14 the examiner Tuesday Sept 20 1977 iiitimmitoii illfl iiim 42 articles wanted Illopts to rent 32cors for solo 69ml co SALES THREE BEDROOM apartment laun rcmn If dry facilities lridge and stove supplied 1917 mm and ponflm WW saga normImeztrwsza WANTED mm WWW1 Avgiiébie October sm DEVIL m7 MAMSELLE 53 EE666T Fully loaded 11000 195 must be clean ground floor apart ABrOChure Eleéiivfilï¬blfJnTiiifdkéiitg 321 °° °°° Bail Buslness Dlrectory PIIOIIE 7285540 Availab VF P31EEEESRIPQOBé999 ll f° F° in 09 sf 351$539Y2$3Tm€t °m°°m° Need help Just Iookyover the ads below The advertisers missessectiontiresome ï¬rm 305pmogdgtlgrlgdllggrlkihlgéildo mm bu $23 listed are experts in their field and Will assure you of the high Telepl94219260 Car necessary earn s4 more or pets Telephone7726844 17houses to rent PUGFT COURT PRESTIGE luxury bedroom an hour Telephone 14160996532 HAIRDRESSER REQUIRED ex perience necessary Port and lulltlme Commission Fa Interview cell M9831 INDUSTRIAL FINANCIAL CORPORA finest iob possible alldogs andpets 5910131415192021 BARRIE POODLE SalonShampooing 70lost andtound and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 L05 PiltPP1Y Golden Retriever I4 wee attoo In right ear No POODLE 2WXIJ Answers to the name Mauchee 1931 FORD COUPE Model Excellent condition Trade or cash $3900 or best oller All high performance options Telephone726 4813 or 728 6807 1972 BUICK LE SABRE two door vinyl TRIMMING professional groomin all breeds cku and de ION lres son tor secretarial ownhouses selective neigh mp power steering and brakes va PAVING liyeryflgo 8798 PetStuinly Isomégtvgzeggtggrï¬sspeedwavrAUDItit Icmmfflérfiépiï¬n dutieslef tomatc radal es new brakes 7R have llnance account no menus borhood References 275 rébum nmmrl will in sum or Des ALUMINUM CUSTOM FENCING Lwï¬fAguaLï¬ï¬lï¬fa siffï¬afï¬lfggaï¬zblg Thu md Please submit resume ol work and Bl°ke 72623 973 °°5a°5° RESIDENTIAL rmcmc Chain link custom EXPERIENCED CARPENtEn nonovaiions Prim EYenWS and weekends Ed $5041 Twumlï¬rzm TNMMW Evenings 7239682 1975 FORD LTD country Squire station wood IM tmmoy Your pr°p¢yy 737 house raising panelling masonry and DIIIAQUOFIB143Afdagh Roadr7260094I Th TF wagon loaded plus air excellent condi 1507 chlmneysrootingEstlmales¢oll7269135 SAMOYED Puppies white purbred HANDY WORKER went mleage drive BUILDING CONSTRUCTION House raising roun male and female 75 Call 72¢ 7335 Imotetvthours gothmtmlflggtzl W03 TW° PRODUCTS TIFFIN FENCE C0 as no 90 seven miles from Barrie Living €3639 4362799r4364175°llsr¢mm DRIVEWAYS DOBERMAN PUP°°5°ded atterbpm room dining room kitchen basement 976 VALIANT New cond101r and tan Excellent temperament Ears Hum °w °° $53$52 ï¬iloodleslglï¬aiï¬lrésifi 60 Bmdfwl SUP INCOME TAX PARKING LOTS 835xeribai135lirsoéél is amt conï¬tdgrateT won Rosr4 Tgclgggibgggfl bedroom home cyIInderPrIvaIe sale 7429 OSiding Eovestrough Barrie CONCRETE WORK 737 or In er 1972 GRAND TORINO sport Slarsky Soflit Windows COM Ax°PP°°d 3° MAYSFOODLE PARLOR Pr COOK REQUIRED lmmsdhtolv Yur double car garage family room wnh rioarea35 upJM Dobson4245 10 after All RK ARANTEED 95 round Itlut Apply In person to Chat ï¬replace beautilul yard Atlandale Sfeirï¬gsai 325 Sluggomoarfésfcï¬mï¬ Focio Doors Quality chOIn link fence 50nd weekends W0 GU ï¬geffpgï¬ angngggflmw 935 BE GOOD cm boyshore Motor Hotel Heights $500 monthly appliancesinclud 3051 ed Telephone ms Ca 737 7755 Shutters Awnings supplies at lower prices FREE ESTIMATES ADORABLE OLD Engnsh sheepdoé To YOURSELF 72 553 sypouol BEAUTIFUL bedroom 1973 MERCURY COMET Six cylinder broadloom drapes lireplace large lot Gall course $325 monthly Telephone 436 4565 TWO BEDROOM bungalow 9th Line In nislil Township Fridge and stove includ ed Utilities extra $200 monlhlyi Telephone 726 9698 alter pm EXECUTIVE THREE BEDROOM home in Allandale Heights $350 per month Available immediately Telephone 728 0810 or 728 4268 TH RE BE DROOM bungalow broadloom lull basement garage available October 1515325 per month no pets Telephone 728 9745 THREE BEDROOM house In Essa township on acres of land on Thornton to Baxter county road To be leased With lirst and last months rent Available 01 lober Call Nelson Garrett 726 6096 representing Emory Miller Ltd DETACHED BEDROOM baths garage lenced yard close to schools shopping One or two year lease Option to buy $365 plus utilities First and last September 30 728 3715 THREE BEDROOM bungalow livmg room dining room all broadloom tour piece bath rec room with lireplace heated garage and workshop Large landscaped 101 Three maior appliances Lease available Available October S325 Telephone 728 1217 weekends 326 3441 BARRIE TEN MILES WEST two storey three bedroom stucco house with all conveniences Good big barn Relerences First and last months rent 416 635 0654 between and pm NEW AND bedroom townnonies witli garages $290 monthly Relerences re quired 737 1211 Virgo Realty Ltd COZY BEDROOM HOUSE available October Nice lot ideal tor elder cou plo No lease $230 monthly plus utilities