Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1977, p. 6

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Ann Landers Energy crisis L2 upsets reader Dear Ann Landers Someone once referred to your column as the most visible billboard in the world What have to say needs to he seen by millions of people especially the members of Con gress Please print it What has to happen before we realize our country is facing serious energy crisis It seems to me we have been done in by the ecologists That word pollution has scared us to death and needlessly must say There is plenty of coal and oil and gas in our own country but because of the pressure by the ILoveNature grou we cant get at it Soin 1977 we will have imported 45 illion dollars worth of foreign oil The energy problem is one of the princi al causes of inflation and worse yet we could have war overt damned stuff If the government would not hobble the coal gas and oil com panies we could take care of our own needs very nicely and at the same time provide thousands of jobs for those who desperately need it Do you have the guts to print this Ann or will you cop out and say the issue is too political We shall see IIelp The us Is Sinking Canadas Food Guide Eat variety of foods from eac Energy needs vary with age sex and activity Foods selected according to the guide can supply 10001400 calories For additional energy increase the number and size of servings from the various food groups or add other foods anadas Food Guide is revamped milk and milk products By HOPE DEMPSEY Dear Help The issue is of course political but more Children up to 11 years 23 servings Eganiner Staggtdeporégr dis one SUWVSI and agree Wlth most What Adolescents 34 servings a5 aveanew Com lied the Federal ovemmem Viable envrronment must be balanced With sound energy Pregnant and Wst women 34 serngs les of on Canadaps Food Guide has beeng changed to program but unfortunately the extremists among the Adults servings xamp semng make it easier for Canadians to follow ecologists and the environmentalists have put us between rock and hard place It was capsulized best in brief statement by Malcolm For bes of Forbes Magazine He said Unemployment is the worst pollution of all Dear Ann Landers You called halt to letters on how toilet tissue shoud be hung Please One more My late uncle was Swiss and managed several deluxe hotels In Zurich Geneva Rome London and Baltimore He visited our home many times when was child Once when replaced roll of tissue backwards he reversed it so that the hanging end of the paper was closest to the wall7 not lying over the front of the roll He explained by saying When you do it this way the spool will not spin out of control and leave you with yard of paper He told us one of his criteria for judging the hotels he visited in his travels was to check and see if they hung the toilet tissue UWQFLY So take it from an expert hope this settles it once and for all Heidi Louisville Dear Heidi Im with your uncleand was from the begin ning And now someone ought to tell the manufacturers who are printing the designs on toilet paper that thcy are doing it backwards 60 to 90 23 ounces cooked lean meat poultry liver or fish The guide is dain eating plan designed to help people of all ages choose their food wisely Changes in the guide though minor will be 60 ml tablespoons peanut butter easier for people to remember Instead of the 250 ml cup cooked dried peas beans originalfive food groups the new guide has on ly four or lands The foods have bemregrouped according to 80 to 250 ml Vi1 cup nuts or seeds umenlsmey Prode The groups are milk and milk products 60 ounces Cheddar process or bread and cereals fruits and vegetables and cottage cheese eggs Skim whole buttermilk reconsti tuted dry or evaporated milk may be used as beverage or as the main ingredient in other foods Cheese may also be chosen Examples of one serving 250 ml cup milk yoghurt or cottage cheese 45 ounces cheddar or process cheese meat and alternatives COULD BE DIET The way the new food guide is set up it could be used as diet says Jean Noy Home Economics teacher at Barrie Central Col legiate The guide has been changed to fit into peo ples meal patterns and life style today says Mrs Moy The American one has always had four food groups Now when people see it in magazine they wont get confused But getting people to follow food guide is difficult says Mrs Noy People today seem to be diet conscious but not necessarily nutrition conscious Canadas Food Guide is taught as part of the home economics program at Barrie Central in Grade through 12 We teach it in our main planning as well as in the weight control part of the course says Mrs Noy Every time the girls have to plan menu they must do so following Canadas food guide If not they get marks taken off says Mrs Noy But its reasonably difficult subject to put In addition supplement of vitamin is recommended when milk is consumed which docs not contain added vitamin whole grain or enriched Whole grain products are recommended Examples of one serving slice bread 125 to 250 ml 21 cup cooked or readytoeat cereal roll or muffin 125 to 200 ml