 CI speed ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the Just look over the lob possible ads below The advertisers iur COMMERCIAL ART HANDYMAN COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art FREE Garages cleaned trash hauled work onou etc Plese ul colloct 416 away Just glva us your rost olls telephone 3936263I 487 5525 or 726 3441 HANDYMAN will do painting paper hang mg cleaning basemmits and garages niture strippltig and relinishing 7372872 IRESIDENTIAL FENCING Chen lnk mum HANDYMAN CAN beat or meet wood lences 3507 Improve your property 737 DRESSMAKING iDRESSES FIT ll made by JOSIE AOUINO lSpQCIoIlzlng In pantsuits gowns and Olteta lions 42 Eugenics SlkPhOner72676OLX DRESSMAKTNG TAILORING and altern For oppOItImenl lions Reasonable rates coll 737 3984 betweertt Von and 9pm kING ANO ALTERATIONS 311 reasonable rates Telephone DRESSMA and olllcrenl 737 I735 EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughlng installed Coll 7286628 PERIOE EAVESTROUGHING SpOciDlisIs Roolrng and rooting repairs Free estimates Call Martin Verslrpilenr424 1956 New Lowell ELECTRICAL IPETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residenriol Industrial Installations and sor 159776406 SIMCOE ELECTRIC Commercial Farms Eaves Industrial jResidential Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Llc 118 7288234 It mun ELECTRICAL °ndustrial 9Form Commercial Residential Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Rool Devicing QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 N23 EXCAVATING Roam aovcnorr Excavating houldge septic systems lTunClllFIg loader work gravel 4361558 4361257 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Back hoe Excav AND General Contractor Kitchen rar rooms renovations additions Irreplaces guaranteed 737 17507 CARPENTER Specializing iii rer rOOms in letter remodelling trim etc Please call 7288894199 CABINET MAKER European trained Kit chans vanities Pine lurmturo renovations allaralrcms Domestir Commatrial 726 2948 LICENCED CARFcNfélts Custom homes collages renovaIIOrs repairs Satislouion guarantiod ROndJCGnslrurlton 7267461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling olr VNo tobto smail 7261271 CONSTRUCTION Drama mam lor renovotlons additions homes collages FIQOHQSIIFTIOIBVS 43574995 General carpentry Addltrons garage tor rooms built In closets Drywall texture DIPXIFIQ free estimates 726 3853 START YOUR spring cleaning lodoy Ravilallle your carpets with AI cnrpel sloom loaning 72676321 CHIMNEY REPAIR Graham Chimney Repair 10 Years in Barrie Chimneys Repaired Chimneys Rebuilt Chimneys Cleaned Call 7286628 CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 1260081 Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 EXCAVATING AND EQUIPMENT RENTALS Dragline back hoe bulldozers grader Law Construction Lid Shanty Bay 726 8229 FIREPLACES STONEWORK and Irreplaces spocrolly Vic Watson Ior tree 877l171100728 1599 FIREWOOD FlREWOOD FOR SALE Hardwood split and delivered Any quantity All dry seasoltod WDOd 48721I3 ASSORTED FIREWUOD CUSTOM cur 7264 TF £13011 REFINISIIING iixirowoooIgrjzilfiflffii relinishing old and new guaranteed not to chip or pool 32511341 HOME IMPROVEMENTS filNTEIIIOII REMODELLING Kllfltolll rooms Call Run 4363681 alter 30 Rolorencos available MED MORE living space rac room extra bedroom play room laundry olllce storage spoco Also painting wallpoparing Murray Ball 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete bosomonl planning and decorating privacy Lcraans rmd patio aluminum door The numbnr Ior ds728B906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chimneys Iwoterprooling brick and stone caulking win daws and expansion iomts Work guaran toad 4589346 NORTHERN CARPENTRY rooms innovations extensions atc olc Guor artistiwsrk 719299979999 