Two businesses off boards tax list City councils general committee has backed the Downtown Improvement Boards opposition to exemption of three downtown businesses from the boards tax levy However committee approved deletion of two other businesses from the boards tax list To be exempted at the boards request are the Brookdale inn and Occidental Life Insurance both on Dunlop Street to the west of the downtown business district Committee voted to turn down requests frorn Market Square IGA on Collier Street and the Bayshore Motor Hotel and the Lakeview Restaurant on Dunlop all at the eastern edge of the downtown area for similar exempt ion The board had opposed removal of the three eastern businesses on the grounds that they form definite part of the downtown area unlike the two businesses at the west end Examption of the two eastern businesses will require passage of city bylaw and Ontario Municipal Board ap proval Tender for truck City councils general committee voted Monday to award the tender for flatbed stake truck with hydraulic tailgate to Douglas LincolnMercury Sales of Barrie Price is $7429 plus $348 for heavyduty platform for total of $7777 ex ceeding the estimate of$70t0 for the unit Committee also voted to approve tender of $7900 by Abercrombie Electric of Barrie for installation of as in dustrial circulating fans at the public works departments operations centre Budget for the fans was $8501 through street Traffic on the new Lakeshore Drive extension will llil priority over Bayfield Street traffic city councils general committee decided Monday Committee voted to make Lakeshore the through street with traffic coming south on Bayfield to be required to yield The extension completed this summer takes Lakeshore east past Bayfield to Mulcaster and turns the intersect ion iii to shape with Bayfield ending at Lakishore Elected as president Paul Lepsoe of Barrie newlyelected president of the tin tario Progressive Conservative Youth Associat ion iiiii led lZmember delegation to the ICYA com eiitroii ii Port Carling Sept 911 Other executive members attending were lt president Stephen Finch treasurer Mark Ktisianrfofl and Susan Walsh secretary Local association members Robin artcin Berry Norton Jill Laws Laurie Robillard Cam Small Dave Small Bob Smith and JoAnne Walsh attended the convention at which Ontario Premier William Davis and National IItiultlt Conservative Party leader Joe Clark spoke Looking for suggestions The Citi7cns Advisory Committee for the trric ioir Area Revitalization Study wants your suggestions for tie improvement of downtown Barrie If you have comment or suggestions for change or Itllr provements of Barries commerce tourism transportation recreatiion or waterfront facilities than call tick Jones at 7264242 Ext 293 Car strikes cow cowcar accident which occurred Sunday at it resulted in the cow although not dead being taken to tilt Ontario Stock Market Damage to car owned by Leon Schrtschcnkii iii iotr tenham was estimated at $250 The cow was owned by Gary Eagair Concession Arlgeii Township which is also where the accident occurrid ThenewDatSimSIOiustMltbe WWW Win provincewide contest worry and Itlltilll liiilor ltltl Lelia botli hau never flown or travelled outside of arrridir but not for long lliev just on provinceuide Food ity trip to Rome in the City wont charge for its helping hand fir councils Leriit Llll Illlllt iit Moritz Hill to iliaigji limiter ilNliriwil Stl Viccs lll trigCs torriirr urn lzigc ciirtrcoi tor SLiitiilil toiiii of assistance provided in llit My lit ixnp lllt Iilrittlirl rri iilrsrnrss mcr the past ll tierl Mill lrtir not ill business lll billed Slitl for iri ices izitct in litetitirrlti tiirtlatrr1Itii parking rrietcrs titllNtl our otlhctirtizsriicksrriJrLi liiiJtl llllllttlll rit iltlltrcl til Tin tl til It agrnrl ii at 1it riiit iliiri lll tli plartim ill it Illl lllr tii wit iiir lnrxaiulrmri lift sill llt ligttl rill iiir irtl iflii iililt To help handicapped lltvtirit rti irria iulri iii 1l tllili tiisrtv itiiiltirtv currir Ilittcn pis iv iv sirrric arrslitm tiirir llrtlllliuiiiiiii rciguiii ll iiizitlsr lultlruj liti ii tiriri 312 mummiesWin trt officials said at the time Baxter contract rate as too lit to permit the illlll to repair ll trucks and keep ill proper writration and council agreed to help keep the firm in liusrrrvs until new contractor could take river and In piniris it ltarric ltdill iilllitlllli cit trash loiiij ti anti its contract is Sitl lnr irutr iicr irlj rcwlwti