Meditation course coming this fall course designed for those wishing to learn how to meditate is being offered local ly this tall at no charge The eightweek intrtxluctory session entitled Meditation and Personal Growth will provide instruction in number of dif ferent meditation techniques drawn from ide variety of sources leehniques range from use of mantra and mandala throuin various breathing and VISllilIlitlltin techniques all of which have been studied and practiced by the instructor under the guidance of inedrta mldhurst by Mrs Nash 7289565 Mrs Thompson and daughters ol ochrane renewed old acquaintancts Ill Midlinrst Mr and Mrs Everett Itugnian spent the Hthtlltl in Haliburton at Mrs Itugnians brot hens eott age Sympathy ot this community is extended to the friends and relatives of the late Mrs llarry tiilison ho was buried in IIlimalerecently lleased to report that Harrie Stantielrl is progressing quite tavoialil III Richmond Hill Hospital He epects to he lioinesoon llnltlren rennnd your parents the Sunday Sept it at Haiti is ially liaek Sunday at linted lnnet Sunday School this is diplonn year so lets tune head stat lniiser is prov til Im tin tiilr1is Mrs tlenients of Richmond Hill is isiic nh lr and Mrs Itltl ltimnar this weeli limit torue thr Minesing ruled thnrwli Flume ititlhtllt salw or iiitlleithH tnrinlnre Eur rural is asked to give in an nint in help he cause It Will IN lltltl at Minesine torri intinzly trntre lenzitivi llatev Sep at 7p ii th intslim iHttltlLi till the UH ittllr II ItplfoIllllI at tn rnakv ar littliilili tor the Mirlhnrsl our lxi this is it ttilll mun =2 etznr Keep Satinday tic it lIIltt lorliisealaewn tion teachers in India Sikkim Burma and Toronto The course as whole is designed to provide the iii dividual with variety of methods for improving the quality of everyday life and fin ding personal fulfnllment says instructor Jack Williams Topics to be broached include reincarnation astral travel dreams the soul life after WW4 Mu death clairvoyance hiorliytlnn Atlantis and nature spirits Although there is no charge for the course registration will be limited to 15 permits on firstcome tirstrserved basis Those wishing to enrol should contact Williams at 7269954 for further information crossland Myrs Allen 3221339 Mr and Mrs Robert Thomas Iijtttl trip to Vermont US Recent visitors with Mrs Sam Allen were Mrs lotts Janet and Andrew of illiamsville Mr and Mrs Jack Marlin and gran daughter of Barrie Mrs Walter ontts and Audry of Stayner Mr and Mrs Mctlelland ol Kingston ere holiday gUests of Mr and Mrs harles Mcr lelland Mr and Mrs Vernian Boyce and fitttltl of Meatord were Sunday guests ot Mr and Mrs Atkmdllltl l0 irttk Alex Sliettard and tamin rians kissing began when then Mr and Mrs llarry loyston wanted to knou it their wives were Sunday callers 1th Mrs had been sipping vine and Sam llen tased their lips RUG RIOT Everyday Specials 10 off all remnants industrial Home Carpeting 73 72860 305 BLAKE ST Jack Duffy SIMCOE PLAZA DRINKING il Joe Harradine FREE $5 BOOKS OF WINTARIO TICKETS PLAY WINTARIO SWEEPSTAKES Eachtweeli the word Wintario appears in several of the advertisements on this feature Road the ads carefully clip the advertisements in which Wintario appears and forward your entry to The Wintario Editor The Examiner Each week draw will be made and winners notified Were Not Magicians But if we dont have it well try get it Troceys Auto Wreckers 7263487 Highway 90 between Iarrie and Angus can WEST END Aurogonv fï¬jn COMPLETE BODY REPAIRS 7265068 Alb Tiffin St CHAMPION moron HOMES jnuvrt mums usro umcmwu BYRONGRAHAM MOTORS ETD I20 BRADFORD ST 728 Obl BEITISH SERVICE PA cE YLNVEJ CULLINGFORD MOTORS 94A