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Renovations house railing panelling match and shame991015901 59 135 11 CONSTRUCTION House railing lbun dolionl ranbvullbnl additions 4362955 or 4364175 altorbp Phone Ony reasonable quota Ior lireplaces rec rooms chimneys pointing etc For old lashlonod workmanship roll 73771036 737 2325 INCOME TAx INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar named 55 up Dobson 4245910 alter Sand weekends INSULATION NORTHERN INSULATION Attic Blowing Free Estimates Work Guaranteed 1311121 LAWNCARE FERTILIZIIG WEED spraying mowing hedge and shrub trimmiing Also rough mowing yIL Trlonlslra 726 0477 RUSH SPORT CENTRE rmlas north ol ca no west side 0127 Hwy Lawn and garden Snowmobile reports 776 3458 FALL FERTILIZING loll cleanups Hodge and shrub trimming Mowing ortd weed spraying Vic Trlamslro 7260427 gt MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN Music lor people whc likato dance Good roles 7289545 EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 MUSIC lNSflIUCTIONi GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular MarcelPotleIGultar Studio 7261489 DANCING INSTRUCTION Ages years and over Tap Ballet Jazz Baton Enrolling now Ior classes commencing in September Telephone 1264123 REGIONAL ACADEMY OF DANCING 015 iACCORDION gurlor piano organ beginner and advanced Two months trial Instrument loaned Ior homo proclire Canadian Aca olMustc I2180yliold 7281799 GUITAR ClassOI and lolk string bono and drums The Bandstand Boylield Moll 7264971 iPIANO LESSONS taught by experienced toochnr All types rnusir For details E737 I468 PIANO VOICE AND IHEORY DagmarIo Associalo tuna Melnntiachor LTCL ARCT AMUS PMT 728 4436 lGlJITAR LESSONS classical popular and iroch Phnne Gory Gontier 726 9098 PROFESSIONAI DRUM INSTRUC lTION Private lessons available in Ian gtrock or classical Reasonable rates lTalepliorio 726 2903 iDRUM LESSONS Stnrtor Equipment sup lpliod CallLlodeobriel 7264723 lPIANO LESSONS Ior all ages Will visit your home lot details Phone 458 9189 AV° DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES BARRIE 1310119 MANIERI PAVING Drivoways Parking Lots HTennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260081 Serving Simcoe County lor 17 years Saltsloction guaranteed 773771235 selections Upham 32 cars for sale 1968 OLDS power steering windows and seat Stereo radio New battery and tires Good second car Excellent condi tion $550 or best oller 7260191 anytime 1954 CHEV BEL AIR Calllornla can6 cylinder power glide In excellent condi tion Telephone 7280684 altar pm I974CAPRI V6 2800 engine excellent condition only 18000 miles slx radials silver with black vinyl rool saddle In terior lully reclining lront bucket seats lac clock radio and tape deck Standard low speed transmission $2700 or closestoller Certllled 7282471 1969 FORD CUSTOM DELUXE runs well has block heater clean little rust Can be certilled $300 or best oller Must sell 437 5961 I973 TORINO wagon vs automatic 400 engine Best alter or trade Telephone 322 2696 I972 VEGA hatchback 31000 mi Cor Illled needs paint lob 6700 Telephone 728 8028 I971 PINTO 5150 As is Motor In good running condition Body needs minor work Clean Interior Telephone 7264236 alter 1975 AIR CONDITIONED BIRD power seat and windows AMFM stereo radio excellent condition 41000 miles 55500 Telephone 726 1116 34 trucks and trailer 1915 DODGE MAXIVAN Cam con version STD transmission rIy ox tras 55500 or best ollor Telephone 4249917 1975 F250 FORD lour wheel drive VI automatic In good condition Telephone 4455562 alter pm I975 CERTIFIED FORD F400 llatbod 27000 mllos V8 speed transmission with tandem Ion trailer Will soil separate or together 7263068 alter pm 1914 GMC hall ton truck We standard Best ollor or trade Tolop one 322 2696 1916 FORD VAN E150 