Twenty1h yearold Olga Schniaracove of Prague is stranded in Toronto after the 71yearold Ieeh doctor who hired her as nursecoinpaiiioii was arrested in Toronto on charges of Iraud and false pretences The couple had travell ed halfway around the world before the doctor was arrested for writing had cheques Photo Arrest of companion leaves woman stranded TURUNIU tPI re 25year old woman was stranded here alter police arrested her 74 yearold tzechoslovakian travel companion on charges ot fraud involving cheques given to hotels and airlines Olga Schwarzmva answered travelcompanioii ad vertisement in txechoslovia and travelled to Honolulu Van couver and Toronto with John Karsten of Prague described as being psychiatrist Police took the woman who speaks very little English to the Salvation Army on Friday and said it is up to the army or the Czechoslovakian consul to help her get back home Through an interpreter she said In an interview that they flew to Toronto because she wanted to see Niagara Falls which they visited week ago They planned to return to Prague after visiting New York ity and Switzerland the for mer bank clerk said Judge asks ministers to make rights clear NItllil Il Federal court ot anada iudge has asked Justice Minister Ron Bastord and NiIlCIIUIELillElilI ITillllh Fox to clarity the legal rights of prisoners Justice ollier accused the federal justice department ot staging distasteful spec tacle before him In the case of federal penitentiary prisoner who is suing the department and representing himself in the action Jean Watchuk justice de partment lawyer told Justice tollier his request will be re layed to the two federal minis tors The case involves Jack Iiir ton lagrath serving nine year term for trafficking in her run He Is suing the Justice de partment because It ordered his transfer from Agassiz Moun lain prison east of Vancouver to the British olumhia peniteir tiary in nearby New West minster Such cases are normally hanr dled through grievance proceA lures within the prison When the case began in July Watchuk told Justice ollier that the justice department had instructed her to oppose Mctiraths right to represent himselt Justice oIIier said he wan ted ministerial ruling on whether penitentiary prisoners have the right to take grievan ces to IVII cotirt and represent themselves In Federal Court Magrath has called other prisoners to testify and has caused num ber of senior anadian Peniten tiary Service officials to spend time in court MIDHURST COLLEGE Are you thinking about UNIVERSITY IN 78 You can qualify in Feb by taking Grade 13 now at Midhurst College Compete grade thirteen semester course starts Sept ends Feb 78 ï¬tihburst College MIDHURST ONT LOL 1X0 705 726 9685 But Watchuk said the depart ment was not prepartxl to pay costs of transport mg Magraths witnesses who were subpoe naed and granted releases on writs of habeas corpus trom the institution to the court hear QSIIRJEIWT ANNOUNCEMENT BRUCE ASHE The appointment at Mr Bruce Ashe as General Sales Manager of the Sarieant Co Ltd is ann0unced by Mr John Piliot president Mr Ashe has been with Sarieont since 1971 as marketing manager ol the readymix concrete diviston Lh Journalists on CIA PGYIOII Kings Men reporter claims NEW YORK tAPl Former Washington Post reporter arl Bernstein says in an article for Rolling Stone magazine that more than 400 US journalists secretly carried out assign ments for the Central ln telligence Agency lAi during the last 35 years The article scheduled for ptihlication let said US journalists were used to help recruit and handle foreigners as agents to acquire and EYE OF STEAKS ROUND ROUND OR RUMP ROAST BONE IN PORK BUTT ROAST FRESH MAPLE IIIl specials WIENERS REG ALL BEEF BOLOGNA VARIETIES 16 oz COOKED HAM OZ PACK BREAOED SAUSAGES 16 01 out SAUSAGE 16 oz MEAT LOAF CHUNKS 79 CRYOVAC RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS 120 PACK HEINI TOMATO SOUP 1001 BABY r0005 NON MEAT 4V2 OZ CARNATION COFFEE MATE BONUS PACK POSTS HONEY COMB CEREAL 400 GR HABITANT