Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1977, p. 4

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yrwwkrM ADVEN IlolNh Sean Finlay mnriautnu wittor on mvn tr mono Ronny McDonnldrlty mfttnr Mt Sheila McGovern risilstnnt tty author In may 8ilt Curran county editor ya ioim NEWSROOM USINLSS Marian murilt lIrlt lr irnr florottt Itriwlnrnf tuiil Mr lm lutitl the Examiner ll member of the Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of Circulation ABC Only the Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF the Associated Press Reuters or Agenco FrancePrussia and local new stories published In The Examiner Published daily except Sunday and tatutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier itroinifnrit the examiner llnrli lllltllllni se Wormr aorurn riports oilttor vita 90mm The 331 Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising molellol rvm arrie an srmcoe COUD ant ManrInnr wirc editor from Hanan AR cum create Its employeesand published in this newspaper Tuesday Sept 13 1977 opp 00mm puny mm mm 6780 Marina QUrllllltl to ptiotoor npfui RFPOR IER Canadian Newspapers Company By MAIL Home Copyright registration number 2008l5 register at CIRCUIAIION $4680 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario otirli grpr Il KIlktltl SIMCOE COLIN Notional advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 I710 610 Cathcart St Montreal no Khan Dmlum tlcy room Inrty Hmititifori Moron IHksgw OFF Ihe advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out at Eho Agoshn pubnsher pd HW wm rayom IllltIlllllhiy ma Year rors in onerlIsoments beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that pot mount Illll my mum wt rl lonto lion verticement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the sheila Mr Govtin lttlUl Imlll Ill lll ELSEWHERE IN CANADA 99l9c OI its Iervonts or otherwise and there shall be no liability for noninsertion of Bllfl $38309YNr any odvernsementbeyond the amountpald lor such advertisement an Simcoe ridings long Conservative Reports from Queens Park by Don OHearn that the Liberal Party under Dr Smith has been showing more activity as the Official Oppostition have read in this area with interest Simcoe County of course has long been Conser vative stronghold All three ridings with areas in the county are currently represented by Tory MPPs and this has been the situation for long time In Simcoe East where Gordon Smith is serving his 10th year as member of the legislature the riding has been represented by Conservatives for the past 40 years The same applies to DufferinSimcoe while Simcoe Centre also has been long Conservative Mr Smith is the fifth Conservative Simcoe East member since 1937 when the late William Finlayson won the riding from Liberal Dr Tanner back in the Ilepburn era Former premier George Drew followed Mr Finalyson onetime minister of lands and forests and then came Dr McPhce of Port McNicoll Lloyd Lctherby of Coldwatcr and Mr Smith won was first elected in 1967 Rev Downer was Conservative member for DuffcrinSimcoe for some 38 years before he was we cceded by incumbent George McCague former Simcoc ounty warden and mayor of Alliston Mr Downer was former Speaker of the legislature In Simcoe Centre riding represented by George Taylor since the June election another former warden Arthur Evans of Bradford represented the constituents for over 16 active years Mr Evans succeeded another Conscr vative in the late George Johnston who also was member for long time The onservative party itself has formed the Ontario government for over 34 years since Mr Drew led the vic tory over the Liberals back in the summer wartime clcc tion of 1943 The incumbent William Davis is the fifth Conscr vative premier in succession to head the government Others besides Mr Drew were Thomas Kennedy Lcslic Al Frost and John Robarts simcoe yesteryear Originally constructed forth county registry officc this Worslcy slrcct building was opened in Mil In year IJIH when the registry records were movcd it was uscd for mustinn displays by thc lonicns Institute bcfori prcscnl county muwuni was opened in littil IIiotograpli was plo idcd by Siincoc ounty aicliiycs Hy VINCIINIIIGAN tusincss and oiisitincr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Scrvicc Any debate on the sharing of Canadas conomic pic soon comes down to thc qucst ion productivity which is anothcr word for lie cf ficiency of our economy To be more technical productivity is lifincd as units of output pcr unit of input And labor productivity is output per person employed Although productiVity can bc measured in different ways its clcar that the high rates of yeartoyear improvement during the lllfitls an average of 425 per cent in manufac turing and other goodsyproducing in dustrics have