vo powFilo to and brakes extra 1er and chrome rims custom lnlorlor In excellent con dition Call 4245467 1961 OMC onenarmmi 3516 van Noodl work 3125 as Is To ophona 7281913911 5pm 37m otorcycles I972 750 HONDA Good condition Telephone 4364299 alter 911 1100 1913 HONDA 51350 street and trail 6111 In good running condition Asking 5375 Telephone 726 4296 1976 CAN AM 250 Enduro 3000 miles Knobbles spare sprockets etc Sacrlllco $975 In 33 cars warnedto buy 57 was many ox ras Call TOP PRICE lor top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradtord5l Barrie 8111 75 HON DA 750 CC JUNK CARS WANTED Highestprices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACY WANTScarsrand trucks lor wrecking and parts lop prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 COLE BROS Cars and truck wanted lor wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6322 Alter 6pm 414 5949 WANT Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto sales l7 Gowan St 7266488 SHAKELS WRECKING and ToWIKg scrap metal cars bought over scales Best prices paid 436 3677 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTEDLATop prices paid Free immediate pickup anytime 4161900 ssservice and repairs LICENSED MECHANIC will do general repairs by appointment only Nights and weekends Telephone 728 187711 36auto accessories PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Establish od30years 7262225 7269W2 WAYNE FOLEY Prolosslortal painters EI terror and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed 726 7389 PAINTINGHPAPER HANGINGaxparIaMad lrea estimates Jack Richardson 7262012 1159s PAULS PAINTING Intnor Free estimates Low rates exterior Foal service PICTURE FRAMING GATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom training at all types We stock many sixes Rhona 123 3170 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages ARTIFRAM Custom picture lroming WIdO Fast service Low low price mBmfvohings Vth RIDING INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor and outdoor riding schools Five minutes lrom Dorris wINDv HAUGH FARM 7260192 ROOFING and Roollng New Asphalt shingles Repairs guaranteed quality work Reasonable 174168957533colla wANo It ROOFING New and old Fran estimgtos 43681771ltar pm Painting Shinqling CENTRAL ROOFING COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL New And Repairs Minnikln Angus 4241109 Ehnvalo 3222113 530 Graham Roofing 10 Years In Barrio Shingles Installed Rooling Rapuirod Dont Wait Until It Snows Pooling 10 years old or more coul give you problems Call Graham Roofing 1286628 SNOW BLOWING SEASONAL CONTRACT or as you need it blowor or plow Simpson Telephon 1264599 or 8355957 svowrtowmo REICHEN SNOW PLONING and Snawblowlng Reasonable roles Contracts seasonal or by 929 ur C° 63966 TYPING DO YOU NEED TYPING DONE Fall accurate Iorvica now available Reasonable ralaa Call WELL DRILLING Gilberts Water Well Drilling Farms homes collages Fraa estimate 10 years experiencorAngus1245651 WELL Dloolrlc MAllA WELL DIGGING RR No Barrio Home Farm Cottage Concrele wall tiles Pump installations For Free Estimate CALL 1284634 anytime WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart ments Stores Housos Factories Reason °b re batten7791 LET SERVICE GUIDE WORK FOR YOU PHONE 7282414 IIiiVIuiInlununnnui oller 16 Wellington St or call 7264851 Excellent condition Llc com Only $1495 Cullingtord Motors Ltd 94 Tillln street Barrie 7373440 Ilasnowmobiles MOTOSKI snowmobiles sales and ser vice Check our new 2soaaon warranty Barrie MoteCross Centre Ltd 389 Baylieid St Barrie 7264112 RUPP NITRO ll 74 440 snowmobile Good condition new TIDCK 37W 01 M31 Must sell I976 OLYMPIC 300 snowmobile lor sale Asking $1150 Low mileage In excellent condition Telephone 7286530 40 articlos for solo ADVANCED VACUUM 1416 Mulcastor