Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Sep 1977, p. 4

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the examiner Thursday sept 15 1977 serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baylield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 NEWSROOM Sean Finlay managing oditor Randy McDonald city editor The Examinnr is member at The Canadian Press CF and Audit Human of circulafiam ABC Only the Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper My CP The Associated Press Routers or Agence FrancePresse and local fwws mi published in The Examiner ADVERTISING Len Sevick manager SALESMEN BUSINESS Marian Gouoh accountant 89th Armor Dorothy Bowland Gail Parlanct ikki Grant Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier Sheila McGovern assistant city editor Dan Gaynor Bill Curran county editor 31 cu on Dana Graham Amhzzswmr John Zarecky BYMAILB JanetGuthrie arria CIRCULATION $4680 Jon Butler manager SIMCOE COUN Linda Halkes asst manager $3650 Andy Hauuhton MOTOR IHROWOFF Judy Hickey S390year AIVa Lrtlilale ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Elaine Porter Gary Prinole 850° Yam The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original Werner Bergen sports editor mated by its employees and published in this newspaper Bill McFarlanewire editor Hope Dempsey lifestyle Marina Quattrorcni photographer REPOR lERS Jnhn Bruce Paul Detoan Richard Dunstan Pal Gucrgis 50 Haskins Sheila Govern Sue Burke ews and advertising matarlal Copyright registration number 2038l5 register Nalonal advertisin oIlices 65 Queen StW1oronta864l7i0 640C th CLASSIFIED carisiMoniiui Rutti ilais super Visor Lestcv Youno Freda Stiiniior Karin Atkinson Peugy CllapPll ihe advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out at er rors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the spare actually auupigd by Him 30 tion of the adveriiemant in which the error occurred whether such Elio Agoslinipublishei ADVERTISING 7266537 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 BUSINESS 7266537 error is due to th nagligence oI its servants or otherwue and there shall be no liability for noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid Ior such advertisement Paper is wrong about the police Tho Examiner is not mad at the police The Examiner thinks the lnnisfil Police Department the Barrio Police Department and tho Barrio dotach ment of the Ontario Provincial lolico did superb jot at tho sito of the crash scono last weck at TKVR We do not think any one of tho throc polico dopart inonts or their officers was on power trip last 91 Yall lei if it Queens park MPPsface vote threat By DON llEARN VtCk The Examiner was givon fair loaf at tho crash sitc last wock by tho policc The Examiner gots fair deal from polico in Barrie and Sinicoo ounty lhc Examiner has not favor Toronto modiu found that polico in this area lho Toronto Sun had frontpugo picfuro tukon closo to tho crush scene Wednesday night So doos Tho Examincr and TM Exumiiior photo was lakon two hours earlier than The Sun photograph Examiner editors though docidod not to usc tho photo The Globe and Mail did not huvo the facts about tho uir crash boforo any Barrio modiu lho lIxuminci is inombcr of unudus national news sorvico Ihc unadiun Press as is lho ilobo and Mail lho lCXilIlllltOl was the first to toll lho unudian Press about tho crush first with tho inforiiintion that throo mon were dead and two porsoiis missing first with tho information that tho aircraft bolongcd to liulcon briilgo Mincs ltd first with tho iiunics of tho lic doud mcn first with details of what tho crash mount for and llAYlfll All that information was filod by fho Examinor to lhc unadiun lrcss tho night of tho crash lho uiiudiuii lross immodiutoly guvo tho information to fhc ifobo and Mail od to do which is what lho anudiun lrcss is suppos lho ilobo and Mail got its facts from lho Exumincr through ffio Canadian Prcss Mud at tho polico No lhcyro good forces with good mcn all of whom did good job at tho crash lllllSl llltOS undor vory difficult cir We uro mad at lho Bunnor though That cditorial on that nowspupcrs pagoof opinion was loowthcsbclt shot at tho polico of this urcu down memory lane FIVIC YEARS AGO BARRIII From llio lixaminol Scptoinbor 13 1072 In spocch criticizing Libcrul govoinmonf policios undor lrinic Ministor Trudeau onser vativc loiidoi Robert Stanfield blastod what he lormod chickcn socialism In anothor election canr paign address on the October 30 voting fodoral finunco ministor John furnor culled tho New Doniocratic lurty policy as Ctil porutc wolfuro systcm lfo also dofcndod tho govornmcnts tax rcform program Mrs Lloyd Sampson of tlro