Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1977, p. 6

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the examiner Monday August 22 1977 Restoring old machinery loiniic Lea iit liiiiiii paints the wheel of an old ha lii and tour Illltl girls llll been working all suniniei to is iikc rcsioic old lirin equipment it llll iinioc Ultlll Museum Examiner liiotoi is keeping girls active Still hr of tin lititiit L2 it liili Ljili llit use of lill and file pioJect began in cart June and finished Aug Lift lhis was the first year loi yui he stuiiiiizs tltt pat oi the pliJJUl and we hope ll will £llll Voik propt continui annually lhegian ot llll Sit lit liitlli about $7001 tiitLiUl llit llll iii nail liii heel tiie sniniinei ic spelt ttillllllitlll and htllélllt llic grl were hired through sin tl den nuinwvmw said lis iIii ii it ii ii liiiiitliil si in llitlil in was llli ullillitl siigt it iv xii lti ptoJii ll iltltl Monti lJlgiiliiUlli lil giuduatcii fiiilii ltAllll lllltttlM Winners found in bridge game ti lt till iiiil incl ti Jeni liuil ilili liiilJ lilvlm titt iii lt fill it it allupiiii lilitiit it Hi first plan lil lie Li lhiubici lilitii id li Ki Ill lililll llii 2i limn in llltl li Mil to 13 and will LEA Lil lint tll iii lln iiiiiii at library hliaiuci tlt iilili tiliif iii uteri tel on lu 31 iii iv illit lill iii tli lll unaiiwiiiiliit il liiiiiitl tilil it li out section iiii iliiii ii Illl il iii Lil may and link iinilo iiiilliulidii iiil lull iIlJi ili ii it it illli Mi iii ll izlill tlilil Iii il Sinutliiiit tillli itl um mi Imwii lliii Hi llill ltiil lu lilll xiiii ilugit lit litl with iiigiei in lllliliptiiii1 hate all intciis in soil of thing lAiglilliuLtiii lvi learned in turn equipment tiit ltlllt stiiiiiliiiiiii must know Alill is and iit iilhs iii lllllll lilltll lli liii Joanne itch ii iiiliiiiio inaJoi tilted iiiilli lniyeisity say his iiillillii will help her will iici liiLll Not only did we it ii it arioii liiiiii iiiiipiii in Aliilidlilit lltlllliiili iiil in ltillitllllt lltl1ttili lili aiiiiiiuc and ililill uni limo illilfllilllil ltllr ltiJliitIli ii llliili lllllllll iI ili llliil yllllllll lili Emir lil Mint liii with the iiiusiaiu iis iiUliJli ill ill prop loin sunimci slit pct ience iii cataloguin lilllul Mill lLi iii lilmulili illillilill incinbei oi tiic plUJll will in starting Hillsillllli liiiinoliit futiln it Algonquin iiiligi Ultiiwallds it yldil tuiiim lliltl pni Til iiilii itililti ipiaiii lllliiliillili lll iiiolc this type oi wot testoiiiigoiilliiin Illltlliltli lion tllltf litiili wtllllll til kllftltlii ilitl iiiiiiiiiii till fl ill il iiiliiist isioii ii rm mic iii to at iiii lit iiiilllyi lltl ii liiiii tinisiiiifii iiIiiii iuiil iv liiiltlti llllili inc inc pimi io ii lliillilll iii the iiiiilii linii it Mini HiIii wii ii picii lll all iiii lll illiiillliilll Tiiili Uli lldiKllil ill iit mi li illLlliiltiili iiiiii an iinit liiii plv pantie til lliI iiii lnirhitiiili illitiililiu limi ytlW Iii iin twat Ulla unlit llil ililiiliiin iiiitlti iiiiir iilil t1i iii1iii All hiii lll ii iilll lill llil iiiiiii ii iiiiv illilil II tlniiii i7 liiiii iiHlllil unit liii inn poiiit lilti Hi iiiv ylllllt iiiiii iitii=ii lltllit iii lliiiilslll iyn loud liiiiit tjitiilii iimixiiiiii Villlil iiir tin lii4ilf in li iiiiiii Releasing balloons to start Health lit liuiiinii in HUN ititilliii anti lil ntli till li iui ii ll liIli oi ii lu ii lill lciitii ll lli liiii iuiiliiiuii insulinHot lniiiinif lui tiilliiiiitl lliili iii in iipiiili llitxiliilliii iii llii oiiiiini phiiu iii iiitiiiii pm ii loiii ion llul pingiw will llillllilili daiiii lmini lliltl ii ii imi liiiiiel loi song Hitii ii llllll ilcinnig oi lii ill on llic shim oi tailiin liilliii ng lii ting by Lolita iii il sonoi ioioiili iiiiisn lii liiiiiooii will ix llilittl by in ltiiioi loweli it til llilfltlnllJ Ul vlilllllllli iiilll Day iiii iiiiii iii ill itl Ii ti lift Hit iiiii3 vlipiinli iii tii iiiiw loin iniiiiiiimin iiiiii iiii ll Hiiiiii Still room at nursery limiting iniii My IM iiiu iii Hilton filiilliiiid sill opening it epti llllrtl liii llliliitl illltllliililll ltii till llii