St Barrie 7268643 One of the oldest and most complete vacuum services north at Toronto Special offer $1050 with this ad only COMPLETE SERVICE parts not included Bags and belts Ior most machines in stock We also rebuild vacuum hose money and ROYAL RECORD CALL 70 telephone answer ing machine Telephone 737 1792 ELECTRIC Seml Acoustic Guitar and Amplilier approx months old Both In excellent condition Asking $550 726 3435 USED FURNITURE Air conditioners small lridges lor ollice or cottage solves treezers odd chairs chesterlield sets lawn IurniIure and bedroom suites Clarks Home Furnishing Warehouse tree deliver 728 2843 SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS Aigi ban Kaypool etc Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop St East 113 Mt SWIMMING POOLS Io RentWill lease and install tor homeowner lamlly size aluminum swimming pool with patio Chaice 01 styles meeting all lencing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own No payments till 1978 Try belore you buy Call couect any timel 4166639508 FIREWOOT iMixod split hardwood $35 taco cord dalivarod $30 picked up ISIAH SHADE GARDEN CENIRE IR NO BARRIE 726001 s6 PER WEEK Buys beaulllul 26 RCA color Spanish to the lloor console television No money down no payments until November 77 Phone tonight delivery tonight Kraly Kellys TV Barrie Plala 7371182 HARDWOOD veneered plywood dress ed and cut to size European hardware Progressive Wood Design 72613 BASEMENT SALE Love se two swivel rockers cradle hockey equip ment skates ski boots carpets llre ex tinguisher Iloor polisher 10 gallon aquarium microphone and stand Telephone 737 I295 08 CONVEYORSAND SHOPSTOOLS RAPISTAN BELT conveyors 500 steel shop stools $5 each Toronto 416 274 2561 ACCORDIANS TWO RED CARUSO 40 bass In good condition Well kept $150 each Telephone 726 2952 RECYCLE LOsT HEAT lrom your lur nace Install heat miser in your smoke pipes call lor inlormation 728 0755 BARRIE MATTRESS FACTORY has limited supply 01 seconds at reduced prices Barrie Mattress Factory 15 Dunlop St downtown Barrie 7289922 DINING ROOM SUITE Spanish styling bullet hutch six chairs and extension table in perlecl condition Telephone 737 3925 SNOW BLOWER Sumbean Snowchamp 20 Inch under warranty used twice like new $110 Telephone 635 2094 WOOD BURNING COOK STOVE cast Iron and white porcelain six burners water reservoir worming shell lire box In excellent condition Telephone 737 I783 FROST FREE FRIDGE new condltlon S400 Electric stove s15 Skibootsslze8 ladies 520 Vacuum cleaner S20 Combination door $50 Wrought iron patio set 50 Fireplace screen 37 Drapes pr S70 size 60 wide 50 long Satin side drapes green $40 Venetian blind 23 by 38 35 Phone 726 8597 STAIR GLIDEa3proxlmalely 220 Good condition Telephone 7267383 ADMIRAL GAS STOVE copperlono three years old Asking $100 In good can dltlon Telephone 4249346 ANTIQUES PINE TABLE 510 washs land $35 wooden rocking chalr $15 parlor table 810 end table $10 six plain wooden chairs $40 walnut tabletop only $10 Much more 728 I913aller 5pm ANTIQUES Claw 1001 round oak dining table oak sideboard wlth lions head top oak dining room chairs oak china cabinet Deacons bencnos church pews lo 10 Ieet matched pair 01 single poster beds with pineapple tops dressers washstands small pine tables blanket boxes etc Pine River Antiques 76 King St Angus 4245473 evenings and weekends BABY CARRIAGE Thistle brown and beige converts to car bed Phone 7286726 Good condition FLUORESCENT FIXTURES used ll long lour lights $6 piece Ideal lor growingvllghls 7262951 WOOD BURNING STOVE antique churn butter prints chairs dishes and many more Items ALSO I969 ACA DIAN Certllied 726 8401 alter 51 2artlcles wanted ASH FOR old lurnlture books dishes to pictures clocks odds and ends Pre I95011ems 7288234 23le WANTED Collector wants to