SAVE $5 Double swag shower curtain 2499 33 Remembrance doubleswag shower curtain in semiclear openan polyester Machine washable at low Two 34 74 panels 72 valence Ball fringe on valance and tiebacks Coordinating vinyl liner 70 72 Hang liner from regular rod swags and valance from tenSion rod sold below 81Horizon Blue Light 32Amber Gold 68Rust 52Chocolate Brown and 29Let1uce Green 967 431 190 CEach 2499 SAVE 500 Remembrance shower curtain and Vinyl liner not shown State color no from above 967 431 191 CAbt 70 72 Reg 19 99 Ea 1499 SAVE 500 Remembrance Window curtains not shn Two 34 48 fabric panels vrnyl liners Sell tiebacks rodlt pocket tops State color no from 967 431 192 CReg 19 99 Each 1499 Plastic showercurtain hooks Box ot 12 Choose 32Amber Gold 68Rust 29Lettuce Green 81Horizon Blue or 52Chocolate Brown 967 430 252 CEach box 169 Spring tenSion rod tor doubleswag shower curtain Chrome color metal Extends 42766 967 430 007 DLl diameter Each 649 SAVE $5$1O Walltowall carpeting Velvetouch walltowall bath carpeting in plush polyestermodacrylic pilelust cut to in Perma lreshed wrth SANIGARD Backed wrth SKIdfBSlSlanl ribbed latex Mach wash at low in oversrze machine dry at air setting or hang to dry Approx sizes 09Black 35Gold 52Chocolate Brown 81Horizon Blue 12Regal Purple 68Rust 967 432 397 OTC4 Reg 39 99 Ed 3499 967 432 399 DTCS Reg 54 99 Ea 4499 967 432 398 DTCvS Reg 69 99 Ea 5999 2000 on accessories EJ Velvelouch polyestermodacryllc bath acces sories Rugs backed With skidresistant ribbed latex Machinevash at low dry at alr setting or hang dry Approx Sizes State c0l0r no from Fringed Oval rugs in two srzes fringe 967 432 403 024 36 Reg 17 99 Each 1439 967 432 404 027 48 Reg 23 99 Each 1899 Tailored oblong rugs in two Sizes 967 432 400 C18 30 Reg 99 Each 719 967 432 401 021 36 Reg 11 99 Each 959 Tailored contour rug 24 24 967 432 410 CReg 1099 Each 879 2pc tank set fits most standardSize tanks 967 432 405 CReg 16 99 Each set 1359 Standard lid cover lits lids 13 14 deep 967 432 406 CReg 699 Each 559 Oversize lid cover fits lids 142 16 deep 967 432 407 CReg 99 Each 639 the bath Shop 24 SlMPSONSSEARS Shower hooks Ten5ion rod 29Lelluce Green 68Rusl IBIII 32Amber Gold 52 Chocolate Brown SAVE 25 Superplush bath towels each Extra large and thickeour linest looped terry of salt combed cotton combined With cottonpolyester Novellywoven dotihy border at end hem Approx sures 95White 29Letluce Green 32Amber Gold 81Horizon Blue 52Chocolate Brown 68Rusl 967 436 430 CBath 25 50 Reg 99 Ea 599 967 436 431 CHand 16 28 Reg 499 Ea 399 967 436 432 CFace 13 x13Reg259Ea 199 SAVE 500 on supersize bath sheet 36 70 967 436 434 CState color no Reg 1499 Ea 999 Note Due to lloor space limitations some items sizes and colOrs in this catalogue may not be available in all stores