Station ltlt won tho most points in tho baking clussos and also was loading exhibitor in vegcfablo and flower compotitions at tho fro fall fair Mrs Jack Aiidcison of ftltl Hawkostono was sccondin points lircclor of in formation sorvicos for the ministry of corrcctionul sorvicc Don Korr was quoted as saying now courtly jail would not ho replaced for sonic tinic lfo poiutod out some $18000 Interpreting the news was spcnt on tho bliildiiig to install now furnuncos and mukc othcr im provcmonts lho iuriio Parks and rccroution commission uskod tliocity to turn ovor cityuowncd fund in tho urou of uocn and llolczy strcots for dcvolopmcnt of lot lot purk unudu Munpowor oirthc job training program hofpod it in tho iurrio uroa to obtain jobs It was part of $20 million nation wido program introduccd by tho fodiiul govorniiioiit tho prcvious Novombor ltoy Austin tuiric businossninn won tho iiioiis golf chaiiipionship at tho Siincoosidc club lltitlllilllt$ltll1 whilo lorocn Pago cupturod tho womons titlo It was tho fourth straight your for Austin ltidUction in llio poworof tho tinturio Municipal Board was doscribod as high among lhc pliolitios of tho SSUIliIllllll of Muiiicipulitios of tinturio according to tho association prosidont lll ltussolf Scott mayor of fiolloviflo Superpower status aim of China government It lilll II ILII ltiliti HM tliinu traditionally wary of outsidc influciiccs uppcurs roudy lo riucli out fni hofp fi oin oliior couiitrios as it stridcs toward ccoiioiiiic sujxipowor status Scll rcliuiicc will roinuiii tlic koy policy for hiiiu lici spokosiiion suy hit it that giant fund is to rculic its stutod goal of surpassing tho iiitcd Slutos ccoiioinicully by lllt curl of this cnury tlic lllllt has conic to lourii iioin otlici cnniiliiis Such liuriiing must bc coinbniod with our own cicutivoiious tho stuto pluniiing coin lillSnlUllSil we want your opinion Soincthiiig on your mind Sciid us lottor to tho oditor lleusc inukc if an original copy and sign it Wc dont publish unsignod lollcrs although pcu nuiiic will bo usod upon roquosl lncludo your uddriss uiid tolophonc numbor bccuusc wo how to vcrify follors bill wc wont print your addiiss should you profor Wovo found that short lottcrs irc tho bost road ltocuuso of spaco limitations public intorcsl and good tustc wi soinolimcs huvo to odit condonso or icjoct littirs lctfors to tho cditor run Wodiicsduys and Saturdays Sond yours to Illltl to tho odiloi lhc lIxuininor liox 370 lluriio tliit L4 41 lhc tllll4ill olisorvirs hoio siy is what tho cost will bc in tiiiiis of Acslcrii in fluonco and tow dispufo that it is to tho Wost thnt hiiiii is turning for tocliiioligicnl guidunci PROFITS HI IlluSSIII lhc ltlllilfllfnxlllll iii culling for lcss politicul intciforcnci in production bcttcr ininugcincuf high profits iiicioiiscd pioduc tivity and inoro training of fcchniciuns and Skillod wolkcis also said tho politicul tho onus of tlic Into Muo lso lung would not lic ubuiidoncd fiistcud thoy would tic iljiplltfl with iiioro fitXibility liw liiic lioliovc iii upsurgc in outsido con tucts cuii huvc uny olhor cftcct than to brook down sonic Hosting idiologicul llllltl liowcvor llic first tlunIso iiinbussiidor to llrituiii coiituiy ugo rcportod back that it would lit inipossiblc to absorb tho tochuology of unothor country without taking into con sidorufion tho philosophy that iilivutod lhc culliiroot that country FUIHILH Sllill Sincc flicn tho dobufi on how host to bring about tlic iiiodciuimt ion of limit has rungod bolwcon two cxtrcnics swiftly through fotul wcslcriiiulioii and slowly through lliltlllltlllill lnncso liictlioils Exports Iltll say that tho thiiicsc dccision to llltlt thoinsolvos inorc with tho world for tho sukc of tho ocoiioiny is Ill flic long run bound to uflocl lliltltJI policy Your business It IIIl Itusincss and onsunicr lfuiis Analyst lhoinsiin Nows Son ltl As iuflutioii incrcuscs so loos public con ciiii about tho vuluool ponsioii pluiis That bocuuso largo uuinbors of tunudiuus urc counting on thoii pcnsion plans to liolp koop body and soul togctlici ufloi ictironicnf ugo and tho constant piicooscillation inukcs tlioin wondor about thcir financial socurity iii IllliSitill Approuchos to solving tho probloni vury wiilcly lho unudiun lilltll ongiiss has for yours boon urging coiiiploto govoruiiioiit taki ovor of all polisions with boutfits to bo incrousid substantially lllfl thcu nubsoil so that tliiy would go up with ouch riso in tho ousumor liicc Indoy Al llio othcr sidi of tho spcctiuin is tioot troy tulvoit un uctuury lll Victoria ll wllosc I070 book lonsions And Survnul ul tructod widc itfont ion throughout funuilu llc holds that indoxcd poiisions for