legisli lii i1iti Entertained at senior citizens open house Sheila illltl its of ljuiitl eiiliilains at ii senior eitiens open house during the ltttlll lllsloii loiiiio Festiial rllt open house drew loens oi sttllUlN ii llit lioini ol and Mrs Iliirr ltollaiiiils thini IllltllIlIHl iiicliiilcil lllt siiiioi itiuns odlcii ge illttll liic Illltltl oiinciiioii quartet and the St Iliotoi Pauls lliiiiih oulli gioup listening to the music iiie toli iiiil Iiillll Id of llislon ilIuiniiiieI lifestyle County Dairy Princess Country living suits her fine on can tiki the girl out of the coiniliy but you cant lake the country out oi the girl And Iii IJI olil Itunda Simpson of tho station slimoi ounty lLiuy pi Illti is that gnl iiopli ottcn ask me ll could llI lit the cil and have to ni Unii youve been iiisiil on farm ll hard to lllllll ol ltlli anywhere else lllt thi liesii tilt and lot of iideoixnspnce sinsaid Miss Simpson is preparing loi the Hntano Hairy lllliUN competition starting Aug 21th week it the anadian lioiml inhibition in loiiinlii there is quite hit oi preparation ltit tin ltllltli lion says Miss Minpson Vii were giiin topics ahead oi tinn so we could piipari Slfltlhts hiiiii the iiiiiipetitiiin goi lot Viicl have to be prepared in case make it through the liltllllllllilllt and all the way to the totals tiiii ail isttl tell us to be optimistic liiiiniix her ltili Minior count liiiiig iii Illt Mi hnhpsoi tur rtone pioiiiolioi Hiih loi llil Mincn liltilil tlilkpioduiii lie the iil4l izii spoke tiitli Iill lliiitilii tiiiliii iisiitiii llilltlli illintwi manque and dance iilll ill littllil pm Di lSiiill pillvmi iliiliil xiii il miiii iliieiw iiii tilliiit linwiiiiy i2 lllilt iii wi tlliil llillli nod liilliit lli Iiill iii liilll 5in ii lllllIIJ SlMlSlt discuss dairy product and lit plume good nutritioi llllltlllli were Just git1 wei eager to lislei and always asked lot oi question lever mud in old public tlililil find the wiiiln lilll iiiiiso iciiiniil lit about tiiiiliiiiy industi liieii so llllttl to War twt llioino itie up on lttl today tainiiil flit lrt mine so tltllllli and coin Jl tr illllili slit itiiii iiiows ii hand llie Mi lltllll lll like li lelisiii vl lit the modern eqmpmcnl but its tun sometimes to do it the old way But it takes longtime in addition to the competition in Toronto Miss Simpson is working on dairy booth for next weeks Barrie Fair The Simcoe iounty Milk committee is arranging dairy booth at the fair and well be selling milk icecream and new product called maki shaki Miss Simpson enjoys the oulr doors horseback riding work mg on the farm figure skating and is an active member of the Barrie 4H club Most of all thinl enjoy meeting peoph that lfs the reason went into the lltpltr lion til the first place have learned lot about people and thier itilllUllt shesaid Also you learn lot by just going in the competition itself it gives you lot of confidence helps from yoiii personality and increases your knowledge of the fairy indust Mle Simpson has spent tin summer tlkllli at Edgar liio adult iwcupational centre and Will be attending littilfliill lo lege this tall til counsellini coursi tor the lil mentally rel iiftllt lius past yea ha beet real challenge and haw ltllllilti entoyid Misc Simpsonsaii have learned so liillli that would never haw learntl of lust being dair iaiine daughter Owns 485 pairs of shakers ilili ioiii ol iii it iiiistieiii tilllllll1lll iiid peppii siiakersloi It iiiis Il collei ditiiii in pan lllllt is Ili ll oliii lldll lllillll Illllll lltilll ill oiii the II id Hllt shi holds up one of hei ia llt tlllliliiil Io salt 4Illi pi ppii llilrdls li Monies iolieels spoons and lungs Death and dying seminars planned for Georgian Bay liyiiii in do will ii Illi viilitillii lt lilllliili lion iv in tin llt am pm twin yii in mi iiill ii li llt lli iIlillllill lily ii it inn ii 41 tin pm iti loin ellii illlil mil intinii iiil ill iiitliiiiii Iii iliiio illlll liiiii Uri til iiiiii ioiiilii lii illll ltlt lllllli iliilllilillitlllllllllllIi tin l1l lit iii it ilI til ii itli tlt luii so ltl tlii llHliil tilt illllll iiiil 1llllllll lieioiiii llii Ztilii ti tut