the examiner Wednesday 5931 14 1977 15 Ii ifsle School bell tolls for teachers newcomers Proiect TEACH to impro By HOPE DEMISICY Examiner Staff Reporter liiiproving teaching methods is what ll drew Lindsay public school teacher iii Same is concerned about Lindsay will be teaching course this tall known as Project TEAC ll teacher et lectiveness and classroom handling The course new to Ontario will be taught at iiiidles Heights Public School Iiiesdays from 630 to 930 iii Sponsored by the liitario Public School Men leachers lederatioii itllSMlliI the course begins Sept 26 aiidruiistill lee lit The idea behind the course is to make teachers more aware of their skills and how these can be put to use eftectiwly iii classroom situation says Lindsay The course will involve three hours week for weeks with nine hours ol act ioii assignments in the classroom sayd Liiid say Weekly sessions will include seminars lectures the use tapes case studies and roleplayiiig We will use lot ol role playing says Lindsay leachers are using it today iii their classroomsaiid ll is proving very et lective EET INVOLVED The idea is to get teachers llttll They may be asked to play the part of stir deiit teacher or just an observer We want everyone taking the course thinking talk mg and doing says Lindsay Teachers will be asked to go back to their classrooms and apply what they learn says Lindsay Alter our lirst evening together the teachers should notice change in their methods andthe affect it has on their students Its positive way ot teaching lhe COUISC concentrates on various skills imolved in teaching ltiiity skills is one area These are skills such as questions teachers ask Teachers should be aware oi liat ellect questions have on students types of ques tions and where they are tllll says Lindsay Its important for teachers to be able to remove themselves irom situation say does remedial work with tltt students on ouiity for live cars This month he Viill begin fered throughout Ontario tllxaniiner lliotoi Andrew Lindsay has changed his style of teaching over nine years think project II can help other teachers like inyseli he more eliective in the classroom says Lindsay Lindsay has been teaching in Suiicoe oun ty for five years and is presently doiiig remedial work at Candles Heights Public School took course at York llniversdy this past summer to enable me to instrUct lro ject TEACH this tall says Lindsay The program is geared to teachers of all grades and to anyone working with groups ot people The cost of the course is $90 for cer tificate in professional growth iroin the UlSMlF or $120 for hall university credit from Lesley College in lVlassachusetts would like to see the course ollered iii the teachers colleges in Ontario says Lindsay The lirst year of teaching is the hardest and course like this Would be helpful The purple at East York Collegiate iii loroiito are thinking ol having this course during school hours for first year teachers says Lindsay would also like to see it as credit course recognizml by Uiitario universit ies too says Lindsay Application lorms for the course are available at the schools in Barrie and enrol ment is limited to 21 students Andrew Lindsay left helps Jackie Slzniii student at uiidles Heights public school Lind Teachers learn ve skills evaluate it mid then react to it instead oi reacting right away says Lindsay Illil3llil UV Eli judgetiieiit is another area the course concentrates on st ands tor problem ownership wiiiiiiliility evaluation atid reintoriiicciiieiit In giyen situation It is iiiipoitaiit tor the teacher to ideiit it ho has the pltiltltlll the teacher or the student says Lindsay The yiiiiiibility is whether or not the teacher has the power to change the situa tioii The evaluation is whether ll has been eitectiye or not and then how can he ieiii ltlltt ll Another area Uitltl lll the tltitllillll is group dynamics and counselling Youre always counselling as teacher says Lindsay Whether it be direct or indirect teacher should haye some knowlcdgeot itttllhtllllli lroblein solyiiie is another asva ot the course Its our tll soiiietiints to eeit author ty says Lindsay lliit it isnt good to in suit child whiletloiiit Its iiiipoitaiit that teacher heawaie oi the eitect ol iiegatiie 2till on ii tlllltl he explained ltather lllitll getting thi pro hleiii the teachei iiiif oiilj lie iiMiliiiq hc child lts gtlll1lllslliL1 hora Iiltll negativ phrasing can llll llllii tilll llllllllL methods llll ltll lhtliugh the course teachers lll also he iiiade aware ol tltitmll llll or tllll tilltilsltig ltl lltts pat ltltlltl llltllltll Will he discussed There are two types oi lllltllltllls here says Lindsay lIiiipatliy state meiits where the leather lets the child know that he lllltltIFltlllll the child pio lileiii and the lllltlllllt lilltllttlll wheie the teachers woi tl ippeil to the cliililk iii tellect or pride says Liiiilstiy Protect ll lll originated in lltt ltlllwl States litstiiitl1is llttlltllitltttl skills stiitegie lllltl lecisioii making pio eSsts used by tuicliei who were ttltlll ll llll as exceptional in lltll peti result progiaii oi eitei tini teaching was tlt1Lllttl and will tii ii areas Itlii tiitaiio lii tall Its iery titlslliyt piogiaii my Lindsay lrlieeii1klii lli ltiltltlltLl gular basis Hes been teacher in Simcoe caching course for teachers entitled lro ject lEll that is designed to iniprme skills It is one of 31 similar courses being of Course changed him and may help others fl Lindsay shares Foryoung the nursery is first step nltiL titsell llllt llll tmilil lot lll llts lllllt ll lie lllillltlllltL expeiiciiu toi ltillt iit will lliil ltll tliI titll st litmi can ltt lttllt4tlltl iwl lllLlllttsllt Ilit llt ilititil lltllltL llt co opttrite llltLlJlli eiiliit Punt llltlllltl oi Litiiii tftl llttl iliiili It to inii ltlfltillt liiciit tlilltI to iiril Mii lici tlllllltliillllllitlll lltlldtllitditlt lillttllitHtlltll tliiitililit lilllttlti pailii lllillttll ilitiltci iiitie lllll Superni liiitly tiliosl ile illlit ll leaiiiiiiitlirotiitiiplijiiii lliilillili tit llltl lllit lltilli tittiltiltitl lltlllti iookiiii ill the kill ll illl iiiiii group one the tlttllllltll ltilt hoax to optrate llll tillitl llltl tillattl lltll ciitiity Examiner Photos By MARINA QUATTROCCHI lan Lewis lour isnt too sute about this