Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1977, p. 14

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14 the examiner jigglingsuay Sept 21 1977 Polanski pushing adventure movie SANTA MONICA Calif Reuter Movie director Roman Polanski was rushing eparations Tuesday for his outh Sea Island adventure movie as he prepared to enter prison on statutory rape charge superior court judge agreed Monday to delay for three mon ths Polanskis entering prison for psychiatric tests so that preparations for Hurricane remake of an old Dorothy La mour film could be completed Polanski who pleaded guilty television guide last month to unlawful sexual intercourse with 13yearold girl was told to undergo the tmts in the state prison at Chino 40 miles east of here The tests will help the judge make final decision on his sentence The 44yearold director of Rosemarys Baby and China town was accused of taking the girl to the home of actor Jack Nicholson on March 10 and hav ing illicit sex with her after photo session Nicholson was not at home at the time WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 2471172 News Hollywoon Squares 19 Mowe The Yellow balloon Pl Sanloril And Son 72 Good Times Eiatit ls Enough Toronto CBC 25 Baseball Newshour Odd Couple Delinition 300 19 Polka Dct Door Oregon Trail 25 Nouvetles 79 CITY Pulse News 30 247 News Charlies Angels Rosetti And Ryan Cope 70 Movne The Neptune Factor 79 Witness lo Yester day ll05 25 Rellets DUn Pays 1120 News 30 Johnny Carson Hawaii Five Movie Warkitl ll Lynne Gordon Cope In Touch It PartyGame 830 12 winnersCircle 79 CITY Lights 19 Reammg 19 Education Ot Mike II 330 77 Gong Show NlLManus Hawaii Five 25 Acmol 900 twuigtit Zone 640 Mowe KlllIlTQ At 1150 It Cm To COW talri Memo tCat Ballou il Charlie Angels 12300 May 5avp Tm MUle HOW TO Women Ol Ontario Tinerl Murder Rich Uri 700 19 Cinema LI Hollywood Connet 12 Wfil Years ll Marcus Welby MD l0 1000 19 Education 09 MIKE CTOSS Wits Bio Hawaii McMaiius Mary Tyler Moore News 71 Movie tlnnocent To Tell The Truth FStivat interna Bystniidtrs Enteraem iiomi Dt Jul De 7v PTL cum Oregon Tra Mmitreux I2205 l3 Olymow Frst Its 7v armies From Mar 25 Cinema Felziwni Nitii1 11th I2i30 2n lite sim l0130 COHWUWIW 7330 TnsWeek In 1240 Match Game Bdsvb Movie The 35 Baseball Orintw 3s Nouvells Astronaut vs Blue Jaysl IIZOO crnwnrourl tikcs Smurfs Newt I200 Misses 11 Pop was Ttng Court Tomorrow 6009 Show try ll Merv GYIItll THURSDAY MORNING VIEWING 555 830 l9 Yuult Under The In Focus DnLwat Mmc 600 Mon Am You Hou pTL Club Ma M1de WM 79 LdIITV itiiicricoii UrilVelSdy at Itlt Air 845 Spaniin Show It Paul Bernard Facinin Giant I05 Psyctiian tat to Lts Jarc Div Bonlour Cortoonr SrIlOnS 25 MuiuleMoumoutc 15 900 1030 F51 Repnrt Damn Hollywood Squires 625 Hum LL Mr Dressup News in TQM it Price gt Right tnoul 01 the Wort Phil DriiiaiigL VUWHW 62 30 min 1mg 15 Marianne Express Mm ClTY Pulse News SL5 1100 Ntlmi OI PUl TUlNl ltir1lStrcel Harpy Diiys it The Writ l7 Ll Ill Tau Ed Al on mn Ll Huvn lv Dc finw up 1115 45 1130 ij 00 in THURSDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 400 14A 30 11 it 10 II in lruili THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING ll00 ilIt ltu llyiltililll1 twin 11 11 Inuit ii Ill alit Mli Ii 05 ll lt lltlil Mimi1 70 NiII 1130 utiiui diam 51 i0 1iuui 11 Ivl minl1 lIllllHl Ii 10 Monu lpiit tu 6240 11111111r11u pulp lr in ll lllflllll It liiiirhoirtnii 55 114 11 II illdIllIll II4tIllTNJI 11111 Illlvll ii 9200 Wiririii Liri 700 Mn in Luann 111 LIilIIT unit0501 mm lilv Ami Hui it Tl140 it It Hunt Movu The Naked v1 ryyv iiiuiluiiil 13mm MtIlII Ilry up IIIinltfMlllII II250 1N1 1H oiiiilr Minw ttliiitmsi til 11111 In truth II Mum rm innit111 1200 iwy rllli l4 Mivu Jeanni 141 11 ltlril1v Villlllftllll Eancl vi pm my Uliniluui ll Movu Valley 0t 144 Jiittiitiil IIN I1llt1liil llic Dolls 17 iii iuwl tiirjiii lulllrl FUUCUIIOTT OI Mlkl U1 in Hung 9230 MrMniIu lupwtmr lv Viuiliirilt 71 MHVII the Hun p4 WW urnr nuntr Flam Mon 30 78000 Dumbo Iub willu mummy