24 the examiner Wednesday Sept 14 1977 national president of the association of Kinsmen lubs tlllr The doctor says By TIIUSIEsthV MI Dear Dr lhostesoii My hllSr band had heart attack recen tly and has been hospitaliztxi in coronarycare unit Problem is he is such wellliked guy at work etc with millions of friends They all want to see him and he loves it His doctor has cut down on visitors because he doesnt like some of his ECG readings Can the visits help hiiii think it relaxes hintMrs Relaxation is important in the early days of recovery so the quesion is whether these visits actually help ili that If your husband is like olliers the chances are the visits may cause sortie tension and be ttllttlltlpttlltll ive Even fainin visits can be dis niplive An article iii Modern Medieieiie summarizes study lnade by Agnes lirown RN She concludes that such visits can be stresst til because of not eipation of who is coming or who isnt coming when and so on Another iaetor is the dis ttirbance of bed patients near by Also the waiting period can be an emotional drainon family members and llns can rub ofl on the patient The nub of the Brown study was the tabulation of blood pressure atid the heart rates of 50 coroiiarycaie patients They showed definite increase dur ing and alter family Visits Im not saying all lainin vis its should be eliminated only that they be scheduled for times when they will cause the least disturbance Your physician should decide this In fact he may not have too much to say about the matter Most coronary units allow only one or two meiiibeis ol the lattiin at time and non famin visitors hmop isnt getting the cum alumni mm Debby amnion manager of the West Van comer Society tor the lrewiitioii of triielly to iiiinals llie socier adopted the animal last week hen he as found nidei ing in the British Properties neighlmrhood of the city He Is not up for adoption the public ttl lliotol Jacoby sold on NORTH Q952 863 WEST ljASTlDi 598654 AAQIOE V1042 VAJ8753 010876 013 12 StilTII AKJZ qus KJ lilsiTn Vorthbouth Vulnerable West North East South IV Pass Iass Pass Pass las pening lead By NEHid James Jacoby swald Jacoby was playing rubber bridge in Indianapolis back in 1934 Before the game started there had been dis eussmn of fournotrump con ventions Jacoby said that he had tried the Culbertson one and found it most unsatisfao tory Indianapolis hosts told him that young Hoosier in surance man named Easley Blackwood had invented convention that they all played Jacoby felt that he an we eat the whoooole thing Sea atlets Eric lelair left of Angus Joe lieiriiess of mrrir and Doug Seriver of Angus took part in corn boil recently at their summer facilities on the lakefront In llarrie and Sea cadets took part in what was their last meeting outside of rthis year Next week the group will more its aetiiities hack to the liar rie IIltllllltS nyone wishing lojoin the groilp may do so at the Almouries lednesday at pin llmnilner lhotm ACROSS 44 Over poetic 45 Roosters Over again mate Homeric poem 46 Printers 12 Follows measuw pl 13 Commences 48 package 35 51 Harmer 15 Adopt 55 Braced M80 56 Boorishly m9 Sins I7 Definite 58 plam article Hi Hog 2i Feeling of DOWN weaririess 23 Orange seed ergeg fish brief trip to Ottawa before llev Little of Primrose competed in the pair ofgledilig or mares class at the aiiadian Na tional Exhibition Thursday evening He placed eigbtli while Russell Uncles of Ritz lijlrnvale placed fifth with his commercial horse hitch Debbie Simpson Illnivale tIIsti drou an lIriclts team in the event finishing with reserVe standing Examiner IIiotol Hospital visits often monitored 40 Woodworking Netllke fabric 25 Catamics are usually restricted until the patient is out of the unit Even then only one or two persons are allowed at time for brief period simple getwell card serves to remind patient that his friends havent forgotten him and with great deal less fuss Dear Dr Thosteson My daughter who is 39 has an ova rian cyst There seems to be difference of opinion about the treatment of such cysts an it be treated by injections or is surgery the only answer She has never had nonnal meti strual cycle Is this causin the cyst At any rate the pro lem is there Where do we go from here shots or surgeryMrs am not familiar with in jections for treatment of ova rian cysts Such secreting organs as the ovary can form cysts and meri strual malfunction might be one of the symptoms As to what causes what thats sometimes as tuianswerable as the question what comes first the chicken or the egg Surgical removal should be considered especially with the menstrual irregularity There are various types of ovary cysts and the only way to find out the kind is to examine sec tion of it But if that is done the entire cyst might as well be removed So surgery it the doc tor sees the need for it is prob ably the best allround answer Ilear Dr lhostesoil ati pressure mean from some thing like tests in school cause acne lo flare up What can do about itlliss ti ertainly can nly thingl can suggesl is to relieve