Releronces regwred 737 I900 afterSpm SEMI DETACHED BEDROOM large kitchen andlivino room Full basement heated 216 Shanty Bay Rd Availaom immediately $290 monthly First and last months rent 726 5511 726 5047 alter 19houses wanted to rent BARRIE ACCOUNTANT Wishes to rent two or three bedroom house Steele Street Scnom area prelerred Relerences provded Telephone 726 4105 anytime 20rooms to let FURNISHED ROOMin Allanoaleat bus stop cooking lacilities available Gentlemen preferred Telephone 728 4268 days or 728 0810 evenings CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms free parking laundry tacilities 7267186 FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 FURNISHED ROOMSlor renT near lac tones and shopping From $22 to 330 weekly 726 9859 and 737 1631 EXTRA LARGE FURNISHED rooms Share kitchen For singles or young couples Linen suppllied Downtown area 726 6392 FURNISHED ROOM Trees area Complete use of kitchen laCIlities bathroom rec room and grounds Linen supplied Telephone Len 737 2756 alter7 00 FREE ROOM for lemale senior Citizen in new home in exchange Ior compamop ship for other Iomate senior citizen All household pnvrleqes Close to bus stop 728 4463 atlerS 00 VIIroom and board SINGLE ROOM 3rd floor color TV home cooked meals Close to downtowp also room mate for double room Students welcome$35 weekly 726 3671 23oflices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space tor least small or large suites immediate or cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angelolt OFFICE SPACE available from 125 to 1200 square leet Rental rate 54 so per so It Call Bill Sakaris National Trust Company 728 9201 TWO OFFICES lust over 500 square Inct each can be iomed together $150 mon thly each Includes parking and heat Located Dunlop St downtown Barrie Mrs Petch 726 3338 ORILLlAMAIN ST Lease or saleunique Victorian building attractively renovated Ideal for retail Store or professional oilices downstairs and apartment upstairs Total 1400 square feet Rent approximately $601 monthly Telephone 726 I763 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 so It luIIy sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 1411 18 It clear part 01 Iargr expanding Industrial mall 726 7130 to rent In Tall FOR LEASE Industrial space and warehouse Telep one 726 3400 Angeloll VERY NICE Industrial buuldinq on Dunlap St Wcst With largr le rid IrI properly Phone 728 7044 or 416 675 0617 26accommodationsto share SHARE larqu new turnisnrd house Within walking distance of college with two mans Reasonable rcrlt For in formation call 436 1270 alter 10 32 cars for sole LTD FORD 70 Brougham $1200 spent on reconditioning full power air tires new car appearance certified $1600 Private Financing Available 7267773 520 1965 CORVETTE Stingray coupe 317 cubic inch tertiliorl $6950 Talcphoni I26 10010r26 900 1976 DART SWINGER ryliridLr automatic radio rlrar Jutugqrr low mileage excellent condition wired to sell Telephone 436 451 alter 6p FOR SAL 67 Mltrr Park Lam PS PB PW way srnls tilt strcririg an bi cerlitiod $600M best ollnr 424 978 193 METEOR VII automatir Steering brakrs 58000 triiIrs new CKhdllit system $1600 Phone7lf10811 197 PLYMOUTH CU TOM Fury priwrr steering and brakes dUllmrlllt radio etc 360 like new $3200 TifltDtlHIl 72s 7484 evenings 1973 CHRYSLER with solely cir tilicalr vinyl top new brakes new paint power brakes power slIerinq Mileage 42000 EXTENT conditian $2100 Telephoni 456 2108 1973 DODGE CHARGER socml Edi lion Green with whitr yinyl top two door hardtop motor power steering power brakes and radio CUFIIIIUU under coaterlaanMing glintd 45000 mils cellent condition $2850 or best rillor Telephone I28 518 between pm 1971 PONTIAC WAGON power siroririg and brakes positractioii in good runn ing condition As is BIst otlIr Catt 7261763 after 1968 OLDSMOVILE Iil excellent rori dition Has to be seen Call 716 0191 anytime OWII radio good condition automatic transmission radio radial tires excellent condition $1800 Will cer lily Telephone 4875468 alter pm or weekends ONE OWNER I975 DATSUN 710 Stan dard low mileage excellent condition with tour winter tires economical gas saver Telephone 726 5757 alter pm 1972 GRAN TORINO door blue with black vinyl top 46000 miles $750 un certilied $825 certilied Telephone 737 1743 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1970 Air conditioned power equipped 8400C miles Newly painted Private sale $2000 Telephone 728 7156 1974 CHEVY NOVA Supersporl 350 Automatic bucket seats AM FM stereo tape radio ruslprooled new Salety checked Best oller Phone 726 7040 anytime 1972 73 ALFA ROMEO GT 2000 Mint condition extras Asking $3850 Must be seen to be appreciated Call 726 6181 or 726 4631 1974 CHEV IMPALA wagon excellent condition certilied Chrome rack radio many extras Priced to 90 Telephone 737 2559 1966 BEAUMONT No rust 236 automatic Must be seen Excellent con dition Call 726 0142 alter 5p 1974 FORD F100 pick up Ranger XI P5 P8 auto $2500 Make otter Telephone 835 5791 alter 30 1974 Z28 CAMARO 