forms and further in be held at Crown Hill United nells Corners Tom and Ethel James Benson on Aug 21 the entry examiner TuudOYISGPt1319775 neighborly news formation alII Mrs Jean ChuICh Saturday at 11 8m Siliiiiiflmmmm Sanderson at W912 with Wind B°b Rumbe as To promote artti°tifh£b2t returned from trip to England Dedcaï¬o The Bell Elliart Church had Dummm Leadership Camp gum Speak Commerce the academy was Liawkestone where they visited Alis father The Bell Ewart Church had dedication service for twins 7258373 The Womens Institute will musical arts formed by local reSIdents who and Roses SN and brothel dedication Nice for Wins Bruce James and Susan Jane Congratulationst those win Miss Jamce Olafk IS atJumor meet at the home of Mrs raised the first years budget 0f fbV They wereheld up considerably Bruce James and Susan Jane Hadleychdren of Ronald fling awards at theiecem Bap Farmer LeadeFShP Camp at Morgan on Sep 15 Convener $200000 Hart with the air strike They had to Hadleychildren of Ronald and Lorraine Hadley of Be rie Fair Bark LakeHalLburton Mrs Forget Speaker will be NORTH BAY OTIL CF The academy will provide 4872030 order la two days in ad and mrraine Hadley 0f Be Ewart alsoabrotherand sister Aspecial feature for the 125th Tom Remy paper at Miss Suzanne Cherry of the The Northern Academy or musical instruction and con van g9 them 1° the iirport Ewarlialsoabmlhe and $519 for Fldssie Betty Anne Ronald anniversary of Oro Fair Sept Roygl VCtora H95 MI Consumer Association of MUSIC Arts has been form certs An anniversa se will to depart The account or for Flower Belly Anne Ronald and Linda The are with 23 and 24 will be senior Surgical can we w5 for him Canada Promoa local 1510 Ryker said the academy be held at St Aangvaumh the weather they hadlo the and Linda They are Wilh aquick recovery to good health dustry spokesman for the academy announced Friday Grandpa and Grandma Mr citizen chosen as the Oro Fair iigeMlvsalvEivlandEi Ehaesstirr $3191 Amiversary The GreatW8 China is Rykel mmmuiiw mer instruction camp and James Benson on Aug21 resident of Oro Township For anniversary SerVice Will ab0t1u5°°m19510€ 115103 and muswal Visor summer music festival LAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGIAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DQUQALILQUGLAL DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS° hopes to set up an orchestra of Hawkestone on Sunday at 10 Greenlanl We homev professional musicians sum am took thema little longer There vided piffathguarcowTnoaigï¬g they met neighbors from Fen Senior Citizens Choir Everyone is welcome to attend Grandpa and Grandma Mr and Mrs Wm Hadley The ser vice was given by Pastor VWALL ENORMOUSLY LONG HE ONLY DEALS WE MIS ARE THE WE DONT KNOW ABOUT Invitation Harvest Home Thanksgiving service will be held at St Marks Church East Oro on Sunday beginning at 230 pm Archdeacon Basil Tonks of Ba rie will conduct the serivce cordial invitation is extended to everyone Members of St Aidans AW will meet for their regular meeting at Mrs Harts on Oct 12 The September meeting has been cancelled hobart by Beulah Barr 8355865 Mr and Mrs Crane have moved to Wasaga Beach They lived on the 5th Concession of Medonte for some months in Spanish tyle Modular home Mr and Mrs John Barr of WE INTENDTO BECOME TNE Cor Truck Retailer in tho Barrio oroo VOLUME LOW FORD MOTOR CREDIT AND BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE It you are New in On torio It ou have little or no Esther Anne Drive Orillia If You owe money on credity were recent guests of Mr and your car Mrs Barr and Jim It you have been turned You ore or over down by oher dealem Our experienced Iinon