Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1977, p. 4

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NEWSROOM Dave Hanshaw managing editor Sean Finlay clty editor Randy McDonald sports editor Bill Curran county odltor Bill McFarland wire editor Hope Dempsey lltestyte Roll Kralker photographer RE PORTERS John Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pat Guerols Scott Haxklns Sheila McGovern Sue Routlilte Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays Subscriptions WE EKLY by carrier Barb Boulton 90cents Dana Graham VEARLYbv carrier mm lam BY Miltsauna CIRCULATION 673° Jon Butler manager SMCOE COUNTY Linda Hatkes asst manager also Stew Royce MOTOR THROW 0F Judy Hickey $39 year Alva LaPlante ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Elaine Porter $3850 year Marc Scar BUSINESS Marian Gouqh accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowland Gail McFarland Vikki Grant The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of Circula lions ABC Only The Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Aoenci France Presse and local news stories published in The xaminer ADVERTISING Len Sevick manager SALESMEN Dan Gaynor Lyall Johnson the examiner serving barrio and slmcoe county The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertsing material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Tuedc Augunt 23 1977 Copyright registration number 201315 register Published by Canadian Newspripii tltlpuily limited to Boytield Street Barrie Ontario LAM National advertising ottices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 1710 640 Cathcart St CLASSIFIED Montreal Ruth Blais supervisor Lesley Young Freda Shinner Karen Atkinson Pequ Chapell the advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arising out at errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied by that portion ol the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or ottierWise and there shall be no liability tor non insertion at any advertisement beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement Elio Agostini pultlnlun ADVERTISING 7266537 NEWSROOM 7266537 ClASSIFIEOS 728 2414 BUSINESS 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 7L County rules need updating Simcoo Iounty council should soon be giving serious consideration to proposals for updating its rules of pro cedurc Since two year tcrms were made mandatory for municipal councils by provincial legislation couple of ycrs ago it was suggested with merit that terms for courtly wardens also might be cxtcndcd ommittec appointments also would seem to be ap propiratc if made for the longer terms as well These changes would give the warden and committee members longer opportunity of becoming acquainth with their responsiblitics and could improvc efficient operation The present rules of procedure now followed were drawn up few years ago when oncy 3111 terms were general for municipal councils and their elected council representatives Vlhen considering procedures the county council also could serve the public interest by pondering further up dating of rules for municipalities to qualify for deputy reeves In 1972 when there was pressing demand for reduction in the county membershipof 36 it was lecidcd that minimum of 2500 qualified clcctors instead of the previous 100 should be required for municipality to be represented by deptuy rcevc This rcduccd the membership to 48 which didnt meet all demands but was generally commended as step in the right direc till EIS the membership now back to 33 due to the steadily population further amendments would again 6677 justiticd The 25uo minimum might be raised to 12 Z1ttle more than decade ago special report inter a7 under wart ices over the pro 5000 jutLn the overall county mcmbcrship to 21 system of election The for further udy at thc timc and has e1 forgotten emembered that county councils today do 36 of admxnzstratuon rcpsonsibilitics of ircludcd thc lUSlIC lcpartmcnt At one timc thc county reefsmsle for property asscssmin which was nciai government coinnnttcc to makc now ITQ and reorcscritatiori inigli cncouragi 277 abou ricorabh iniproycnicnts This imprissivc iillknown ollicr Slrcit rcsidciiliiil building iisiil lii lii ltr liiinbulls placc according to arcliivcs information It is MW of siriis of photography 5mm ounty archives Midhurst directing altcnlion to past was in liiiriii Your By VINCENT EGAN Business and onsuincr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Servici Is it possible that highci inflation and especially wagc inflation might solVi thi unemployment prohlcm That seems to bc thc rationalc bchind thc continuing demand of lhg Labor in Canada for an