350 tour speed 38000 miles Many extra perlormance parts In excellent condition Telephone Brian at 726 8431 1974 PONTIAC BROUGHAM low mileage 17 options exceptionally clean Reasonable Call alter 728 6181 1974 PONTIAC BROUGHAM low mileage 170ptions exceptionally clean Reasonable Call alter 6p 728 6184 1977 CHRYLSER ASPEN two door custom sedan 26 options including on the Iloor overdrivel balance at warran ty Will sell lor low price ol $4875 lirm 776 3634 I973 CUTLASS new radial I1r5 cassette stereo lour speakers power brakes and steering Telephone 726 7900 alter In 197 MUSTANG tastback lull power 302 V8 new radials Ono owner Icon Git0n peral $2 095 728 8881 evenings I967 CHRYSLER NEWPORT door V8pspbradrouoodrunntno condition 5400 as is or best otter Telephone 726 9008 1968 CHEVELLE yllldtr automalir transmission radio Some body xrk re wired Not certilvd 3300 or beat ollcr Telephone 728 7945 alter 1969 DATSUN 1000 Deluxv ttd mm lion as Is 5700 no brakis Telephoto 776 7910 1969 VOLKSWAGEN real good running condition I50 4241977 81 Fraser St Anqu 1968 DODGE MONACO door tiarctrir Stereo tape or heater two ITIYJTITIII 90$ saver ltlLDIlml snow tires goorl condition 00 Telephone 7t 3969 1971 DATSUN door siinlard transmission radio snow trI new rttutlior TILCris IIUIlt work as S750 Telephone 57 2206 1971 MERCURY Colony Prirk wagm good running condtim Dower IrIr nq power brakes radio IOU engrii Ri ont valve lab as IS 3400 Telephone 1117 2114 nlter6p 1966 CHE VE LLE lnr solo good rind mm 283 barrei burle seats rmr tires Uniroyal tires Fr0xlt Tivatnnt 718 1374allor5p 1973 CAMARO tor sale 44000 miles ask Ing $2500 Also liberglas canoe 11 It 510 Tolopttpone I7 7074 altvr 1973 TOYOTA tor sale 40000 Hull StIU or best otter Telephone 72 618ialtrr 1974 FIREBIRD II authrniitir nnwvr steering pOWPr hrnkts rartiti Trark ICOndtIIUli Call IIIITp 726 IIsl 1976 MALIBU beautilul rmtdittott two door hardtop with man FXITIIS Telephone two dlior hardtop with many extras Tellphoneme 1378 196Y CHEVTS000 original lTllllS SI cylindrr automatic tour driII swlan Body good clean lnStdf will MIN won or oxchanqelor small car 716 245 1969 TRIUMPH SP1 TFIRE tlLw brisket rebuut engine Vrry umtt llntllllllt $950 Telephone 4S6 5900 BRAND NEW 19 Pontiac Pariahnun twndoor Vinyl rmil V8 105 cubr iiirti unuinc ortra Wori at CNF Twitplinth 778 8783111rr 00 I968 BUle LE SfBlIF ns pt mechanically iri Ilnvid crirtllition IiirIl some body work as is $100 Cortiliryl 83 A150 lIrNI 1966 Buick Skylark Ilr parts and Inns most part Illll chartgoablr lur abrivr car Call Tlriti Graham 716 4719 177 TOYOTA CELICA CrT 75000 MILES Ssprtd AMFM Radio radial tires rear Window dtrfogqu blurk twainr IA CONDITION makii ollrr 718 8864 1771 BUICK IE riABPE rustitri rltirir hardtop lt automatic power strrriilll and broken rtlr rmidiliorilllq FrHIlU lx ellrnt vonrtilion asking $1850 or best offer TrIlphhnr 414 177 alter Sp rn CF 11f 1L1 Butt LSilbrre nrw Dilllll lot now bralun rchllont condition privatr snlr Ttlrrptiririi II 0587 1767 DODIIE POLAer wnuori lor satin $600 or boat rillrr CIrliiIIcl cylindrr motor In IIXIII Hmrlilirin TiIfplNli 32 26 1974 BUICK LI SABRE tour door sedan air conditioning priwrr trunk radio rear stral splatters Ciir is IIYIflUlrltt Only $2400 I28 540 195 HFV IMPALA twu rlolir hardtop Iit Iorirtilttiriiriq Dlll IItll frll$ Virtyl rtil plu Irirllly rtirill Options Gliml valiw at only $7500 728 5470 l77 METEOR R11 AU I00 twri rlimr tirirrltlip v11 automatic ps ph Virin rliril trlurmrr wliitrwnllI thlI rivrr rdrliri Ilanlr SVITI It fCW 10 8148 Iiuqlm lirirhlri Mcrrirry al ltrl ill var1flrlrrIrIl 55 17 FORT PINTO lTON WAGON lliur lIFtItT IrllthriII lrarlsrriismlirl rarIIti wtiIrl 7011er Lir Nu HIM 47l $7268 Douglas lirirulri Mercury Salt III 81 Rd Barrio I28 5551 196 0R1 IORINO ELITE II Iutririiatir PS lfl PIrrtrii ItlrristIr radio wtnlewallu winm ovurs Lic N0 KHI 64i $4888 Iiilr5 Llrirnlti Mlf cury Salrr til 81 ssa Rtiilrt Bitrrii Ilfl 5iIll l9l MTRTURY MONTEGO MX twrl Itour tiiirrllup II rlllIliTtirIIH Pfi Pit irIy rrxil rarliri whatWillis wlioil rovers Lic Nu JYIIIUI $1188 DOIIUliii llillll71M07UrVHall III III ssh RII Barrir 778 5558 33cars wantedto buy YUP PRICE Irir top rar 10kt MOTH ltd 119 Brarllrirtl St Barrio 18 8111 JUNK CARS WANIEI qutwst prirrs paid Same day pickup Holt Auto ercknrs 716 lllll TRACY WANTS cars and trucks Iur wrecking and parts top prictrs paid rel pickup Tfllfptllill 776 1148 COLE BROS ars and trucks wanted for wrrckiriii Fast pickup hys 415 637 Allir6p hi 414 G949 WAN TI Clean user tars Barrio Him an Auto Salm uwnri 31 I26 6488 SHAKFLS WRICkIN inrl Towmtt scrap metal car litiuiltit hvtr scalar Bostprtros paid 416 MI SCRAP VEHICLI WANTED pricr paid Friti Irrittiurlirltr dllylltYiIt 4l6 2900 Trip pickup alttrucks and trailers 1973 FORD ECONOIINE VAN Ex celIrnt condition $1500 or best otter Call 728 IJIUOIFIIIIIUIIYS AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Col PIIIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Famlly