Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1977, p. 4

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Thursday August 25 1977 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 the examiner serving borrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Elio Agostini publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 72824 Ontario Liberals gaining attention With its improved position as Official Opposition the Ontario Liberal party under the leadership of Stuart Smith has been receiving more attention at Queens Park The partys enhanced place has given rise to hopes of supporters that it may become strong enough to gain popular favor in the next provincial election which should be three or four years ahead In this mainly Conservative area there are many with grave doubts about Liberal chances of comeback But the growing bureaucracy and sagging economy could create an atmOSphere where change might be felt desirable Usually it is the federal government which is the principal target for criticism over soaring unemploy ment inflation and high taxation but provincial govern ments too have their reSponsibilities as well Constituents usually feel that in democracy elected governments should be carrying out the wishes and pro tecting the general interests of the majority There could be great deal of change in attitudes during the next three or four years this depending largely on govern ment performance in the meantime Dr Smiths strong Opposition to regional government received due notice in this area Simcoe County coun cillors carried on vigorous campaign for years in suc cessfully opposing regional government against task forces and politicians who urged the change The results in other regional areas where taxes were increased more than here despite additional government grants would seem to indicate full justification for the countys position It is long time since Liberal government was in power in Ontario and Dr Smith has long way to go towards winning the backing needed for his party to again be victorious at the polls Some feel the Conservatives have lost ground during the last two elections because they havent been keeping in as close touch with the thinking of ordinary consti tuents as they should have But the fact remains that the Conservatives have been forming the government of the province since George Drew led the party in dethroning the Liberals away back in 1943 Since then they have won endorsement no less than nine times and Premier William Davis could very well lead them to their 10th victory in the next election But if Dr Smiths Liberals keep in close contact with peoples views they could make it the most interesting provincial election battle in years down memory lane 20 YEARS AGO IN BARBIE From The Examiner August 1957 The Imperial Quebec latest addition to the Imperial Oil Com panys fleet of transport tankers was launched at Collingwood shipyards It was announced the 6200 ton tanker would operate out of Imperial refinery at Sarnia historic plaque marking the site of the onetime Huron village and Jesuit Mission of St Ignace II was unveiled by Rev McCaffrey director of the Martyrs Shrine south of Sturgeon Bay on Lot Con cession of Iay township George Johnston MPP for Simcoe Cen tre represented the Ontario govern ment and Dr Wilfrid Jury spoke on behalf of the Archaeological and Historic Sites Board Lewis who has been superintendent of the Ontario Tree Seed Plant at Angus for three years was appointed assistant district forester in Sud bury Don Johnston pitched fourhitter to enable Thornton to Interpreting the news down Barrie Flyers to in the South Simcoe senior baseball league semifinals The Thornton team thus qualified to meet Ivy in the finals There was fine display of flowers at the annual flower show of Thornton Horticultural Society held at the Orange hall Leighton Clark captured the Barrie golf and country club championship by defeating threetimes winner Ar thur Powell three and two in the 36 hole match final Midlands Jean Wallace won the Simcoe County ladies golf tournament played at the Midland course with Betty Robinson of Collingwood second and Tillie Lambrick of Orillia third modern dial telephone exchange to serve the summer resort area around Honey Harbour was established The new Simcoe County home for the elderly opened at Penetanguishene was inspected by many visitors as well as county councillors and officials US and Cuba seeking to improve relations By AIIIY McKEINIIEIt WASHINGTON CI The United States and Cuba appear to be moving toward resuming diplomatic relations but both sides are aware the most difficult tasks lie ahead In recent months the two countries have reached agreement on fishing rights and ex tending an antihijacking agreement Numerous friendly gestures have been made including Cubas decision to free some US prisoners visits to the Caribbean island by American businessmen and politicians and the US decision to extend US travel rights of Cuban diplomats at the United Nations we want youropinion Something on your mind Send us letter to the editor Please make it an original copy and sign it We dont publish unsigned letters although pen name will be used upon request Include your address and telephone number because we have to verify letters but we wont print your address should you prefer Weve found