IO00 T2130 l1 rly pmv hilt II riliiiiiuiiiquc IlirITIIIIlf tumu Hutu lTITlIyIyI1I1III l00 111 curl Tliiiinriiiw Iill l45 11 Ini Ni Na H1412 MUVtI IltlllfltHII Hm yuan1 730 INN 01 It Mliliritl1li 11 1m tt in IN 71 hum Nillllll ll iIl um Wrlliy Former CRTC chairman admits Didnt watch many TV newscasts OTTAWA CP Harry Boyle the 61yearold novelist and veteran journalist who on ce was dubbed the media czar of Canada sat back in his no frills armchair took long drag on his fat cigar and ad mitted that he rarely watches TV newscasts because of their glib superficial approach Television newsits bitsy and piecey and its usually crisis confrontations and ca tastrophes says Boyle who stepped down Friday as head of the agency that sets the rules for TV radio and tele communications And it really doesnt con tribute very much to un derstanding or any thought process or analysis he said in recent interview Radio is very much the same thing he said adding that the print media are not much better They are all using outdated outmoded rules about what is newsworthy are failing to ex amine little besides the going 011 of governments and overloading the public with preponderance of news from Ottawa while ignoring ncws from their own backyards said the former chairman of the Canadian ltadioteleyision and Ielecomiiiuiiicatioiis oni mission CRTC And he singled out The ana dian Press the cooperative newsgathering agency which gets much of its news from re gional newspapers for particu lar criticisms REGIONSIMMINISIIEI It has always seemed to inc that one of the tragedies of the wire is that the regional wirc gets terribly diminished by the national flow he said adding that in rcgional papers you get better idca ol what is going on in the country than you get almost anywhere else Boyle said onc of the llltllll by products of the medias tailiiigs is that people llt getting tuit ned off by the new and rc treating into more parochial types of interests All this is happening at time when the country can least ill turd disinterested uniformed uninvolved public Boyh said Boyle said this withdrawal ltl interest seems tied to thc pc rind of extreme selfishness the country is going through its prexcupation with lllt threat of Quebec scpiiratisiu iestcin alienation and host ol lllIltl similar issues This country has the great est opportunities iii lln world to demonstrate what it can Ilt Boyle said lllttitl ll 1x cn gaged in one of III most stupid Slltrrcciiinitiation llltlllt With its own IJlllllIlIitllIN IIlill iii Tllt lottil pltltllt llltlll nothiiig tccl that what llll country needs more than an cxiiin matter its intcrniil gtllltt turcs is iiii txillllllttilltill oi II external llutlllltts AVIS ICX Il Illt Illl ltoylc stud llt iiicaiit examining what ioh the coun lij going Ill plug 111 Utlltl politic and lllt its Illiillltll llljl Willi lhc dcyvlupliii mun Tltlf and how II is going In rm to iiiiit world crise Titijilc gtJlltl lic sccs tlii pltiptt Iltll ut lllt iiicdiii politicians and coininiimly l£ltltl iil this llllit as biiiig to remind lltt public It Illt coiisiquiiiccs ol certain lltthlltih and lo rciiiind tliciii that they arc the oncs who will ulliinntcly iiiiiki Illt decisions about the countrys futuri What dislilsscs iiic lll thinmintit tllltllllilt wlltlt pvopli so easily givc up Illtll right You know tlily turn tilt lhl dont vote The doiit ltcriiiil iiivolvcd And then thiy waki up our day and line llltlllvtlVls til tllfslx situation and way What liil yriit tlUlll It ll iujlc alto stud that It Illt lllllllPl want to pliiy IIII ruli they should in liiping lllt titlll tlyH llllltlt llicii llll lll litivc to Ilttlllllt lens plttittllltltd Willi piolit llut lllfll is tiiidciicy ol the intdin to avoid anything IIlJtt Will cost extra iiioiiiy lloylc said As wcll llltlt sttllth to bc continual lug ol war in iiicdiii bctwciii wcll iii tiiitiniicd joiiinulists and lIlt tllptllillf structuri which il ways keeps the lid on things be said CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our