Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Aug 1977, p. 17

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01 property for sale $45900 New single family homes under con struction well located in the Georgian College area variety of interior color schemes are available Quality built by Pratt Homes Telephone 7281259 or 726 7972 LARGE THREE BEDROOM luxury townhouse finished basement $3000 down carries like rent Telephone 7371526 YOU vE RYOWNW STREAM Low down payment new two storey home in town situated on 50 132 lot listing price $45900 Home guaranteed under HUDAC For further information call Al Beacock rep Unigroup Inc Broker 737 1771 or 726 7949 ERICK BUNGALOW threebedrorims finished rec room and bar workshop laundry room private treed lot East end $47900 Call Rick Harker rep Quinn RELtd7371414 ALCONA $29900 Two bedroom winterized frame home appliances in cluded large garage Treed lot Close to beach Telephone436 4983 after5pm Bargain Hunters Must sell Davies built level home in east end Family room with fireplace 112 baths bedrooms broadloom and pegged oak flooring walk out to yard very clean and pleasure to look at Ask ing only $56900 Call Rob Knapp rep Emory Miller Real Estate 7261881 726 7294 Detached Bungalow Asking $43500 PRESTIGE quiet area three bedrooms garage breezeway finished basement sun deck on two sides broadloomed very private treed lot Call rep of Taurus Real Estate Hari Jain 737 3000 or 726 9915 For the Romantic Relax on sun deck enioy barbecue beSido the pool and fireplace in the even tng Spacious bedroom bungalow $52500 approximately 15 miles from Barrie Mike Lee 13254555 residence 326 9535 Petersen Real Estate BUY FROM BUILDER Avoid added real estate fees on this quality burlt new three bedroom bungalow 1100 square feet located on treed lot in Allandale Heights Close to schools and shopping $56900 Telephone 737 2863 BARRIE BARGAIN private sale bedroom largo kitchen garage 9°o mortgage $48900 726 9655 or 726 4133 BIG BAY POINT Two bedroom bungalow Oil furnace air conditioning 32 in ground pool school buses shopp ing $43900 CALL GORD WRIGHT 436 3669 George Rayfteld Realty Ltd Droker 042property wanted TO $50000 City or five miles around Moving from east Will pay cash Prefer brick With full basement Possession in October If you are thinking of selling please call im mediater Rep Tauraus Real Estate Hart Jain 737 3000 or 726 9915 041015 for sale EAST END BARRIE NILLTOP LOTS FULLY SERVICED LOTS 75 140 LOT 140 138 FANTASTIC VIEW BUY NOW FOR YOUR FUTURE IIOME PHONE7284S90 Au24 BUILDING LOT 66 198 in New Lowell septic approval and buIding permit available Price $10000 Tele phone 737 0753 NEAR SWIMMING andflshlng Just off Duckworth St 80 200 treed lots Only 51500 down Full price $16500 Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd at 726 3827 BUILDING LOT in excluswe Tollendale Woods half acre wooded raVine lot 100 foot frontage Telephone 728 6340 05farms for sale BARRIE 10 MILES WEST l0 acres sandy loom two storey three bedrooms stucco house with all conveniences good bank barn 41 61 drilled well with lots of water supply Telephone 115 635 0654 06farms for rent CLASSIC STONE FARMHOUSE and 100 acres tusl south of Orillia near Lake Simcoe Good barn with water hydro and rnilknouse references required Call Thomas Dean 8353110 toll free days 07business opportunities FOUR CAR BODY SHOP or mechanical repair garage Also suitable for sheet metal storage etc Good location Im mediate possession Call Mr Realty Inc Real Estate Broker 737 1010 days or call Paul436 J37devenings WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 T2 moit9119es 12 mortgages 08 property management 12 mortgages Juststltfru trqnIllefitLofEIOEnoonArEved HousehOId Realty road ls built on raised bungalow SECOND MORTGAGES finished tamin room and fireplace dou ble car garage large lot surrounded by NO bonuses trees Time to choose all your colours Phone builder 7262444 gicommercialindustrial GARAGE Bay 27 30 12 foot doors washroom Available July Dunlop West Telephone 7265452 days or 7280547 evenings THREE BERCZY Street formerly the Artifact Craft Gallery is for rent This charming spacious old building would No brokerage fees No finders fees FAST SERVICE Come on in or call the nearest office of Household Finance Ask for Mortgage Ser be idelalas eithgr reslgence or profes Vces siona lices he buil ing is close to downtown and has ample parking Dunlop sree East Telephone Mr Purser or Mr Oatlev BARRIE 726 9021 or address inquiries to Berczy 19 99721 SE PL BARRIE CENTRAL 2500 square feet bays Compressed air heat hydro sup plied 726 87 PAINSW SUBLET two acres fenc ed Hwy 11 frontage approximately 9400 sq ft building Space Zoned C5 Telephone 416 2262191 FOR RENT Service Station with three car service area on busy highway Close to Barrie Call between and pm 7260601 FOR SALE or will lease individually Central two acre site 30 60 shop 20 40 two storey building 20 40 frame house many extras 7281136 7289711 Phil Peacock T2 mortgages 7266534 TTtisN26 