TIFFIN 7373440 Vlmim it SEAFOODS IM BLAKE 726937 NOT lOBSTER DINNER lb Lobllar lrcmh Erin CoII Ha ann I011 VESPRA VALLEY Heating Sheet Metal Dominion LIGHTNING ROD agent WWW 7280733 mousmmi CARPETING REMNANTS of all sizes IT It to Take Out Delivery my OrientOlGifts 53 com 7284823 smcorruu 737 7860 GREFIL GBRICK EASY TO USE MADE WITH THE DOITYOURSELFER IN MIND MASONRY surrnrs no HEAT It Looks Real Because It Is Real GlENBRAEud 7262321 11 Hwy 2647 HMInglAir Conditioning NorthatMidhurst I33 Grove 7289228 III RLE norm It TRY BEFORE YOU BUY Our beauty advisor will be there to ossrst you in shade selection teach you the latent makeup techniques or design comploxmn ram program just for you We look forward to seeing you soon BAYFIELD MALL Call and ask about our LENNOX Energy Saving 7264982 was BEA WINNER JAMROSS Pl ANTIQUES WINTARIO SWEEPSTAKES mm Gianarc and Ouch and THE EXAMINER Itr 4364013 Hwy II at Stroud HUGHES BATTERY SERVICE winnm INSPKIION $2295 EUllY GUARANTEED ll Vocpra St 7287822 CARRUTHERS RENTAll mm STEAK nous Lonstruction Industry OVERlOORING Households IEAUTIEUI us no Imrmmr DAY in our GREEN MACHINE CENSED DINING lOUNGE Lawn and Gordon lrbmnal tor lllormation and racorvanum can 7285198 moms POINT Wtritmto 97 Bradford Barrio veteran at giving That cup of coffee tastes good afterwards says Bill liemmon Barrie who gave his 52nd pint of blood this week Ilaeh ptrstill donating blood recede glass of pop before they gave and cup of tea coffee or milk and cookies after short resit was recommended before donors left the building total of til pints of blood were received this week at the twoday clinic the examiner Thursday Soptombor 1977 Recruitment nights for cadets The Grey and Simcoe Foresters army cadet corps will be holding information and recruitment nights Sept 8th and Se 15 at the Barrie Ar moury etween7and9pm Young men and women bet ween the ages of 13 and 19 and their parents or guardians are cordially invited to attend Per sonnnel will be on hand to answer questions about cadet training and other cadet ac tivities The aim of the cadet move ment is to offer to sector of Canadian youth program of personal and social develop ment based on military train ing and contribution to the qualities of good citizenship leadership physical fitness and service to the community and the nation The cadet movement also aims at stimulating the interest of Canadian youth in the maritime land and air elements of the Canadian arm ed forces and in the roles of the military in Canadian society These aims are strived for through program of pro gressive training gained at weekly parades from September through May in the TOWERS CORRECTION The Towers LEVIS LIVING ad which ran in Tuesdays Examiner advertises Levis Shirts at SII77aoair This should have read 51 77 each We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers Trust Towers to ma Sonllwmw iiiiii corps headquarters at the Bar rie Armoury and through weekend training exercises conducted at various Canadian Forces Military Bases Cadets are also eligible to at tend summer camps in various parts of Canada for periods of two to eight weeks These sum mer camps offer varied pro grams such as parachuting orienteering canoeing driving communications and preCiSion drilling Senior cadets have chance to attend summer training at Banff or at either of two special cadet courses in Britain NEW DIVISION TO SIMCOE DATSUN We at Slmcoe Datsun are pleased to an nounce the appointment of Cecil Moore as our new Lease Fleet Manager Cecil Is retired RCAF and Canadian Forces Pilot who has resided in the Barrie area for the past five years At Slmcoe Datsun were growing to serve you bet ter SIMCOE 549 Bayfield St