Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1977, p. 19

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Crime flashback Everyone loved little criminal By MAX llll Toronto Sun Syndicate Whenever think ol counteifeiters thinkol ell organied gangs who produce and distribute millions ol dollars The greatest counterleiter the tuited States has ever known was not master criminal he was little old man who lived till his dog in flat on the top tloor of tenement building near Broad way and With in New York ityt Edward Mueller had for years been supeiintendent of apartment buildings until the death of his llt in tail With his children grown up and married he found ll difficult at the age of tii to ttllltlllllt to look alter the large buildtngs ln stead he and his iuorigrel tei rier took sunny flat o1 their own and lueller deetdet to become pink dealei lle purchased eart ttltl went about the streets trying to had and buy iunk fter year 41 this precarious oteupiiioa he disemered that he wasnt mak mg enough money to take care of the rather htiinble needs ol himself and his litlllllli eoinpa iiion So he tlttltltti to become eouiiterteiter ltltll ll lllflt Mueller who was known to all his acquainlanees as we tempered gout uanrwIl lliit guy went about his task typical noneltaiante lls ina ried daugher lzapp llttl me an old sudro came on lLll to litl home in photoaraplzetl Full their to made some iix pl he touelm up an The ltlllsllttl ltil ttpt lat eke satislzictoi all hat Later the etapt were to it at he it amateurish mum they had txei OULllilH up Muellr had ed Ullt tl lle itf Washington bills peliol lit ington lius ror wa littt Mtlellezor ln oo Muetiz it rtel phone oi prinuu prt lo up to dry oi fla then its to port it littfttlllh tt4 stttvittlw rt ts will gt the secret service Not rash of bills mind you more like lri ele You see Mueller lacked one quality most counterfeilers have in great abundance He was not greedy lle printedonly enough dollars to take care ol the needs of luinseli and his dog lli one eeeption on Sundays he ltlttl llv buy enough candy totreat The iloighlnrhood kids SI lil llt the inoilhs rolled into years and the mysterious counterfeiter tho manulae tureti only ones and then only It limited lllltfltl lites complete ballleii the serxa liie lltltl trotetne tie lttflgitst lllllllvttl ttillllllll operation in la wort Who eenai be tin naazotii to or $1 llll month and distribuliii Them ll nei New sittl Ltlw York it ntt sueh lolly ltlltttltltllilit Men the paper he mo was printed on as at sueh poor luaiit that it tttlllil lttpllttllt ed any wornei siationeiy store ltelit it ttl not one of Vasiiiiutw eyes ts an iiik bio ll the lir yo tit lllllllt bills trt itiTe lo to iyi littllt ixlili lll eireiilaioiz yeaistlesotall liogszat or ltgt Than txw What kiril oi lt ee ttmitnl in itln tlllt JHl tn it ll ll tli it it tltl tf ti iu tvttt if it it ut US college blamed on national or ht Iltt lw ilt llzv sit ii trb lv pitith at lti rilltLjt lam to silpt tii lot it it C5 fit ll llietlrou tin lale wmt ltil lilizftttl iotitei irv lllli tie tl tlllllltlvH the ll lflt llIt tttvir rotatev lw pt phei lw luv it illll ll llllllllilllitllltil it at to rue llt it so tlit whentiotrlimtl ti pill 115i it titulill Vllit lti tiuiaih lei aiii tw if out hall laei to iiuiaile lite donitpo it io tlltllil llietl lltlllti1ll ltl thetuintiuiawli pelt in slittintll he lalh iit la Loan llllltl tulinoit Shite to Haul agin twl Tia thought inoie iiiltueulial bouwl in to ltlttlll lht it llllllltlllv lii JJrln ltlti iain ttl and it pro tvltltl to hue keep lllt llll ttlil lilllil lllllll€t ltt ltlllflll filltllmlt lli tlltlllll llttltiill ecilletl lrltat tol ll lali lllll lHllttl eiepnalj law by pioinolei ol trlelal tuil sutlti llltlllll to lllllt lll they aieiiol lllittlttllr iaui ltaiii Lot the only ltilltlll ol lminuhw lhe lt and expert at utakuot ehain to llli aie tItl t1l ll it irlll til iieliill ll lllllillll lli in lti zlllllllli It llllllill littitl antHutu lllli it li ll at iv at it it ltl it li iI Lit itll lip lll lt wt lltl it it it ultll tl ll ttl ll illl la popnalioa It it nit tw an lit ttlltttt to till it llit lttt iitiiiitl Ktitli roitii ll llt lt tilltt letit lt tt Iltl ll lti it Jit ttiw ll mu ttw it ll lltolil to 11 le tt vein iiv lii1iul tlillll ttii tlittittiti Il tlvw tttl old in Illtl in liap lvlltll pl llil ut if Hamil lo itittl llt VHJI tllll tll ll lit