the examiner fisatlimyiSoptornbor 1977 By HOPE DEMPSEY Examiner Staff Reporter Learning how people in dif ferent parts of the world live can be an interesting ex perience as Bell Canada repairman Bill Doherty of Barrie fotiiid out Doherty recently returned from spending three and half months in Saudi Arabia lie was one of five members from Simcoe County who represented Bell Canada worked for ARAMCU an AmericanArabian oil Evan thotigh Doherty had done some back grouiid read ing before he went he wasnt prepared for the vast cultural difference One of the first things he had to get used to was tlte weekents in Saudi Arabia The weekend there is Thurs day and Friday SIX DAY WEEK We worked six days week to hours day from am to pm It gets dark so early there about 330 iii company which hired 17 And theres is nothing men frotn Bell anada to tiiticlt to do after work he work and train their said Alcohol is against the employees law in Saudi Arabia If you worked at test centre where repair calls would come in We Worked in the are caught drinking yott get six months injail Doherty found lot of the main telephone dispatching Arabian customs different building testing lines and from North American and were also sent otit to do hardtogetiisedto repairs The government in Saudi Our job was to help run Arabia is dictatorship the comintinications and therefore the lives of the pen telephone company The ple are run by the govern money was good aitd meiit Wotiieii are kept at thought the experience would home until they are ready to be worth it so marry then marriage is ar olunteered for them said ranged faf pt rnout of his stimmc Lipzfi Visit to Saudi Arabia was culture shock Doherty Wives are bought from the fathers man in Saudi Arabia can have up to four wives The women wear black robes and veils and are not allowed to drive cars Its against the law he said AOMMUDAIIUN Living accommodatiott aiitl food were provided for the men while in Saudi Arabia We lived in camp out side of the city said Doher ty The food was all American attd there was recreation rooiit where we could play ping pong and pool The oil company has television station but the government allows no adver tising on it There are fottr radio stations in Saudi Arabia btit everything goes off the air about 1030 pm except on weekends There is also weekly newspaper very rarely heard anthing about North America while was there said Doherty We could btiy European newspapers in in Saudi Arabia working to ylad to ho back in aiiatlatljxatnincr Photo English but none from the United States EXTREME llEAl Doherty found the extreme heat hard to take sometimes It was so hot the whole time was there says Doherty It was over 100 degrees everyday and so htunid It was so humid the Windshields would fog and so would my glasses We went swimming on our days off and the ocean was about 85 degrees The laws there are really something else says Doher ty Execution is used as pttiiishinciit for crimes If person gets caught stealing he gets his hand ciit off If you happened to be drunk and kill someone while driving youd be executed If youre caught with any drugs the penalty is 15 years in jail and no parole says Doherty As result the crime rate in Saudi Arabia is low STRONG RELIGION Doherty found people in Saudi Arabia to be very religious The religion there is Moslcm and he would often see people parked at the side of the road praying They are required to pray six times day Visitors to Saudi Arabia are not allowed to take pictures of the temples or mosques or the women The people there are lazy says Doherty We were brought over there to train the men and they werent really in terested in learning Where we do about eight to ten repairs day they would do three It was very frustrating sometimes LUIUFHUIJI Most people in Saudi Arabia work tor the oil com pany But there are lot of merchants too Itobcrty said There IS lot of gold there and its cheaper than here There is so much oil there that when they drill tor water they get oil says Doherty The I2tllt£lll are trying to get program together right now so they can purity the sea water for drinking And gas there IS on ly Ilcents agallon The wealth in Saudi Arabia is kept to thc cltte says ltohcity The cities are modcrn and with totir storey apartment buildings The niccst building there was the unnersity Ihe goyettttticttt will pay for the education of anyone who wants to go to lnivcrsi ty thcrcor tIIIttLlIlIttlSl nd the goycrnmcnt pays tor lIlttlIttl and drug caicf hcsaid Its hard to tell who are the wealthy and who are the poor becausc they all dress llit sattic llowcycr did sec pcoplt liying III tents lit the lestrt lhcdriycis are cray too The pcoplc driyc Itttlttll cars and pass on the right and the left Also they lcaw thcir wrecked cars every where my Iioliiity Its practically all desert thcrc and saw lots of camels ttttoyctl the cxr pciiciicc btit am glad to be back hcsaid Church topic of meeting If In iicd ltc piiipo ol tt pining that all tilllt oigoniiition lua Ian ltfl it iariil llf attciidcd eluding rcprtywrito parishes David Siniti chairman wt tn hind pctn mentiond titpicntly aintaw picnwtt Illtlttltj icr 11 iiittcitiiitting oi the Inc ollcicd to thc