New wing opened at Art Gallery TORONTO lCP Secretary of State John Roberts officially opened the new $77million Ca nadian wing of the An Gallery of Ontario Saturday saying the countrys knowledge of its art and museum artifacts can help pull it together In the field of the visual and performing arts Roberts said the federal and provincial gov ernments are not competing to share jurisdiction but collabo rate to supplement each others work The federal government gave $4 million toward the new wing which will have permanent dis plays of historic Canadian painA ts works by Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven and coil temporary ait The province of Ontario gave almost $13 million for the initial phase of the gallerys $23million expansion opened in 1974 Roberts said knowledge of the countrys history which can be gained through examination of its art and museum displays is import ant to country because its current affairs are rooted in the past sometimes think the tragedy of this country is that FrenchCanadians never forget history aiid mglislianadians never remember An unexpected 7211 visitors swarmed through the gallery Friday night when preview of the new wing was given to gal lerv members and their guests 600 24 ll 12 News Hollyw000 Squares Toronto CBC Newshour Definition 19 Polka Dot Door 25 Nouvelles 79 CITY Pulse News 630 News 3rMary Tyler Moore llrirParty Game 19 Readalono 2277 Gong Show 257LActuel 640 I9WCover To Cover 655 VWomen Ol Ontarlo 700 27Hollywood Connec ilDlt 3Mannlx Cross wits SerrMary Tyler Moore To Tell The Truth 9Boboy thon iYoung Danl Boone 19 Dont Ask Me 22 Fernwood Mom 25 Daniel Boone 730 Hollywood Squares Strikes Spares Misses Sarley Special 77$128000 Question Headline Hunters rMovle When Grow Up Pt lol 555 Focus 600 PTL Club 97 University of the Air ll NPaul Bernard PSVChIGVVST 79 Cartoons 15 Farrn anrirt 625 News Window On The World 630 Sunny Semester Cartoon Playhouse 11W Yoga 655 77 EmplcyYOï¬ File 700 Today CBS News Good Mornan America 9anada llmlt Figures 79 Greek Horizons 15 A700 Club 730 llOhBVIO Schools 79 Portugal Today 800 ACaoialn Kangaroo 7Rocketshlp 79 ItalianISSimO 1200 27 Shoot For The Stars 377Leave It To Beaver Bob McLean Uncle Bobby Show 22 News 25 Le Mondc En Liber 19 79 Pay Cards 1230 Maqazlnr News Search For Tomorrow 777Ryans Hope 9A Flintstones 1177 All My Children Les COGUOlUCtilr 79Youre 806mlth 1255 rr News 100 Gong Show 3M01V Griffin Concentration Time For You All My Children 22 Going Places 79 CITY ClyiSsttiid 130 211 Da yr 0t Our Lives 79 As The Wurld Turns Tattlctalls 97 Joyce Davidson 00 71127 NIle Jr Hollywood Souarlz Toronto CBC Newshour 9Drtlnitlai Polka Out Door Nouvellvs CITY Pulse 130 News ymMary Tyler Moore Iv Party Game 97 Reartalrlnd Gong Show 25 LArtuel 540 19 Cover To Cover 55 19 Women Qt Ontario 7200 Hollywood Conner lion Lillie House On The Prairu Crossvvits Mary Iyler Moon To Tell The Truth Stars On ll Fitrpatrlrks 19 Dr Who 22 Fcrnwood Night Monde Mm vmllcut dc Disney 30 Muppet Show Strilus Sparea and Misses Custard Pie All Star Allyltunq titl Srarrh And Pl uc ll Movlc lWhen Grow Up Pt 22 Sanlurd And Son out 0001 television guide 22 Santord And Son 79MOV19P0Y Story 800 211LI19 House On The Prairie Betty White dEmergency One 22 San Pedro Beach Bums Waltons 19 Comedy Shoppe 257A Cause De Mon On cle 830 Front Page Challenge 19 Education Oi Mike McManus 25 Le Ponl 900 27 Mowe iln The Mot ler OI Karen Ann Quunlan 35 Supersoecml Betty White 79 NFL Football Grand Old Country 11 Eight Is Enouqh 19 Power Play With Judy LaMarsh 22 SECOnd City 25 Movie lMcCloud Enlever Ie Doctill 930 32 Maude 5060 1000 Newsmauazlne rRattertr Delvecchio 11 Family 19 Speaking