uy single coins collections or accumla Ions Bestprlcos paid 726 4544 HOME FREEzERs wanted Must be ergo and in working order Telephone 91 Joyner 2pm TOP SOIL WANTED must he clean PHONE 1285540 09 417113 andinotors 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat doubt Mill cyllnder Chrysler Inboard motor condition Asking $2500 Telephone 435 4245 alter 30 Dont take chance on door to door selling you are losing Advanced is also service warranty depot for HOOVER EUREKA 4030qu For sale Torto snow BLWEIIS Proseason SPECIAL Free electric start chains on 8r hp BLOWERS OBRIENS 5101115 MARINE LTD Oro Station 487221 Open days week 5192708H I2 BICYCLE Beginners 310 large tricycle $10 alto and boys skates each Phone 4117 1mm between and champ 20 Inch under warranty used twlcoillke nowl 10 Telephone 835 2094 SWIMMING POOLS 1977 models slightly scratched In transport Fully warranted complete with pump motor llllor lenclng walkway and deck Sug gelled retail price $2295 Now available at $1288 No payments till 1978 Im mediate delivery and Installation Call collect anytlme 14166639508 FORK LIFT lnIernatlonal21loOtlllt Porloct condition $5500 Telephone 726 1001 or 7269005 FWD lor ale Picked up or delivered Telephone no 9367 or 7264119 USED COIN OPERATED washing machines Ior sale 50 cents $1015 $175 each Telephone 7286646 SNOW TIRES pair 678 15 winter rodlals Used one winter $65 BOAT COVER like new blue vinyl lor 15 boat $25 BASEBOARD HEATER thermo stat controlled $10 737 3732 alter pm SERVICE IN IARRIE SINCE 1961 021 41 boots motor WATERCRAFT SALE 16 FIorgIas hoot only $695 15 Springbok 100 Iip $995 146 Fitmglu with 55 kp $1295 15 WW $1395 15 On 161916 55 hp $1895 150 hp Memory motor only with trh$1395 15 Slvorlno with 50 hp $2295 1616 Slverlno 16S hp 10 53950 11 Study with 11$hp Johnson IL NEW 1977 JOHNSON OUTBOARDS mi $219 hp $319 6hp$$19 99 lt so ts II 3111 SPORT HAVEN MARINE MILE EAST OF BARRIE ON SHANTY BAY RD 1261001 04 17 FOOT SPORTRAY runabout 105 hp Chrysler outboard convertible top ski bar accessories 33000 or best oller Isl99931191960alters BOAT STORAGE inside or outside Sale clean reasonable Reserve now Call 728 0915 FIFTEEN FOOT FIBREGLASS Boat 1974 50 horsepower Mercury motor trailer and top $1500 Telephone 4364299alter60091h COVERED WINTER STORAGE Ior runabouts cruisers and open storage Ior sailboats Available now Big Bay Point Marina and Yacht Club RR Barrie436II76 tadogs and pets BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and Clipping ol all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 FOODLE TTRTMiriiuo iirHressionai grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726 8798 Pelstudio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 726 0094 swayedPuppies white poibred male and lemale 515 Call 7267885 anytime MAYS POODLE PARLOR Erores sional clipping and grooming Reas onable rates Phone 726 0061 NEWFOUNDLAND PUPS alaéx and Landsecr males Slred by the top Cham OLD ENGLISH Sheepdogs top quality championship stock registered weeks old male and tomato Telephone Coll lngwood 445 3409 alter pm DOBERMAN PINSCHERlor sale tour years old black and tan No papers 575 Includingvdog houseCalI 726 7794 FREE TWOGREATDANESmaIeand lemale to good home or larm Call 4345790 OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG six mon the old Iemale good with children Needs room to run Asking $100 Telephone 7211 4905 home improvements EAVESTROUGNING Goon Your Lavastroughing Ono Storey Homes $1800 Dirty Eavostroughing Causes Prolilorns Book Now Grahams Eavestroughing 7286628 soga rden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL Excellent lor lawns gardens etc Evenlng and Satur dayvdeliveryCall72639281 72611717 SOD FOR SALE large or small quan titles Delivered to iob or home Call 424130 RASP IES Canes Ior lalt plan