bot last delivery Free on orders over $800 In Barrie lO°o Discount on PickUp Orders over $800 Phone 72888 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE entertainment IIiIll lioylc toriiicr cliaiiiiiiin of lllt taiiadiiin Itadiotelciisioii and lclccoiniiiuiiicatioiis niiiniissioii lltli said Monday in his ttltawa uificc Lllttl he doesnt watch iiiiiny tclcii siiiii lll sczists ltl Ilintlll Boyle accepted Trudeaus request for inquiry to diffuse criticism ill ltli IItllT llnyle ltllltttl chuiiiiiiiii of tlic laiiiidiiiii ltndiu tclcyisioii and lchcliininuiiicutioir toiiiinis sioii llltlt iis llt iiciptcd Prime Miiiiatcr Irudciius ri quest to conduct ltttlill iii quiry into TIlt lll tlt iiidii tn dillnsc rltlt llll tliiit Ltlr lhicntcnuig tht gnwrninciit ownednetxtoilh ltllllll thiiil thi tlll gas in as tlllttil position have cycr filtll Ll iii hnh ulltl ll riiciil intciwiw lhi stepped down lritlv as lltlt ll1iii innn hiylc llll lic lllillll lllltlt to the lniliiiinints iii creasineg tllltl relationship witliit lhv tillliltitllildll ltlllllltll iiigiiiilj iiIliii ltlllltillltlll iii tlIIIlll to tilitniii what it consul lltll atelin uiy tlllvtl from the tltt not from tlic goyciii intiit llttltll llllilltlttl tliirii lliil lllt WINK ltliiltli liiiiitiingl Illlltlll was riddch with itiftllltlitlhlh ltoylcsiud And llll3 lalliiiliiiiit or any political liixly lltl it pcriod ot lllllt Ilil illl incictising sensi of irritation towards Silllltllllllt llicy eliminate it or they find sttlllt way to lllttlll it Illillltl with lhtiiiitily worricd about that lll loylc who sptiil inwt lit liisiiliiios ilfi year working tuirmi working for lllt ltt lut ltoylc stiatcgy Ill ac cIpting liiidciius invitation to conduct llic special iiiquir only llll tllllll iii lllt ltl Illllt yciir Illdtll apparently Mitkiil myle said llll report has cascd llirliaiiiintaiy criticism to lllt point wlicrc Tllt tll ip XillhItllittpttrtll SIlllIJlltttllilJI Hut itsslill llI trouble and 111m thc bull sciins to be in the tlfil cuult lic mull lot will depend on ulnlhcr tllt tlt lukcs lItt lltlt in itiirys illltt to optn up bi ttllllt mori rcspuiisiti to thc Iltlllll and tells thc public tllll liirliiiinint llttllt nbnul whtll tlic corpoitilluii lgt up to Huyh stud This was Illt ccntiiil problem lllill 15lllTlJlllllllltl lhc lltt particularly sitmining from the rough time tllt llt was ILlVlllL Ill the spring LllllllL ltgt btidgct cstiiiiiitcs through tlic toiiiiiitiiis pruzidcastiiig coin lllllltt licsuid oniliiittcc liiliiihlis pzit tirulzirly Liberals charged tltl iiiiiiiiigiincnt itli arroganti and mud Tlll llf stone walling ttillilllllltt tlltlltlli about the UN II thc goveriiiiicnt grant of more than Sfifioiiiilliunthisyitii lhiri nu illltlllltili of iiiiik iiig lllt tltt cicitiiilt ll lii lltlilltltl unite lllt direction of Tailiiiiiilnt Thijlesiiti But there itll liiidcrstziiidiiig lmt when lnrlitiiiicnt has to vote hall 11 billion dollars Iitllltl intiii ltlllttll about the itlll iiins the ilbjtcixcs llk whith llltulllli mMImL lIiIxlnPfltj 3m ROXY THEATRE OUPI FM CVIIICwulm ousuow om II we SRIIXvIZ IKX FAR WARNING Some Scene Language may be offensive 11 lllll RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Majority of viewers prefer American TV HALIFAX CP Canadians are depriving themselves of their own cultural heritage be cause of preoccupation with American television CBC President Al Johnson said Monday Seventyfive per cent of tele vision viewing time in Canada is spent watching en tertainment programs he said Are we prepared to vacate that field to the Americans field of programming that ser ves to reflect values attitudes traditions and institutional per ceptions We must start concerning ourselves with Canadian values traditions and at titudes Johnson said it is important to Canada that traditional east west cultural communications lines threatened by the emer gence of cable television be re established However he vowed to fight any trend to make the CBC Home open