that short letters are the best read Because of space limitations public interest and good taste we sometimes have to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the editor run Wednesdays amt Saturdays Send yours to letters to the editor lhe Examiner Box 370 Barrie Ont 14M 4T6 The most significant step so far occurs Sept when after ll years without diplomatic relations the two countries will exchange informal diplomatic sections working out of the other embassies Although President Carter and Cuban President Fidel Castro have expressed op timism that relations between the two coun tries will improve major compromises and changes of attitudes on both sides likely would be needed before longterm produc tive relationship can be achieved Perhaps the most difficult task for the US will be to accept the revolution that put Iasr tros Communist regime in power as authen tic and permanent After Castro took power in 1961 the US imposed trade embargo on Cuba and sup ported the Bay of Pigs invasion in an attempt to end the regime When those tactics failed the US Central Intelligence Agency plotted to assassinate Castro More recently the Nixon government at tempted unsuccessfully to prevent Canadian subsidiaries of US companies from making sales to Cuba FAVORS AIIIEII Castro has described tartcrs ad ministration as the first sincc the revolution that is not committed to policy of aggression and hostility toward Cuba But Carter while supporting improved relations has said Cubas unwarranted in trusion into the affairs of Africa and other nations would be prerequisite to nor malization BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlay city editor Randy McDonald sports editor Bill Curran county editor Bill McFarlane wlre editor Hope Dempsey lltestyle Rolt Kralker photographer RE PORTERS John Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pal Guerois Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sue Routlilte ADVERTISING SALESMEN Dan Gaynor Lyall Johnson Barb Boulton Dana Graham John Zarecky CLASSIFIED Lesley Younq Freda Stunner Karen Atkinson Peugy Chapell That love me Theq love me Thea love me Your business It VINCENT Eii Business and oiisuincr Affairs ualyst Ihoiiison News Sch icc When the federal budget was brought down by lhc finance minister larch II it was gen clally applauded as coiisirucliyc attempt to stimulate the economy and to correct tax abuses In the months that have elapsed since llicii however growing amoiiiil of dis appointment and evcn confusion about the thrust of the budget has dcvclopcd On April you remember it was widely anticipated that the market for tanadian stocks would improve substantially because of the change in the dividendtax lttlll that will starting in 10787 allow investors to retain much more aftertax incomc labout tWicc as much for person in Ontario who has 40 per cent marginal tax rate The doubling of the old $1000 limit on the amount of capital losses that may be used lo offset ordinary income in year and thc clusion of capital gains in the $1000 divulciid andintercsl echiption were also expected to encourage equity investment What liappcuwl instead was that prices of anadian stocks continued to slump throughout April and May burst of spec ulalivc interest in energy issues helped to start an uplicnd that peaked about month ago but since llicn the trend has again been irregularly lower Knowles 1414 ramblings Hy IIILI KNOWLES First and foremost my congratulations to both Examiner lily Editor Sean Finlay for his promotion to managing editor and to Dave Ilensliaw who is heading to British Yol umbia to take the smile position out there Both hch played very important part iii our community life in Barrie and area as the almost ultimate authority of what we will read in this daily newspaper that has been part of llarrie for many years Newspaper editors have great deal of influence and authority in community and the twu men referred to have handled their ItSpOllSlltlllly well personally have disagreed with the Err amincrs interpretation of what is going on number of times but most of us believe that no matter what we may think individually this newspaper has never suffered from lack of credibility and that is particularly important Both Sean and Dave will no doubt grow more grey hairs faster aiid their wives will see them less but thats the way it is in the newspaper game ONE LITTLE SIEI Thrice hath tried to give up smoking and thrice hath failed miserably So be it shall try again llut at least have reduced my con sunth ion of tar and nicotine switched to one of the mild cigarettes which am aware is no real rationalization of my inability to quit but feel that have taken one little step It really is quite signifi cant if smoker will switch My former brand of many years had 18 miligrams of tar and 12 of nicotine Now its 12 tar and nicotine Over year then have dropped 2190 mg of tar from my lungs and 208 mg of nicotine My mouth still tastes Len Sevick manager Ruth Blais supervisor BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowland Gail Mc Parland Vikki Grant CIRCULATION Jon Butler manager Linda Hallies asst manager Stew Royce Judy Hickey Alva LaPlante Elaine Porter Maro Scarti nmbae MW it will lakc more than mcoinc lax con cessions tocurc the markcls malaisc tlncol thcollicr blldgct carrots cxtcndcd to savers on