Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Sep 1977, p. 3

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town country Salary change gets approval The Simcoe County Board of Education has approved salary change for Dr Robert Thomas Siimrintendent of planning and curriculm IS new salary reevaluated through Hay Associates will be $44020 per year an increz John McCullough ise of about $3000 said Trustee Dr Thomas succeeded the late Sid twens as superinten dent of planning in February Jack ltamsay Director of education explained that the salary figure is arrived at according to job Content and Dr Thomas job was not completely delineated at the time that he repleaced Owens lie was somewhat lower than Owens until we could assess Ius job added liIcCuIlough lhe new salary figure is retroactive to Aug Traffic count to come decision on the fate of rush hour parking restrictions in front of Memorial Square on Dunlop Street East will be held up while city officials do traffic count at the corner of Dunlop and Owen Streets city councils general committee decided this week At present parking is banned in front of the square bel ween 430 and 530 pm to make room for eastbound traffic to get aroiuid cars waiting to tum left at iwcii but Ald Ross Stephens has called the need for the restriction into quest lion Approval is given Planning board approved proposed scvcnracre subdivi ston on the north side of Edgehill Drive east of Ferndalc Drive The proposal by Briar Bliifl Developments of Barrie would put eight singlefamily homes and 44 semidetached homes 33 pairs on the property The suhdiwsion goes to ci iy council next for approval Subdivision proposals Subdivision proposals are beginning to come in for undeveloped lands in liarries District inortli of Steel Street and east of Nelson Street Received at planning board Iiiesday were proposal by Metro Developments Ltd of Toronto for 381 homes on 78 acres east of the unopened Johnson Street road allowance on both sides oi trove Street plan by Jack Stollar major local developer tor 31 units on about 10 acres on the nor thwesi corner of Steel and the Johnson Street allowance and proposal by Dibcnco onstriiciion to Ltd of Barrie for 80 homes on about 10 acres on the northwest corner of St eel and lit ake streets The proposals coiiiain total of nine acres of pin kland in cluding public school site and the city hopes to buy another two acres or more in the same area from the Lutheran hurch oi the iood Shepherd on steel Street Mileage to be reviewed lllf lllll HS Public meeting planned Planning board agreed this week to hold public iiwtini on proposal which would Trustee Dr Bill Ives is the chairman of an ad lioc com initiec appointed by the Sim coe county Board of lidiicm tioii edncsday to review mileage allowances paid for board business trips The boaiils current ritc oi rciinburscincnt tor the use oi pitxoiml vehrcles on board lttlgtilts is lit cont mile lhat iigiiri was approved oni ear ago Silltltlitilil increases in vehicle operating haw taken place during lllt past year particularly in gasoline prices review oi iIlIIill to iictcriiiitic appropriate llilltiILt allowances would appear iltsllalili siifis tijrir iron the board miiiistraiincuiniii tiisls Ii in xiiich allow singlcttiniiiy homes on lots with only in icct oi trontage annum iron iage at present is ill iect and 30 or more is usual The proposal would drop thc rtouirimcii that homes it one semi detached oiing ln ioiiiid II pairs Alai has been set tor the liltiliIIL Proposal rejected Ilanning board rejected piiiptixil lit dcviE per lack Stollai Tuesday to rezone diistrial sitco permit slabs torc titiiiiiiriiml Slltll ill iiiveloptncii nicctit llic tTtiIN+sqiiare toot site is located on llt southeast voi ner of Hell Iarin lioad and st incint Referred to committee plan to put sci citstorey oi unit apartiiiviit biiildii on Blake Street Itht west ol Simcoe Plaza was rclirred to mu ing Committee liiesday by planning board Iiiclopcrof thi Zracrc site currently otitl tor condominium totininmciy is it Holdings ot oronto oro station by Bessie Crawford 4873921 This year being hc 15th year of the tiro griciiltural Society the fair board decided to spot sor Senior titiins QUth iititiq ililisliilil iiiiisi Wm lm Fair ll age or mr and resident ol tiio Ioiviiship they must also be prepared to give two minute speech on What thi liro World lair means to Tile and in dress siiitzibli tor the era would certainly add to it The Fair Qllttl will be chosen on Friday following the ipcning of thi lliir Superintendents to get fulltime secretarial help The six superintendents of schools of the Simcoe County Board of Education will soon be vacating the education Centre on Ferris Lane The board approved recom mendat ion to establish an office for each superintendent in available school space within his area