purliumcntuiiuns and public sttYilllIs uri ulroudy groutci lllllllltlill burdcn tliuu tho cconomy cun hour and that uiiudu is hcudoil for tho sumo fiscul futo us tidy and llrituin Now pair of ccoiioinists at tho liiivoisity of loionlos Instilulc ltll lolicy Analysis lunios lI losundo uiid Suinucl llcu lr huvc uppliod tlic tiiior skills of oconoinic icsoincli to tho poiisioii piolilcin lhc iosult culitlcd lufilic And lrivutc lcnsions ln unudu Au lttilltlllllt Analysis hus just liccn pulilislioif by tho in lurio Economictouiicil IIINSIHN firs iosunilo and ltcu rcuch numbor of conclusions of which tho most basic scims to bo that tho tunurlu lonsion llun ought to bc opnidod through liighor contributions and bonotits lho only dccisioiis in flicir viow uro llic umount of tho iiiciousos in contributions and bciicfits and how soon thoy will how to bo Illltlltllltlllttl ini sot of assumptions shows that annual ll lionofils Will cxccod annual con tributions starting in 101m with tho shortfall incrcusing your by your ltoduciug thc proscnt ictiiomcnf ago of lift us has boon suggcstisl by llio would ioijuiro oycii groutcr incrcusos in contribution rutos or roducfions in bciicf its It is not uiiicusonuhlo for workcrs to 1in to rot iic ouilior provulod llioy urc uwuio tliut thcy must givc up sonic incomc in cxclinngc for tho udilod loisurc llltttlfllllil poiiil out in tlici scholarly undorstutcd wuy lhc two ocononiists uc criticul of tho wuy fll which lhc ll nscs lhc funds it holds in trust for millions ofunudiun contributors lho piuctico is to loud tho moucy to tho provincos in proportion to thc contributions from tho pooplo of ouch lllthllltt it wcll holow tho opon inurkcl intorost rzifc To this cxfcut ll contributions subsidic Dmitri yom mu Indexed pensions could create future problems for economy provincial financing and cncourugo highcr lcvcl of provincial spcndiiig than would bo tho cusc without such rcudify uccossiblo sourco of clicup moncy lrivulo pciision pluns still play an im portant rolo but tho authors rocommond numborof roforms tlnc of tho most important is that thorc should bo full and uiuncdiutc vostiiig of contributions This would moon that an cm ploycrs shuro of tho contributions to ouch omployocs ponsioii plan would bc docinod lo bolong to that oinployoc lhc gonorul rulc now with cortuiu ioccnf qualifications is lhut tho cmployors shurc of lhosc coiitribiil ions rovcrts to tho company if and whon tlic cmployoc rcsigns to go to an ollicr job As tho uulhors point oiil cmployor coir tribulions urc form of dcfcrrod wugos It is pulcntly unjust for thc cmploy or to withdraw lliciii from omploy ocs who louvc tn tho inorc basic problcm of giving pou sion bciiofits sumo protoction against in flutiou losundo und ltou roviyo suggostiou that is hoard from limo to timc lict tho govcrinnonl considcr issuing bonds and an iiliitics with principal and intcrost both in lcxcd lo provulc uncrodcil rctircmcnl bciicf its and ycl rciiiuin ictuurinlly sound no can urguc pcrsuusivcly that tho privulc ponsiou syslcni cun survivc in unudu only if it can in cffocl provido lll dcxcd bcnolits to pcnsioncrs tlioy stuto Thewodd Speculate whether Pope Paul It JUIIN It llltliltlf Forcign Affairs Anuly st lhoinsoii Niws Sorricc Iopo Paul VI is fill yours old this month thc ugo ho docrood in 1070 whon cardinals who woro cuiiilidutcs for oloction to tho pupucy should lx burrod from scloction llio rumors grow ho will rcsign tlic first popo in niodirn Illll to do so if that is his docision In lllt your filtrl lopo olostiuc rosigiiod tho officc uttcr serving oiin two months und iliod shortly llicioullcr lll 1206 Ho lius sincc boon illltlllllltl by tho ltomuii Tutholichurcli Physically tho lloly lulhcr is not wolf llc suitors from un Jitlllt form of arthritis which today mukcs standing up and sitting down dif ficult procoduro for him This mukos public uppouiuiicos painful us wolf as conducting muss untl ollicr rcligious sorvicos ilc lius otlior uilmcnts including rolupscs from prostutc opcrution and chronic iii somniu and is known to suffor sonic picliiniuury loss of mcmory Novorlhcloss loroign cluuchmcn who liuvc soon him as wolf us digiiilurios around him roporl his iiitolloctuol fucultics uic sound and ho is fully cupublo of dccisionmuking und doiiigliisjob lfis cpiscoputc is now yours oiil having tukcii ovor from tho worldpubliciroil John Ill llltil to retire on 80th birthday lhc rcign of luul has boon judgcd in many difforciit wuys Sonic soc him as con scrvulivc uflor tho ocumonicul thrusts of John which sonic critics contcud ho con tinuod to iiiiploinoiit against hiswill llo lius soon morc of tho world and of tho flock of 300 million world ltoiiiun