the preSsure by st udynig BRIDGE Oswald and Jim Jacoby Blackwood really didnt need any conven tions to bid slams He was told how simple the Blackwood convention was Four notrump asked for aces Responder replied to show how many he had and that was that He was also told that Easley Blackwood was going to be kibitzer that night Jacoby sat North and almost fell out of his chair when his partner produced vulnerable twoclub overcall He also had no idea what to bid and finally tried six clubs West led heart East cashed two aces and that was that Bidding in diagram shows how well Blackwood would have worked It also eonvmced young Jacoby that he was going to play Blackwood from then on Before anyone could say anything he turned to Easley and said Youve sure made sale Aromas Wisconsin reader wants to know how many points you need for jump shift response We like to have at least 16 including 13 in high cards as our minimum but in general want 18 Certain textbooks require 19 but we dont hold with that daily crossword Answer to Previous Puzzle g8 FISI garden 3323 ll Energysavmg 35 Twarled ratiï¬esw Confederate 13 Elma buy 39 Bulls 29 anal SYsmm States Army 18 Mans 43 lnculcate in northern Eabbi Gigi 45 Stag IItlltfl lilstiee liiiistei Michigan SW chicken 47 Beer Alain Ieytefitte said good 30 Togula DZHESWS 19 F0015 48 nghway ne to luebgli llitltlltl Ham 218 Jewish gasuamd curve eyestlue out any ualm 49 Hockey 36 Ni ht Fr ascent fINITI 73 37 Suenmer Fr Strong $2 $8159 Welxl league abbr lion Iasleison of Ittkltltk nt was ellt tell the uth Pylt is 38 Hams maws yeammg ame 50 Dove sound It theoiganiationss rinual llIVfllfIlIll held here recent returning to France ltl mm Make Mg make 52 22222 lel 41 Lysergtc acid l0 Adenosme lit 27 8V blfth dmthylamido phosphate 32 One Sp 53 Ties 42 City in Florida alibi 34 Downlalls 54 Cereal grass oG Bernice Bede Osol Sept 14 1977 Imaginative projects could serve to increase your income this coming year It you feel youre onto something get it to those who have pipelines to the marketplace VIRGO Aug 2380pt 22 Theres possibility dispute could arise with pal today over money or something material Friends and finances Ian like water and oil LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Dont waste time and ellort lighting an uphill battle for something you neither want nor need Evaluate your objectives Throw out the losers SCORPIO Oct 24Nov22 You could be dilticutt to get along with today because of your reluctance to reveal whats really bugging you Lay yourcards on the table SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 Be very careful oi who you extend your faith and wallet to today It shady operator gets hold at you it could cost you tow bucks CAPHICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Van might unwittingly step into situation today where the odds are hopelessly stacked against STUDENTS SPECIAL oil and adjust from only SI 00 Free estimates Call us now at Typewriter repairs Cleo Whitfield Winthrop QLl ICKEST WAY DON SAVED FOR WHOLE YEAR To SUV THlS R301 TABLE of Id Wizard lw nceu time swiftseer Fra n5 and Andy CaPP 11723 172153 NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373880 OFFICE OUTFITTERS WINTHROPES LAW3 THE WAultcgtl€iN limo WALK SIGN WYfl Tor11 LlTIl PFAFfw THE iNTERECTOF gamer TthK re Chaosmce THE WHEEL lllil HKUitv Humtrims oeiu lOUK It Lemons or 737020I 7DOtANGE WHIIyNiA It Wu Put IM LlL Kusrv bUT ILL GET MY na rnest PERHAPS JACKIE COULD TAK you It could take all youve got to escape unscathed AQUARIUS Jan 20Fob 10 Serious problems can be avoid ed today it youre not too critical and dont try to remake others in your image Look up to people not down to them PISCES Fob 20March 20 Abide by those ideals you tirmiy believe in Dont be pressured by others today to abandon them or settle for lower standards ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Should you tail to cooperate to day with one who rallied to your cause previously this person will be extremely angry and the relationship strained nunus April 20May 20 BARRIE PLAZA BUSINESS is TERRIBLE AT PRESENT ANDY BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS 250 Sheet lined refill reg $248 NOW 155 YEARS Rec NOTICE rum Moupny wn SMRIiNG Io SWELL Up But Now THINK lrs TAKEN OVER THE WHOLE WEEK Someone you work in close proximity to might be both careless and difï¬cult today Be ready to move quickly when hes around GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Dont consider wild gamble today in an attempt to recoup losses better to take your lumps and walk quickly and quietly away CANCER June 21July 22 An old unresolved domestic problem may rear its head again today It youre edgy and temperamental you wont help matters at all LEO July 23Aug22 It you have chip on your shoulder to day it wont be long till youll find someone willing to knock it oil Hang loose in THAVES OPERATOR HOW DO to ABOUT DIALHM BKISEANE ALBTKALIA UlKExJT OKAY so TAKE 82 ON To TAKE YOUR MIND OFF THE BUSINESSEH IBinderreg$2l9NOWI89 1V2Binderlleg$279N0W259 on