changed to much iiiorc modest level of growth sometimes nonc at all in the 1970s At the same time however labor costs wages have been rising more rapidly than ever before the average annual in crcase in the first half of this decade was It pcr cent in the nonmanufacturing goodspro ducing industries tccause of these divergent trcn Is declining rates of productivity im provement rising rates of compensation thc ftdcral Finance Department wrote in its working paper The Way Ahead October I976 that there may be confrontation bct wccn lower rates of future output growthand incrcasing income exyxctations of anar diaiis At Ol NIANTS TOO The problem of sluggish productivity growth is by no means confined to the semi skilled or the blue collar worker but has reached serious dimensions in whitecollar fields as well Some studies havc shown that our professional produrtivdy is some 20 per crnt lower than that of our colleagues in the United Statcs the president of the chart cred accountants organization said the othcr day owpcrthwaite told the annual meeting of the Canadian Institute of bar terod Accountants in Bermuda that us ac countants work longer hours often 40 pcr weekthan do their Canadian counterparts Productivity log threatens trade and that sonic of the time of anadian char tcrcd account ants must be dcvofcd to professional instruction which in thc Unitcd States is the job of thc univcrsitics Another speaker at thc ltA niccting was Bryce Mackascy who learned about prodiic tivity problems when he was fcdcral minister of labor and postmastcrrgcinral Some unions Mackascy said without rcfcrring specifically to his old adversaries in the Canadian Union of Postal Workers have resisted new technology which history has shown when properly utilimd incvilably means morcjobs and morcsccurity Mackascy contended that Canadians have been ignoring thcir vulnerability as an ex porting nation and warncd of lllt dangcr of continued complacency IZXIUKI SIS Yet another former fcdcral cabinet minister emphasizch thc weakening that is taking place in Canadas international com elitivc position bccausc of tlic productivny ag John Turner who resigned as financc minister two years ago added that the growing energy shortage and rising energy costs are likely to makc anadian inauufacv luring even more vulnerable to global conr petition than at rcscnt Third Worl countries will invade mort and more of our traditional markets iii cluding our own domestic market with cheaper manufactured goods luriicr predicted Their favorable labor rates will allow them to underprice us Sonic of our basic in dustries will have difficulty in rcpclling that competition One is tempted to recall that much of the decline in Canadas productivity improvement rate occurred while Iuriicr Iiad his hand on the economic throttlc as ministcr of finance from January 1972 to September I975 Some people such as Ireasury Iioard Ircsidcnt Robcrt Andras think they have solution Industry should expand quickly and create more jobs Parliament hill It Slllllllll Itcll2tlt Ottawa Burtan Thomson cw Scry ice dont know what it about fliosc Iorits but no mattcr how sofcinn thc situation tlicic is always that undcrlyiiig scnsc of thc Iltlltllltills It gives thciii an cndcaring quality that all othci part ics lack lhc lainrals for cunpt ircdcvoid of any scnscof litimor ltut tho onscrvativcs arc loaded with it not to nicnlion inhcritiiig that griat Ilritisli traditionof iiiiiiiitauiing stiff upper lip an you nnaginc an othcr party lcadii but Ioc lark who would be so gung lio about forthcoming national convcntion in thc filtt of all considerations llc has lost fivc iiiciii bcrs of Parliament in thc last tcw months Ihc convcntion is bcing hold in Qucbcc wlicrc hc has virtually no support lint If is thc honic territory of laudc Wagncr his chict rial who still hasnt Iaccd thc hatchtt in wry dccp gravc Anti there will bc an automatic rcvicw of Iarks oftcn qtustioiicd Icad crship And to confuse things furtlicr thc front runner for the party presidency appears to bc Ily JOIIN llAllllllth Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson Ncws Servici Urban terrorists are at their bloody disriip live work again in Italy and Wcst Germany Their silence in Germany hidcs thc tact tlicy littVt rccoupcd forces after the rcccnl deaths and imprisonment of scvcral of their earlier Icadcrs No onc can say for surc if it was the ex trcmcly violent RaderItlcinhof gang at work again in the kidnappin of Dr Ilanns Martin bcfilcycr prcsutcnt of the West ticrman funi ploycrs Association Not only is he most prominent Gcrinan in dustrialist and wealthy man but allcgcdly Iiad Nazi connections in thc Ilitlcr era as prominent member of thc Ilitler Iugcnd tIIitIcr Youth Dr Schlcycrs four uniformed and armed bodyguards were