The offices will be staffed by fiilliiine secretaries At the pre sent time each superintendent is assisted by secretary only on parttime basis In its report the boards ad ministrative council notes that fulltime secretary available in each area office could provide needed assistance and so free the superintendent for more time in the schools Iheic was general agree ment that all superintendents Driver education fees are the same The Simcoe ounty Board of Education has agreed to hold the line in its fee to students for dri vcr cduction courses The cost per student will re main ai last years rate $05 Fuel to cost more The Simcoe ounty Board of Education will be paying up wards of 12 per cent more for fuel this year The board approved its 1972778 fuel tenders at Ieilnes days board meeting The prices range from itiii cents per gallon of furnace oil in Barrie to ifi cents in rillia and Jlil cents per gallon of bunker oil in Barrie to 300 cents gallon in lllliill The minimum increase over last years tenders is ion per cent for furnanrc oil in Midland The largest increase is 27 itt ptl cent tor bunker oil in olluigwixid Iiirnacc oil Is Tenants waiting for rent review Sonic itll tenants at San dycovc crcs mobile home park south of Harrie will pro bany not learn until late this year whether they llt flllilltil tiirtiit rciirw loni liiil iiitoriiiution ol licct loi the rent ltit board said ltiursday lllt board will probably dcal with the tenants Iii early oinibcr The tilt cases pliis one other went before the largest rent ltli hearing iii ltntiirio iiistor July but lllt landlord has tllttl ha lllil ltlt oi iiic iiib tenthj had no lllliilltliil to hear the cases lltiililV the tenants are not oxivrwi iizi ltv tigisla liiiti lentilj lt iiiei holding lil dotion oi lllt tinaiits rent in crini is in the in to per cent lll into the iiirisdiiioiial lltillllVJlltq lllt board gtittliil lllf tiilTlli ri ttll this month ruling that imiitlcj nad no iurisdiction lltilllt ltlli icyimi aimnil iiiciit liltll would have brought the cnint under the ltit iliill1illi were not in ct leit when the rcnts went up laii lot llllst£il lit aw is ioiisilliiid test case ioi thi other oil tenants sinn iiiv rat is étlt the same in all casts bu ivirj hearing is considered legally scpaiatc so the board iiitiltl thtorctically mala dittcrent decision in some or in of lllt ieiiiiiiningtitti casi Mi iill said the board will hear an instsat the same hear my largo inoiigli hall can he found oi else in as large group is possible Due to inereuses in cost prices for TOP QUALITY BEEF we find it necessary to increase retail prices effective Sept 26 New prices for sides of beef including cutting and wrapping Present price includes cutting and wrapping lOTS OF STOCK READY FOR CUTTING BlACKlOCKS FARM AND MEATS RR No Cookstown Hwy 89 mile west of 400 705 4584301 99¢ 89 lb Phone 4584301 ANYTIME the examiner Thursday Sept 15 1977 Jobs harder to find now RIILIA Georgian Col lege students have good record in finding jobs despite increasing unemployment in Canada colle president Robert Crawfori said Wednes day in welcoming address to 600 students at the colleges Orillia campus However Crawford said ris ing unemployment makes jobs harder to find than in former years You have to put foreword great competitive effort and reach for the top he said time of drudgery he said It should be happy time In the audience were students from diploma nursing nursing assistant dental assistant preventive dental assistant mental retardation counsellor academic upgrading business and commerce welding fitter marine mechanics and machine operator courses Society to meet Vespra Township Hor ticultural Society will meet Monday at pm in the Reforestry Hall Highway 26 at the Sixth Concession are carrying an extremely heavy load and that efforts should be made to allow each of them to concentrate more on the prime responsibilities of their positions with more delegation of routine tasks and timeconsuming but less demanding professional tasks to other personnel Lack of space at the Educa tion Centre has prompted the decision to move the superintendents out into the areas they service Each superintendent has in vestigated the possibility of establishing an area office within existing available space in school in his area In most cases suitable space can be made available with only minor renovations required states the council report Crawford also said student activities outside the classroom are an important part of the educational process Life in college should not be moment The board is projecting an enrolment of Low in driver cduction courses throughout the county this year Last years total enrolment was95l to remember 46 up 1202 percent and bunker oil 2404 per cent in Barrie The tender rates approved by the board were for posted tank wagon prices at time ol delivery