the examiner Monday August 22 1977 17 arrie fair Kids get day Tuesday at fair Tuesday Aug 23 will be Kids Day at the Barrie Fair Children will be able to try all the rides on the midway for reduced prices track and field meet organized by the Huronia Striders will be held Wednes day at 10 am Deadline for registrations is am All competitors must be between the ages of six and 16 There is no entry fee but all competitors will receive crest and trophies will be awarded to the best participant in each age group pet show open to any kind of animal will be staged Thurs day Aug 25 at 130 pm En tries must be in by noon at the racetrack It is open to children 16 years and under There are only two rules governing the competition All dogs entered must wear dog licences and no professional animals are permitted FEED MANAGERS Fenceline of Style also Bunkers Silos Manufactured by Henderson Precast Insulation How much do need What will it cost Will the government assist in the cost wwvwwv VV What savings can expect if you have ever had any questions such as these come to the Barrie Fair and discuss your insulating needs with our qualiï¬ed sales representatives 7370600 GEORGIAN INSULATION YOUR COMPLETE INSULATION CONTRACTOR South of Lindsay Call 7053244066 Evenings 3245847 or 3243388 Battling with other bands The Battle of the Bands will be held Aug 26 at the Barrie Fair Four local bands including the five men above known as Tramp will be competing for the 5500 first prile Boots Wizard and the Fig Leaf Jazz Band will also llkt part Barrie Fair schedule Tuesday ug 23 Kids Day on midway Miss Barrie Fair Club 30 pm Senior Hunter and Jumper Show 10 Black and White Holstein Show 3t Grandstand Show Dottie West and Homer and Jethro 7and9pm Flovrcr exhibits placed bet ween2 to 10p turling Wednesday ug 31 Track and field meet lt 10 am Junior Fair Day Junior Hunter and Jumper Show 10 am CKBB Date Night on midway Horseshow Pitching contest Grandstand Harness Racing pos18 Baking exhibits placed bet ween and 10pm Thursday Aug 23 Hunter and Jumper Show am Pet Show 130 pm Beef Show Ayreshirc Grandstand Trans anada Hell Drivers Friday Aug 26 Heavy and Commercial Horses pm Draft and Commercial Ponies 12 Welsh Ponies and Children Ponies Beef attle Angus Charlois Dairy Cattle Guernsey Grandstand six horse hitch 6130 Canadian Greyhound Racing Derby six races for championship Aberdeen Saturday ug 2T Western lloises 1031 am Arab Horses 11 30 Shetland liine Harness Hackney Ponies Hackney Horses and Roadsters 1030 Poultry Show 930 SheepShowv 123tlp ill Beef attle Shorthorns Dairy Cattle Jersey Grandstand Harness Racing ll Battle of the Bands shell to lop In Hand Spotlight on livestock at the 77 Barrie Fair The spotlight will be on livestock at the 1977 Barrie lair which opens Tuesday The livestock displays start tomorrow night with the Black and White llolstein Show On Thursday beef and dairy cattle featuring Herefords and Ayreshires will be on display at pm Fridays schedule is parted with livestock exhibitions and competitions The draft and commercial pony competition will beheld at 12 noon followed by the heavy and commercial horse show at in Welsh and childrens ponies will also be on display Friday Beef and dairy cattle shos continue with ageidccn Inglis chaiolais and gucrnscy breeds taking the spotlight Friday afternoon Simcoe District COOP Simcoe District CoOp would like to welcome you to the annual Barrie Fair with these wonderful savings Off our already low prices You can SAVE up to $25 and as much as $100 off clearance items All you have to do is drop by the CoOp exhibit at the fair and pick up savings coupons and present it at the COOp store Youll also be eligible for lucky draw to the FAIR work clothesand boots of WlthUf quesnon we mug v5 Drop in to Pontings Musical Caravan and HEAR some of the worlds finest organs have the lowest prices in town on quality mer chandise Save with savings coupons on oINGLIS ORCA oSIMPLICITY oLITTONMOFFAT Dishwashers ORanges Dryers OWashers Refrigerators OMicrowave Ovens bl We also have handful of air conditioners at ridiculously low prices SAVINGS COUPONS limit of one coupon per sale item sale ends Sept 1971 and Music Books PIeasantyPIace to Deal MUSIC CENTRE SimcoeDistrict COOP 259 Innisfil 7266531 generous savings with our Savings Coupons by LOWREY WURLITZER Its time to clear our entire garden centre Get ready for fall gar dening and SAVE SAVE VIA Drop in to our lontings Musical Caravan and SEE our wide selection of Sheet Music ponhn