to public TORONTO Cl The 50 yearold 45room mansion of one of Torontos wealthy lum ber merchants is being opened to the public next week as showcase for Canadian interior decorators Its moneymaking project by which the National Ballet School hopes to raise thousands of dollars for its scholarship fund The house built in Tudor style and now ivy covered is such lavish example of To rontos old moneyed classes that it boasts fourcar garage Robert Laidlaw lumber and building supplies mer chant built the house in 1914 and made additions to it in 1923 He willed it to the National Ballet School of which he was many times benefactor The house has been fully re decorated by 23 interior design crs each working on separate room or area It will be opened to the publicat an admission charge of Meter 312 weeks from Sc 28 when the furnish ings wil besold Antique dealers merchants of modern furniture and othcr decorators working on the prey ect have promised to give it per cent of their sale prices to the ballet school So the school will bciicTit directly from both the admission prici and tllt sales When the project ends the school may iiioyi its zidrninis tratiyc lTIlltS into the old hUUS iii the posh Rustdale distritt from its location in backwater streets downtown The large downstairs rotan of the mar sion may be used bi bail su dents 15 social retire lllliltlt Bit1iIT luhnically Hon largest tit in it ed aes because its tiiz2cial borders ex tend 381 miles northw est Kurc lgtltintl hP HEY KIDS SPECIAL MATINEE AT THE IMPERIAL THEATRE SAT SUN TT5 T30 ALL SEATS $125 IMPERIAL rwm 111mm DINIOP III All Til3 ANYTIME SHOWTIME 119 900 Aioir thrs 00m mrii 1711 711111 iiiiiNNiss HM uwruisnii llAVlll NWILN nriizii sun CINEMA 3RD WK Eon our11 THE OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT FRANK YABLANS PRESENTATION Skinny MARIEFRANCEPISIER JOHN BECK SUSAN SARANDON RAF VAT ONT propaganda instrument with wall to wall seminars on Canadian unity Key elements in Johnsons address were increasing the Canadian content of television to 80 per cent from the present 67 per cent and broadening the scope of the CBCs French lan guage operations The problem the corporation must deal with in expanding do mestic programming is the high cost problem com pounded by the surge in popularity of cable television networks that draw heavily from American networks he said FACE CHALLENGE Cable television has swept across Canada and now two thirds of the viewing time of Canadians is spent watching American television shows he said This constitutes funda mental challenge to the CBC To combat that trend the cor Kgration will replace half ur of American prime time programming annually with Canadianmade program and while doing that attempt to carry English and French CBC programs on cable Johnson said The cost of replacing that $150000 American show adds up to something like $2 million more if it costs us advertising revenue In prepared address dis tributed by the CBC before Johnson spoke Monday John son had said the only way Cana dians can be encouraged to switch their viewing habits is for the CBCTV network to make Canadian programs so good you cant afford to miss them However Johnson ditched his plans to deliver the prepared address complaining that The Canadian Press had released it to print and broadcast media before the speech was given The advance text of the ad dress was released hy the CBC in Ottawa It did not cify when on Monday the dress was to be delivered It carried only the date of delivery EINka l977 VaiarrGur pictures Coryan mu LE DEIMI Its the nuttiest WMIRNW OE THE 6771 7269944 scouted funniest madcap comedy of the year NATION AMEme vrlruxr WARNING Some scenes and language may be offensive DOUBLE FEATURE Ilacli Sundav me one Inole mail you must III8 Yfllll Ronu Barrett ABCTV 700 pm 90 longest Yard Black Sunday 2ND WEEK PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS AN ALBERT RUOOY PRODUCTION LTAHIIINT BURT REYNOLDS THE

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