ll sldered to be play money Adults had been accepting the same quality money as the real thing for 10 years It seems strange that 10yearold im mediately recognized it as phoney Another youngster carted home the old printing press His lather saw the boys playing with the money and became suspieous enough to inform the police tlne look at the word asliington and the secret service knew they were on the trail of their old nemesis The boys led the police to where they had found the money it was in easy matter to find out that the press and money had been lossul out of the burned out llat And who was the tenant of the flat None other than dear old liduartl Mueller When ques tioiied about his activities Mueller readily confessed to printing the bills He explained that in all the years he had been pi odiieing the money he never Jaye more than $1 to any one perstm and he never made more than he absolutely needed sustain liiiiisell and his dog Although Mueller and his phouey ones had cost the secret sersn more time and trotible than any other individual iiittltltlltlltl everyone liked the old man After he was out on rail he beeaine aeeustomed to upping in on the authorities thetime of day All the two three of him would saunter up In The secret ser lee ofllces timtit elone was happy to seel tin itll he cattle to trial It xetroli tlueller loved eveiy riar ilt He had been in lt it or hree counts worsen plates passing ttl lulls and mauulae lllll la was tountl guilty and light llltlltt Atti thrvragh the eourt an the lodge announe is he sttouni of the line $1 lie all released alter ltil iitoiilhs and tllt lil Ilailtillter in the tuned relate to stators how he lllt stilti tl uric 1i Iir km tt lIlittlt iil tVlllltIltIllnLl tint at er lttltil rtlllaparf tll titsii tl iiiili ilttvlt dechne traumas ll ll tt titllllul tli tllllt ltttl oi eii lh lltdllJ tltilllllllti iii round me it Iiitiltuuisol wrumtelzhx the vat tlttltitN vIml lllfi Ivitll 4on he iitoie Ltl tron ion LUV poi lIllit iliii1 wtpu ltt tiltllllflllltllt at it lesser than it it has increased at hitiaiou iai iv llltt tltil determine the el it ut iwhtltiie niistiiilin lll tllllltlltt tllt litll eim ti wnegatine bomohs llllllIll1 Klll and at llll lioltstliunl lie dents ul tlattt kept oll lieet la lteeeinliei alter it llyini eollin white lhat was lu it ill lotterv eraed people onerout prtt ol the dead for titiil boinohsdecided loinrtl learn their cralt as Iiillllltt to Vtltrail prac tilionei leditalion is one of it hp It loolt llxperts say Ii ll Zulule llllltltlll boiuohs llI hilt ltlll way of chanting tvaituitoz the lubstanee is it all tin tiue Ila liitlllt ol spells is done wt it ruininon beliel is llh twlllll retpiestiiig the peil ill iillei ll it is used loi vi ptupoues ltoinolis illt the medium for the owiitllnevertoblaine it lt tli Iilltlttl 5H llitl WHICH DAY IS BEST Adirteaia frequently ask this there is or float dtiy to advertise Eacli trotatom Fortunately iluy tnw vltll ISO bringing lllV ieurlri old now satisfy ll Nt the you tuit your url tomorrow you get Altei inriuy yours at or tlltlltt vllll ltllllll of were worth recommend tli titlinl il wlitii ltttll ll VJ know lllllltw is the twat llty to tuit yout id and very lltl the llll lay to 0d llii ltlfirlllPl11llftll tlltt iii ixmninizi Sweet reward Mark lirownell of North River N52 treats Little lrince to chocolate bar after com petitions at the Nova Seotia llxhihition this week in lruro Winphoto UK air strike talks fail LONDON tAlt lalks aimed at averting crippling strike of assistant air trallie controllers that would Virtually shut down all Britains airports broke down early today only tew hours before the trio assist ants were due to walk ol their jobs over pay dispute The assistant controllers who log the flight plans of all aircraft in the country were Ml Church on how iiliiiil til of Sunflowers help out in llittt tlu mtg than Huron ll we towt ttt it ll liiill to iu or pot mi litl liit lilo llt llaii Vrlltii eat out on pilotiltit tot iuile ittl lltlli Ilum eunlilltu ilu Ittll tolluyi ititl lllllltltl Fo out it ion to abut Iitlltt etui lrlp All lilll wit iii to iitolioetti llll uooi oi lultaatt tiimt lltlt wait till eiileilttit iiitl lllit ltutit Atll to IIl tttn lttenoliu lioia it otii liy In no la liula mil oi the rim Wt mum tipla tv Hes nurse lltldlVll lFW tollun lageri piobleu ult int til in pti lttll lillltli la iilllll lllil oi HAVEN iAli lllhn