liliniltl lti Masters $31M mri ccurt ii tilltxll to lend imvin lll llltItlx liziï¬tiiii lt1li trrt it 1flttiirtll lit mil in wi trl worth of llri rlur it ill iiir sliilll ririilllt till irlr iri ltliililt keep lii lllll site lipcn trucks as lli iirrrvrr intr iirirr wif tr lll italcut tillysrri1l l=vrr mntl it it rizril ii iirrutl Lirrrcritl tllll will iii litmrlcllri gs rtrliiili iatl txdl ilt 3H iir ri ltt well as $70 cleaning up two oil spills None of this will be charged to Baxter However $463 for repair to the parking meters and $712 for landfill site labor oil spill cleaning and other ser vices prior to councils decision to help out will still be billed George Baxter vicepre sident of the firm and now foreman with and said to day he cannot say at present whether paying the remaining bills will create problem for him The tirms president Bax ters father Elmer is retired Despite protests Softball field app proposed softball diamond for the most unused park in the city survived spirited debate and Sitsignature piti tion of protest from neigh rs to win approval from city coun cils general committee Mon day But all three alderrnen representing neighbors around Kearsey Park off Sunnidale Road north of Letitia Street voted against the diamond City recreation director Gary Stoner who described the five acre park as the most unus ed said softball diamond is the facility most needed by the cit gowever residents of Sun nidale Castle Drive and Parker Court whose properties back onto the park said in the petition the park will cause traffic problems interfere with funerals at the adjoinin St Marys Cemetery intr on backyard privacy and fail to meet the needs of the dominant age group in the largely adult neighborhood Aldermen Ross Stephens Janice Laking and Ernie Rot man all from Ward agreed as did Ald Gord Mills whose Simcoe County included in tour The annual Livestock Management tour of Ontario farmers will take place frorn Nov to 11 and will visit the counties of Durham Halton Ontario Peel and York North Simcoe will be sending three delegates 18 to 29 years of age These three will be ex pected to participate in the Livestock Evaluation ompcti tion at the Royal Winter Fair at the conclusion of the tour Last year the tour was held in Simcoe County and the dcle gates were Neil Craig John Van Casteren and Murray Temolder South Simcoe will also be par ticipating with three delegates Garry Milne Duntroon Laurie liadwin Cookstown and third which has not been nam ed Everyday Specials lO°o off all remnants industrial Jock Duffy Home Carpeting 737 305 BLAKE ST SIMCOE PLAZA 2860 Joe Harrodine the examiner Tuosday Sept 20 1977 ward does not include the par All four voted against the dia mond Ald Laking suggested building diamond at Portage View School where she Said more teens are to be found in the neighborhood and Ald Stephens said 132acre Sun nidale Park should have space foradiamond But Ald Alex Arthur said Kearseys neighbors were displaying purely selfish outlook and Sunnidale Park not currently developed for team sports or similar ac tivities is fine the way it is Youll like us TRAVELWAYS® RETURN TRIPS DAILY TORONTO For full information call 7200700 Preventive dental care roved Ald Ed Thompson said the protesters reasons except for the cemetery would apply almost anywhere in the city and Ald Del Cole said after noon and evening ball games would not interfere with funerals usually held at 11 am on ROYAL DOULTON STONEWARE 16 and 45 pc sets STEELES CHINA SHOP English China AND ifts CORNER OF BAYFIELD COLLIER ST BARRIE ONTARIO 7282395 coverage is available to your entire family through our group Plan Lets tailor Dental Plan to meet the needs of your employee group ONTARIO CROSS mt ONAHH ruse Ar risounrios KHlngulon6rlomo 659 King Street Surte 208 Kitchene Ontario N20 2M4t519 5784700 The savin est ale of the year The popular Stylist stretchstitch machine on tcorrying case or cabinet extra as with Wiwormmiocï¬ul desThemtirecnris MWWNMMM wmwnamwmuwmm nieniosicarerutryinoughtiiiroign ttieuitstmdirugasmtormdi caryouileverseeinthelowpncerarue Datsmisfamous Acarttiatlivesuptoeverythingit mistprobternsfltsprotéétedvdh promises orieofCanadasmostoormrehIIsive Roominessfltllkeepawholetamily anticorrosiontreatments oomtortableonadaykmgtripwnh PowerandrideNthasapomrto plentyotroomforltggqe Mmaiowmoarwletom Ruming likeGanadaandVolareptusaso The practical Fashion Mote zigzag machine S3lift rriryir one or 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