killed during the kid napping West Germany is launched into yet another crisis of the kind the Slilltllsllttl law and order Iias great difficulty in stopping or containing And to end law and order is thc raison dctre behind such urban terrorist groups not oiin in West Germany but in Italy where ap proximately 50 kidnappings mainly to seck ransoms for terrorist treasurics have takcn place in the last few months Indeed the West German police and govern mcnt intelligence services cst iniatc tlic urban terrorist grou is now havc an idcntifiablc llltllllXISlllptil about 2lttfwitli tlllttpsfitltttf sympathizcrs that is fundraisers weapons buyers professional people supplying slicltcr and medical care throughout Germany ITALIANS DIFFERIZNI In Italy the pattern is even more profound with the Italian policc intelligence presently ltobtif oatts thc II for tuinbciland oltlicsfcr North an acknowlwlgcd right wiiigcr who strongly supportcd loliii Dit fcnbakcr against lftlcaning part picsidint namcd llalton ainp IIicrc must bc plot for play tlicrc soiiicwhcrc St llllllSlCJlWII lncidcntally thought thcrc was finc scn so of tlic ridiculous III thc resignation froii thc Iory taucus of lacqucs Lavoic tlic Ilocliclaga MI who Itlltlptl to thc Liberals in Iunc All eyes wcrc firmly Iocuscd on thc lllr tlc war bctwccn Iark and Iagncr and the only spccnlalion was over wficthcr Wagncr would rcniain III tlic party Suddenly Lavoic announccd that ho was tircd of all this intcrnal bickcring and Iic up andquit Nicctoucli And oh ycs wc mustnt forch that littlc III slapping incident wlicu lark dccidcd that Itavid Marl lolitlltl his valuablc All from liLttittltl should bc taught lesson for voting against his collcagucs Ihc funny part of this onc was that MacDonald was voting against thc Libcial gmcinincnt while all thc otlici lorics wcrc supporting Il legislation Terrorists hit West Germany working on theory that thc scvcral tcrrorist outfits who havc givcn diffcrcnt names when incuibcrs arc capturcd rcally bclong to onc largc toinmuuist undcrground organization In both Wcstcrn Ifiuropcan nations tlic pur posc is to bring down tlic cslablislicd social and industrial ordcr lint tlicrc arc distinc tions in reaching thc common goal The West Gcrnian gangs have nihilism about them which suggests tlicy arc beyond political solutions to undo Wcst Germanys industrial structure lhc Italian groups may bc political that is cxtrcinc onnnunists who havc brokcn away from national oinmiinist party which has niadc its pcacc with the nonommunist Icft and is sharing in thc ncw phenomenon of EnrolYoinnuinisin As might be cxpcctcd from German organization even terrorist onc their managerial methods are like those of private industry This is to hc expected since the rankrand filc of urban terrorists in West Germany seem to coinc largely from the advantaged classcs It is the sons and daughters of tho wealthy those who have climbed to the top during Gcr manys booms of tlic ltttitts and Itt7tfs who have turncd into cruel and harsh tcrrorists The names for the original gang Radcr and Mcinliof camc from tho Iainin naiiics of two youthful and othciwisc vciy afflucnt uppcr claschrmanbourgeois This is not so inticli thc case in Italy wlicrc thc ltlllkrillltblllt terrorist still comcs from the working class and thc conspiratorial groups which traditionally flouriin on the scamy sidc of Italian national life Notional Tory convention will be test for Joe Clark Anyway MacDonald was temporarily kickcd oil committee that wasnt meeting in an cvcnt Of course we cant overlook Jack llorncrs prcss contcrcncc during which he announced hc was bccoming Liberal Ilis diplomatic efforts to redefine his earlier descriptions of Irudcau rcprcscntcd highlight of the political year in Ottawa What he really incant by the word dictator was that Irudcau is very powerful individual in the best scnsc of course CLASSIC ERROR But my favorite Tory resignation was that of John Reynolds the somewhat immodest MP who last March announced he was quit ting as the representative for Rurnabw Richmondlmlta The press release an nouncing his plans to become host of an open linc radio show was full of glowing terms about his achievements and it meant to refer to his inctmnc career But the typist obvioust wasnt con centrating too well that day After leaving school Reynolds entered the marketing profession and like he was to do later in politics had mediocre carver Just lllt other day Scan OSullivan the 23 ycar old HP from Ilannltonchtworth sur priscd all his colleagues by announcing he was quitting Parliament for higher calling the Roman tatliolic priesthood It was solemn moment for the youthful Il who said he considerul it long and hard before deciding felt had to try it tSullivan onetime executive assistant to John