Business WINEIIN ALUMINUMVProducls sélfti Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar ggtaed 7262609 17269002 FRALICII ALUMINuM Siding Soffit Fascio Shutters 0Windows Doors Eavestrough Call today 4361830 STROUD APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized solos and service 18 Alliance Blvd 7203392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary 51 7265441 77 H7 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for solo Apply at 92 Maltese Avie Barrio or telephone 7285283 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions Iireploces guaranteed 7371507 gt CARPENTER Spooalixing in rec rooms In tarior remodelling trim etc Please call 7288884ot1016pm CABINET MAKER European trained Kit hens vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 lICENCED CARPENTERS Cuslotn homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction guaranteed and Construction 77267461 CARPENTER Will do rec rooms renOvotionsv remodelling etc Noioblo small 726 1271 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenlers for renovations additions homes collages Free estimates 435 4995 General carpentry Additions garage rec rooms built In closets Drywall texture spraying Free BSIIIVIOIS 726 3853 START YOUP spring cleomlig today Revitalize your carpets with carpet steam cleaning 726 632i CHIMNEY REPAIR Graham Chimney Repair 10 Years in Barrie Chimneys Repaired Chimneys Rebuilt Chimneys Cleaned Call 7286628 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo detigll on work layout etc Plans call collect 4l6 9M 7631 CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 34 oniltrailers 192 CHEV TANDF Dump 14 turit hrlx 17000 riIr arty cirtilicil $5800 OtlIrs critlslrILrterl llrp tIlIhIlrr Toltptwnr ldlf IAI 177 JF Jillriutltitnrwtn1976 Many extras MIT IIInIid undrrrriitltrrl Marl wttlrlls $4420 Nrvcr plriuqliwl ur drivrIi oll rriail thini Illl 9568 liotwicIi 10 arirlyp weekdays 1973 GREEN FORD IluII tori pirkuli IIOHI shape lirrn $1800 TLIIDIIIIIN 117 IIIMallor no at 177 DOUBT DE LIVERY VAN 3300 mill only aptml IlVlrrlriwI Iriltisrtii Siori Puslpriiulid rido $5200 lirrti Titliplltflli 717 0492 107 CHEROKE CtIII parkarw 160 Av 10900 ITlll Lnrldfd Equalizir hilrli rtiril ritck AJIITIT priri $7010 Tlllplltllii 1236 1976 CHEVROLET IIrIIIIIiII pick up truck Black NrvcrIinWInlrr Litslot tor TcIcptiiini IM SW 1IIl DODer vlrirl 42000 original mill2 no rust CIrIIlIId SLIOI TrtIrplirinu416 301 1974 MAC Suburban ton lull Iinii tour by tour nullirrintir puwtr Irdtl powrr stunrum I26 560 1768 FORT Tiltkup Tllinlllflilf 456 5406 Illii DODGE FARGO VAN Iylllldtr $600 It llIlLIl UlCtIIlIIlTI rIIiiriinII totidition Askiin $200 lilffllllll 717 321iovnriiiigs lHI FORT RANGER XLT fun pirkuri I60 ID Vll itutrintilllr powrr ll7111 priwrr disc tirrikIs lrllllll liritird thilIiIIlflU wliittwnll slrrl riidinl tirl slut IIUIIIIIIT iIIIII WIIITI rIvlIS LIC flllll $1695 Call 110 riIII III 7711 W65 TIrIyIINH 1970 FORT 100 Cvlrrthr nix cylitlrlor s1IIItlilrrl triitisttiiIriIi Cattlpvr as III tllill6 Slltil Dtiuqlvis LITKUITIMIT cilry Stiltr L111 81 Essa Rd Barrio lltt SIilt Ivl 0140 l1i0 pickup th lriur spotd Irritisiriiiurl LII H40 715825118 Douglas IFICIIITIMCF ury Saltul III lll ssa Rtl Biirrii 728 $658 Itsservice and repairs ICENST MECHANIC Will It grrllrnl rLnitir by itpputtttrrIItlt hilly Niqltls lan Wtikllldi TlllplionrHlt 1871 36auto accessories BRAND NEW GOODYE AR all winter radial snow tires sol 01 two on rinls 10 III MflVlHt Granada Asking $175 37 motorcycles 1974 C1125 MOTORCYCLE ionilrnn lilinn Laiil town air shut ks $350 Also slit triulu cross boots LiO Telephone 48 17111 197 HONDA 5001 1800 nilll new irl 196 crash liars luilpmie rari tor and hIlttIlts cxuIIrtit tritirlltlurl Tellphone I28 610 airsnowmobiles M010 SKI STIOWITIOINIL solos and scr VILI Chuck our new season warranty Barric M010 Cross Contra Lch 3119 Dayticld 51 Barrie I26 4112 40 alleles for solo COLONIAL PRINT chostLrliold wood trim makes Into bed anvl matching chair $150 excellent condition White bathroom sink and taps s5 Telephone 726 00 Do it yourself or we install For free estimates call 7264131 illisstrlAItho DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera lions 42 EugeniaSlPhone 7266M DRESSMAKING TAILORING aha 611761 lions Reasonable rates For appointment call 7373934 between and ppm DRESSMAKING ANoAitERAtIONs quick and efficient reosouablo ratas Telephone 73717953 FAVESTROUOHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING lroughirtg instplled WColl 72786628 SUPERIOR EAvcsmouéniNo Spoclollsts Rooting and rooting repairs free estimates Call Martin Verstroteri 4241956 New Lowell EAVEstriouoNINo contractor and repairs Jock Bates Free estimates 117 Burton Ave Alldndole 726 6657 after pm ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and ser vice 7264996 smco uremic Industrial Residential Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 FXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loodCr work gravel 43615584J¢ l757 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREPLAF STONEWORK and Irreplocus specially Vic Watson for tree estimates 72B 1599 FEQQB5NG HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing nld and new guainnteurl not to Commerciol Farms tiipmpimt 3258341 NANDYMAN Filif Garages cloaiiod trash tiouled away Just give us your cost Ils Telephone 487 5525 or 726 3441 HANDYMAN will do pamim pupal tiring mg cleaning basements on garages Iut iilture stripping and rottriisfiiiig 737 2875 HANDYMAN CAN boat or moot any reasonable qutIl for IlDplO rot rooms etc For old lintiiunod WOTIUVUIHIIIU all 737 1036 IIOMFIMIRWWNT INTERIOR NFMODLLLING rooms Cull Russ 436 3681 Relerelrus OVOIlUI4l4 NEED MORE living space tot tbuln extra hedrrnnri ploytoorn laundry UFIKY storugu spout Also pointing wullpupering Murray Ball 728 8906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Criiriplule busntiiuiit plnriliilig arid decorating ptlvuy 5IItiIi and putius aluminum dour TIII hurriqu lui all your Iieods 728 8906 SPECIALIZING lN Turk wilting hltririuy wulorptuoliiig brick and slorlrr caulking Will drst and expansion mriu Work guaiun teed 458 9346 WIHLPN CARPENTRY Dorks rec rooriis renovations extensions etc ulr Giior onto work 726 2609 or 726 9002 Kitchens rm ullui 30 In ariasionic COLOR rv RENTALS RENTAUPURCHASE 26 Ihctrohoms per week $495 20 Toshiba per week $390 20 ICA XLTOO per week $565 26 Paltasonic per week 50 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TIL NOVEMBER 77 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS IAIIIF SNOPPING PLAIA IM8T2Th TF ELT CIRIC SIIIIII Arruslii GUItnr and AmplilIir approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking $550 776 3435 UiEIJFURNITURE Aircorlditihtiurs inlrtll lridgls I01 little or cottage sotvrs lrromrs mm hairs lllSllIIlflll sols lawn turnilurr and bedroom suites Clarks Horiii Furnishing Wiiruhousr lreudilivur 718 284l SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS Algi ban Kaypiiol lT Robinson Hnrrlwitrt Ill Duttlop it Easl 728 2431 SWIMMING POOLS to Rent Wlll toast and install Ior IIIIniIownor lattiily SIII aluminum swimming pool WIIII patio Choirs 01 styles trimting all turning regulations on one two or throw yIar lilal barns With option to own Na payments till IWII Try DOIOTC you buy Call collect any 1mm 416 663 95011 SWIMMING POOLS 197 modltls slightly SFrIIITI in transport Fully warranted lnlplflli willt pump motor litter lonciiig walkway and lock Suu guslorl rolail price $7295 Now available III $1788 No paymrnts till 1978 Int mediali delivery and installation Call collect anytime 416 6619508 FIREPLACE wood lor sale Top soil DrIiVIry serVIcI Telephone 728 7587 $6 PER WEEK Buys beautilul 26 RCA color Spanish to tho Iluor console television No money down no payments until November 77 Phone tonight delivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 737 1182 FORK LIFT International21lootlilt Perlect condition $5500 Telephone 726 1001 or 726 900 HARDWOOD vrrnorred plywood dress ed and cut to site European hardware Progresslve Wood Desmn 726 3379 FIREWOOD tor sale Picked up or delivered Telephone 7289367 or 716 4119 NORTHERN INSULATION Attic Blowing Free Estimates Work Guaranteed 7371727 LANDSCAPING BOTTING PROPERTY Services Rough Mow ing pruning lawn and garden maintenance lutdscopiiig soddirig Free ostirnotos 1264536 LAWN CARE FERTILIZING WEED spraying mowin hedge and shrub trirnmiing Also roug towing Vic Triomstro 7260427 RUSH SPORT CENTRE milesnorth at Bar rie west side of 27 Hwy Lawn and garden Snowmobile repairs 7263458 FALL FERTILIZING loll cleanups chg and shrub trimming Mowing and weed spraying Vic Triamslra 7760427 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN Music for people who like to dance Good rates 728 9545 PMNIST AVAILABLE fOR WEDDINGS RECEP TIONS DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 alter 6pm MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel PONIIIGUIIUI Studio 726 I489 DANCING INSTRUCTION Ages years and over Tap Ballet Jazz Baton Enrolling now for classes commencing in September Telephone 7264723 REGIONAL ACADEMY OF DANCING 015 ACCORDION guitar p10710 argon beginner our advanced Two months trial instrument luoiiud lor homo practice Canadian Ara domy of Music 121 Boyllold 7281799 MUSICIANSHIP IS SIRESSED Piano 03 training written lublacis Sylvia Kent ARCT ORMT 170PeelSl 7288367 GUITAR Classical and Iolk string ban and dlums The Bandstand Boytiold M01 726 4973 PIANO lESSOHS taught by experienced teocttor All types music For details 737 1468 PIANO VOICE AND THEORY Beginners to Associate Juno Moleribucllol LTCL ARCT AMUS RMT 729 4436 GUITAR LESSONS classical popular and lock Phone Gory Goritici 726 9098 PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUC TON Private lessons available In you rock or classical Reasonable rates Telephone 776 2903 DRUM LESSONS Starlet Equipment sup plied Call Lloyd Gabriel 726 4723 PIANO IFSSONS for all ages Wlll visit your IiOltl for details Phone 