14 mobile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Norfhlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenetta Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South SECOND 17o Burton Ave 7289866 TF MORTGAGES T0 85 0F VALUE Ilaint We are mortgage brokers and since we specialize can guaran tee prompt and Individual at TRAVELMATE 25 Motor home sleeps rental or sale fully equipped Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning 34 Bayfield St 726 6438 TANDEM Ccifittlfin Bertle oeluxe trailer luxury furnishings king size bed sacrifice at $7000 firm cost $9500 new usedonlyrsixtimesjpsys1480 LOVELY bedroom mobile home fenc ed yard $13000 Unfurnished Drapes TOHIIOD TO mortgage and carpeting included Telephone 424 inquiries ensuring maximum 19110547159372 GREAT LITTLE TRAVELLER 1975 mortgages Under Th mo Trillium 13 foot sleeps four excellent favorable market terms condition three way fridge heater Ample funds for residential jgfggs9lie °°5°abe Teephme commefm and recreational twoiteaizbattnaanienoiiietar sale properties stove refrigerator and drapes included In good condition On private lot $8000 Telephone 424 1484 afters pm HOLIDAY 17 ft trailer sleeps 6Like We also purchase existing mor tgages for cash Coll Mortgage Maitown ton r71 cgndition reasonably priced call K°°°°°b° °d PYRAMID octriviisic mobile home at 805 737188 Fergushill Estates Lot Orillia 14 68 with front porch x20 added room and x10 utility shed Furnished Please tilephone 326 9358 SANDY COVE ACRES Wanted for cash bedroom mobile home north site Telephone 416 233 1022 16 opts to rent RES TOLL FREE 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF KAN EFF First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Barries Finest Reasonable Rates IMPERIAL TOWERS Existing 7269580 7264991 Mortgages Adults Purchased TF For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance WELLINGTON PLACE Available APARTMENTS 135Wellington StWest ENTERPRISES ONEVOW 121 BAYFIELD ST THREE BEDROOMS ADULTS For appointment to view coll Office Hours9om 9pm 7263827 by appointment TF Member Ontario Mortgage nmm Brokers Association MODERN UXURV VERY LARGE and bedroom MORTGAGES bought and sold imme apartments for lease Quiet diate action confidential David aduly building No peys Wass Real Esrate Broker call 726 4651 evenlngs References 7289682 90 COMPARE our rates First second HOLGATEApI102 third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 3362 Pat Quinn Ltd InksIF 7371114 WVMV in FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom EXAMINER apartments available Central Adults onl 726 0988weekda WANT ADS ioNE AND TWO Bedroom apartments from $160 monthly Central location First and last required Appliances and PHONE 7282414 Iheat included Telephone 726 9418 after IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans homes vocation and commercial properties Anywhere on all To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements onyworthy reason $3 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 7260981 0106 Offers 5A3 0pen Isl and 2nd Mortgages i3 Monthly paymen to suit your budget Prime Bates 48 hour Commitments Commercial Residential or Vacation Properties To pay off existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING CallAnytime 24 Hour Phone Service Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc the municipal savmgs loan corporatan 88 DUNLOP STEAST BARBIE llllllll Illll lllillllll lllll 7207200 LLION IN EXISTING MORT AGES gt 6pm TWO BEDROOM apartment available September Ist bachelor apartment available now rent includes all utilities plus cable and parking close to Bayfield Mall Telephone 726 6046 FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom Playground area all utilities included Close to transportation and shopping Please telephone 737 2649 BACHELOR one bedroom and two Utlllties refrigerator and stove supplied Call 737 1674 between 7pm TWO BEDROOM apartments available immediately and two bedroom available September lst $230 monthly plus hydro References no pets Parking laundry facilities 7281035 FURNISHED APARTMENT 12 miles from Barrie suit business person ab stainer Non smoker preferred Phone 728 8067 IAugusl lst Large balcony or yard bedroom apartments for rent 347 BAY STREET TWO NEWLY OECORATED one bed room apartments available now In the downtown area with fridge and STOVE 3633421 supplied Rent $135 plus hydro Call am 9pm 726 3257 TWO 2BEDROOM Apartments avail able September 15 and October Close 77d to downtown Rent $150 and $200 Call 1arn 9pm 726 3257 BACHELOR APARTMENT overlooking the lake $18500 monthly furnished One liyear lease Telephone 7268420 or 726 0241 TWO BEDROOMS kitchen and living room available September Isl $190 per month including heat Telephone Mr Baker 728 4067 or 728 3274 atler 5pm LUXURY NEW MODERN two bedroom furnished apartment central location fridge stove parking heat and hydro in cluded $270 monthly Telephone 737 0685 ONE BEDROOM apartment in Barrie available September lst close