Out 815 Davey And Goliath 825 SrmNews 830 Daynral Sr Bomour 845 Friendly Grant 900 Dinar Hercs Lllry ln Touch Phil Donahue Toronm Toda 22 Canadian Cara 79 Super Coollit 15 25 Les W3 Tours De Centow 930 Ed Allen Time Tattletales Romper Roorn 22 100 Huntley Street 25 LesOralmng 79 Jewrsn Show 945 Cum Lc Dauptin Blanr 1000 Not For Women Only Frlendlyciant Joklrs Wild 4er it 12 annrr on to Nouvellcï¬ 35 25 Femrnc DAuiourd HUI 200 Moira Hunt Pyan HOD Alan Harml $20000 Pyramid Man Bollds Man Destrlys 22 MOyie Thr AmalihQ Dobermansl 30 Donors Frqu 01 Nut ulrtinQ Liijnt 711 One Lilr To Live Enema lChil Nous CWJ Chit tlriill CIT Lllu 300 Another World Take 30 All in Ttv Family 79 Joker Wild 15 Commander Torn 11 General Hilaran 330 Celebrity links My Tl rIrHYH F10 Ult Robin Hood ONOw 00 ll Hirtliirl Pryor Happ Days Fltpatrlrlv Happy Days Twrrlly cars oi Roi and Poll Frmrtl Show 77 Movie lPapcr Chase 30 15 Rene Simard 22 Layrrriy Arid illirlcy II Edtx atiorl 01 Mike McManir Vd¢11 on Diver 00 Pullct Stor Threes Company SWitr ti ll CiIibrity Concerts l9 lllustralyd Cldl 22 Mary and MI tiael 25 Les As Tellroman 30 Filth Tstalc Soap 21 Orv Day At Time 25 feltmag 10 00 ll Lou Grant arriin Potir Woman Villaqe it Vimtus 21 News Hunk 10 30 Barney Miller Pays ct Piuplcs Nouvellcs 1100 1l4illll NtW MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 22 News 1030 35Man Alive 25 Nouvelles 1100 ll ï¬News l9Nightmusic 2277Pop Goes The Coun try 11 05 25 Arsene Lupin 1120 News 11 30 Johnny Carson Mowe tMcCabe and Mrs Miller ll Lynne Gordon 19 Comedy Shoppe 22 Winners Circle 1135 90 Minutes To Live 1140 Movm lBerlln Al lair 1200 News Ironside ll AMarcus Welby MD 22 Mowe Pomt Blank 19 Education 06 Mike McManus 79 PTL Club 1205 25 Cinema LAcrobat 1230 Mowe Love Mystery 19 Communique 100 Tomorrow MOVIE Banyon ll Merv Grlltin TUESDAY MORNING VIEWING Bob Swnler Dialing For Dollars Arw of Cooking ll Daybeal 25 You Mod 79 Latin American Spanish Show 1015 Bonlour 25 Au Jardiri De Pierrot 1030 Hollywood Sduarir Mr Drssup 19 Pr cr Sright 17 Coors Scolalres rte LOntario CITY Pulse News 1100 Wheel 01 Fortune Sesame Street Happy Days 11 Kitchens 01 ll World 1130 Its Anybody Guess Youmi And Thr RPSVIOS Famin Feud us Your Mom 11 Mdday l9 Stationary Ark ln Private Lite 25 Docteur Snnnn L01 TUESDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 400 Movm lHoUdlnil Eye 01 The Beholder Merv Grillln Star Trek II YOUan md The Restless 22 Pink Panther 80ban 79 Famll Feud 430 Part Game PCWII Box Mike Douglas 11 Dinah Electric Company 12 Little Ros al 25 Picotine 79 My Three Sons 500 Hogans Heroes Selencc Magazine Emeruinr 19 Sesame sirrel 12 Gilligans Island 25 La Pounce Sanqlanli 79 FBI 530 News Odd Couple All In The Farrilly chnrnrri Doris Day at TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING lstationary Ark 12 Pop Goes ltw Colin try Wlltlfz day 11 05 25 Remorurls 1120 11 30 Johnny Carson Koiak Movm Bloc Denim ll Lynne Gor don 19 French snow 22 Winners Cirrli 79 CITY Light 1135 90 Minutes To Live Propn El Con lidenccs 1150 Movuc lDo You Takc This Straniirr 12 00 Ironsdr 11 Man us WiIby Mr 19 Eilui alion Mike McManus 22 Movu Thu Jillllrr Memorandum 79 PT Club 1205 25 Cinema 1230 Communique 1240 Movu tA Very Miss inq Person 100 Tumor row MOVIL Cat Ballnu ll Merv GrlHln 120 Mary Hartilian Mar Hartman To Yester Nr Regional performers get notional tv exposure Singcr Terry Racks Icft and Dennis Ryan right of the folk group Ryans Fancy arc two of the many hosts of aiiatliaii Express 10 IRKIV varicty program to bc airctl this fall The program will givc litany regional performers from across anatla the opportunity to play licfnrc national atl tIililcc Photo the examiner