iiiicildmciit that allows tax paycr of or oyer to elect whcllier Llllllllll lll come rothcl than from deferred incoiilc plan is treated as tllSltill income or as in tcrcsl income In the past turycarold taxpayer who had 51000 of nonregistered annuity income and $1000 of pension income had to treat both as pension income and was enlith to claim only the SI 000 deduction that is allowed on in come froin pensions That meant that pensioners who had no ad dilional income in the form of divulcnds and interest couldnt make useof thc$l000 cxem ptioii for such investment income In future they will be able to maximize the two types of deduction The finance department has been crit icizcd for the sweeping changes of March 31 in the personal income tax rules designed to close loopholes Many of those loopholes were created by the bureaucracy during the term of John Turner as finance minister inc widely publicized gave highincome spouse the right to establish Registered Re tircmcnt Savings Plan for the lowincome partner thus avoiding tax on the amount in volved and then have the lowrincomcs use dc register the plan and pay tax on The in comc at much lower rate Another loophole enabled spouse to make lousy in the morning though and my wife still yells at the filthy ashlrays leave around Smoking is stupid habit iOOIHiS MILEAGE Perhaps shouldnt use this column to pro mote product but with the Editors permis sion let me tell you about my Honda Civic Its 15 months old has 48000 miles on it Ive replaced the tires and one rear wheel hear ing get 38 miles per gallon in the summer in in the winter The EPA figures that talk about over 50 miles per gallon are lot of bull manure This car is used to drive at least 900 miles each and every week of the year at the speed limit or less most of the time Its not the best ride in the world and its noisy but its the only car fora person who wants to go lllc far thest for the least gas and the least maintenance As to holding its value know of person who just paid $2575 for the same car but one year older than mine Perhaps there are other small cars that can match the llondas mileage and per formance and would be glad to tell the readers about them also If you want to do something about the gas shortage buy Hon in or another car that performs the same have been enjoying the auction sales that are held throughout the count in the summer and fall My problem is the same as many want to buy everything The trouble is that will soon have to have my own auction to get rid of the junk have picked up guess my Wife has point when she questions what in tend to do with the twohorse hitch and wif fletrec that bought for $900last week There is major campaign being waged by ratepayers in the Toronto area to eliminate the use of aluminum wiring in the construe Published dailyexcept statutory holidays Subscriptions WE EK LY by carrier EAR LY by carrier SIMCOE COUNTY 53650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arising out oi errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error I5 due to the negligence of IIS servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability tor non insertion oi any advertisement beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement MOTOR THROW OFF ELSEWHERE IN CANADA $3850a year Sunday and 90cents Ho Montreal $39 year illeq love me rial lined love me nol llieq love me nol Move toastimulate economy bringing mixed reactions deductible annual contribution to liegis tcrcd Home Ownership Ilan even while living with spouse who owned home It was up parcntly being used as tax shelter by couples who had already established their hornetlwncrship long ago tritics point out that these had been rccognicd as tax loopholes from the moment that lolin Turner introduced them and that the finance department had never reacted to the frequent comments on the tax saving op ixutunitics both by professional tax prac titioners and journalists Then the budget abruptly closed the loopholes leaving high and dry those tax payers who had exercised their legal right to take advantage of them throughout the preceding two and half years Existing tax arrangements that were legitimate March 31 became illegimate April Other critics have complained that me budget wasnt sufficiently stimulativc in view of the slow pace of the economy in that score liowchr the verdict isnt in yet The finance minister did announce an ex tension of investmenttax credits measure of relief from corporate taxation on profits arising from the inflation of inventory values and new benefits for small corporal ions So far of course there hasnt been any noticeable upsurge in business activity as result of these incentives It takes more than five months however to achieve turn around in most industries Congratulations are extended to editors of The Examiner tion of residences They seem to have good case but they are having tough time getting it presented When consumer group has to fight the big companies its real tough battle the con sumer group seldom have the money to pre sent their case properly and the big boys have millions of dollars to fight them if they choose But many goliath has been felled by little David and we might hope that in the case of the aluminum wiring matter the Canadian Standards people and the Ontario llydro and the aluminum companies might admit they made