to schools and shopping and transportation Call collect all 416 727 9857 or 416 859 4493 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY two bedroom apartment in Cookstown in Cludes heat hydro fridge and stove $195 monthly Telephone 458 4263 SUBLET TWO BEDROOM apartment sauna underground parking $262 monthly Dunlop St West Available 0c tober 1st Telephone 726 9735 after lWllli Month Inltlltfil Bonus lo UliClliilllfl NEW ATTRACTIVE apartment for rent in Stayner bedrooms all appliances and broadloomed Lease required Tele phone 428 3415 after 6pm ONE BEDROOM apartment unfurnish ed all conveniences stove refrigerator elevator laundry facilities cable TV parking No pets Available immediate ly Apply 17 Blake Street Apartment 202 APARTMENT FOR RENT Upper duplex east end overlooking lake Two small bedrooms Parking $185 plus hydro Suit married business couple Telephone 726 2346 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent centrally located on bus route all utilities included $180 monthly Available September Telephone 726 8620after 5p HEATED ONE BEDROOM upper duplex closed in sun porch large kit hon with stove block from downtown no children or pets $195 monthly month holdback Telephone 726 6671 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT stove refrigerator heat water and air condi lioninq supplied wall to wall broadloom ed elderly person preferred no rhililren Queens Park area Telephone 728 1728alter 30p SMALL BACHELOR apartment Weekly includes heal hydro stove centrally located 7266271 ONE BEDROOM modern apartment with stove and fridge Private entrance Overlooking lake Ten miles from Barrie Telephone 4117 3827 $35 fridge Telephone apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays co°ges Lorms BEDROOM apartment Avatlable T6 opts to rent ONE BEDROOM apartment 60 Burton Ave available September lst $130 monthly includes fridge stove parking Apply apartment No 17houses to rent PUGET COURT PRESTIGE luxury bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake 7262361 to pm Evenings 728 9682 TThSTF THREE BEDROOM detached house with garage In Allandale Heights Aailable September Option to pur chase if required $325 monthly Call 7267959 lt747WW TOWNHOUSE three to four bedrooms 1V2 baths four appliances broadloom throughout garage $325 monthly In cludes cable and water Close to schools and shopping 726 4338 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE One acre lot highway 90 $275 monthly Heat and hydro extra Available for two couples if necessary Call evenings 7260170 LARGE HOME Bayfield area Beautiful surroundsing Has green house For executive or professional people Also suitable for offices or business Telephone 7372600 or 726 2055 THREE BEDROOM house overlooking the lake $300 month newly decorated and broadloomed year lease 15 Samp son Street Telephone 726 8420 or 726 0241 PLITLEVEL HOME for rent fully broadloomed located in Tall Trees area Close to malls Good locality for children Telephone 705 737 3459 LAKEFRONT FOUR BEDROOM fami ly room fireplace semifurnished $35000 monthly plus utilities Available September lst Telephone 4875733 NEWLY RENOVATED house 12 miles west of Barrie bedrooms bathrooms large treed lot References required $275 monthly plus utilities Telephone 424 0796 after pm LARGE OLD THREE BEDROOM house living room dining room closed sunporch very central Apply 47 Worsley St Bank reference necessary $300 monthly plus heating and utilities TWO BEDROOM home on Orr Lake close to shopping all conveniences suitable for couple or couple with one child $185 monthly Telephone 3221063 EXECUTIVE BEDROOM sidesplit in rural setting features family room with fireplace wall to wall broadloom two bathrooms situated iusl south of the village of Thornton $375 monthly Ed Lowe Limited Realtor 726 3871 MILES FROM BARRIEtwobedroom on acres lenced with barn $280 monthly plus hydro Telephone 737 0337 THREE BEDROOM house in Utopia area fridge stove washer and dryer all utilities paid available September Ist ample parking Telephone 728 7649 or 737 2812or 726 4169 FARM HOUSE two large bedrooms six miles south of Barrie Hwy 27 Available October $280 monthly Utilities extra Telephone 726 4301 S295 MONTHLY Blake Street bedroom townhouse Includes fridge and stove One unit available September 5th one unit available October 15th Call alter 7pm 416 884 0649 19houses wanted to rent SMALL HOUSE OR COTTAGE wanted to rent in or close to Barrie Light rent in return for maintenance Telephone 726 3798 2077rooms to let LARGE FURNISHED ROOM Share kit chen four piece bath wrth two other lworking men 10 Codrington 51 up stairs For this central location pay only l$75 monthly or $20 weekly Call 728 4967 latter 30 FURNISHED ROOM in Allandale at bus islop cooking facilities available IGentIemen preferred Telephone 3728 4268 days Or 728 0810 evenings lNEWLY DECORATED turnisried rooms downtown IOLatton Reasonable rates Call Mr Marshall 728 3865 lEXTRA LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS lshow kitchen For singles