which means that llll thcr increases will be pasle on to the board should they be authorized by government in the next year Iweutyyearolil Sue Devito enjoys boating swimming and reading She jokes that shes an air force brat who has lived or travelled just about everywhere The last four years shes spent in Barrie haie been her longest stop anywhere Examiner Iliotoi Township working on I978 budget ltAlttIAY Stafl Innislil lowtislup departments com notices and boards Will be ask ed to submit preliminary ix pinditnrc estimates for lllt townsliips iiiTti budget by ov it Sarjeant Ltd wiil pltiVitli the lurnance oil for llarric and tirillia Shell anada Ltd for Midland and ollingwixid and Iretrofina tanada Ltd tor Alliston All schools using bunker fuel will be supplied by lil anada later Iipplc said We maki changes in the budget throughout the year now Iipple also said he disagreed that newly elected council would have its hands tied it lllt CORRECTION In the Sears Days Circular in The Examiner Tuesday Sept 13m on Page the LED alarm clock is presently not 13 iii an attempt in it 011 utilities WWII WSW ht availableOnPage9Theplan budget passed earlier in the Itllllllllitll budget befolrc the are pmle no ovoilobye vcar cm of its term in an eectioii Nc dont get lillltfl on lllt year 31 be mks hforhfur budget until mid March under Iteivi William libbins ewery 958 present systiiii oiin agreed saying the outgoing lems we 39 any Iippli said It council would be providing the cowememe mes delays may preliminary estimates come in hOVOWUSUd sooner lllt township could avoid approving thr triidgct halt way through the year hc new council with working paper which could be amend ttl on rewritten ll the nitiiibirs wish Choose from our selection of eight scenic and coioar backgrounds Seect additional portraits and save up to At issue in the coiiiplicitil case are escalation clauses in the tenants leases providing said The townships isnt budget ZHILLIHEILS3lvm Li lijitilt chairman of die was passed by ttillllt it last lllli Menwomemyoum lCOmpared F0 975 FirCe iriWa Litlitl ii gm tllllili ll ooi WELCOME See our new age Decorator Portrait Imwfi WW financi itilllllllfltfthyflytl llasi Your complete satisfaction guaranteed or mm Jul mil spring tinmg Itiii magii oin any me on ruc yourmone cheerful refunded orlgln 10m HWW valntm tltillitiillittlb lllti lit iilllil likt to sec lllt budget come out as did not tiiil ltihtts iiliit No obligation to buy additional portraits St Vincent St soon as pinsilili iltci lil bi3IfllIiiliIturlliti WW Mm first fleld Wed 730 pm SEPT Tues Wed Thurs Fr Sat lhi MW WHH Hi my yum llittl he lltl llt readed Thurs 93oam 13 t4 there will be opposition to star iini ltfobudiw wotl in lii ill tl 107 lrn siiri the lust llillli ll iiiii all the reasozn why we an do it he said There may ltt things llii lltt lrll they tan lw illllttl date but this year iiicriasiv were all cady annoiincil and effect bctore lllill liltViiflt lentlcy has brought to lllt boards attention factual cl fort in the test case decision listing April 20 as lllt dati on which ltliillllgt Mr and Mrs John illltlllltl applied for rciit review The actual date was Ma placing the action altor piii 20 when the lllltliilllltlilt received Royal tll However lllt error appeal imlikcly to alteri tlic tlitlsiiiii since the decision clearly stairs that the amendments are not retroactive and therefore the bill containing llitllt docs not cover rent Illiltlt tllttlHt litii lflTTi lltllt lilflllbll llie llll 4tll presidents of June Downer Area Director ttiitdoor jitllillit and ct vironmintal studies await no tirade to pupils iroin Shanty Hay Iublic School at tamp Ilollyburn in lltitilil lit The group leaves for four layficldtripSipt il Tues tlitaaqti Sat IU am to pm rtwr 26 Barrie WEIGHT WATCHERS The Authority RUG RIOT Everyday Specials l090 oil all remnants iltlfilltill lltllltl carpeting 7372860 One sitting per subject$1 per subject for addi tional subjects groups or individuals in the same family Persons under 18 must be accompanied by parent or guardian tht ltiitid States were born tritiin subjects llllll aii lturen was the first original 305 mirican president citicn to littiilllt SIMCOE PLAZA Elliotts combined with one of Canadas leading turers presents line of select fabrics at 25 savings Pour ZONOLITE HEAT SEAL in yfl attic saving fuel dollars IMMEDIATELY ZONOLITE Attic Insulation SEALS all heat escapeholes zonam pours easily zonours is verminproof zououra wont settle ZONOLITE is fireprooi ZONOLITE is clean Let our decorating professionals give you FREE in home can sultation Elliotts Wall Window Bayfield Mall 7267292 ZONOLITE ATTIC INSULATION is attepted Central MrLjaqe and Housing Corporation and has the best laltng obtainable from Underwriters Laboratories tor tireproot product

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