458 9169 VELIINGA PAINTING arid decorating in tumor exterior Work guaranteed Establish M30 years 726 7275 726 9002 WAYNE FOLEY Plulessionul painters tenor and Interior Free estimates gunrurilood 726 7389 DON SIESLING Plulassotiul pointing loriur elorim pope hanging custom work Satislor tiuli guuratileod 726 6806 PAINTING PAPER HANGlNCr uperiniirod lloo estimates Jack Richardson 726 7012 7568874 PAULS PAINTING Interior exterior Fran estlnialus Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 737 1295 Work in iiinidotérsie BASE MENT SALT Love sent two iWIVil rockers radio 110kly equrp tiiIItl skntvs ski boots carpits lirc tinuiiishir 110m pcilislivr 10 gallon aquarium rnii ruptirinc and stand Tlllptllflfl 71 179 SMAI WOOI STUVI In good working Ionrliliort Sharp loukiriu 512 also lylrulr 00k strive Also In good working order L250 4117 3240 OIL SPACE Hf ATER Smglct Super tlriiir littt 70000 IllUs Combination rlcrirrl playerrhino Not working 5011 Autumn swwII rlirsk tiair iriil Srhnriltltsk 487 5661 CABLE CONVERTERS 15944 spiivll puri I10 littiittrcl quIlIII ty Cash and tarry whili HUDpltfS last Only at Barrio TV and appliances 80 unlup St IIIIIIII 721i 479 MISCELLANLOUS gas lawnmower baby strollrr smukl ï¬liITITI Telephone 17 255 SKATE pails litItnIts leys hockey skates Silt 11 and II iiioris hockey skates MI girls liuuri skates 5110 12 boys shoulder pads knio pads Approv II skatinghiliiiols telepttuni 717 2559 16 F1 BOAI With 60 hp Johnson also trilIIIr 10 II IIqu punt Also two UNIS bicycles Tlllpllltllt 718 116410 MATREiST NOW iI factory It you pricits Twut silt S4I lrth illIlIvct unny trritis fiatrii MillrIss Factory l5 Dunlap 51 downtnwu Barrio l7t1972l WRINGER WASHER with limor good working condition spari sol II wrinqus Call MIN 728 61114 DRYER Inglis rlpdtlitltlil silt$75 new Singer sowmu mattiiiii $110 China It settings $100 or bist ollrr Silverwarr and chist $50 717 1264 IIIIII FIREWOOD Mlxad split hardwood $35 face cord delivered $30 picked up INSTANT SIIAD GARDEN INTI ll N0 IAIII 1260011 03 Gas 879 Includes lull scr VICL and oil choc kl Sunoi Car Wash Baylield St COLONIAL HUTCH and bullet $260 Plus numerous other arlicles Telephone 726 9008 KIRBY VACUUM cleaner and ac cessorIcs excellent condition months old 3350 Telephone 726 1906 alter 430 RIFLE 30 calibre Ml carbine and scope best oller In good condition Telephone 726 8503 alter 5pm ANTIQUE small china cabinet Oriental rug banquet Ianlp pine dresser stereo some china silver 728 2935 SINGER UPRIGHT vacuum c1eaneriii good condition one year old Cost 5129 5911850 Telephone 424 I337 evenings SOLID OAK antique dining room suite with sideboard lour piece living room suite one year old Both In good condi tion Reasonable call 737 3794 CUSTOM BUILT three piece Iivlngroom suite In excellent condition like new Telephone 728 6094 BARRIF 7370179 MANIFRI PAVING Drivewoys Porking Lots Tennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260081 Serving Simcoe County for 17 years PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom tromitig ol all types We stock many sizes Phone 7203270 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages ARVTIFRAMV Custom picture errrting Wide selections Foil sorwce Low low price 7208633 evenings RIDING INertqupNs EleSH RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor and outdoor riding schools Five minutes from some WINov HAUGH FARM 7260192 ROOFING and Rooting New Asphalt shingles Repairs guaranteed quality work Reasonable 416 895 7533 collect AND RoorINo Now oridold Reports Free estimates 436 3177 after bp In Shinglng Pallillllg CENTRAL ROOFING IUMMUICIAI HlSlDlNllll New AIIII Ileumiz Uphom Minnilrin Ebnvole Angus 3222713 4241709 530 Graham Roofing 10 Years in Barrie Shingles Installed Rooting Repaired Dont Wait Until It Snows Rooliri 10 years old or more oul give you problortts Call Graham Roofing 7262 SNON BLOWING SEASONAL CONTRACT or as you need It blower or plow Simpson Telephone 726 4538 or 835 5957 WELL DRILLING Gilberls Water Well Drilling Farms homes cottages Freo estimate 10 years experience Angus 424 5657 WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cluoliitig Apart moth Stores Houses Factories Poisson oblo roles Telephone 728 1914 Tell them what you have to offer in The Examiner business directory 7284414 40oncles for sole ï¬g STOVE 300 fiLTCIRIC sillill Iiil IIUYIHT oloitrii ltoitlcr ITIztl ttiiiit ritItIIrt Willi slittincl glans IIJIIFi All Itl limit audition 1113160171 4589277 Call 41 Imitation7 WATERCRAFT SALE 16 Fltorglu boot only $695 15 Sprhgbol100 iip $995 146Fibergiot with 55 llp $1295 15 Catomom Solboot $1395 15 Gnu with 1976 55 Ilp $1 150 itp Mercury motor only with trht $1395 15 Sitvorlino with 50 hp $2295 Slverlne 165 by 10 33950 17 Stiltroy with 115 Iip Johnson rtsw$5295 NEW 1977 JOHNSON OUTBOARDS 1hp $2194 lip sm olip sm 99Iip sm is ti $117 SPORT HAVEN MARINE MILE EAST or kill 0N SIIANTY BAY RD 7261001 O4 22 F1 SHETHT RT ttinltugnny Dual Inubli hull ylitirlur III yslor Inboard