or lcouples Linen supplied area 7266392 gCENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS Icommon rooms free parking laundry lfaCIltfleS 7267186 1FURNISHED ROOMS Downtown clean modern lcentral location Parking availabil Inow Phone Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 FURNISHED ROOMS for rent near lac tories and shopping From $22 to $30 iwcekly 776 9859 and 7371631 IBACHELORETtE front lCable TV sharr bathroom Available im mediately $35 weekly Apply 98 Essa Road or telephone 728 8090 LOVELY FURNISHED ROOM available immediately Central Carpeted throughout sharerl kitchen and bath Telephone 726 9399 I23offices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suutvs immediate or cupancy short or lrtnu term 726 3400 Angelofl OFFICE SPACE available from 12510 1200 square feet Rental rate $4 50 per sq ft Call Bill Sakarts National Trust Company 728 9201 1200 sq ft of office space for rent Downtown area 54 Maple Ave Ample Isl Call Peter at 728 I7l3beforn 7p 10r728 6899 after 7p tTWO OFFICES iust over 500 square feet Located Dunlop St downtown Barrie Mrs Fetch 726 3338 IOFFICE SPACE tle Ave and Hwy No Available September 728 6340 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq ft fully sprinklhred transport and light truck loading docks 14 ft 18 ft clear part of large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 over 60011 near Lit 11 S150 monthly 15th Telephone FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angeloff VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlop St West Willi large fenced in property Phone 7287044 or 416 635 0637 3600 SQUARE FEET suitable for store garage or warehouse 20 Maple Ave across from bus terminal Apply at Valley Car and Truck Rentals 16 Maple Ave Telephone 726 6666 1974 FORD TRUCK 8Cyltnderstandard transmission heavy duty suspension block heater quartz lights new steel belted radial tlrLs Excellent condition Telephone 322 1714 26accom mod ationsto sha re COMPLETE ACCOMMODATIONS available now for two business ladies to share completely furnished house wrth same Near bus and malls $120 monthly 726 9319 after rrt lOlRL HAS BEDROOM apartment to share off Hwy 90 $123 monthly first and last not requrrod Telephone 726 2518 12 Cars for sale 1971 BUICK Lesahrefor sale V8 PS IB automatic Good condition As is Reasonably priced Call 4249528 anytime I973 PLYMOUTH FURY IV Grand Coupe 44000 original miles Tires like new Excellent condition Certified $1500 or best offer Call 728 6017 after 1975 PONTIAC LEMANS Sports Coupe bucket seats maroon radial tires radio 43000 miles Certlfted Telephone 435 5589 anytime 1972 DODGE CHALLENGER 318 motor floor console two door hardtop five summer tires Winter tires good condition certified $2200 Telephone 436 2134 I974 GREMLIN black with gold stripe 304 engine mag wheels three speed standard power brakes power steering summer and winter tires Ask ing $2500 Call 737 JOIS 1974 MGB Low mileage soft top New muffler system and brakes Michelin tires $2950 or best offer Telephone 726 9948 1974 SATELLITE Sebrrng auto PS PB low mileage 1967 Barracuda Fastback auto PS Will certify both Best offer telephone 7269906 after pm 1972 GRAN TORINO sport excellent condition chrome rims 302 cubic inch power steering and brakes VII automatic $2000 or best offer Telephone 726 2653 1970 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE Radio one driver 58000 miles In ex ellent condition and whistle clean Ask Inc $2195 Telephone 7288128 after pm 1971 VEGA $250 or best offer Needs motor work Standard good body and brakes mileage Telephone 737 2916 As is radio Good gas parking Available starting September each can be ioined together $150 mon 1th each includes parking and heat Awng comm 37 32 cars for side 1973 VOLKSWAGON 412 STATION WAGON radlals standard new motor and brakes certified Must sell Telephone 7266241 days or 7262993 after 6pm 1976 TOYOTA Corolla 1600 Deluxe two door hardtop four speed guaranteed rustprooflng extended warranty radial whitewalls radio rear defogger 19000 miles Telephone 7282138 FOR SALE 1975 CAMARO Rally Sport power steering and brakes V8 automatic 350 4barrel low mileage Make an offer 7264150 195 Grove East 1972 PONTIAC STATION WAGON nine passenger deluxe air conditioning FM radio radlal tires good condition Any reasonable offer Telephone 7286238 1967 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 47000 miles V8 Many new parts Excellent shape $900 or best offer Telephone 14665014 Creemore miles uphill from Dunedin 1970 FORD XL 390 power steering brakes and windows Runs well $650 Uncertified Telephone 7284350 DATSUN 24oz I971 excellent condltion low mileage radial tires Best offer Must be seen Telephone 7372349 or 7262772 1973 VOLKSWAGEN SupeFtor sale sun roof painted AMFM radlals ing good condition $1350 Telephone 8355790 1973 TOYOTA 1600 speed coupe deluxe excellent condition $1200 Telephone 4662403 Creemore 1975 MGB 20000 miles AMFM radio rustproofed dual carbs and electronic Ignition radials hardtop available con sider