ting regular 35 piece on sale 254 Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 7262951 SItrees and sh rubs SHADE TREES Now Is the time to select your shade tree We have large selection and small deposit will hold Ior lall pickup Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 1262951 PLANT your while sprucetrrees now It It lroole up All sixes available Free delivery 7289404 VERY REASONABLE PRICES Shade maple walnut locust Border cedar poplar Evargreens pine spruce Must sol Dig your own and save Call weekends or weekdays alter pm 7269295 gplants and bulb TROPICAL PLANTS Ior your home or olllce etc Brays Garden Centre 26 Forndale Dr 7262956 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 728 2414 man saddles and bridles pointrnent1705 4356808 move your animals 245 Edgehill Drive latter 5pm plon producer In Canada CKCI registered Phone alter Orillia 2250093 56 cumin equipment 1914 STARCRAFT STARMASTER6 lrldgo heater 1974 BOLER Fridge healer 1910 THOMPSON HOUSE TRAILER Toilet lridgo 1969 VEELINE 21 loot trailer toilet shower healer lrldgo hot water double sink exhaust Ian bur ner stove with oven I912 APACHE Solid state trailer burner stovo lridgo hydro CAMPERS SPECIAL salttop tent trailers sleeps lour or live 5395 each HUNTERS SPECIAL I963 Shasta sleeps six bur nor stove oven heater hydro and propane lights toilet LEISURE CRAFT CAMPERS Hwy 11 North 1370016 OI FALL CLEARANCE SALE ol used truck campers all sizes it to II lt priced Irom $1250 Oro Mobile Homes Highway 11 north Barrie at Texaco Ser vice Centre Call 726 1651 1969 17 FOOT RAMBLER CABIN TRAILER gold and white Sleeps six Icondition Fully equip Tele one 7276 0154 De 57 vestock lorsale TACK SHOP English equipment Ger Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop East 728 2431 HORSES BOARDED Close to Barrie Well cared lor Track and trails Windy Hill Farm 436 5624 RICK SiiJARTo blaCksnTiTh bywapj HORSE TRAILERFOR neuriormii 72° 3497 PONY Chestnut 12 hands gentléfgoéa Iumper reserved champion Barrie Fair 3700 includes saddle Telephone 71832191311361 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullers avail ble Also larm Iresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farmsrsrtroud 4361811 0leed7seedg rain FOR SALE 20acres good ensilage corn all alter 830 pm Lorne Birch 221977 OR SALE approximately 10 acres oi landing corn come early and have your ick out 01 48 acres For inlormation call ookstown 458 9496 64tarm machinery TWENTY PLATE DISCSIx leetwide to Wild Ford 8N tractor Telephone 726 1530 l67truitsvegetables lPURE NATURAL HONEY wriiies lie north Georglan Mall Hwy 27 7133511 gt lAPPLES Apply Koole and Son Con FOSSIL Oro Telephone 7288489 or 7261907 Closed Sundays APPLES PICK YOUR OWN or ready picked Brays Orchard in Nottawa on Highway 24 two miles south or Coll ingwood 68personals L74 WW ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 658111 you drink thats your business It you want loquit thats ours Call agy lime RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie two minutes Windy Hauoh Farm 7260192 INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services Civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet and conlidential 17372972 ONECA pshyic and card reading ounselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 728 8868 IBOWLERS WAN TE Ior Kempview IBowl Teams couples or Singles Men or ladies Ior leagues starting soon Contact lArI or Chuck at us 9761 KEMPV IEW BOWL announces the star ling at muted league on Sunday night 1517 Interested bowlers call Chuck 0r Artat 728 9761 vouR TOMORROW today Tarot cards and tea up reading For appomtment Call 128 0901 GE NT LEMAN single 40 interested in meetinq respectable lady between 30 and 40 tor companionship Reply to Box V63 The Examiner Barrie SENECA COLLEGE Finch