motor condition Asking $2500 Telephone 415 4215 iIIltl 30pm I977 GLASIROM CARI SON CVX 18 Morcur 8811 IIITIIILiIU cover and trailer Pliittil Iltur in Ed 4itl 4572 ll F001 SPORIRAY runabout 105 lip Chrysler outboard convertible tiip ski bar accessories $l000 or host oltur Telephone 778 llvotlallei iii BOAT STORAGT ITIJIIII or uutsuii Salit clean roasotiittili Rosetvu now 01117280915 CANOE FOR SALE tool wide beam fibltlulitss Tollphone 728 7661i liter pin IS YOUR LIFE WORTH 44 hours The boating course taught by the Barrie Power Squadron can make llli dil Iorunco between me enioyattlo boating season and disaster Learn elements ol sole boating and seamansliip by alien dint class one night week during the tall and winter Registration September 20and 227 30109 30 In Easlview Col Iepiato 26 FT GOLIATH cabin cruiser 318 in board lully equipped sleeps six Ex cellent condition sacrifice sale $6500 Call Rick Harlur 726 4940 or 737 1414 42articles wanted CASH FOR old turntturc books dishes 0ch pictures clocks odds and ends Pro 1950 items 718 8234 COINS WANTED Collector wants to buy single coins collections or at cunila lions Best prices paid 726 4544 WANTED To BUY store lixlures meat milk and pastry coolers scale and meat slicer All in good condition Telephone Orillla325 0793 puppies Top blood lines Aphrodite registered Telephone 519 664 2120 TWO MALE English Sheepdogs $150 each or bCSl oller Also tree month old part Persian male kitten litter trained Telephone 728 5519 weekdays 47 home improvements EAVESTROUGIIING Clean Your Eovestrouglting One Storey Homes $1800 Dirty Eavastroughing Causes Problems Book Now Grahams Eovestrouglting 7286628 017 SHJGEHSBFPIPS CHOICE TOP SOIL Excellent for lawns gardens etc Evening and Satur day deliver Call 726 3978 or 726 1117 SOD FOR SALE large or small quan titles Delivered to lob or home Call 424 1307 RASPBERRIES Canes for tall plan ting regular 35¢ piece on sale 25c Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2951 51995 PWbrute SHADE TREES Now is the time to select your shade tree We have large selection and small deposit will hold for tall pickup Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2951 PLANT your white spruce trees now till freeze up All sizes available Free delivery 728 9404 52plants and bulbs TROPICAL PLANTS for your home or oilco etc Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2956 55 construction machinery CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 1974 Chev Tandem dump 45000 miles 1971 Ford Tandem dump 1976 Ford halfton cylin der standard 544 John Deere two yard loader Articulated Austin Western grader with snow wing 1977 ton Togalong float IUCKS SAND Ii GRAVEL DRILLIA 3258780 57Iivestock for sale TACK SHOP English cqmpntunl Ger man saddle and bridles Robinson Hardwarir ll unlop East 728 2431 HORSLS BOARDED Close to Barrie Well arm litr Track and trails Windy Hill artti 416 8624 RICK SIIJAR IO blacksmith paintntinl 705 43 6808 HORSE TRAILER FOR RENT or Will nva your animals 24 Ethohtll Drive 726 3407 S9poultrychicks DEKALTI READY to lay pullets avail fllll Alaalarm ticshegris Craig Hunter Poultry For his Sttrtud 4361811 60leedseedgrain FOR SAI 20 at res good insilago corn Call allIr it 30 Lorne Birch 317 1W7 TWE N1 IVL BUSHELSOI Frederick sivrrl wheat Cleaned and treated Also good quality liiiy for Solo Phone 7262411 or 717 0050 67 lruitsvegetables PURE NATURAL HONEY Whites fTIIlf north GIorrlinn Mall Hwy 27 770 APPLES Apply koolo and Son Con tossion Orn lelophono 728 8489 or 726 170 Clotirld Sundays TOMATOES bushel 55 onions 50 lbs is Spanish unions $7 245 Edgeliill Drich Telephone 726 3407 68personals TE LECARL Why light your problem atom9 Let Iricnd help Call Telecaro 726 797 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 It you drink thats your business If you wanttuquitthatsours Callanytimo UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medii ally approved Ly dia Hroncliuk Cortilied Electrologisl 737 2671 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses leardId Barrie five minutes Windy Haugli Farm 726 0192 INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services CIVII criminal divorce surveillance DISIIPFI and conlidonlial 737 297 MONECA pshyic and card reading CILIIISilllIIQ Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 728 88611 BOWLERS WANT let Kernpvuow Bowl TIaiiis nuplos or SthlTS Men or ladies lor leagues star ling soon Contact Art or Chuck in 728 9761 YOUR TOMORROW today Tarot cards and tea up reading For appointment call 728 090 KFMPVIE BOWL announces the star ting ol Itiixoit league on Sunday night it tti lIttorosIIrl bllwlvrs call Chuck or Art it 728 9761 RIDE REQUIRED to GIF9I6 College in Orillia Daily to arrive by am Share gas Please telephone after pm 718 0996 by ap GENERAL MEETING 01 Parents Without Partners Wednesday September 2151 II rtt Grace United Church Grove Street Everyone welcome For more Iiilormalion 77111146 CHRISTIAN DIVORCED WOMAN 45 desires to meet male companion sincere