Monday Sept 26 1917 Parody to end GW hilarious play TORONTO CP For al most 400 years Shakespeares plays have been twisted and torn sometimes beyond recog nition by players and directors who have thought they could improve them But the parody which should perhaps end all parodies now is occupying the stage of the St Lawrence Centre Torontos bastion of the legitimate theatre It is Theatre Passe Murailles spoof of Midsummer Nights Dream called Shakes Fun and ProfitA Canadian Dream Theatre Passe Muraille which means theatre surmount ing wallsis group of young but rolessional players under the ircction of Paul Thompson which brought the country The Farm Show 1837 The Farm ers Revolt Them Donnellys and similar shows This time they have set their work in the town of Seaforth nt about 49 kilometres l30 miles northwest of Stratford The town is celebrating its cen tennial by putting on Shake speare play peare For entertainment Marilyn wants to show more at now as serious actress SEAITLE lAPl Marilyn Chambers star of the most suc cessful pronographic movic ever made would llkt to show more of herself as serious ac tress Ms Chambers who prctcrs that designation has travcllcd around the tniled States telling and retelling the story of how she grew up in an ideal upper middlcrclass family in Wcst port onn becamc chccrlclr dcr and diving champion thcn model for Ivory Snow soap and Ilnally turned up in he put nogrtlphlc bovrllllicc llll Itchind thc ircen Ilool Ms hlllnbcrs lll Scattlc rcccntly to plug her latest proj ect li lowbudget horror movie called Rabid doesnt mind talk ing boill hcr irccn Door exr pcricncc In fact she loves it Shes become very wealthy OI woman industry bccausc of II Beacllsc of it she lchs iii Be vcrly Hills and Lakc Tahoe and appcars in night clubs stage Whitehead leaves Festival NIAGARAONTELAKE Ont llll Iaxton Ihitthead star of the Show Festival here for 12 years and artistic director for 10 said Friday he is leaving to become gypsy actor again carrying my bags Whitehead told news colt fcrence he IS leaving the festival without hard feelings and primarily at his own ptolnv pting because he has dont about all he can for it The festival which had small dcflclts in 1073 and 071 bclorc Whitehead took one year leave of abscncc now has had two banner ycars lit the box oI lice and won international ac claim tor its work When lcamc back from my sabbatical it was my idea that it might be for thrcc years bill in June this year began to lttl rcluclant logo into the IIlTllscii son next year as last hurrah or as lalnc luck So decided to lll it be donc lto rcSignl as quickly and tilti ctly as possible have prova my point about stabilmng lhc lTSllVitl It has bccii rlonc NUTIII Ill 111 RULIIS Notcd jxlrtlciilarly for his mmic rolcs lll Shaws plays khilcliead also poked lllll at himself saying perhaps wondcrcd ll ncxl year could top it again He said it was also his 111 tcntion to leave the Shaw cht 17 val before he was 40 and by liod Im still not 10 showbiz llr DLBLIN lReutcrl rock musical based on the life of Elvis Presley opens here next month The $140000 production called Elvis will have Insh pop singer Iahir ODohcrty iii the role of the young lrcslly while Irish actor Donald Mclann plays the singer in his later years NEW YORK rAll Bill Mo yers TBS Reports has been of Iered the job of cOnimtntator on the Evening News with Wale ter Cronkite to replace Eric Sevareid Richard Sallinl president of BS News said Friday He said that Moycrs has asked for lnore time to consider the offer Salant said Moycrs is very thoughtful intelligent and ar ticulate guy who has good eye for the American scene Moyers worked for public broadcasting belorc joining