car of motorcycle for trade Telephone 705 3254243 1971 CHEV IMPALA hardtop with vinyl roof new disc brakes radial tires with snows body and mechanically excellent recent tuneup $795 firm certified 7288156 1974 CELICA 43985 mi radio Radials In AI condition Asking $1875 Telephone 4589365 LATE MODEL 1976 AMC Pacer In AI condition 40000 original miles mostly highway Power steering $3000 or best offer Telephone 728 LOOKING FOR used Chrysler product 1976 Plymouth Grande Fury four door Lic No KKJ 27817000 miles priced right $4795 Also 1975 Dodge Cor onet four door Lic No KDV 967 $3695 Call Torn Flnnis Georgian Pontiac Buick 7261885 1971 FORD SUPERvANioofBicéitent condition inside finished sleeps four call686 7865 after pm 1976HONDA HATCHBACTC for sale Excellent condition Radio $2500 Telephone 72134781 1964 STUDEBAKERI Goddineciianlcal condition $200 or trade for 1000 lb boat trailer Telephone 7266600 after pm 1971 DODGE MONACO STATION WAGON nine passenger power steer ing brakes windows airconditioning In good condition Best offer Telephone 424 5475 after6 pm LOOKING FOR peppy 4cylinder engine thats smart and saucy money saver Buy this 1974 ASTRE station wagon only 20000 miles automatic radio Sparkling interior is unusually well kept Will certify $2200 or best of fer 726 7316 1969 BUICK SKYLARK Custom 550 original miles four door sedan power steering power brakes $800 or best of fer Telephone evenings 726 7438 ask for Debbie 1975 FORD GRAN TORINO door hard stop automatic power radio radial tires burgundy with white vinyl roof One owner 25000 miles Sharp HUH 535 $3795 Reg Smith Motors Ltd 341 Bayfield Street 737 0801 ALUMINUM GIBSON ALUMUNIM Old Fashioned Pride Siding Soffit Trough Awnings Doors Windows 10 Discount Available BARRIE 7265609 GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eovestrough Soffit Windows Facio Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Call PIIIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business NORTHERN ALUMINUM Products 911998 776 2609 7269002 FRALICK ALUMINUM OSiding Soflit OFosciO Shutters Windows Doors Eovestrough Call today 4361 830 STROUD APPLIANCES 1976 FURY CUSTOM door full power air conditioning vinyl roof radio whitewalls and wheel covers 7011 miles Chrysler Canadacar withbalance of warranty LCJ 405 $4795 Reg Smith Motors Ltd 341 Bayfleld Street 737 0801 1971 TRIUMPH GT PLUS 34000 miles good condition uncertified any reasonable offer excepted Telephone 726 6637 after ask for Doug 1977 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600 Good run ning condition No reasonable offer refused Telephone 726 9990 1973 VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEATLE iradiotape deck gas heater standard Young 1976 VOLKSWAGON RABBIT Deluxe shift $1200 or best offer trade of any useful 327 2696 Will accept item Telephone 16000 miles sun roof brOWn excellent condittort$3995 Telephone 737 1324 1972 FORD STATIONWAGON Wltftl Michelin radials and snows certified FW Sa°wa°° 3mm mom CARPENTER Sperlullllrtg in to miles new brakes and tires certified Telephone 7281617orl416775 2849 Ford Custom as is $100 furnished 51011 With only 40000 miles on engine Telephone 728 5837 TWO 1967 MUSTANGS $500 for the pair One running other good for parts I969 runsgood $125 456 2513 1973 OLDSMOBILE FOUR DOOR hard top luxury sedan power steering brakes and seats air tinted windows ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorirad solos tgnd service 18 Alliance Blvd 728 3392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary 51 7265441 8113 nous PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sole Apply 19 Malrosa Ava Home or teirrphiilic 72B 5283 l99 lSTRUGGLING WITH 800167 few Illiuts monthly keeps books utratl Iiiionriol statements Sovetox dollars 737 I254 CARPENTRY AND Oenairii Cotitrutlrrl rooms runovutions guaranteed 737 1507 Kirttiuii rui udrlltirwts fireplaies tarlor remodelling utr Plansf all 72 8834 afttop iii CABINET MAKER trtttl Lulnpiiui trottirit Kit III 968 pomch hens vanities Pirio luriiiluio ii int ultarallom Dmnistii Cttllllnfr 1l 72ft 2948 LKENCED CARPLNTERS Custom frond cottages renovations tepous SUITULTIIIII AMFM stereo Very good condition WON1 0dJCOMWHH 76 will certify 728 8123 after 5p 1969 SUPER 383 four gear 11 rear end with posi 440 six pak fibreglass hood Certified Call 737 0003 197lAUSTlNMIleor salc Radialtiresi standardshift$400 Telephone 737 3533 1970 LTD TWO DOOR hardtop Rust free body with 1973 302 engine and transmis $350 or best offer as is 728 9779 1972 TOYOTA CELICA ST standard trans 40 mpg AM FM rustproofed new paint and tune up excellent condi tion $1800 Certified Telephone 737 3356 1974 PARISIENNE Brougham first class condition many extras airl conditioning track stereo fully powered mag wheels steel radial tires I965 VALIANT for sale Six cylindert automatic In good running condition Some body work needed $120 as is infcars wantedto buy TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 7288111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6322After 