and abslalnor Apply Box V52 The Ex attilntl LADY 49 would like to meet secure honest sober gentleman Apply Box V51 The Examiner AM LOOKING tor lady companion age 50 60 honest and sincere Please no ply to Box 148 Barrie Ontario BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability In respect of loss or damage allodgod to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 Right now people want to buy Avonand weve never looked so good Oar new prestige Iewellery and labulous Candid makeup are making newsand our new Christmas gills are the best ever Earnings are excellent no experience needed Call 7289652 TOII ACCOUNTANT firm of Chartered Ac countants in Barrie requires an experienced accountant Preference will be given to ap plicants enrolled in 2nd or 3rd year RIA or CGA courses Please reply with full resume to BOX V45 TIIE EXAMINER MANAGERIAL POSITION Ambitious person required immediately for managerial position with youthoriented fashion chain In the Bayfield Mall Salary commensurates with experience Apply in writing to THE BODY SHOPPE 799 Erskine Ava PETERBOROUGH Ontario 520 SALFSPERSON required for local established company Good benefits and excellent chances for promotion DUTIES Sales Ordering Delivery Send resume to BOX V49 BARRIE EXAMINER Si7t920 SPARE TIME If you want to work approximaton hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence ovor 21 yrs of age poss medical Then we wont YOU Call Mr Howlett Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 71help waited REGISTERED NURSE Ired lor part time duties for arm nursing home tor protoundly mentally retarded children must have own trarlsportatlon Telephone 4361461 CLEANING LADY Required one day week in Riverwood Farms area must have own transporta Telephone 7267833 alters HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT wanted to babysit In Queen Street area 430 pm weekdays One be to months old ggcaasslonal weeken Telephone LEGAL SECRETARY lunlor position Real Estate and general legal ex perience required Call Lesley at 7266407 WANTED COOK full time Start Im mediately Salary depending on ex perience Apply In person to glgtltltlvayman Inn 10 Woodslde Dr HANDYMAN to do small Telephone 7266633 LEGAL SECRETARY required for Iltlgatlon lawyer Experience preferable Telephone 7261181 HELP WANTED by Howard Johnsons short order cook and waiterwaitress part time evenings and weekends App In person IMMEDIATE OPENINGS full and part time Fantastic new sales With for marketing movie cameras and sup plies No competition high consumer oc oeptance Excellent commission In repairs come lor ambitious people wlth cars All appointments supplied Mr White 7372020 72sales help agents Wanted for the Barrie area SALARIED POSITION CAR SUPPLIED Send resume of experience and salary expected All replies considered and confidential Box V50 The Examiner S20 EXPANDING CANADIAN 011 company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14M per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 76employment wanted EXPERIENCED VENDING ME CHANIC requires work In Barrie and surrounding areas repairing servicing route etc Call Rick 7262317 between and pm RELIABLE MOTHER will babyslt In her own home Near Steele Street School Any age Telephone 7371725 EXPERIENCED WOMAN Wlll DIDYSII In her own home Allandale Heights district Telephone 7263351 SUPERINTENDENT AVAILABLE Mature couple would like small adult building In Barrie area Previous ex perience Reply to Box V54 Barrie Ex aminer STENOGRAPHIC 0R CLERICAL Post TION several years or varied ex perience Avallable immediately Own transportation Telephone Margaret 4363669 BOOKKEEPER Accounts payable receivables payroll clerk Several years experience Available Immedlately For more inlormatlon call 7263784 anytime NOTICE doodline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday 71601 waited FOOD SALES REPRESENTATIVE GERBER BABY FOODS Requires an experienced sales person to represent our company in the Barrie Orillia area The successful candidate should be an aggressive selfmotivated careerminded individual looking for future This position entails selling and limited amount of servicing of our complete line of food and nonfood products We offer good starting salary company automobile incentive benefits bonus program and good Reply in writing along with your roiumeto MR STUART BOX V51 The Examiner Barrio Babies are our business our only business 52021 LARGE FURNITURE OPERATION SALFSPERSON Experienced already accustomed to earning $20 your need apply For right person new car supplied TELEPHONE ORILLIA 3259527 FARMER JACKS FURNITURE WAREHOUSE ASK FOR MR THOMPSON Eweiploymont wanted PARTTIME EMPLOYMENT WANTED Many students attending Georgian College In Barrie want and need porttime employment They have variety of skills to of fer If you have regular porttime or short term lobs ovolloble the Job Placement Office at the College would appreciate hearing from you Floso cd 7281951 Ext 250 or 24 dark regular bashes bows $2023127