cup cooked rice macaroni spaghetti Central lnitcd Church was lht setting for thc rcccnt mar riagc of chra lyn Johns daughter of Mrs iladys Johns oi Barrie and Larry Edward Millcr son of run Millcr of Utopia and Mrs Dorccn Millir of Itarric Tlic couplc rcsidcs in Barrie gradUates Gordon Ilan son of Mr and Mrs Hill Barr of Harrie has graduated with Bachclor of Applicd Scicncc honors dcgrce in o0p Earth Sclcnces from Waterloo Inivcrsity lie is also graduate of Hurric Jcntral ollcgiatc Dr and Mrs Mariillivray arc plciiscd to announcc thc rcccni gradua tion of thcir son Matliltivray Doctor of Chiropractic Dr Mittiillivray will be establishing practices at I25 Dunlop St Itarric and 22 Yongc St Stroud puts vegetables Examples 125 ml 125 ml medium Include at least two Vegetables Choose variety of both vegetables and fruits cooked raw or their juices Include yellow or green or green leafy of one serving cup vegetables or fruits cup juice potato carrot tomato peach apple orange or banana McDonalds may be the plucc to lose wcight The Weight Control Institute new organization for people who want to losc or gain weight is gctt ing startcd in the Barrie 08 Monday cvcnings meetings will bc hcld downstairs at McDonalds on Hayfield Street The new program is still be ing set up Thcrc are now five classes week in Barrie Tuesday mornings and eye ings cltisscs are hold at St lcorgcs hurch on Burton Avcnuc Wedncsday cvcnings at tho ontinental Inn and Thursday evenings at the 1001 III on Fcnis Iianc Ihc conccpt of Ibc Weight Control Institute is different than that of Weight Watchers or ounter Weight Diffcrcni people requirc diflt fcrent wciglit lcvcls says Jill MatMillion cofoundcr of The Wcight ontrol Vlinic We have come tip with number of dif fcrcnt eating programs bascd on the number of mimics per son should consumc each day There are thrcc stagcs in across to students They like food and eating but not nutritionally NOT RIGID Canadas Food Guide is not rigid set of rules In both the number of servings and serv ing Sims the guide suggests range four to five servings rather than specific amount People can choose from these ranges the size and number of servings which are most com patible with energy needs and personal preferences Wc sec some real weight problems in the schools says Mrs Noy We also see lot of bad eating habits in the cafeteria Students eat potato chips and milk for lunch and chips with gravy are popular lot of kids snack between meals and dont follow meal plan Sometimes they go the whole day without vcgctablcs in their diet Today lot of people arc choosing conve nicncc foods over nutritious Is says Gurpal Dhillon nursing dircctor for thc Simcoc County IICHIII Init FAST FOODS The fast foods are bcing eaten by everyone especially young pcoplc These foods are high iti calories says Mrs Dhillon Our staff docs lot of nutrition counselling on onc to one bascs says Mrs Dhillon We have lots of resource material available on nutrition We have lots of resource material availatx on nutrition People are becoming morc nutiriton conscious but obescity is still problcm in our socicty lot of people live by food fads says Mrs Dhillon Improper dieting is problem People think if tlicy dont eat theyll loosc wcight However you have to cat properly and balance that with excrcisc to be healthy New weight control organization major emphasis on calories weight control says Scott They are weight loss stabilization and then maintenance Stabliration is very impor tant This is the levelling pro cess After losing weight per son must get his body used to this now weight and then worry about maintinaing it Instcad of one rigid pro gram we offer various pro grams that will fit in with in dividual Iifcstylcs and peoples tastes says Mrs MacMillan If pawn would rather snack then sit down to three meals day our pmgram in cludcshimtoo thn devising thc programs nutrients carbohydrates and vitamins were all included into the portion sizes calorie is still caloric whether it is consumed in the form of cookie or piece of fruit says Scott People must realize that weight con tml is related to the number of calories they take in large part of The Weight Control Institute will be lec turcs Cofounders of the program Jill MacMillan and Chris Scott have done research into weight gain weight control how the body works and why people gain weight We found through our research that gaining and los ing weight is basic ph sics says Scott we have xvised mathematical way to com pute how many calories per son should consume daily bais ed on their height present weight body frame activity level and temperment Then various food programs at each level have been prepared lecture topics will include protein carbohydrates calories and nutrition to name few We want to give people as much knowledge about weight control as we can says Scott Its important to know the truths and get rid of the myths We want people to get to level of weight that is right for them says Mrs MacMillan While doing research came across some information in an American text book that said only 15 per cent of the general population are ec tamorphs people who can eat