coiiiinunit inot known Vic haze iktd llltIti It conic and Itltlilll thc iicwts ol the coininunit as thcj wedding albu rlcni JIH ptop ot paw ant Iilft llt wz Sandra Florvmc Halor daughter of Mr and Mrs Stewart Fisher of itroud and David Roy all non of Murray Hall and Mrs Gladys all of liiirric WIH married July 21 at St James United Church Htroud Following wedding trip to algnry Lake Louise and ltnnfi thi mupp and in LmdML Steingard Photo tbcin thc xci viccs tlicy providi and to help iii any way llicy can to catabliuli ltttltt ccs available tothccoiiiinumtj In an wci to question lltlllt Iithci lconud Mathy ot St Main touch is to whether the dances ol thc churchs would bt listed in catalogue llthcl tlttton who is on thc id oi coiiiiitittcc of tlic scry icc said they would be included along with church directory The directory states what llllIlilS arc available now his will include what services hey have tooflcr The library has more tittrtcs than tlic community ias rcalicd and this is an at tempt to mine thosc rcroui lllllttll liAYtARlI Earl tireg associate pastor it Fric Methodist huicli told thc group his church was operating the Tiny Tot Day are tcntrc which they pur chased in May We took it our because we saw it was dcfiiiitc need in tlic community It was done mainin as community service not as church operation The centre takes children from two to five years old is non denominational and is not subsidised by the government Urig says there is real need for more of this type of centre in thc tityof Harrie Wlxll lltllt wcie govern inint giants available because Im surc more churches would opcii siiiiilai centres llci said Tiny Tots has had to turn people away since they have iii children at present and lltth numbci will increase to 48 Wltllt capacity on Sep tcinbci Rev John Spccrs of Trinity Anglican Church suggested that someone approach the iriic Ministerial Society and ask thcm to do study on the need for day care centres in ltarrie tlitf Spence of other Sticci United thtirch identified Ladies olfce llrcak as one of the services provided by his church It otters the chance for ttiotlicrs of toddlers who irc staying at home to get out and havi some adult conversation There is babysitting service at the same time It has proved extremely popular and is held one day week Spcncc said he tell the church was closer to people who need help and cotild possibly identity people in need before they are desperate It people who come to chur ch regularly stop coining then we know they ltkcly arent going anywhere Ethel tlitton pointed out that the church is usually the last link Willi the elderly and the sick MARRI tilil IItIIlrItllt lilllltl Malley informed the group of the Marriage lreparation cottrsc which his church runs for couples con tent ilating marriage far it has been for people of the Catholic faith btit it soon may be unrestricted The com so covers many nonsecular subjects such as budgeting commtinication civil law sexuality parenting and the sexuality marriage ceremony in our church Francis Lightlmurn Director of the Anglican Resource en trc stated that she has list ol courses on various subjects being oiterett oy cnurcnus in the area Father Malley also spoke about his churchs St Vincent Dc Iatil store and service of lcred to the needy heers Its arl llolmen lircwmaster for arlsberg Beer llolmtn says he loves promoting Tarlsherg Beer in unadm and spoke to the Barrie lluronia Rotary lub this week llolmcn is from openhugen Denmark and makes iit leth six trips to anada each year Examiner Photo Brewmaster Holmen speaks to Rotary Club To millions of tanadianx arl lloliiicti is celebrity And signing autographs at the tanadian National Exhibi tion this week is only part of his duties as ltiewinastcr for arlsbcrg Itccr llolmcn was in Harrie ltttttt ly and sptikl at meetingot the Itarrie IIuronia Rotary ltiti Everyone knows me hayc signed thousands of autographs this week and am hereto pio motetarlsbcrg beer ltt said lloliiicn I1l aiiada at least six times year to pro mote lllS product llc liycs III toixnhagcii Itcnmatk wimi licsnot trayilliiig In his sptctll to the Rotary lttb llltlltltlt gayc binf the his history of Brewery and them The brewery started III anada with tirlingt Jchtc in Itth whcrc they used Alberta is test market In September of 1971 it wa started all over southern ttti taiio Today arlsbcrg Iticr Is productti and sold in siy ana than pioyinces and in othci titlllllit like Africa Malawi typitisandEngland llolcttiii tmds his iob his cinating He spends lot of his lIIttI doing radio ind tclcyisiori ttitcryicws and has done oytr loo dittcreiit tttlItlIttllIith tor ltlllltll arlsbcrg woik yvith He has travelled across anada to appear at the algary Stampede Klondike Days in Alberta the Quebec Winter armval and the NE in Toronto The original arlsbcrg Brewery was founded in 1347 in tttptllltiltltli by Jacobson Irofits from the brewery go to help arts and science in hen mark The arlsbcrg liter made in tanada is the some as the European betr says Ilolmen The only dittercncc IS the bit lttlttS The tanadian beer is he bitter because the amount ot hops used is redticctl lint the illttllltlllt contcnt isthcsimc people and places pcra