Dicfcnluiker Iiad ncvcr been an ad mirer of Clarks and although they recently patched up their personal differences wide philosophical gap remained And as OSullivan was announcing with scrcnc sinccrity his intention of becoming pricst thcrc was another lory down the Iiall wishing him well just hope he gcts along bcttcr with his new Icadcr than he did with his prcscnt onc As was saying thcy do have that great scnsc of the ridiculous ltlfltLAItl problcins Queens park Tox cutbacks Liberal oim By DON OIIEARN Thomson News Service TORONTO If as seems probable the New Democratic Party is going into decline and the Liberals are on the way to resurgen ce Ontario could end up with better political structure For three decades now this structure has been very wishywashy We have had three parties in the field but only the NDP has had any real identity of its own and this hasnt been sufficient The Liberals and the Conservatives have stood for essentially the same things There have been no clear lines of difference The essential appeal of the two parties has been we can do it better While the NDP though with some identity of its own has been simply too narrow It has concentrated on social problems and economically it has been practically barren This was perhaps not too had some 10 to 15 years ago when we were in an era of social de velopment But today when our most crucial problems are economic the part is simply outmoded LIBERAIS DRASTIC The Liberals have already shown that they intend to carve out for themselves position distinct from the onservatives In the recent election they focused their major attention on spending and cutting it down Historically this perhaps should be the Con servat ive position And to some extent it is in that the govern ment is following restraint program But indications have been that the Liberals would go much further From the attitude they have taken to date one can surmise that they would favor drastic revision of our present spending That they would take very cold look at all spending and efficiency and probably end up with fresh approach to governing IIOKE If this happens the public will be the bencficiary The voter will have distinct choice and not have to base his vote mainly on personal stature of candidates which has been largely the case in recent years And this of course will mean better politics and should mean better government In saying the NDI is going into decline in no way see the part as disappearing And this is good It is our social conscience And as such it has place Canadas story Wolfe won on plains By BOB llllll This is the anniversary of the battle of the Plains of brahain one of the most im portant in world history It was on Sept 13 1759 that Wolfe used commando tactics to get his troops onto the Plains of Abraham and defeated Montcalm The battle virtually scttlcd the future dcvclopincnt of North America although Montreal did not capitulate until the follow ing ycar One question that ariscs is could Mont calm havc avoided defeat if he had kept his trixips inside the fortifications of Quebec rather than having them fight decisive bat tleoutsidc Gcn Murray went out the following April when Gen Levis tried to recapture Quebec and was defeated but managed to get the sur vivors of his army back inside thc for tifications He held on there until early May when units of the Royal Navy arrived and Levis had to withdraw Again in 1775 the Americans surrounded Qucbcc in Novcmbcr but Gov tarletons deputy apt raniahc kclt his troops inside the fort The position was Iicld until the Royal Navy lifted the siege the following May Ilindsight indicates that Montcalm might have avoided dctcat if Iic Iiad forced Wolfe to attack the fort There were oiin few wccks left bcforc thc ships would have to leave the river or else tlicy would have been frozen thcrc for the winter If Wolfc had not bccn successful in I759 would the Iiritisli havc inadc aiiollicr cffort to capture anada Ihc conisc of world history coilld have been grcatly dilfcrcnt if Itrancc had bccn able to rctain nada tlllllIlt SIIIT III IIIIf IS liftt adillac was appointcd govcrnot of lAtlIlSlilIltl fiat Montcalm Iicld council with Indians at arillon I775 Itcncdict Arnold lcd tlic American or my Itoln Iloston to capt urc Qucbcc no IIclcgiapliscrviccopcuul Istizi Montrcal Iicsbytciy found Irofcssor anipbcll guilty of licrcsv bible thought Jesus saith unto Iiiiii am the way the truth and thc life no man coniclli unto the Father but by me John Illi Jesus is thc way to ctcrnttl lifc and any dctour that we make for oursclvcs will only lead to dead cnd Ask Iliiii boldly now to bless yott with Ilis presence and He will llchold stand at thc door and knock it any man will open the door will comoin

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