anything and never gain weight People have to get away from ideal weight and find their own ideal weight PIXWEIGHT WATCHER Mrs MacMillan is former Weight Watcher and Counter Weight Lecture have been on the pmgram we devised for three weeks now andlve losth unds There is no cc to become member of the Weight Control Institute and the cost of each meeting is $5 There is no charge for meetings missed The institute recommends medical check up before atten ding the classes We want to create friendly atmosphere in the classes says Mrs MacMillan We want to encourage the group idea and people to share their ex periences with others hope people will look forward to lectures StroudInnisfil Community Centre Mondays at the com munity centre in Beeton and in Alliston Thursday evenings at the Nottawasaga Inn By ERMA BOMBECK In my fantasy its always the same Im sitting on the beach alone My long tanned legs are stretched lazily in front of me My hair is caught up in chiffon scarf topped by large brimmed hat that accentuates my classic cheekbones Whispers of Who is she sound like leaves nistling My large dark glasses reveal nothing wear single piece of jewelry around my necka suggestive gold toothbrush voice whispers Does anyone really know her Another voice answers back Does anyone know the wind was drowsin engaged in my fantasy at the pool last week when woman sat down and said You can sure tell lot about people by what they read returned my book to its plain brown wrappcr Books arent the only thing thats revealing she said can tell you things about yourself that possibly you never knew Take your voice you speak soft You knov what that means It means youre insecure Youre trying to hide something or youre afraid of something you dont want to hear Why are you doing that Doing what asked Making square knot with your feet That tells me something elseshe observed It tells me youre perfec tionist in an imperfect world Youre concerned ith image and are anxious to please bit procliin cvcn And your bathing suit reveals lot For example it you were wearing string bikini Id know you were girl who knows what she wants and how to get it onepiece suit tells me youre no nonsense and strong and cutout Iivulgcs youre aware of the impression you make on others And what does my suit tell you asked Im not sure Ive never interpreted one with sleeves and white collar before The color yellow though means youre pseudointellectual who would like to be successful but you never do anything you just talk about it As got up to get away she yelled can also tell you ve been here 41 hours by the depth of thc ridgcs on your legs She smiled and waved goodbye What shame she didnt read lips Pollys Einters India ink is tough to lift POLLYS PROBLEM DEAR POLLY spilled some black India ink on sweater washed the sweater few times and the spot seemed to fade some but now it just stays the same gray color If there is any way to get this out would ap preciate hearing about it AMY DEAR AMY India Ink stains are almost impossible to remove If they are allowed to dry Department of Agriculture bulletin suggests the following Remove all pigment so the stain will not spread Wash with detergent and let stain soak in warm suds to which you have added one to four tablespoons ammonia for each quart of water Dried stains may have to be soaked overnight If the ammonia changes the color of the sweater sponge first with water and then moisten with white vinegar Rinse well POLLY DEAR POLLY discovered that an easy and qutck way to grate few carrots is to lay carrot down and then scrape very hard with serrated steak knife can do tWo large carrots in just few seconds WILLA DEAR POLLY As so many of my friends have used and liked my way of cleaning grills and oven racks thought would like to share it with all your readers Iut barbequc grills or oven racks in large heavy garbage bag and then pour one to one and half cups of ammonia in the bag Tip the bag back and forth to spread the ammonia around after ticing the bag Leave outside overnight and spray it the next day with the hose to finish the job SHIRLEY DEAR POLLY Often recipes call only for thc yolks of eggs think have come up with unique way to save the whites store each egg white in separate plastic sandwich bag and then put them all in carton This way know thcrc is only one egg in each bag They do not dry out in the bags ALICE DEAR POLLY put all odds and ends of soap bars into tin can and soak them in water When the pieces bccomc soft stir them thoroughly and if need be add more water use this soapy water to pour in bathtubs sinks toilet bowls and then use brush or rag to clean them This is an economical sub stitute for expensive cleansers and hiIVl just made the inside of my bathtub really shine So why throw away that little piece of soap when it can be used so handily MR DEAR POLLY want to tell the lady who wanted to remove white ring from table that upset bottle of per fume on my chest of drawers put lemon extract on cloth just little at time so as not to remove the finish By gently rubbing removed every trace of the white mark VERA

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