inild The lutItIt and District Branch of the anadian Hpcra titltlll hold study sesszon for two operas Dom larols by Verdi and Daughter of the chuiicnt by ltoinictti loycc Laiigtord ill conduct the study session Sunday bcgiiintni at Ito at the tiroic Iark lloliit ook Strch Angus Registration Registration for the Angus tittidcs Brownies and Ramtcrs Will be held Sept at iii in the laons Ilall Angus lcidci for Brownies and Rangers iic also needed If interested con tact the district comiiiissionci ttt l2l Iritifi Senior itilciis The Hell Ewart senior citiens will begin their meetings for the new season on lticsday at Ito III at the Bell Ewart ommuntty cntic There will be tlltlllt games tiic same day at it orrcction typigiaphica crior up peaiod in Mrs lt is chibalds rccipc tor Vine Iotitut take which ippiarcd on Page of lhc liaminer tool lhc llISt two ingrniicnts should read 25 cups tittttttlttctl sugar and cups ltttttIIIIIL In Mrs Itltllltltl recipe for with old Vatci Molasses tikc which appeared oi the same page the baking tltlt is II minutes Milli Birthday Mrs Icail tiishop ot lainswick celebrated her tttth birthday Friday with gathering of tainin and tiicnds at the Sheba Shrine tcntrc at the corner ot John and Anne Streets lltltllt tiom across tanada and the titted States ittcnded Mrs Itisliopwas born in ttttawa on Sept MIT She has liycd in Suncoc ouiity off and on for number ot years Volunteers Volunteers trc needed for the Sunnypark Nursery for Him dicappcil hildren held weekdays ill the basement of Icntral lnited httrch Iot details telephoni loyce Dob son iJt vino hoir Auditions of prospccttvc mcmbets for the King Edward thotr will be held Sept it at in at tentral lollegiatc The choirs regular season will lcgttiScpl litlltttsls irc held every Monday night at todrington Street School Those interested may contact Morley ahcrt at 2a am or liltklllllt Mclxnie at no 1339 III the evening or Ruth luri iy it 728 1ITtt3 during tlitlday Oro Township flower show attracts over 400 entries Flowers plants and vegetables of all kinds tilled illlllllt ommunity Ilall Wixlnestlay as the ttro Town ship Horticultural Society held its late Summer show ltoli Mason ot lendlcys Flowers was the judge lit the senior division there were il different catagorics with itLtt entries Rest design of the show went to Wendy Iratingaaril of Edgar IlESI SllltlMlIN lllttttl Rest spcciinan bloom and winner of the Royce Martin trophy was Iatil aldwell ol Shanty llay Rest design by senior lllltll was Mrs taldwelloftttithrie Itcst design by novice was won by Mrs Norma Ilandy of Dalston and overall highest point winner was Ieaii Sainp soiioltliithiie lit the junior division there were 27 exhibitors and 13a en tries In the six to seven year old class Nancy Livingston ot Shanty liay won best exhibit and the most points with her table centre piece Mark Kratisewitl of llawke stone won in the eight to ten years class winning most points and best exhibit for his cookie creat tire In the It and over class Titer Johnston of llawkestoiie won iest display and the most points Willi her tray of vegetables The ro Township Horticultural Society held its late summer iihow Wednesday at the tiutltrie oiititiunity teiitre Bob Mllttttll of Fendleys Flowers in lhirrie as the judge The plttl in flowers and Vegetables were judged in the morning and were on display for the public Wednesday eyeiiing Examiner lhoto 4mm Says answer was bomb Dear Ann Landers didnt care for your nonanswer to the man who must have had computer under his pillow He complained because he wasnt getting enough and had it figured down to the decimal point Your hackneyed shortsighted suggestionsomething about new nightgown or change in scenery for the night motel was bomb By my calculations in the 25 years weve been married my husband and have had sex approximately 10000 times can say honestly enjoyed it about 1500 times We now average four times week and still he whines Its not enough WHY Im not that sexy Neither is he And were not all that much in lovenever were Its simply that hes piga greedy child who cant get enough of whatever is available Theres not nightgown or motel in the world that would turn me on but total man mightJill Who Is 42 And Still ounting Dear Jill As long as youre Still Counting take note of the fact that you married Jack when you were 17 years old At that age sex had to be the major attraction and ob viously your relationship never developed into anything deeper or more meaningful After 25 years with thepig you think maybe total man might turn you on Thats not much of marriage youve got there lady but you know it better than My sympathies to you both Dear Aiiii Laiiders work for the telephone company There is one day every month that is pure hell for me and the yyomen work with Maybe if tell you about it will feel ettcr IIelI Day is when we have to disconnect the phones of people who dont pay their bills We get cussed out called every dirty name in the book as if its our fault that these people make longdistance calls they cant afford or have more phones in the house than their budget can cover Why dont they understand that the phone company doesnt enjoy discontinuing their service The crazy part is that most of the people whose service is interrupted show up immediately and pay their bill Why couldnt they have come down and paid day earlier and saved lot of un pleasantnass have friend who works for the gas and electric com pany and they have the same problem over there Please Ann say word to your readers Not Allowed To Yell Back Dear Not cant think ot word to sayyouve said them all And very nicely too Dear Ann bought my fiance two shirts for his bir thday and embroidered his initials on the pocket The shirts are white for dress the initials are dark blue When he saw the initials he said What did you do THAT for Then he took razor blade and cut the initials off felt hurt Arc initials on shirts in good taste or notecdled Dear In my opinon initials on mans shirt areele gaiit if they dont belt you in the eye quarter of an inch high on the pocket is nice touch Erma Bombeck Montezuma II and gift shops Years ago swore off going to Mexico because had bio logical intolerance for gift shops The condition is called Montezuma Its revenge Few people realize this but there were two Montezumas Montezuma is credited with len ding his name to an urgency Americans refer to as the irecn Apple TwoStep Montezuma II is generally know as the patron saint of gift shops Both are unkind to foreigners With Montezuma IIs revenge Iwouldnt be in the country five minutes before got severe stomach cramps my righ band would stiffen into the shape of credit card my ste would quicken and Id rush out iitto the streets shouting£ uanto tiaiito Despite all my precautions on my recent vacation to Eu rope fell victim to the malady Sometimes early in the morning would leave my room and wander up and down sniffing the wind and saying smell gift shops Dont worry Ill just buy few cards and be back in time for lun My husband was less than sympathetic Will you get hold of yourself Remember youre on ship and the last port hcn oti tried to swim ashore you nearly drowned was woman obsessed bought head scarf that when worn in the rain gave me navy blue face bought toilet tissue holder carved otit of wood and held by man with one tooth bought keyrings flags patches and lefthanded lettcr opener made out of reindeer antlers After awhile couldnt sit on sightseeing has any longer than an hour or so before leaning over to the bus driver and saying Arent we going to make giftshop stop soon It is absolutely necessary hed plead Are you willing to take chance it isnt bought boxes of matches Tshirts paperweights pen nants ships in bottles small glass ducks corkscrews and rocks with the Lords Prayer on them bought moose for my charm bracelet cocktail apron three cheese slicers with ftir handles Spanish doll for my bed small chicken coming out of soapstone egg ash trays set of coasters linen calendar with months couldnt translate and wild boar cookbook hie night met woman with Montezuma Is Revenge roaming the dcck ate the lettuce she said miserably Whats your excuse spent it Shower curtair can be fixed llIR lttll lv plastic shower curtains hayc ripped iiglit through the holes so now have lot ot loose curtains ls tltcrc quick and lasting way to ll this MARtit DEAR MARGO suggest that you apply strip of wide adhesive tape on the back of each curtain Place just beneath the original holes and carefully bring torn edges together on the top Smooth tape on with cold iron after it is in place and you will be sure every bit of the tape fits snugly against the curtain POLLY DEAR IIl sprinkle of salt on too sour grapefruit is far better than more sugar ME an MD DEAR lttII When packing for trip slip my shoes in plastic bags that bread comes in and find this is an ideal way to keep dirty soles trout touching clothes DOROTHY DEAR PULIA Apartment livmg necessttates finding storage space for variety of things and would like to pass on couple of discoveries have made Stackable plastic vegetable bins wdl tit into small space and can be added to when more space is needed store my food grinder cook hooks plastic lids extra pot holders etc in them Where to put recently acquired double burger makci had me stumped until thought ot the oven That has proved to be an ideal storage place along With ceramic baking dishes that were stored on shelf way above my head Rowevet word of caution goes with this Put small piece of masking tape across the oven burner swuch as reminder to remove the oven contents before turning it on have only two kitchen drawers so silverware goes in one and other necessary small items in the other Things like measuring spoons cookie cutters and the like are kept in two twopound cheese boxes on they do not get mixed up with the large spoons spatulas cl kept in the saitte drawer have no drawer for dish towels so put them in plastic bag that is kept in tile linen closet tt these have eased the annoyance ot having too little stotaei space lINA HEAR ltlll ll tltc lady who has trouble fastening do back stipporters on her girdle Will lie flat oit lici back on tlu bed they Will then Listen as easy is file tiont ones ill stin ding Rtll ItllAR lttlJA laid my pii lttlltl woiks gimi picssing ciuiiihs in pie tilts ind loI patting down Itttkli tliylul when making bars or holes KATHRYN Ilyl