cnd to antieinllation and its consistcnt refusal to commit itself to any rcstraint in wagc demands Ihcrc may have bccn time whcn rapidly rising prices would load to thc kind of cco nomic activity that would crcatc mori jobs temporarily at lcasl But that time has passed and now it sccms clear that the cost of labor in some sphircs has simply risen so much that potcntial cm ploycrs arent buying To takc an illustration from micro economics lets say youd likc to havc somc work done around your house patio laid or repaired ncw stcps built or something sim ilar You got quotation find that tho price will be twice what your neighbor paid for similar work couple of years ago and decide it isnt worth it Thats how inflation affccts employ mcnl today LNIT osrs Nowlcts look at the same issue on an in ternational scale Between 1970 and 1976 average hourly com pcnsation in Canadian manufacturing rose 82 per cent in Canadian currency or 911 per ccnt in funds more than half again as much as the comparable US incrcasc of no per cent The 197076 rise in output per man hour in each country however was the same 19 pcr cent How labor costs affect iob rate ionibining the two liguris shows that llic cost ol labor pcr llllll ol tiianulacturcd goods so lar in this dccadc has iiiirianid Ill aniida by filtpir ccnl moui curi iiicy or iii pcrccni 11 us funds at Iii pir cinl riai Ill ll unit laborcosin tr iilldiltl llli trcnd lor lttlli ilonc llic first your 111 which wagc iiicrcasis llI iiiiiida wcri subjicl to any ollicial rclriinit Avcragc hourly labor oiitpiii in Iiinaiia gaincd 21 pcr cinl wliilc iVirogi hourly ironnxnsalion iniriasiil by 11 pm ccnl ln thc lllillill Statcs labor oiitpiil improvcd by till pir cciit and wagcs by it ti pcr llll thii Canadian dollar ligurcs arc con vcrtcd to US ltil purposcs ol comparability its sccn that our unit labor costs rosc by 123 pcr cont last yciir whili thc Aincricans rosc by only Tpcrcinl In Britain Francc Italy ticrinany and Japan unit labor costs as nicasurcd on thc samc basis by llic economists at itibank Ncw York all dcclinid in Hill A1NIICS ll Statistics may bc borc but thcy do knock holc in the argumcnt that wc should drop rc straints and rcturn to illlltSllillllttl inflation in ordcr to reduce uncmploynicnt Dcspitc thc illlll inflation policy anada has had high priii inflation still highcr wagc inflation plusrisingunimploymcnt The outlook may wcll bc for still morc of thc samc cvvn though lhc anti inflation pro grain is apparcnlly to bc rctaincd bccausc Big Labor wont voliunarily acccpt any limit on wagc dimands and liig ltusincss wont agroc to frccxc on priccs lhc onc bright spot in an olhcrwisc gloomy Employmcnt picturi is thc rcccnt rcporl of 26 per ccnt incroasc in job oixnings in anaila during thc latisl three month pcriod as com pared with lhc prcccding lln cc months ll iII llii sooliir lllt Iii illcc Illt quall ii lili III IV Parliament hill It SIICWAIli MaciJiltl Ottawa lturiau Iliunisiin Ncws Scry ici llaving authoritativcly proclinnid lhcrc would bc no lull lciliral cliclion and having inadc plans to slip off on vacation lll coinplitc confidcncc that no niiporlanl announicuiiuls wirc pciiding was shiittcriil to ttiltl that music inditaligiiblc Libcral hawks liavcnt givcn up lhcy now want iinil Noviniliir ilcclion And thought llliltl diinc such Illillllltill Jill ot ilctailing thi lllllltSfitltllll oi such thing lcvcn rcliid llttlly on monarchy My rcasoning was that snicc thc Qllttll llilil agrccd to conic to tillnwa on 1c as part of hcr pibilcc ycar tour and sincc shc had agrccil to opcn iiiw scssion of lillllilllttlll on Oct 17 iliat it would requiri monumcn tal crisis to intirlcrc Willi this long sclicilulcd cycni And sincc about tiil days must clapsc bclwicn thc calling of an clictiiin and or tool votc that irimc Ministir lruitiiiii would lnivc had to niaki his illllllillllttllltlll by about Aug it if ciunpzngn Wcrc to bc coiiiplctid bcforc thi Quccns arrival also riasoncd that thc Quccn couldnt Vcry Wlll coinc ill lhc nnddlc ol an llttlltill campaign and if votc wcrc to bc iinnounccd aflcr shc itlllpltlttl hcr iiniidian Visit lhcn tlic clicl ion couldnt bi hcld lllllll mid licccmbcr And that would bi ludicrous IlNII AIIIIANIiIIlt Largcly licciiusc iif tlic public opinion polls lop Libcrnl strnlcgisls had bccn working on lrudcau for months to call an ilcction in citliir Scptcinbcr or carly iclobcr larty organiIirs hail cvcn niiidc icnlalivc zu The world today it Ily IUIIN IIAIIIHNIN Itorclgn Affairs Aiuilyiit Iholnson News Scrvlct lhcri is nnothcr chilling story about thi complctcly mercurial and cruel way in which an African tyrant has dcalt with Wcstcrn imd white ncwstnan it isnt hitting thc