TBS News and was publisher ol Nevvsday and press secretary to President Lyndon Johnson chareid will reach the net works mandatory retirement age of 05 in November LOS ANGELES lAll To median Richard Pryor married Debbie Mctiuire former ac tress and model at his subun ban Northridge home Thursday morning before going to work spokesmen for the television star said Pryor who was married once before startled cast members when he appeared for the tap ing of the third Richard Pryor Show at NBC on Thursday and announced the marriage to Miss McGuire in her mid20s This is the first time Ive ever been married in my heart the llrycarold Pryor told the crew Nltt publicist Hank Farrell said PRESTON England lAPl Bing Crosby began British tour Thursday night with an ap pcarancc in northwest England near thc place be en tcrtained American troops during the Six0nd World War More than 2000 pttlplc most of them lniddlcragul packiil Prestons lililil Hall as the 73 yearold crooner wcnt gingerly through his act rosby still suffers from back trouble that began earlier this year when he fcll froin stage and aides were on hand to hpr if needed But the voicc that has seen lrosby through Tillycarsof star dom was still strong He opened with Ive lot Itog Named Rovcr song he lirst pct formcd at the age of til SANTA MONllA alif All Actor Walter lidgcon the anadlanrborn star of more than 100 movies is rcpott ed rer covering from internal blood clots that have kept him iii hos pital since Aug Hes gaining strength and improving little cvcry day lcggy Frank spokeswoman for St Johns Hospital said lhursday She said it was tint known when lidgmns doctors would allow him to return to his Itcl Air holne Pidglon 71 entered the hos pital Aug 41 for surgery to re move blood clot from his brain He stayed iii hospital when blood clot dcvclopcd on his lung YAKIMA Wash lAl Nic Knitvcl has followed his oltlcr brothers footsteps into the World of hurtling through space in motor vehicles hes laid up with three broken vertebrae Knicvcl suffered thc injury when he ovcrshot landing ramp while practicing 77foot jump from one ramp to another in miniracc car Larry Slnitli an associate said Thursday Knievels oldcl brot hcr Evcl was pilt in hospital several times for injuries suffered ill crashes while making long jum ps wit ll mot orcyclc Nic 37 was to have made his primicrc pcrformance as stuntman on Sunday by jtiiu ing 112 feet between the eight foot seven inch high ramps at stock car race The jump was designed to put Nics name iii the Guinness Book of World Records for atilo jumping and to spur demand for future per formanccs PROVIDIINlE Rl MP The citys bureau of licences have issued pcrliiit for an Oct xrformancc of the musical Oh Calcutta after deciding it would be futile to appeal Siipcrior Tourt ruling The board nccivid letter Friday lroln Deputy ity Solicitor lohn Rotoiidi saying the state Supreme kitlrt pro bably would sustain Judgc Ronald Lageuxs decision to givc the musical pcnnit Earlier Friday the bureau had decided to 101 Lagucux by dcniying thc pcrmit for the so conll time while appealing lhursdays ruling by the judge Lagos11x said Ihuisday that the scxually explicit musical is not obsccne and ordered the burmu to issue licence for an Oct txrfonnancc lhc burcati refused the liccncc requested by producer II lykc Spear after viewing New York ity prodtlction of the show and deciding it is obscene The licensing board bustl its decision on the fact that Oh alcuttal features fiill liiidity and stiggcslivcdancts shows ï¬le does records writ es books and monthly advice col umn in national magazine But Ms Chambers says shes capable of much more than that What she wants above all