REG 41998 Handsome color portable With 90sq in viewrng area Solidstate ChaSSIS InLine Black Matrix picture tube Controls tor tint color contrast and brightness concealed behind trap door Automatic Fine Tuning locks in VHFUHF stations White molded plastic cabinet With recessed carrying handle Measures approximately 18 12 15 deep 577 414 067 DLEach 389 97 41mmFritrmarirnmit SAVE $30 Popular 14 color portable TV set 38997 This 20 color TV gives you SensorTouch tuning Just preset up to 12 channels UHF or VHF thereafter mere touch ol your linger brings in desrred channel instantly Silently perfectly button controls tint brightness contrastcolor balance Altsolid state Walnut Woodgrain linisti cabinet measures about 23 x17 18 deep 577 414 077 DLWEaCll 57997 Rotlaway TV stand for above Measures about 25 14 28 high 577 440 208 DLEach 2198 Remote control turn set onolt adjust volume change channels anywhere in room 14 color portable television with remote control 46997 REG 49998 Features electronic tuning remote control tbutton color control with AFC 100 solid state chassrs Precrsron InLine Black Matrix picture tube wrth roomSize 90sq in vrewmg area Single rotary dial tor VHF and UHF tuning concealed behind hinged tront panel Setandlorget volume control stays at the level you choose Lighted channel indica tor oval speaker Walnut Woodgrain tinish metal cabinet With carrying handle Abt 18x13x15 deep 577 414 080 DLEach 46997 Eb iii in ii in SPECIAL 20 color with SensorTouch tuning 57997 SIMPSONSSEARS 15