campus person wanted to share driving Monday and Wednesday evenings Call 726 3184 or 726 5213 ITEL EC ARE WIIV light your problem lalone Let lriond help Call Tetecare 726 7922anytime UNWANTED HAIR removed salely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Cerlilied Electrolooist 737 2671 WANT RIDE or ioin car pool to and lrom Barrie to Toronto lBalhurst and EulInc lon six days week lrom to Telephone 726 2774 BUSINESS LADY wishes to meet honest reliable gentleman in early six ties Reply Box V65 The Examiner Bar rte YOUNG LADY wishes to meet other lladies for Social get togethers Please reply to Box V67 The Examiner Barrie Ontarioreplles handled discreetly GEN TL EMAN looking Ior lady compa nion age 50 60 Honest and sincere Please write Box V69 The Examiner Barrie STEPHEN KI RTON at 105 Gowan Ave No Barri Will not be responsi ble tor any debts contracted in my name lrom this date lorward September 26th 1977 without my written Consent JOHN RAYNSFORDOI RR No4 Big Bay Pt Barrie will not be responsrble lor any debts incurred in my name lroml this tale lorward September 27 I977 wilhoutmy written consent WINNERS OF LUCKY DRAW at Oro Fair September 24 Baby beel Anne Campbell RR No Orillia $50 cash Gilbert Timmons RR No Minesing $25 cash Dorothy Vousden RR No Oro Station 70lost and lound LOST PUPPY Golden Retriever 143 weeks old Tattoo in right ear No 2WXIJ Answers to the name Mauchee Lost in area or Barrie Speedway August 30 REWARD 487 1005 71IIeITvraited BE GOOD TO YOURSELF Ruthi nilv POD WrIIII in buy Avon ililll wr v11 ttrvrr l1lltll so tortct Our new DltiiIILIU Iownllriry inil Inhulous Cnnrliil mnkrup are making news 111d our new Christmas QIIIS art my Illst evm Erirnmgs 11 excellent no experlonal IIOCTIOLI Ill 7289652 1011 SALES Ladles wear chain requires lull tlme and parttime employees Experience essential lIholp wanted 11 help wanted SALESPERSON REQUIRED Due to Increasing sales of Toyotas Control Ontarios largest Toyota dealer requires new aggressive salesperson immediately Ex perience not necessary BENEFITS We have best automobile sales trainingprogram in Ontario Compony cor Excellent working locllities Excollonl remuneration Long established business and repeat clientele Plus many extras CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 726 028 Ask lot lab or Orville Jackson 528 LARGE FURNITURE OPERATION SALESPERSON Experienced already accustomed to earning $20000 year need apply For right person new car supplied TELEPHONE ORILLIA 3259527 FARMER JACKS FURNITURE WAREHOUSE ASK FOR MR THOMPSON TF SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Because of the large enrollment in driver education ADDITIONAL DRIVING INSTRUCTORS are required immediately Telephdne or write MR LOUGHEED COORDINATOR DRIVER EDUCATION Barrie North Collegiate 110 Grove St BARRIE Ont L4M 2P3 7266 STO 541 It you are tired ot lacing financial problems and now want to get ahead in Iile we have four openings in now limited company Must have car aggressive personality Full training lor rewarding career as Filter Queen represen talive For interv 7371904 AWAITING OPPORTUNITY That could be mistake Op portunity only comes to those who make it happen We are on international multImillionl dollar firm with over hall con tury sales experiencel marketing income protection Because of the tremendous growth at our business we require 12 additional represen tatives in this vicinity and mayl have the opportunity you arel looking for ARE YOU Career orientated sports min ded of legal age ambitious bendable owner at reliable car cable to start career training immediately IF YOU QUALIFY WE GUARANTEE Opportunity to earn $15000 $25000 in the lirst year or more established accounts to ser vice High commission Promotion based on metit not seniority excellent pension and security