lltlll iiuilmte who aw him that psiple tit tit know tom and tall mo In pat titl toi llit are due to stop work at midnight tonight for tour lays And they timed their action to coincide with public holiday in Britain next Monday hen tens of thousands of vacationeers were hopingtotakeholidaysabroad The assistant controllers have been taking gorslow action lor the last to days leading to talus ot angry passengers at Londons lleathrow airport the the exa countrys largest as airlines have been forced to withdraw serVices or delay flights The ivil and Public Service Association representing assistant controllers talked iii to the early hours today Wllll Employment Minister Albert Booth leading to hopes the strike might be averted the cun 113 your Nu 196 Wodnoldny Auguu 241197 Asbestos levels in wine low OTTAWA CP Asbestos levels in wine are lower than in any other beverage says wine industry spokesman Michael Rolph president of the Wine and Spirit Represen tatives Association of Canada charged Monday that Con sumers Association of Canada GAO report on the high levels of asbestos in wine was mis leading in light of 1971 federal survey showing higher asbestos levels in other beverages The CA survey showed as bestos levels ranging from about 250000 fibres per litre in Chateau Gals Marechal Foch wine to 19 million fibres per litre in Szckslardi Voros pop ular Hungarian wine Ian Kennedy president of the anadian Wine Institute also discounted the survey saying that one million asbestos fibres float in every litre of Ottawa drinking water ltolph also criticized the study for not indicating how much asbestos is considered dangerous fact which has not yet been established by the scientific community The 197 Health and Welfare Surcey shows anadiaii beer contained tit million asbestos particles per litre compared with million in litre of US beer Ginger ale had l22 million fibres per litre while orange soda pop had 25 million OBSERVE HOLIDAY Victoria Day the birthday of Queen Victoria has been ob served in Canada since 1845 eight years after she ascended the throne of England riginal the examiner Ihursdgy August g5 1977 19 Hazel llunkins llallinan N7 the only survivor of the Huf frugetts lto held roundtherlock vigils at the White House for womens rights fill years ago talks to members of the Washington Press lub Tuesday llallinan stated that todays feminists should use their political leverage to get the proposed Equal Rights Amendment passed AP Winphoto OFFER miner sowing barrio and slmcoo county STUDENT SUBSCRIPTION Just like letter from HOME everyday Here is an excellent opportunity to keep the student who is going away to further his or her education completely informed on all up to date news and happenings in SimcoeCounty Let The Examiner do this for you Send it to them anywhere in Canada and take adt vantage of this low low rate SAVE 900 Months 95° This ncludes all postage Phone 1266539 for more information inaiLiI Alai lliltllt lii ti mtmmuu you ht look hut trail that Illili II it iloltisl lillii Mtlltl ul tlvot ll inltl ill Ill ot an lllllll adult IlII tiitu llit AIJ mltltiv iollue Illllltll Ilie ale Nllsil ot tome Illi ltl program lll ltitl uitoi ot ot ututh pitins Iiiu lit be it tpmi to liitltt it in turna It tu small lltll uu pint oa to illll Ill ll nltlllttll the exa OFFERS MORE Itti ttai lIIl all At lllltttlgll tll lllle tioiii iiio aiitit Ill1 lIIlllle1l all day It liiiliii luiiiut lllllll uul liiinpei liim and ha imel lu stlieiliileil hoistshoe pitilliug tttllllvl Makuu tltilul ll be plated in the matrix am on the Vomit um Walliltlallll lion in to top in tl iitei and limit ItIIIl itll luutg ltt all tin laa too IIltIl ll onto ltllilit Mlloseollt lll ueluninl lottwiiidet itllill Itlutl iine tmlth au ol tuint tpal lteuaieli tgiis out our Impose louyhei restint puttiii the ill appeal Illt ot lain miner urvlng barrtqpnd slmcoo county No reoso Illltlltl ll1ll thaiiinan Mull tl IIIIIlltiI spoils ltttll says lllll no lltntl to aihlgllsthoolpo1i tle wa tomoo nitoy fill in pulp 15 P0 Copy Cantor Hon Dalvary 90 Wuok Iy lIItIIlll nd simcoe county ilulttlt llt 58 Page students lulu iilu ioiuyhi liiil ioonlt toiheltttiutie lllll low ln ll ti well sot lull iylilt tt ue litll twillall in Il luau oo soon at not to hie mimku llll ilt tuit hliou lllllltl li tillutll ol ltowtis llnii ulm ill be io to Highs nlllltLl

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