ulholics than any othcr lloly lifhci in history llc has flown to counlrics us fur uwuy from tho Vati cuu und cuch olhcr us liidiu uuil tolombiu And lic lius rulcil ovcr church in which tho substantial chuugcs might liuvo conic littlc slowcr cvon if iiiovilubly willioul tho push givon lo instilllfionul chungo by his prodo cossor Thomson Ncws Servici TORONTO One thing about minority government is that an election can never be considered very far away As consequence it is never very far from tho minds of the political parties Thcrc was prime evidonce of this over the weekend when tho Young frogrcssiveCon serval ives had meet ing at Port Carling Promior William Davis was the main spcakcr and when you raid through what tho proinior had to say he mudo what was in effect an election spcoch NU llSlllNG in the surface pcrhaps this was not too ob vious main theme of the spcccli was that thc governmonl was not afraid of an election He issued urning to the opposition par ties that it wouldnt bc pushed around even though it would try to makc minority govern ment work Croativc compromise and spirit of co operation should not be construed by our op poncnts in the House as wcakness or clcclion fear was tho key sentcnce Reading through thesc lincs ono can iii terprcl them as saying that the government docs not iiitond to sit by and let thc opposition radically all or its programs That if it cant follow thcprogrums that it as tho govornniont considers wise and neces sary it will iiol hesiluto to doclare confidence and go to tho pcoplo if lcfoutcd ELIIITIUN NIZICltlIll This can bc itlSldtrtd as partly warning to tho opposition which ulroady at this surn mors short session showcd that it was teoling itsouts But cvcn inorc important it can ho con siderod us prcparation for tho next election vcry significant iSsuc in this springs vote was that tho oloction as unnoccssary Stuart Smith played this theme from the start and tho Now Democrats pickod it up And it might havo bocn tho most important factor in tho campaign It didnt surfacc much orch pross play But when you tulkod to people the ordinary color it was almost amazing the impact it had It woll could have made the difference for llio govcrninont bot wotn majority and minority government Lndor tho historic principlcs of our system tho oloction was not unncccssury lbcso principlcs hold that government must govern and stand or fall on its record And lhorc is no qucslion that in the lust House tho govcrnmcnt had lost the power to do what it thought was right But whon it came to trying to oxpluin this in tho campaign tho government was ham strung in tho limo and conditions available it just wasnt ublo to sell ifscuso So now Davis is brcaking tho ground for this cuso curly lfc can quifc soc tho next oloction coming through dcfout in tho House and so he wants to propuro tho public for tho fact that if this oloction docs come it will be nocossury Canadas story Cross river abovefaHs By BOB BOWMAN Ihcrc two numbor of groat tightrope walkors jxrforming today but how many of lhcm would agroo to walk across Niagara ltivcr abovo lhc falls Yol Jean Francois tiravclol of Franco did it numbor of times llo porformod undor tho namo Blondin and guvo spoctzlculal shows above the falls His tightropo thorc was 1100 foot long and 160 foot ubovo tho wutor In 1839 ho wont across blindfoldcd Then he crossod in sack llc mudo another trip pushing whoollxirrow lhon ho went out again carrying small stove to tho halfway mark and bulanccd lhoro whilc he cooked and at an oniclcttc Edward lrincc of Wales paid the first of ficial ltoyul visit to unuda in 1860 reprcscn lllllJ Quoon Victoria and visited Niagara Fallson Scpt 15 Blondin was ongugcd togive porformnnco no 01 his stunts was carrying man on his back lhc man was his busincss manager How many busincss munugors today would do that for 10 por cont lhon lllondin illlltlltd cvoryouc by golfing on stilts and walking across the river on them lho lrincc wus dolighlcd and gavo Blondin pursc of $100 liulor thcy becamo grout frioiids and lilondin wont to London to livc lfc continuod portorming until he was 79 yours old and chcr had scrious accidcnf Aflor Niuguru lhc lrincc paid short visit to tho Illlllttl Stulcs which was also daring thing to do it that limo bible thought Itcwuic lost any niuu spoil you through philosophy and yuiii ilcccit iflcr tho tradition of mon ilftir rudimciits of tho world and not ultcr Christ olossiuus 28 If what you know or hour in tho name of hristianity docs not oxalt Christ and glorify God put it down as mun mudc and not llouvcn soul lhc Holy Spirit is our ally of discornincnt and will dircct us

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