headlines in anada bccausc it involvcs British journalist who this timc was suddenly scircd and imprisoned by Empcror Bokassa of the Central African Empire on apparcntly crazed dcspot with the sonic kind of career pattern as Ugandas ldiAmin lhc joumalisi is Michael ioldsmith with Associach Press and based in London who went to liangui capital of thc newly announced cmpirc to write about the new em peror and his background Unlike Gerald Utting of the Toronto Star who entered Uganda without proper docu ments presumably Goldsmith was bona fidc visitor to landlocked and bonepoor African republic whose president turned em peror has redefined as an empire But like so many newsmen before him in Third World nations Goldsmith was suddenly iiiion lii lFL rangcmcnts with Air aniidii for chartcrcd it to carry thc primc ministcr through an clcction tillllpllll And othcr tcntatch iirriingcmcnts wcrc madc with an Ultimo holcl for piissiblc clcction night iictivrtics lhcsc hnvc bicn canicllid but Just rcccn tly tlic part orgiunlcrs havi bccn making lll quirics about similar illlillltltilltlilS for Novcmlxr Nothing dctinilc thcy said just prclunuinry fcclcrs lhi clcction hawks and tlicy includc lair numbcr of cabinet munstcrs along with vir tually all part officials 1ch it would bc bcl tcr tin havc lhc Quccn postpouc hcr lanudian visit rathcr thui miss an opportunity to go to thc pcopli whilc thc public opinion polls paint such glorious piclurc ln lhc last two mon lbs inllup lolls tlic Lilicrals wcrc favored by Til pcr ccnt of thc ltlllllllllttl voltrs com parcd with only pct ccnt for lhc ou scrviitivcs and lit pci ccnl for thc Ncw licuio crals lcrccnlagcs likc lhcsc dont pop up that of tcn lll anudian politics liut lhi primc munstcr has bccn rcsisling lhc arm twisting by saying it was niccssary to llill an issuc if an clcction wcrc to bc illlttl just thric yciirs aftcr thc last votc Mcrcly cashing in on public opinion polls hc say would smack of oplxirtunism llilll1llllltlt hc irgucd lhcrc was Vcry it llc room to maniwuvrc iliitcs bccausv of thc Quccns agrccmcnt to opcn ncw session of larliiiincnt llut thc morc cnthusiiistic hawks arc still not Imprcsscd lhcv arc apparcntly prcpiircd to arguc Ill their final bout with thc priinc minister that pickcd up by the classic swift hotcl arrival of plainclothcs policc carricd off to dank and ilthy prison there to await whatever nknown and terrifying fate was planned for on In kildsmiths case the first visit was to nonc other than Emperor liokassa himself The worried journalist obviously expected to be able to cxclaim to the boss that his notes were harmless and that he was not Western spy the old and everlastingly dumb reason for journalists arrest Instead the black emperor brought his heavy stick of authority down on ioldsmiths head with such strength that it caused deep wound and knocked him out When he recovered in filthy cell blood was pouring from that and other wounds lie was given no medical treatment and served bland manioc standard African tapiocalike dish for days Then for no apparent reason the emperors doctor did arrive gave him now essential an tibiotics and antitetanus serum and he received one full European meal day on the emperors orders Then he was whisked out of the prison back Some Liberals now pushing for election in November thc Quccn could still visit aniida even with campaign in progress And providing thc ar rangcmcnts wcrc dclicatcly handled so that all party lcadcrs were involved in rcccptions ctc lrudcau would not bc accused of using thc Royal Visit for political purposes lloucvcr ll wouldnt do him any harm In English anada to bc the official host And in thc more likcly cvcnt that the Quccn dccidcd to postpone hcr anadian visit bccausc of campaign shc could still conic to Miami in say January and opcn ncw session of larliamcnt as originally scheduch Thc hawks are also pointing to the national convcntion of the Progressive onscrvativc Party schcdulcd for November Providing thc caucus holds togcthcr in display of unity thcrc could bc grcat deal of valuablc tclcv1sion cxposurc for party lcadcr loc lark Novcmbcr clcction would force can cellation of the convention Thc hawks arc also arguing that thc provin cial premich now are drawing too much at lllllll away from Ottawa as they discuss rcciprocal agrcemcnts wagc and price con trols and other issues affecting the federal rcalm Perhaps say the hawks it is time to diSplay strong fcdcral presence and sock strong lliillidill to deal with chc Icvcsquc and friends ththcr lrudcau can be convinch that this would be an acceptable issuc remains to be seen Well probably get better idea aftcr thc national Liberal caucus meets in Ottawa Scpt Hi