mistake in allowing this type of wiring in homes The mistake could cost lives $60000 STUDY Concluding Ihe eneral proposals of the downtown core stu people are to say the least exciting Some of the examples they showed at the meeting last week were im pressive and their plans for downtown liar rie if completed would make this city an ex ample for all Canada The study is expensive amounting to $60000 when completed The people doing the study are ex iris aiid their ideas appear realistic Pub ic participation and input is an absolute necessity and the concerned citizens of Barrie and area should try to at tend the various open meetings And finally On October 14 at 2000 hrs the Silver Jubilee concert will be held at Central Collegiate If you have ever attended con cert you should attend this one There may never be anything similar again in Barrie Take my word for it The tomatoes all ripened overnight it seems so back to the canning preserving and chili sauce Guess thats30 for now The xaminer is member of The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau ol Circula trons tAeC Only The Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The xaminer The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper 546 90 Copyright registration number 203815 register MAW33 National advertising oioces as Queen St Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart st Queens park Change made by Robarts By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO It was Leslie Frost who star ted the practice of retiring from office while still strong so as to give the party vitality John Robarts readily accepted this prin ciple In fact while Frost stayed in for 12 years Robarts gave up power after only 10 and fought only two elections while Frost fought three TOOL LOOK Robarts could be described as the first of the new breed leaders George Drew and Leslie Frost the giants in the party before he took over were First World War veterans and had revived the PC party at the Port Hope conference in the 30s Robarts of course was out of the Second World War and didnt get into provincial poli tics until 1951 And with him he brought new style He was the cool advocate He weighed all sides of question and as private member wasnt rigidly restricted by party lines Loyal yes But still coming across as his own man PERSONAL STYLE And he brought new personal style to the house Instead of Old Man Ontario he was out of the London Hunt lub and the world of high commerce of that city He was reserved and mixed only with small handful of younger members He was lawyer But he also had taken business administration and favored management approaches as much as his law books When he got into power he liked to look on his government as management ad ministration SOIl SPENDING There will probably always be some con tention as to just how good the management actually was During the Robarts years we first saw spending beginning to soar But then again these were the years of social growth of expansion in education health welfare etc and spending was on the llll£lSA cycrywhcrc nc field in which Robarts was never par ticularly at home was the political one There was much about politics he didnt like He was fond of the chamber and the debate lhcrc But elmtionccring was another matter and he never did become completely at ease on the liustiiigs Canada story Trace rise of Aberhart By BOB BOWMAN Broadcasting came into general use in the 1920s but it was amazing how long it took polil ical leaders to realiw it power One of the first was William Aberhart highschiin principal in Calgary who also conducted weekly broadcasts for the Prophetic Bible Institute Aberhart became interested in Social Credit money thmrics and began introducing them in his broadcasts in 1932 By this time Canada and especially the Prairies was in the depth of economic depression and Aber hart soon discovered that he was building up apolitical following Oiin the federal government can make changes in the money system and Major Charles Douglas creator of the Social Credit theories warned that it was not possible for provincial government to carry them out Even so Aberhart formed Social Credit political party and won the provincial elec tion on Aug 25 1915 with 56 of the 63 seats in Alberta The party later led by Man ning continued in office until Aug 30 W71 Its success led to the creation of Social tredit government in British Columbia in 1032 and to strong representation in the federal House of Commons It might not be accurate to claim that Aberhart showed the way for political broad casting but he was certainly one of the pioneers Franklin Roosevelt used radio very effectively during the same years and Win ston Churchills broadcasts were the reatesf moraleIXmsters during the Secon World War Today of course most political leaders are call concerned abo th ir on firliavislon and try to uselbroa castlingagffec lively OIIIEII AUGUST 25 EVENTS l758A British forCc attacked French fort at talaraqui Kingston Out matGeneral Amherst captured hench Fort Levis above St Lawrence rapids on his way to Montreal bible thought Suhlnll yourselves therefore to God Iewlst the devil and be wlll flee from you lJamca 47 Say no to sin God will stand with you Greater ishe that is in you than he that is in the world

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