Radio has builtin solidstate 335 stereo multiplex crcuitry that splits incoming FM stereo signal Se xclu 3k to give real FM stereo sound ar swe ea um pdc et Ot ldLlO lets you wake to sound of AMFMFM stereo LIEDI Snooze control lets you doze for an extra minutes before buzzer alarm sounds Handy frontmounted mtcrotouch clock controls Topmounted musrcbuzzer onoll automanual and display dimmer pushbuttons 24hour set forget rnusrcalarm system Stereo headphone jack headphones not incl Walnut Woodgrain finish Abt 12 Solidstate LED clock IS completely Silent reliable 577410656L Each 5998 PreciseNOglaeRedeadout illi mml rillllmrimnill means easy Viewing in any light snus uta 12 Sblflq Hal191 mn mm nun SlMPSONSSEARS Get this CIOCk radio DOW see credit details 15