6p 424 5949 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 SHAKE LS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars bought over scales Best prices paid 436 3677 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED prices paid Frie anytime 436 2900 34trucks and trailers 40 FOOT FLATBED semi trailer com plate with racks Best offer Telephone 726 6445 between to weekdays 1971 FORD VAN stiag carpet as is Chrome wheels needs some work Best offer Telephone 436 2093 Top Immediate pickup CARPENTER wtll do rec rnotris TanIIOYIUITS romodalling etc Notohto 5111011 7261271 CONSTRUCTION licenced cutpelttuts for InOVOIIOIIS additions homes unto es Frau lstlmates 435 4995 CARPET CLEANING stARt YOUR spring leotllftg todny Ravltolira your carpets with carpet stiioln honing 726 6321 CARPET INSTALLATION CARPET AND VINYL Ilimrirtg iristtillutitiii Guaranteed work at taosoriohli price 7372873 WCERAMICSWV WINTERICK CERAMICS flitiii ind wiill lllllg and IIPOIS 726 6263 SEMIILFEPNR HI THERE IS Your Chimney Safe You havent checked it Well Then Look It Over Any Problems Call Graham Chimney Repair 7286628 519 COMMERCIAL 48L CWERCIAI ARTIST work loyout etc 982631 Logo duslgtl all Flaw nll collect 416 CUSTOM FENCING wood fences Improve your property 737 1507 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE 1973 Toyota Land Cruiser with seven foot Meyers hydraulic lift and till snowptow Asking $3500 Telephone 728 4963 1951 FORD ton truck Also 1974 Harley Davidson 399 snowmobile Can be soon at 177 Dunlop St Apt after pm 1975 FORD 250 half ton V8 automatic power steering power brakes with new cap excellent condition Telephone 726 2958 after pm 1974 CHEV TANDEM 45000 miles er titled $10000 1976 Ford halt ton six cylinder standard Telephone 3215 8780 1976 TOYOTA pick up new March 1977 complete with cap and step bumper 6000 miles only Rustproofed long box Price $3500 Phone 487 5163 1977 FORD EXPLORER camper truck J7 ton with 11 ft EZY tow slide in camper 350 automatic heavy duty Toilet way fridge oven shower Reasonable 726 1780 1973 FORD HALF TON V8 standard Excellent condition Must sell Telephone 509 922 2821 1971 CHEV HALF TON 307 Standard with cap good condition asking $1900 certified Telephone 726 6062 1976 DODGE HALF TON six cylinder automatic Excellent shape with ft Pioneer camper Call 726 1651 I966 CHEVCAB OVER ENGINE wlth 12 foot rack and tarp Good condition Cer tlfled Telephone 728 7609 1976 GMC vi TON PICKU Prsx cylinder standard 1X10 miles Asking $3500 Telephone 726 4299 evenings 37motorcycles AUGUST 28TH MOTORCYCLE flea market one mile north of Highway on Highway 27 Want to sell your bike This Is the place Call Bar Hodgson Produc tions4164618101 1975 KAWASAKI 750 MC MOTORCY CLE for sale cylinder 14000 miles Asking $1200 Telephone 728 1565 after pm 1976 PEUGEOT MOPED driven only 70 miles Helmet saddle bags lights horn and signals Asking $375 Will accept trade of any useful item 322 2696 37 motorcycles 1972 KAWASAKI 150 client condi tion s7oo or IXSlOlflr CAII 718 640 1972 HONDA 350 for sale in lXCUlllnl condition Asking only $500 certified Telephone 726 2989 1972 350 KAWASAKI rebuilt engtno Velcotiy starks K81 tires New paint Certified $750 Telephone 726 3798 1964 HARLEY DAVIDSON Willi 67 shovel heads and bilrrels chopped dS brakes front and back SIX inch overstock front end $11000 Telephone 526 9442 Midland 1975 HONDA 750 CB Wlndiamnler Fair Ing lowers saddle bags 4000 mllos Also 1974 125 cc Hodakil 1000 miles girl owner Best offer Telephone 428 5145 STUDENTS INVEST summer money in 1973 Kawasaki 250 Immaculate 3300 miles $700 or bestoffor 7211 3243 1971 HONDA 90c for sale In excellent condition Low mileage Well maintain ed $225 Telephone 728 5837 38snowmobiles WANTED POLARIS engine Telephone 726 7379 evenings 40 articles for sale HELP Fight inflation by purchasing SPEED QUEEN freezer Two sizes 12 cu ft and 15 cu ft for as low as $837 per month CALL 7266558 Ask for TERRY 56 ELECTRIC Seml Acoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking $550 726 3435 FIREWOOD FOR SALE314 16 Good hardwood $25 $30 per face corct Free delivery in Barrie area Telephone 726 3649 Sollll Foscno Siding Trough All colors Guar RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chuiri link custom ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible CUSTOM FENCING TIFFIN FENCE C0 160 Bradford Street Barrie Quality chain link Do it yourself or we 7264131 CONCRETE steps curbs FREE ESTIMATE 7260081 DRESSMAIIING iottcsscs FIT it made by JOSIE ence Supplies at lower prices nstall For free estimates call MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks and garage floors Work Guaranteed AQUINO Specializing in poutsuits gowns and oltnrd trons 42 Eugenio St Phone 7266000 DRESSMAKING 110715 TAILORING Reasonable rolos and altera For appointment call 737 3984 between Om and ptri DRYWALL BILOTTA DRYWALL and taping and commercml no job too Telephone 458 4233 residential ig or small EAVESTROUGIIING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eaves troughing installed Coll 728 6628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specrallsls Roofing and tooling repairs Free estimates Call Martin Verstrdten 424 1956 New Lowell EAVESTROUGHING repairs Jock Bates contrac Free estimates and 117 for Burton AviI Allorldcle 7268657 after pm ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial RaSiderlthl Industrial Installations and ser vice 726 4996 SIMCOE ELECTR Industrial Residential Lighting design IC Commercial Forms Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 7288234 18 PARRY ELECTRICAL Industriol Form Electric Heat Dryers Roof Deicing Commercial ReSldential Ranges QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 SHAW ROBERT BOYCHOW Excavating liuulilge sopli systoms truncllltig gravel 4361558 436 I257 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTIO Backhoe Excov Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 lootlrr IEPHSE work STONEWORK Trill fireplaces specialty VK Wufsun for free estimates 72815 FIREPLACES Custcini boil nrit Specialiriiig II1 natural stone 99 designed rid antique littck All workmanship guaranteed Pptot tfotlsttn 737 2871 MFIREWOOD FIREWOOD for solo Chain sow work and wood splitting Call 726 3068 alto HARDWOOD FLOOR Instcl refinishing old and now guaton chip or pool J25 8341 thANDYMAN °Windows cleaned Generol lawn care cleanup and ferti noon REFINISIIING 16pm lotion and tend not In GENERAL MAINTENANCE lizing Gdrages and basements cleaned ORefuse removed 0Trees and hedges trimmed and cut BARRIF 4362387 USELFURNITURF AIrLOt small fridges for OffICl sotves frtelers odd chairs ct isels lnwp furlllluvl an bemonm 50 IdlIWfi no paymenlsunlll October Phone nitrate16515 sale 777777 0r 1dillonors cottage testorliold lClarks Home Furnishing Warthouse ifrettlelivor 728 2841 ISWMMNG POOL CtEMCALS NW EMERGENCY SALE late summer Robinson Hardware Iban Kaypool etc I31 Dunlop St Fast 728 2431 LOOK AT TH cltrontac olor portable rolnr no payments until Octobe tonight Itlivrr tonight TV 737 1182 Eéytidrifiit r919 IN ANGUS IS television You can buy this new 20 super Zenith now for only $4 weekly No money down Phone krary Kellys THE EXAMINER AVAILABLE DAILY AT THESE SIMCDE COUNTY MERCHANTS Shopping Bag Batemans Store Rosss Pharmacy Smiths Market ABM Grocery Lackies Variety Sunnidole Gas and Burger Ibo sold immediately includes sundeck the examiner Thursday August 25 1917 17 IIANDYMAN FREE Garages cleaned trash hauled away Just give us your costoffs Telephone 4875525 or 7263441 HANovMAN WILL DO furniture itrtpp and refinishing Reasonable roles aphono4875389forastlmotas WALL WASHING Pdintin small moving iobs lot clearing and brus Window caulk ing Garages and sheds dismantled Roos onoblo 7287267 PAINTING DON SIESLING Professional poianhg forior axfnrior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction gugionteed 726W PAINTING PAPER HANGING axperlancad free estimates Jack Richardson 7262012 17568874 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior Ix forior wollpopering custom textured walls and ailings TelephonQZOS 8355387 local NO JOB TOO SMALLII Exterior Painting Home Repairs SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IIOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rat ITOOTIIS Coll Russ 4363681 after 630 pm References available NEED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom ploy room laundry office storage El space Also pointing wollpapering Murray Ball 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement lplonning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for 9U ME7799906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chimneys iwotarproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion joints Work guoron toed 4589346 PAVING lELISTOM BUILDINGW House lilting founda lions and basements additions and ronovq 99859598Heine12971$ LL PARKING LOTS lNORTHERN CARPENTRY renovations extensions ch Golva waiver 73°2699°L3999 GENERAL REPAIRS renovations carpentry ALL WORK GUARANTEED srnoll plumbing electrical exterioriintarior FREE ESTIMATES Rtii 726 lgiiigncziinYlirgiiSiE BARRIE 7370179 house raising panelling mason MANIERI PAVING chimneys roofing Estimates call 7269135 CONSTRUCTION Houseflriuismg 13 Drivewoys Porking Lots Tennis Courts dotions renovations additions Phone Concrete Work Rs2955 or 436 4175 dlterbpm INCOME TAX FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bur 7260081 rieoreo $5 up Dobson 4245910 bller Sand weekends Serving Simcoe County for 17 years LANgsCAPlNE BOTTING PROPERTY Services Rough Mow tng pruning lawn arid garden maintenance landscaping Sodding Free estimates PICTURE FRAMING 7264536 AWN CARE OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom FERTILIZINGWEED spraying mowing hedge figing Egoypes we 90 many six 0er shrub trimmith Also rough mowing 39 283 LLAA vs lremsnom 9127 A88EYWOOD MAINTENANCE CONSULTANT CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL POWER CLEANING Lots lawns drives all Big building management