lhe Voyager Saturn tl Pliotot United Church of Canada spacecraft atop Titan entaur rocket blasts off from ape anavcral Saturday morning on journey expected to take the instrumentladen ship to Jupiter aiitl PASADENA Calif AP As the Voyager spacecraft made its way toward Jupiter Saturn and beyond Sunday scientists on earth picked its brains for any signs of trouble that might endanger the mission The brains are two com puters aboard the craft which tell it where to go get the scientific experiments started and keep scientists here apprised of the crafts health One of the computers signalled Saturday that its counterpart was malfunc tioning Voyager launched from Cape Canaveral Fla Satur day toward the distant planet and the outer reaches of the solar system is the fir st of two craft to be sent this year in $50timillion effort Voyager mission is looking good to find out more about the origins of the solar system With its twin Voyager lto be launched Sept lVoyager will send to ear th starting in mid1979 television pictures of the two planets and scientific data about their various proper ties Shortly after the launch it appeared that several malfunctions had developed aboard the craft but at Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL here where Voyager now is being monitored scientists say they have cleared up all but the com puter problem Its much better looking today said Al Wood JPL spokesman The further we get the craft from earth the better it is Wood said the problem with the com uter arose when its twin ackup com puter signalled there was something wrong and automatically switched the other computer off Were checking its memory bit by bit to see if theres any error in its program Wood said Wood said the other problems that surfaced after liftoff had been cleared up One concern had been that boom or arm that holds the spaceships television cameras was not locked properly in position later check of another instrument on the boom showed that it had extended to its proper place Moderator points church to native peoples ii il llie retir ing iiiodeiator ot the liiited huicli iit Canada ltt llev within Howard says the well ixiing tanadas native Indian and lisaino iiigaiiiatioiis intist he high mi thi eliurclis list of priorities lit copy ot spccchwitL leased in advance and to be de liLtHl today at the tirstday of the tllitltli 37th general coitu tli littilltl said the churchs concern for native people should be reflected in its budget and in staff deployment The moderator is chief execu tivc oft icer of the church which is Canadas largest Protestant denomination with two million adherent and members Howard said the lnited hui ch has been actively involved in the North through the native peoples listening conference held in May last year at Geneva Park in Project North an in terchurch organization and in the Berger commission into natural gas pipeline in the Mackcime Val Icy But we have far to go Howard said We do not have very much visible rcprcscnta tion of our native peoples on our decision making bodies such as presbytcrics conterciices and general council said he was not satisfied with the follow tip of the 1976 native peoples con ference and suggested another such Conference he held in 1978 1979 During the Anglican Church of Canadas 28th synod which ended here Aung delegates endorsed continuing support for lroJcct North The synod called for halt to new major industrial develop iiieiii iii the North until native land claims are settled Communist Chinas new leaders disciples of moderate Chou Enlai lt ihiti The Chinese toiiiiauiiist party has named new group of leaders com mitted to political and titilltllllt pragmatism rather than lio Trcttiiigs policy til coiitiztioiis revolution Three of the tflve top men are staunch disciples of the late moderate lieintcrthoiitjnlai lhi tltii thiiicse oiiiiiiunist part it gress which ended in ltiitti liitirsdziy elected 37 itiilrttli llua Kuorieiig to the eoiiiit highest post the par iiianhtp and named tcochairiiien DefenCe thteii yiiig Bit VicePris irtii in retuiltilitiitwl inter leng Hsiaoping 73 eco nomic chief Li HsieiHiicn 72 and Wang fuiighsing former commander of Maos bod yguards who is the executive director of the party and about tit Hsiuhua the official news agency reported that the party central committee met on Fri day and named 2trmember politburo headed by standing committee made up of llua and the fotir vicechairmen Wangs rise over the heads of more senior party men was the surprise of the congress Mao man he was believed rewarded for his part in the arrest last Might challenge CRTC chairman on basis of bias Hll It The Na tonal tiliiierty Organ iatioi yltt gtts it is con siiiei iiig launching ii legal chal liiigctoiicrrrtaiiiiisappoiiitr littti it chaiiiiian ol the aiia an liittifll television and lelo ilili1ltltiltilis tommissioii ltll lflillt what it re giiil as tillltltl ol interest iizci tittu director Marjorie siltl ii an interview iiat iiiiu president for tii iii7 tour years ol the audition ftssociation of lhoattcastcr may be he cf to tutor of private ltltittit liii itsstKlUllttll thi interests of innitif out her radio liltltltHsHliltl1ttlttll Mrs Hauling was quick to critti taiiius appointment which wzi confirmed ltriday She seal it lttllllilt the case liiirhol trowe cliantnaiiot ti Nominal Energy Board who was ltlltttl to Step down lad your head of panel hmiiiti proposal tot north ll iriliital gas pipeline he must ot lil earlier liitm lrrhip the hoard of coiiir poiiy itiyoltcd in one of the up oration ttl lliIiStl llK Shi mid she was not ciiti ciiiu taiiiu personally but JI attacking the government iot schcling person who scr an industry he soon will he cspcituttoregulatc litItlt rcgulatiiig broad tio lilt now is re ipiitisthlc for tltlsttlllL feder iltjretuliiiii telephone and feltgraph coriipaiiitt NAlt ti iiiilittoii til pittit ptUpICS itoapu toinially has opposed orii lllllltlts ll telephone iiivsiiitrcltitirlinatters ii who is to replace rctir ni tltlt chaiiman llarry litta ii the early autumn dis lliti charge llill he has lilllll ll hiri saying that the view he