It you are new on your to personnel can probably iob Iindo plonto suityou Mr Brian Taylor is motoro ing to Toronto to work He is in the auto sales business and has been employed in Barrie for some time ARE GOING UP BY SAVE NOW SAVE In Towners and Out of Towners see Douglas first We decide on your credit quickly Drive home today in the car of your choice Great Grandson Mr and Mrs Jack Dunlop and greatgrandson Darryl of John St Orillia visitied with the Barrs at Deepdale Farm on Sept Dr and Mrs Wm Butt spent couple of days at their coun try home and visited with their friends at Deepdale Farm on OVERHEAD IS OUR SECRET I970 Ford FI00 Camper cyl standard transmission com plete camper RAND NEWI977s MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY I973 Mercury Marquis Brougham dr P5 P8 radio power windows roan CITY can give you the KIND OF CREDIT YOU NEED and still save you money Call for fast credit check by phone7235553 vinyl roof electric defrost ww sept A5 LC N° 35716 wheel covers Lic No FLT 994 Frosty weather FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY roan cm SALE PRICE om While most people dread the approach of the frosty weather there are those who welcome it with enthusiasm Hay fever sufferers have good reason to as their congested problems come to an abrupt conclusion 302 rouncms rr cr LY number of mothers who await Ford City Sale Price Only steering power ClISC bra es th 23 litre front ISC ra es apprOdCh 0f the V8 WSW radiols eectric rear kindergarten School buses automatic radio demonstrator along with their young wmdow defroster radio AM hopefuls Safety first Serial NO 7T2345l0459 wheeI covers deluxe serial No Mr and Mrs Gordon Mon co Ford Cit sale price only Smith Jason Michael and 9e Shawn motored to London to door sed V8 auto PS PB VISII the childrens id For CIIV rice onl mother Mrs Smigthdzlmd V3 to phi radio wwaus um 063 3g detogger radio wwalls covers Aunts Uncles and cousin roan cm SALE mcr ONLY LCNMSMH tr $2 residing there Styleside pickup tape stripes Geo inn Mitchell SSTV8 knitted seot vinyl rn dual so 532 73 Mamck COMEl $33 2321 mp CApluy The EM 59 SOLICIT cigar lighter front and rear door sponcoupe 28 mre V6 T974 POIITIOC VOIIIUIII Citizenshcldthtirfirstmeeting 6Cyl cum PS wWOHS se on specna V0 ue shocks rear sep bumper Sen dr coupe cylu PS automam of the new season Sept With ocko 250 automatic 964 speed permoshine exterlor radio Lic No HTO 244 good attendance The new of Lic FCV698 ISHCYOZ moan ICE on floors were nominated and will Ford City Solo Price Only radio electric rear wmdow he installed at the meeting 0n FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY ï¬t Sept 20 at the Bell Ewart Com Serial No 7K3 L520674 his 76eYésczzlg7r munitvCentrc President Eileen Johnston Ford CIY sale prce only presented painting to Walter and Eleanor Took on behalf of the club as thankyou gift for the lovely time they gave the club at picnic at the closing meeting in June Im pleased to welcome back Mary McDonald after quite long absence door sedan $I948 I974 Comet Door 6cy automatic radio wwolls Lac LPU561 $3 99 Brand new 35 V8 rear door gloss tlip told I977 FI Brood new I977 00 Econoline Von gigmg visit from Jack zigzatMvetexg Ngsdeallfl 122 II DR new 1977 00 1374 alyincyuggl Ella IIIt oor air con Rural Areas Ww Wheel covers lender Skms flyleside ick tinted glass deIogger wwolls As onetravelsthe rural areas Vlny mo hc FCY 209 pFloggzow34 dr HT dutomatic Power radio Lic No HTP337 it is interesting to note the FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY em 7H90F5654io FordCity sale pric I975 BUICK CENTURY FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY $2573 I975 Montego MX