But am going to try not to think about it for fcw wccks Mistreatment of newsman in Africa is puzzling to the imperial palace there to be told by the emperor he was always to be considered an intimate member of the emperors family KISS IIEEK The emperor personally saw him to the Parisbound plane and kissed him goodbye three times on each check What can one say about this ldi Amin style treatment in another country of black Africa and by another quixotic tyrant Well there is no way whatsoever to analyze this kind of turning on and off of brutality and courtesy Bokassa like Amin learned whatever Western ways he as from service as sergeant in colonial army French not Britis And in time he became the president of the former colony in which he had served asa noncommissioned officer of the colonial power Goldsmith was in the Central African Ein pire former Republic to find out how the emperor was spending millions of dollars much of it foreign aid money on his coronation event It is possible not even those black tyrants know why they treat newsmen this way From the legislature See danger in nuclear By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Nuclear reactors in essen ce are bombs and bombs do explode With the proliferation of nuclear reactors youre bound to get very serious accident and youre bound to ha vb flEaSlallfn over very wide area in essenc¢ nuclear ex plosion Those two comments were part of very emotional antinuclear speech made lad year by MPP Bob Bain lNDPTembkamin¢t in the legislature Then energy minister Dennis Timbrell reacted to Bains comments that Candu reae tors were like bornir by saying that Ls wrong that is impossible fan you guarantee they xiii never blow up Barri intirjec€d PENIV llOlS Those Will likely be rcnc opening shots in the poo nuclear energy in Hr ario Barn W21 beater ir it rm elcction hu hered as the provincial expressed Tail and 12eof the New Dcnuic Late tl ret Th elecrii pm nuclear upturn Then there SKEtbihhnfj The NIJP form ha which Cum v11 91er report or the power aint STlZ llI1 The 1x gemU tvc was lap lt zrv Bair persrwai gene thatf rabEe to nuclear The Tory probably still power an 0pm MPI hurt1 put doubt iiessid ti same iwh Tllk ll on nuclei more comb new energy startes Sirhr as methanol can be developed to replaci at Their leader Stuart Smith has ma the loudest neiscs in apposrtion to second generation breeder reactors that produce plutonium being built in Ontario OTHERS T00 But the NII also oppose them too while the Tories are at least temporarily not com mittcd in any position €Ctpt public discussion before one would go ahead There is talk oi 50 reactors in Ontario by the year 20m Therc is talk too of abandoning the nuclear option And all positions inbetwam The next two years should hamen and clarify the stands of each of our three rties and at the end of it well know whet the nuclearencrgy equals bombs faction nuclearenergy aituilselectricity forces will have won HI Canadas story High prices stirred riot By BOB BOWMAN High prices have been ii problcm in Canada since the earliest days On Aug 23 1714 the pcoplc of Qucbcc rioted because of them although systems of price controls had been introduced One of the reasons for thc prcssurc on price was law forcing boys to got married by the time they were 20 years old and girls before they wcrc 17 If they did not get married their parcnls were brought into court every six months and fined This law was one of the steps taken by King Louis XIV to increasc thc ixipulation of Can ada He tried to casc thc blow by giving each couple gift of 40 livrcs It is difficult to translatc that amount of money into present day purchasing powcr but $200 might be an approximation Thcrc wcrc bonuses for llllllli Families with 10 children received yearly pension of 300 livres while 12 children brought them 400 livrcs year The population did incrcasc rapidly and the money in circulation incrcascd the pressure on prices although most familics tried to raise their own food and make their own clothes Thcrc was an awkward lxlief then about the newly weds wedding night According to superstition the person who got into lxxl first would die first Historian Thomas ostain icturcs bridcs standing on one sidc of their Is and grooms on the other and then both of thcm slithcring bctwccn llll blankets at the same monicnt bible thought Amt the Lord said unto Joshua an have given into thlnc hiind Jericho and the king thereof and the mighty men ot vnlour Joshuafi2 Many walls are yet standing lxcausc we have elected to stare at them rather than march on them Move on in faith They will fall He has already given us lhc assurance

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