SOUP PEA VEGETABLE 14 01 CORN 12 OZ NIBLETS GREEN GIANT ED SMITH GARDEN COCKTAIL BATHROOM TISSUES MARLBORO ROLL OT JUG OR BAG WITH THIS COUPON LIMIT PER COUPON BRANDED BEEF SALE BONE WING PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN PRIME RIB STEAK STEAK 118 98 LB 89 119 99 89 109 1301 389 289 2301 69 FRESH MILK BEATRICE OUALITY CHECKED evaluate information and to plant false information with of ficials of foreign govern ments Many of them reported to CIA offices abroad and others pro vided information to the CIA upon returning home from for eign assignments the magazine said It said some lulitizer lrizowinning jour nalists columnists and network correstxindents had CIA con nections $1 SIRLOIN TIP EYE OF ROUND AND CUBE MINUTE PORK BUTT BREAD MARGARINE ORIOLE SOFT TUBS 16 01 100 VEG OIL SUGAR WHITE LANTIC KG PEANUT BUTTER vSOIWARTl LB JAR GARBAGE BAGS GLAD 26136 20 PACK JOLLY MILLER ORANGE CRYSTALS POUCH PACK 108 BONELESS POT ROAST CHUCK ROAST CHUCK STEAK CHOPS LB 69 77 199 199 299 99t PLUS 106 deposit The article said CIA records show that highlevel editors publishers and broadcast offi cials placed agents with no journalistic training on their staffs and directed members of their staffs to supply informa tion to the agency News organizations tacted Sunday denied allegations as they con the have denied similar allegations in the past The article said CBS the New York Times and The Inc were by far the most valu able in providing information to the CIA CBS chairman William Paley provided cover for CIA employ cos the magazine said gave the agency access to the net works newsfilm library pro vided unaired newsfilm to the agency and allowed reports by CBS correspondents to moni tored by the CIA CBS News president Richard Salant was quoted as saying that in February 1961 he got phone call from CIA man who said he had working rela tionship with former CBS News president Sig Mickelson said no on talking to the reporters and let them see broadcast tapes but no out takes This went on for num ber of yearsinto the early 705 IT is BECAUSE OF THE MEAT THAT OUR QUALITY AND PRICE ARE HARD To BEAT COMPARE AND SAVE YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID FRESH REGULAR GROUND BEEF ROUND BONE 204 GM 23 FRESH BRAISING RIBS SWISS KNIGHT 905315 CHEESE y0oz 01 PACR MAPLE LEAF BONELESS PORK CHOPS lOIN AND RIB MIXED 810 PACR AND RINSES 50 ML KOOL AID ROBIN HOOD PRE SWEET oz MAKE 40 01s PACJtzo lBS TOMATOES CANNED 28 Ol PANTRY BRAND CANNED POP SEVEN UP CANADA DRY 583 SHORT RIB ROAST PORK SHOULDER 88 SUAVE SHAMPOOS FLOUR ALL PURPOSE 289 57 CUT CUT BONELESS 58$ CANADA NO BRUSSEL SROUTS TUBS 98 ONTARIO No LARGE 138 99 319 SEA BROOK PEAS LB POLY PEPSI CRUSH 24x10 01 399 NO SPLITS SENIOR CITIer EVERY ITEM SOLD Will SHOPPING AT ABM 100 EVERY WEDNESDAY SATISFACTION DISCOUNT GUARANTEEO 0R on All PURCHASES MONEY CHEERFULLY UP To $4000 REFUNDED PRIME RIB ROST CdROSS RIB CELERY ONIONS FANCY 59 99t CASE 12 32 Ol FRENCH FRIES 38 AUNT 10 OZ LI 33 CAIquIOWER CANADA No SNOW WHITE 12 COUNT 289 to FISH CHIPS ORANGE 69¢ WAFFLES JEMIMA SUPER DISCOUNT IFOOD MARTS We reserve the right to limit to average family needs Put Pierre on finance Kierns MONTREAL CF Eric Kierans former Liberal cabinet minister in the Quebec and federal govern ments says Prime Minister Trudeau should become finance minister as replacement for Donald Macdonald The major problem of the prime minister at this point is to get the economy going Kierans said in CBC radio interview broadcast Sunday new minister of finance wont turn the economy aroundit would be much better if the prime minister became his own minister of finance IIERRII lltllHCAl finance minister CROSS RIB BONELESS CHUCK BONELESS L3 STEW MED GROUND Pltollllgl ORANGES 893 £335 99 FROZEN FOODS SS KENT OT BASKET 499 JUICE CONCENTRATE 16 Ol TIN 59F CHAPMANS ICE CREAM 2LITRE ASST ELAVOURS STORE HOURS ANGUS Open Sundays 11 mm pm Monday to Saturday OnI to 10 pm 424541 BARRIE 41 Essa Rd Monday to Saturday mm to pm Thurs Friday till pm 7266831 159 593