poiiiiiiiiipli lit liiiii will iiiiiil ii tilit ilii iiiiiiiii oil iiiitli ltil liy iii on Sept it tio plum ii llilt lllli Twiniiiil iiiirl it two iln iiiilsliot on toiiiisiliuii the lllil illltl ironing inept LL at film ilountain iiisoils Society to start rolling iookslown is in the process of loi thing liistoi iiai society An initial llittltlll was held to ilcteininie thi eleil oi interest in the tlitlllltlllllltl and in in leiini Il iilive tins Iiaiiieil to stall the society rolling in the tall lilli ot the lust priorities of this lltl iiliilili tlll lN con illltlilllllll ol llii iiiitiirio llei llittl ll and the twssibilily of timing some of the older boil dings in the lllitlJ tltllllillttl illltlllilltltlllltllllHi Vt INl IS Kll IUIIINI loasl walnuts and serve them as topping loi pancakes oi lllllltlt toil with illilltll syrup loi hunilay lil iiii Ii liilii event llil innit ltiliiitooii iti liiilii lillllltt lit llliill moi iiizni ltlltlll littisldlllil Ht iiiillitioi tilliliilllit lll llii iiiiiiii linnii1 witii flu in illi eiitiiiiiiii ltt to lllt lliiiii ii lltillllttl bi twin Sound sennnai which in cludc lunch and coffee is Slit iei loi the iliue Mountain workshop includini meals is 35 laikaiie rates for the hit lei includinp singli oi double commodation are also Jitttllttlilt graduate lotill daughter of Mr liiicuci IliiIpstoii from iiorch Iliouii ollige ITlinor iiisoii and Mrs iiison of has graduated and ot pplieil its Ieehiiology Nursing llivi iiiou St Michaels Campus loroiito Slii Vi ill be employed by oui iirl Nurs lug Services Toronto Miss arson is graduate of liar rii North collegiate Ann Landers Helping out in is burden Dear Ann Landers Yes its true Hitlerlike ex termination is not only immoral but criminal Yet problems with the aged are so difficult am sick and tired of writing that che uc every month for my husbands 90yearold mother doesnt know anybody and cant even comb her own hair She is terrific burden to the family yet the doctor says her heart is better than mine and she may outlive all of us My children need financial help badly We are not rich barely making it in fact It gripes me to see all this money being spent to keep useless woman alive Where does the paint of justice lie Anonymousf CourseWhat Else buld Be llear Anonymous What else could you be Wellcom passtonate for one thing True it is tragic when the body outlives the mind but no body gets contract which guarantees the length of time either will last or which will go first the body or the mind Theres law against shooting people because they are no longer useful And if there were no lawwould you do it think not So quit eating yourself upand accept with grace that which you cannot change car Ann Landers always felt that some day would be compelled to write to you This letter is concerning an an swer for the Sad Mother who wrote about her crippled son who had the slight limp was the ugly girl no one danced with because of con genital deformity People wonder if am crippled dwarf went all through high school and college without single date and ne er was invited to the great senior prom of life marriage To that mother for me to get her son to go to activities that do not invoch ouples He should stay away from dan ces and visit art galleries boat shows concerts stage plays and mowes lie could Jttlll club pertaining to his favorite hobby Eventually one of his men friends will introduce him to his ilhe triend ZilSlfff who will be interested in the bov because he has beautiful spirit and she wont even notice the limp Know Because lte Been There Dear Friend lerriiic advicc One word from someone whos been there li more valuable than low from an oi servei The important pour culation bevistibie for yourself Dear Ann lander Heres new one for you Ive never read anything ilk it lmton and bought into lovely con dominium few montln act iur nextdoor neighbor is widow ihe firs time she me iinton she couldnt take her eyes off hm Soot after she told ult he looks exactly like her deceased husbanii Now siu has informed lioli that she in love With him first though if wa in passing thing but now she watches loi linton ever