program Previous experience and education is not essential but is an asset After weeks at ex pense paid training we will assign you to sales territory lor continuous on the iob training by qualitied sales director THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY MAKE IT HAPPEN DO IT NOW For personal interview call JIM SEABROOK call tomorrow and Thursday from 1030 om lob pm 7286191 S27 28 SPARE TIME It you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs 01 age poss medical Then we want YOU Call Mr Howlett Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 1285941 TF INDEPENDENT OWNER OPERATORS wmt TANDEM DUMPS Also require tractor trailer dum ps Good rates and steady work CALL RUSS McCABE or BILL WILLIAMSON 4168573500 01 WHY WORK FOR LESS Managers and parttime sales stall needed to show Celebrity Fashion Jewels Over 600 pieces of boautilul costume iewellory 30 commission on home demonstrations 40 commission on direct orders Exceptional hostess plan all credits paid by Celebrity No in vestmentordelivery Call MRS BOOTH 4164516000 Room FOR INTERVIEW $30 CLASS Body shop person required tor one at Barrres largest and busiest body shops gall Winston at 726 9393 or 7163431 MAMSELLE BAYFIELD MALL SALESPER SON to manage patio and ram store in Barrie Must have sales xperience and play organ Call collect iew call 521 22 23 26 27 Caretaker PartTime PoliceFire Dept Building Stroud $312624 annual salary start 12hr wk Mon to Sat hrs per day alter pm Duties to commence as soon as possible Written applications will be received by the un dersigned until September 30 1977 GROH ClerkAdministrator Stroud Ontario LOL 2M0 7054363710 52427 CLEANERS Experienced building ianitors required lor evening shill Reply in writing to BOX V66 The Examiner S28 SALES ELP required in Barrie or sur rounding area lull time or part time Car necessary Can earn $450 or more an hour Telephone 14168956532 HAIRDRESSER experienced lor lull time work Good wages Telephone 726 5837 LIVEIN HOUSEKEEPER needed lor motherless lamily children and years nice home in Coldwater with comlortable accommodation Apply Box 457 Goldwater call 8353110 days or 6867900 evenings SAUSAGE MAKER WANTED Must be lully experienced In smoked and cooked sausage pepperoni etc Full or part time Phone 7373433 alter 2pm COO XP ER 1E NC ED general cook required lor local diningroom Excellent hours and good working conditions Rep ly in conlidence to Box V68 The Ex aminer Barrie TR ITES BOOK Shops havelhelollowing positions available Buyer In store in stitutional sales representative on the road Interest in books imperative Ap ply in writing stating background to Gurney Triles 55 Mississaga St East Orillia Ont L3V 1V4 ELIABLE PERSON to babysit inlanl 30 to 530 Monday to Friday starting November 2B1977Call7262488 PROFESSIONAL DISC JOCKEY re quired weekends Ior new club to locate tin Barrie Please send resume to Box v71 The Examiner Barrie BABYSITTER frequired Ior morning kindergarten child Steele street School area Please telephone 7263966 PAR TTIME RECEPTIONIST required two to three evenings per week Real Estate experience prelerred but not essential ROYAL TRUST COMPANY ONTARIO REALTOR 357 Baylieid Street Barrie 728 72sales helpagents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn 514000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 sms FULL OR PARTTIME Our sales atoll earn excellent commissions marketing one of the hottest Items on the market today Send name address and phone to PO BOX 81 RR BARRIE All applicants will be con tacted S27 75 trade schools LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS CALL TORONTO 4168649381 SI213I4262728 NOTICE Deallrle Ior ciassdied word ads pm day previous E054456372alter 6pm noon Saturday

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