Station Wagon V8 Auto PS PB radio wwolls wcovers electric defroster Lic No ssen er sect automatic JRZ 599 Those celebrating birthdays roan CITYSALEPRICEONLY 565 mocmsnmtcrouu includc Pat Meeth Frank 0C Hipkiss anti Susan Huffett OUTPUT heater sliding Side cargo Florence Britton thanked the door power steering serial No club for flowers sent to her E04HHYI 66I8 sister Eveline who is still in Hospital in Pctcrborough Eleanor Cook thanked the club for lowers and all friends who sent cards and visited her while Special Edition dr sedan 250 cyl WSW radial power steering rear window detogger LINCOLN VERSAILLES 1993 I974 Dodge Coronet Loaded with all luxury options 1915 Mercury Marquis in hospital Meetings areal 130 4dr Va Euniuoucï¬gfé PB vdo rado Wheel Covers radlo panel Serial NO 7W84H 808338 dr htp V8 outo P5 P8 PW thctirst and thirdlucsdav Pseot air cond tinted glass elect 5r each mom roan cm SALE PRICE ONLY Ford CHY sale price onIY defrost AMFM stereo Wcovers Lic No JLX026 FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY 7E35L55669l Ford Citv sale price onlv wwulIs Euchre The first euchrc of the season was held recently at the Hell Ewart oiiimunity cnirc with seven tables at play Prizes went to first for men Itcrt Maholland who also had most lone hands second prize to Bob We PROTECT you 12000 mile12 month WARRANTY available on all advertised $2788 I973 Ford Country Sedan I976 Plymouth Volore yélztlill lirrsllpriR1Ltï¬ohiglï¬ Sfaflon Wagon rI 29va cum p5 p310 end Ge Ml V8 gass radio wwolls wcovers as iiildas lgiélltlngwrlisosstmliillc wail Licéniajxï¬fï¬Fe rado SERVICE SPECIAL PANTS Lic NoilJWSITO hands The 5050 draw was won your END ALIGNMENT RD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY by Aileen Houston There is FORD CI PRICE Elmer anothcr euchrtUttxlay at the ourRem d° same plat and same time With IS OPOTT OI rom cvcryoncwelcoiiictoattend Trip To England Alf and Rose Ncwhome MOST DOMESTIC IF YOU DIDNT BUY FROM US YOU PROBABLY PAID TOO MUCH Tues Thurs to pm PASSENGER VEHICLES l3 Call direct 1285915 lease Ally mite Otter Expires Sept 24th MODE tailored Yotli ll on omn DIAL DISCOUNT suityour driving requirements The cor shown will be sold exactly as advertised WELCOME Join anytime No Contracts ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION 4I0 St Vincent St Wed 730 pm um 930 om Jone Downer Area Director DIAL DISCOUNT 7285558 7285558 MTE WE ARE NAPPY TO SERVICE YOUR VENICLE REGARDLESS OE WIIERE YOU IOUGIIT IT WERE STILL IN BUSINESS DOING WIIAT WE DO IEST LOOKING AFTER OUR CUSTOMERS WE WILL BUY YOUR USED CAR WE NEED USED CARS TOP TRADEIN PAID WEIGHT WATCHERS The Authority mtg mm annually or mmm LINCOLN MERCURY SALES LTD 8I ESSA RD BARRIE NOW YOU GET NERE IS YOUR BUSINESS NOW YOU LEAVE IS OURS FIESTA BOBCAT CAPRI MONARCII COUGAR COMET MARQUIS LIGNT TRUCKS NEVER NAVE SO MANY PAID SD lITTIl rm to unrun moooo monoo SYIOIIOO motion mom monoo monoa svionoo manna snonoa motion SWOOOLI SlilWirrti Wtmttm WTMW mum smitten motion SYIOIIOO If you have any problems at all we want to hear about It personaIIy 145 SVTOIIOO MOON SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOTIOO STIOIIOO SVTOIIOO SVTOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVTOIIOO SVIDIIOO SWODOO SWODDO SVIOIIOO SVIDIIOO SVIOIIOO SVTOIIOOSVIOIIOO SVTOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVTOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVTOIIO Open Mon to Thurs until Fri and Sat till Sunday for Inspection Noti All odvortiud luvid new vehicle fleet to transportation Iidprodolvorycom All con Iulrloct to prior solo No dnlon ploou Ono to customer nu OUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOU