Archbishop of Canterbury Most Rev Frederick Coggan right leads dignitaries along Bloor St in Toronto this week to chur ch where he was preacher to overflow crowd of 4000 at ser Points to ponder Celebrating 100th anniversary of college vice marking the 100th anniversary of Wycliffe College The spiritual leader of 60 million Anglicans throughout the world had been professor of New Testament at Wycliffe Wirephoto Word of God truth window By DOROTHY KILRLRN Lack of wisdom wears many masks but the most iii sidious and damaging to our society is the mask of in telligence For many years our university students have been taught the philosophies of Kant Hegel and Freud who claim that there are no absolutes One cannot say that such and such thing is true or falseright or wrong it all depends upon how one feels about it Today we have those who have been indoctrinatcxl with theSe concepts taking places of responsibility and in fluence in our society lawyers judges teachers and politicans The result is just what we are experiencr ing lack of justice in our courts resulting in frustrated police force vacillating censorship and lack of forthright evaluation in our educational system which has resulted in our children being taught iin inorality wider the guise of sex Cllltillltill To operate in the realm of morality without accepting previously established truths is to flounder as would space scientist who refused to concede to the laws of the universe already in opera tion like matlieinati cian who refused to accept the fact that plus equals The word of God is the win low through which truth which has been in existence since the world began is revealed Evil is evil and good is good and they are altered not one whit by how we relate to them Evil is adultery loinicar tion laseiviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred variance einulatioiis strife wrath seditious heiesics envy iiigs murders drunkencss and revelling ioodness is love joy peace longsufteiing gentleness goodness taitli ineekness temperance lalatianfi Iii132 The word of ittil says in Isaiah 530 Woe unto them that call cvil good and good evil But iod has promised glory honor and peace to every man that worketh good Romans 10 Computers play part in religion TEL AVIV AP The wis dom of Judaism recorded over the centuries as widely scat tered sages interpreted Jewish law is being inscribed elec tronically on magnetic discs in monumental marriage of tra dition and computer technology With 10 years of labor on the Responsa project computer scientists at BarIlan Univer sity so far have entered in the computer some 18000 questions of the total 250000 in the ltesponsa literature The Responsa is like case law said Dr Yaacov Ilioueka 40 director of the project It covers traditions of over 1000 years of rabbis proniiunceinents on all subjects of life The older questions in the Re sponsa often came from iso lated Jewish communities in Europe North Africa and Asia here local religious authorities were stymied by cont roversy They wrote letters to the currently recognized sages in Babylonia Spain or Palestine for ruling foinpiled in separate volumes starting in the eighth century and continuing today the Itcsponsa contributed mightin to the development of the ct hical precepts of Judaism and helped to unify Jews in one way of life no matter where they lived RtltiN FOR RESEARCHERS lo todays scientist the Re sponsa can be storehouse of information for all kinds of re search including history sociology linguistics business and of course Judaica Choueka said The problem is that there is no index You would have to look through 3000 books to find what you want Thus all this information14 million words of unadulterated text so faris keypunched into the computer memory so that it can be pulled out again in sytematic way The program now can scan the whole input looking for word or key phrase said Choueka an immigrant from Egypt whose specialty is infor mation retrieval More than 400 searches have been made of the material in the computer linguist for example asked about the usage of the Hebrew phrase mikol makom meaning however In less than minute the computer produced page and line references that would per mit the linguist to compare the usage of Rabbi Moses Ben Nachman who lived in 13th century Spain with that of Rabbi vadia Yosef the present chief rabbi of Israels Sephardic community Other queries have involved marriage divorce widowhood business practice and religious ritual Am Wlfr the examiner Saturday Septenvbor 1977 Collier Street United Church Barrie Central FAITH MISSIONARY 229 Crawford Street Barrie Minister Rov Woyno Comm 7268750 945 am Family Sunday School 1100 am Morning Worship 700 pm Evening Worship United Chas Buon Avenue United Church 37 Burton Avenue ALLANDALE GRACE Grove St Eon at Cool St MIIIISTEI REV ARTHUR STOREY Wednesday pm Bible Study Prayer Friendly Welcome Awaits You 1000 am Morning Worship THE GREAT LABORER Li $415 1r MORNING WORSHIP 1000 om Next Sunday Sept 11th at 1030 am Super Church for children Free Birthday Coke will be given to Christian Science 312 yrs of age Sermon everyone present THESONWW mm 50081 Central Collegiate Auditorium om Pt 76 00790 Nomecomhg Sorios1 one 011187 Street Barrie Nursery Core Provided of Ngrsery 1000 helium filled Urc erVice 09 BIVICB balloons will be EVERYONE IS WELCOME The Friendly Fellowship Sunday School EXPEOED To Ann released following the morning worship TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month p1h Reading Room open Tues Thurs 24 pin Thurs 30 930 pm Tel 726 1602 Special Speaker Russell Anderson 111 Multimillionaire businessman for anyone in Barrie Area Ph 7262676 Dr Rynord MP Simcoe North United Church will brin word Ross and Toronto Streets sword the Lord and greasbtingss MWISTERS special Music by fConldoronc speaker co REV DONALD JAY BA BD The Inspiration mo itsAnderson REV EVERITT ASHTON BA Serving Your Cli c°°9° °w° eoes urc Summer worship Toronto and dynamic Everyone is Welcome Invites You To Bring Your Friends Celebration of Worship Needs Services this Sunday 1000 am 700 pm Earring mantis Church 323 Little Ave Loroy Ponnell Portor IOOOam FREE METHODIST CHURCH Meditation All Who labor Rev Joy 200 we 5mm Soloist Miss Nola Knopp 7281497 7265896 945 am Sunday School 1100 am Morning Worship Childrens Church 730 pm Evening Service Nursery facilities available Welcome To ChristCentred Fellowship Barrie Serving You Your Community Esso Rood United Pentecostal Church we51m19 Presbyterian Church St Andrew Presbyterian 59 km Rd Timothy Christian School my pm Freshman Own Church at Burton Ave 49 Ferris lone Sunday School 1000 am Morning Worship 1100 am EVERYONE WELCOME For further information 7282353 PASTOR MARTIN Roy EorI Grigg Dir of Christian Ed SALVATION ARMY 60 Collier St Milllltt Rev Gerard Byloord 111 ORGANISI MR RA DIAMOND Sept llam MORNING WORSHIP Rev Darold McKillican CD EA BD MTh Owen and Worslcy So 170 Steel St neor Puget MINISTER PAUL MILLS INTERIMMODERATOR REV ERIC BEGGS BD ORILLIA 10000111 MORNING WORSHIP Guest Minister Rev William Middleton Cornwoth Scotland 7283794 Carps Officers 7261595 Lt Mrs Seniscol 945 Christian Education Hour For bus pickup call 7283794 1100 Holiness Meeting Rolling the Old Chariot Along or Stuck in the Mud 700 Evangelistic Meeting Church Growth or The Numbers Game Nursery Provided Wednesday 730 pm Bible Study and Prayer 11 AM MORNING WORSHIP CllLHt Ii Si lltltil IUI Children up CUNDlES HEIGHTS CHURCH At Cundles Heights Public School yecii age Infant Nursery All Wllt11t Nursery Facilities Available Ivoryoiie Welcome to Christ tieoiroti Ministry All visitors welcome Church School resumes next Sunday Sept 11 am Worship Service and Sunday School welcome awaits you at the Army Rev Jock Ritsorno Tel 7373055 St Giles Church 95 Cook St Barrie Hiway Imlccoslal CHURCH Trinity Church Collier St next to Post Office TRINITY XIII St Georges Burton and Granville SERVICES 950 AM EXCITING no bwguiou 00 am Holy Communion Summer rvi Them 11AM WORSHIP game 9001 r0303 wom Church 220 Steel Street Barrie with Pastor Running PM EVANGELISM PRAISE SERVICE Choral Eucharist Service our 805 MINISTRY IS PICKING up St Thomas Midweolr Eucharist Worship Service 1100 am Sunday School REV JOHN KLEIN Pastor For free transportation to and from Sunday School coll us at 7280720 with Pastor Howard Shanty Bay SERVICES 1030 am MORNING PRAYER All Welcome Rector Rev Kayo BA Tuesday pm Thurrdoy1030 am Rector The Rev Spears CIopperton Worsley MINISTER REV RAY WALDOCK 10 AM Guest Speaker Christian lifestyle Wednesday pm Faith Fellowship Hour At the Heart of Some With Barrie at Heart INNISWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH Hwy 11 iust South of Little Ave Pastor Rev Lockhart Phone 7280719 Sunday 1030 am Morning Worship Wednesday pm Family Night Bible Study and Prayer Bible Teaching Believing Church There Is Difference Everyone Welcome EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 120 St Vincont Strut Barrio Ontario This LABOR DAY WEEKEND remember JESUS said Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and will give you rest WORSHIP WITH US 945 am Bible Clones for all ago 1100 am Morning Worship Service 700 pm Evening Family Hour BACK TO SCHOOL AGE ACTIVITIES BEGINNING Christian Service Brigade Pioneer Girls Young Peoples College Careers Pastor Rev Frank Wuost 7283017 Christian Education Director Gord Marquis