tpitsttl as head ol the were ltit of the so iiaioii eid not necessarily his own llLlLl IS llllllxli llt imll he already has re signed tron his Al position and is coiiliileiit that he can tétll out thi tltlt ioh intparr tially Andy ltoiiiaii iiittttawalaw lulll tiittlil ilii Hi Jim lt lllltlltllltl tilisItiltl lliigland itli lire catei tticiyl llorsecrofts pirtoiiiiaiicc nearly hiought down the house at jubilee par ty at nursing littlllt in this llillitlinlllltltill llcrstuntsset oil the iiiialriiis at tlichoiiic ycr who has represented NAlt at ltlt hearings said the rowe presccdent raises pics tions as to the types iif cases amu will be able to hancld without appearing to have bias His years with the Al will make it difficult for him to deal with particular cases involving private broadcasters toinan said During Iamus presidency the Al took strong positions on number of important pol icy issues confronting the ltr TC October of Maos widow Chiang thing and the other three radical members of the politburo known as the tang of Four Yeti lcng and Li were close associates of hoii liurlai and Yeh and lciig were his close personal friends lhcir majority at the top assures that hoiis moderate policies will continue lll emphasis on economic tlttltipllltlll in ternational trade and other ex patidiiigcoiiticsyitlitheWcst llllil closed the party congress with tfmtooword speech iii illtll he said the arrest of hiaiig Chii izii thi rithir radicals iiiaiked the triumphant conclusion oi out first great lllitittdllitll cultuial revolution which lasted it years result he addml hina now is able to achievi stability and unity and attain great order across thi land lle diil not mention that the purged radical lcadeis wiic Maos chief Iieutciizins in the cultural revoliit ion llua called for an allaround leap forward in agriculture light industry heavy industry and other sectors We iiitist build an independ ent and fairly comprehensive industrial and economic system in our country by lotto hesaid llua said the international situation today is Very good it is very good not Jtlst good or fairly good till he repeated the standard lckiiig charges that the lnited tatcs zuid the Soviet him are both trying to dominate the woild that their continued contention will lead to con tlzitration smutday that they clanior tor disarmament and arm more and more and that they talk about pcace every dag but actually prepare for war all the time llua said however that the Soviet liiioii is on the offensive and the lnited St ates is on the deletisivc Soviet socialimperialisiii in particular presents the greater danget he said IN STOCK AT STAR 3M Photocopy paper Telex Rolls NCR Cash Register rolls Overhead Transparencies All color Xerox Stationery Supplies Sales Canon Calculators Service Rentals Star Business Machines ltd Sarieant Drive Beautiful Fast And its wa for you so Faiwiow no BARBIE LTD iit it Tr 7266595 iiii ilgt iii 1ltstzlltlllltnllll iiiitiiuil try tl itllilttitliltt 1Ap yp ltttitlltl itiytii yvniip 1i Tlll ii iitilv itrJ ultwi lvilill illlttlllll um no Jilim ltltlt iiitiv lot up irii it in tint tiit lllll iiitiiittliii mt ti utlititiq llil ttl EEIHULCU 73701 00 On other topics Howard said the church should continue its efforts to encourage more in volvement of lay poo le He said this woul mean the sharing of significant tasks by the clergy as well as tasks of lesser importance with the lay members Howard said the United Chur ch must nurture its relationship with the Uniting hurch in Australia and arrange visit to Canada by the moderator of the Presbyterian Church in South Korea Howard is to retire as moder ator later this week with his suceessor to be inducted in ceremony on Augztt Balloting is to be held today to choose the moderators sucecssor The nine candidates for the position are Rev Forrest IT FUN TO BE Titanic Examiner Yes being Barrie Examiner Carrier is fun and it pays in so many ways Our carriers earn money of their own They learn to keep records they learn how to handle money and the value of money They learn courtesy and how to get along with people They become sharper and brighter and are thrilled by the challenge of salesmanship Barrie Examiner carriers are operating business of their own getting valuable training and practical experience If you would like your son or daughter to loin the Barrie Examiner Action Force inquire publisher of the United Church Observer John Andrew Black Kingston Ont lawyer Rev Kenneth Campbell minister of East Plains United Church in Burlington nt ltev lvaii Everett Cumming director of lay training centre in Naraiiiata BC Rev Mary Haggart minister of three point charge in Central Butte Sask Katherine llockin re tired missionary Aubrey ld ham retired Bracebridgc Ont insurance company executive Rev Robert Humball former professional football player and minister of the Evangelical Church of the Deaf in Toronto and Rev George luitle principal of St Stephens Tollegc in Ed monton The council ends Auglio today about route in your area Why not apply for route now Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARBIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Baytield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 Name Address Telephone Age thgvelramine Monday Ayguft 22 1977 41 Goldfishing feline Is it kittens curiosity or hunger that caused fourmonth old Misliew to poke his nose inside the rim of goldfish bowl sitting on table top uriosity may have killed the cat htit it cant do more than wet the nose of an inquisitive kitten exploring its home If it is hunger Mishcw is soon to discover there are tastier and more accessible meals than goldfish AP Photo Campbell top trucker BRAMALEA nt Glen Campbell of Mississauga nt won the grand champion ship Saturday at the Btst annual nt ario Truck Roadco The £l7Ayearold trucker drove his dualaxle tandem trailer through the course at Brainalea City centre and completed the written examination with score of 377 out of the maximum 423 points All 84 competitors completed at least one year of accident frec truck driving to qualify for the competition Downtown Barrie Maple Avenue 726397