else is show business respect ability to bc thought of as more than porno star In the last year she has come closc to attaining it 1N TIIRIQSIIULI Weve workcd hanl for it years and were finally on the threshold Do you know was one 01 the runncrsrup to play the lcatl in The Fan lub Ms halnbcrs says her favorite movies are horror movics and she wits seen only three or four porno lnovlcs ili hcrllfctilnc ROXY THEATRE 46 DUNIOP jw are Adult Entertainment Its definitely on the wane says Ms Chambers on the fate of the US experiment with pornography But think there always will be an audien cc Ior it Ms hambcrs cvervprcsxnl managcr huck Traynor dis agrees think its totally dcad Think about it No ac tress has ever become star out of pornocxcept Marilyn and that was year ago lraynor is convinced Ms hamhers Sllll can be taken se riotist as an actress that she can straddle both worlds ap pearing iii nude dinner theatre one night and The Waltons the next The ircen Door image will work for her rather than again st hcr Traynor says 5110 ON AT 731 Warning Scne scenes THE SKY COMES Imguoge may be offensive THE SCREENS MOST INCREDIBL SPECTACLE OF T1ieutres Branch Ont loscpli Ii lcvinc Dlnwnln BRIIIIE MEN AND WAR Tues Every Tuesday in September you can enjoy submarines for the price of Call ahead or come right in but remember this September Submarine Special applies to pickup orders only and Mothers does reserve the right to limit quantities Come on home to 0TH Llcensed By The LLBO From 12 Noon Til1 am Mon to Sat 12 Noon Till 10 pm On Sundays Pizza Parlour Spaghetti House lsubmarinesfortsheg The result is hilarious series of mixups miscues and mistakesa melange of devilish satire on principal players of the Stratford Festival and heavyhanded ham acting that would be inex cusable if it were not so funny Each of the six players takes several roles and the play is as much about what small south western Ontario town can do to Shakespeare as what Shakev speare an do to the town It assumes the audience has some knowledge of Midsum mer Nights Dream its play within play and Pucks magic potions But the parodies becomes so involved that it does not really matter Ted Johns and Donna Butt play the Seaforth farm imple ment dealer John Bottom and his wife and David Fox the lo Balm 1269944 CIN ©i977 Para AIIISTS ma rrcnmcums 00an NATIONAL AMERICAN nqu wleaith 01 THE 5317 Panavlslon lechnicolol Paamwnt PlClUIES ReRelease WWW an 0511 it medal cal school teacher Peter Quin ce Their surnames of course come from the townspeople in Shakespeares play Alan Bridle is the local hotel keeper Rene Dupuis and Lin da Griffiths and Connie Kaldor two lovesick teenage girls drawn into the towns cen tennial project But it is Miss Gnffiths who performs wonders as the star classical actress who appears in the Shakespeare play as Her mia Thisbe and Glorianaan unmistakable spoof on the voice and hand gestures of Maggie Smith star of the Stratford Festival now for two years And Bridle in green tights that do not hide all that they should of the nether regions of his lythe body is both farcical as Fuck and almost cruel as Brian Bedford in Richard II AT 715 915 BOX OFFICE OPENS 630 sis WARNING Some scenes and language may be of fensive flieimes Branch Ont 41 Dull 7205 905 Buford Pusser Now there was man While the courts free the guilty Buford Pusscr protects the innocent And there is only one way to stop him ALLNEW Adventures ofthe true life hem 1111M IIIIAITEIIi Wllllllllll Illll CINEMAU Monica Adult Entertainment tember 1211 They obeyed but one command The for Submarine Special Its penny pinching reason to come on home to Mothers every Tuesday in September 312 Bayfield St Barrie 7372422