REG 10998 7hth chandelier hallcut drops chains Gold color tlnlsh metal 36 drop 347 424 920 DL18 high 24 wrde Ea 8248 REG 7998 6ltlrght chandelier crystal column drops chalns Gold color finish metal 36 drop 347 424 921 DL16hrgh 21 wrde Ea 5998 SAVE $20 Cosy tireplace heater REG 12998 Freestanding lureplace heater lbOowatt thermostatlcallycontrolled heater rs concealed Oak log wrth flame eltect incl Butltm Black mesh screen Black metal base Abt 31 it 18 53 Orange crackle lrnlsh wtlh Swedish steel accents 347 410 553 DLWetghs 80 lb Each 10998 Black crackle llnlsh wrtn Brass lrnlsh accents 347 410 554 DLWetghs 80 lb Each 10998 on our elegant array of crystal fixtures Open Sears account today Credit details on Page 16 REG 14998 Magnlllcent Brlrght chandelier that creates an elaborate centrepiece Heavrly trimmed With an assortment of handcut lead crystal prisms and sparkling jewel chalns Gold color finished metal parts 36 total drop 347 424 929 DLw22 high 24 wade Ea ll l4 lljlllllll ml lrrtal EkLtru App mnaw REG 4998 Latticelook hall basket With tlers 0t crystal drops Gold color metal 347 425 900 DLl 1h high wrde Ea 3748 REG 2498 2hth wall bracket elegantly trim med wtth drops charns Gold color metal 347 431 916 DLvlo high 13wrde Ea 18173 11248 SAVE $21 Table swag lamp combination FG Blown glam lamp and swat wrth Antiqued Brass llnlsh cast metal turn 30 table lamp has lab nccovered shade phase swrtch rughtlrght tn base bulb Incl 12 dram swag larnp has on rolt swrtch on 15 cord ln 36Amber 27Green Separately cost 104 96 Also in our Fall Values Book Page 96 347 480 000 DLCE2Set each 8396 347 486 375 DLC Swag lamp only Each 4998 347 481 375 DLCTable lamp only Each 5498 SlMPSONSSEARS 13