services 7373556 See our ad in the Yellow Pages STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block Lari and stone work FlrUplOCGS specialty MTFW PCUe Wmng Wde Froeostirnote 705424 5158 SBfBCTIOTTS Fast Service Low low price MICROWAVE ovms madam we PLUMBING NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom selvlces renovations cerdrnr tile Bilotta Amono Litton Panasonic Hitachi Toshiba Sonyo ROOFING and Roofing New Asphalt shingles Repairs guaranteed quality work Reasonable 416 895 7533 collect AND ROOFING New android Repairs Frde estimates 3221897 ulterbp LAURIERV SHEET METAL Flat roofing Tar Sales Among Sonyo 100 year warranty on Amono Save up to 75 on Hydro 7264177 days MMUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ MUSIC for people who like to dunce Good votes 728 9545 Gravel PIANIST AVAILABLE r011 WEDDINGS RECEP New and Repairs TIONS DINNER PARTIES Call 726 5213 slim 6pm Edvestroughlng MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Commercial ReSIdentlal GUITAR LESSONS Clossrral and Popular Marcel Potvin GUIIGI Studio 7261489 DANCING INSTRUCTION Ages years and Over Top Bollet Jazz Baton Enrolling now for classes commencing in September For estimates call 7263492 SEWING MACNINES SALES SERVICE iSEWEASY co Eatca calls from $5 111r11r Ilmknd ril WM 726 223 1029 2238719 Ne wild 5213 REGIONAL ACADEMY 7371621 OR DANCING snoerowmo PAULS SNOWPLOWING ommerctcll rodscthublt mptes Ollpuul 737 3064 WRIGHT SNOerOWINO Small coiriiiiar ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner and advanced Two months trial instrument loaned for home practice Canadian Alto dulnyiilMuslc I21 Boyliold 77581799 resgtdentiol and IOOS free ash MUSICIANSNIF IS STRESSED PIOITO ear training written subiccls Sylvia Kent 32 fédhlp°3£°1l5 RDOHWUNG rams ARCT ORMT170PoelSl7288362 Np GUITAR Clossuol and folk string bdno 3333 BoneW Bovmd M° imam 1E1LITII PRAY 331273 tIlIPIHI tLitLiti walli and ceilings True estlltioles Diilt RowII Miittil tel phone PAIFTJEG 4392 VELLINGA PAINTING dtid decorating In fruiot exterior Wolk guaranteed Establish LF£lQFFlEILvL 9d30 yudts 776 2725 726 9002 GllbLrts Water Well Drilling Forms homes cottages free estlmole 10 years ROOFING magnetite Angus 424 5657 CONTRACTORS WELL DIGGING AIRLESS SPRAY PAINTING MAZZA WELL DIGGING We Pthgoctortes pp No Barrie hl nY EeEI Home FormCottage nleror xeror Concrete well tiles Also underground parking oreos Pump installations and small commercial buildings Au WOR GUARANHID For Fl 99 Estimate PAUL FORBES CALL 7284634 737 0818 WINDOW CLEANING WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Ex ALLEN BROTHERS Window Ciodning Apart taricir and Interior Free estimates Work ments Stoles Housrs Factories Reason guarantnpd 726 7389 table ldles Telephone 728 1914 41T articles IOPsale 4T articles for stilt REPOSSESSED kAYAK above ground $6 swimming pool with sun deck walk and Buys beautiful 26 RCA color Spanish com 1010 filtration system Must sell for to the floor consoletelovmon No money bani N0 masonahh mtusod Catt tonight delivery tonight Krazy kollysl1352xfgfiffi cued 4840 TV Barrie Plnzn 717 1182 ALCAN ALUMINUM SlDINGforthe do it yoursolter $59 95 per square Telephone 726 5609 LOCAL SWIMMING POOL dealer has number of steel inground pools at new low prices 16ft 32 It inground $3883 installed Other leES comparatively priced Call Polynesian Pools toll free 800 261 61211116 ask for operator SWIMMING POOLS to Rent WilI lease and inSIitll for homeowner family Size aluminum swimming pool with patio Choice of styles meeting all fencing overloads our warehouse 23 1977 all aluminum 16 24 sw1mming pools Must fencing filter and safely stairs Sale price $1250 installation and terms ar ranged Call Terry collect days or even ings1 416 481 8802 YAMAHA TROMBONE like new 175 wooden chairs $5 each light fixture chevrolct wheel rims $7 each range ox haust fan $15 Phone 726 6365 regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own No payments till 1978 Try before you buy Call collect any lintel 416 663 9508 SWIMMING POOLS 1977 models slightly Scratched in transport Fully warranted complete with pump motor filter fencing walkway and deck Sug gested retail price $2295 Now available at $1288 No payments till 1978 Int mediate delivery and installation Call collect anytime 416 663 9508 REFRIGERATOR AND STOVE ex cellent condition white Must sell before moving at end of month $200 each Telephone 737 2461 PIONEER WOOUITLIRNING STOVE with water iackvt Ulll your 0111 English forward seat tuitipittg sntldlt baby car rlage like new CIILTITQI tattle with bath and baby sleigh Telephone 487 3369 HI PERFORMANCE STEREO equip merit for sale M1111 4010 tuner amplifier and KETO turntable and audioIronic speakers Best offer Telephone 728 4576 ask for Scott APARTMENT SALF August 23rd through to August 29111 all day TeleVI slon chestorfiold and chair sewing machine end tables dishes many more Items 174 Grove St East Apt No 726 9995 40 articles for sale

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