time hi leaves the apartment and returns iiist to have tea worsz with him iii is flitllllti ti her annihio one believe he is begin iung to entity lha car ili Elltttll Old Story With New rinkli Dear Vt lior llitiiZ at issue of it or youll create probien where none moms in lllflldl laugh about itin the llltitlllllli tr her up with nice widowe or divorced man looks as much like linton as bossmie lieat nh Lander lint ltt no gum ti eat your words abouP train tsillt Born nib be faithful husbands who get their iolli tron cross drewint and no farther but my exhushzii triictixi male was safe with hin ilepararteii grotni lii slllll1rrliill in drag with mi whim too iii hr litti per thousands of dollars on psi llllftlil whi nth tint lill was like throwing nionvj 17 tin WKt lino kink anr theres no way of killiWilit hoax fzir or ii li le tie the Zi go Dont back your letter is to stay in cir and not hid in corner and feel sorry We tfi lit of lw bee tliiii iv iifiir lil lzike line Straight lhank iiiiii with friil lt£ll lil drink to iia Thank no Erma Bombeck Shower story inohe wixiti l£lgt wetl and so 15 so shy and unioinvnunicatwe piohabi wor him he is going through piibery miti hr the paswd toys sirl iike that if in mi came home and found meun conseiiu iil= the kithcri film he ii yell Ii in unconscious at What for snack Actually there is out one Slittll telltale infallible way of tellini Whether not your sot has llMlWClfd that girls need more liiifltllliL on softball teani hai boys di lrall it the liintl vridrorni lor ion or fU year the uni Iiiiiftic my sons had with water was sponge it the bail the chutli filled with holy water had the on litll oi the blocl lit could take shower and not get their hill House or shoes wet lnagged their todeatl= about ll lhd you take ball went swimming Ind you wash our hands washed theoiie tha war dirty See Why dont you take shown Where are we going Then for no apparent reason we heard the water running and running And rlliillllll Mid running What is he hung in the shower this long asked my husband Washing away his sins He has just lllMthlHl girls When is he going to discover that we only have 30 gallon hot water tank and he empt led that to wash his hair leanliness is next totiodliniNIs hinted Billy irahain isnt that religious Look said know body left in water three days is not attractive and you know ll but the point is he doesnt know it it you cant hear the water running there are still other cities to ynui sons discovery of the opposite ch He will use can of deodorant day loi eaih arm each time he takes shower He will use mouthwash like ll runs free out of the lap As for shampoo never thought would see the day when would hidc two tablespoons of shampoo in the tea canister so could wash my hair over the weekend As in husband observed the other day as he stepped from his cold shower brushed his teeth with baking soda squirted hairspray under each arm and gargled with cup of coffee tiiiiik liked ein better when they were dirty Pollys Einters How to remove those lint balls lill ll ltllil tin illltllt tell the how to ieminc Iutl halls from all types of clothing wash certain clothes tllitllltl to avoid Ltlllllt lllllll bill that does not ttttt to help MRS lillittl MS Yours is ii Vtl common and mu problem remining such balls with masking logic and then turn the garments that shim this tendency to the wrong lllt before putting them in the washing machine am sure some of our llHl readers will be sending sonic other answers for you so keep watching IHll ltt2l FULLY Mv lcl lccvc is that am not able to hint 71 inch long curtains and draperies Vch electric heat and tiiiscbcard heaters one cannot use the Mincli lengths and when one does not sew thev present problem as Well as an ex pinsi would like to know if other readers have this trouble and how they solve it MRS lilIAll POLLY After taking shower use squeege to remove water from the tile and glass glass fiber or plastic as the case mar be The wider the squeegc is the better use it inch one This Is great help in eliminating mildew and the general smell oi dampness HlIHIN

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