12 the examiner Monday Auguet 22 1977 7282414 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm WORD ADS pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday SEMIDISPLAY 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until am CLASSIFIED ADS accommodations to share 26 births 81 cottages to rent 27 term machinery 64 houses to rent 17 lost found 70 opportunity for men women74 property for sale or rent 08 snowmobiles so odopions 82 boo moms cottages to sale 28 km machm won 65 how won mm to toy wt 04 pasture for sale 61 property management 00 space for rent 24 opts to rem 16 business opportunities o7 cottages wanted 29 rud ed grain 60 in memoriams 87 market basket 66 posture to rent 62 property wanted 02 stamps and colns 45 opt5 wanted to ram camping equipment so deaths 85 financial Instructions 69 marriages 84 pasture wanted 63 public notices summer properties or so 31 articles for sole 40 card of thanks 86 dogs pets ll florists 39 Insurance Mb homs troll I4 pOfQOHOlI 68 BO BWGP articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 employment wanted 76 truits and vegetables 67 landscaping 531 money to loan 13 photography 49 room and board 21 teachers wanted 73 orllcles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 engagements 83 garages 25 leasing 39 mortgages 12 plants and bulbs 52 rooms to let 20 tenders 78 auctions soles 79 coming events 88 exchange 48 garden supplies 50 legal 77 motorcyles 37 poultry ond chicks 59 rooms wanted 22 trade schools 75 auto accessories 36 commercial sale or rent 09 forms for rent 06 help wanted 71 livestock for sole 57 nursing homes 15 professional directory 90 sales help agents 72 trees and shrubs 51 auto service and repairs 35 canstrucrion machinery 55 forms for sale 05 home improvements 47 livestock wanted 58 office stores for rent 23 property for sale 01 servrce and repairs 54 trucks and trailers 34 property tor sale 01 property for sale 01 property for sole 01 property for sale or property for re 01 property for sale 01 property for sale 12 mortgage 12 monsoon RCHOLKAN Er CO LTD REALTOR WLLsotr JOHN 7372101 aNEs agnuoa 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 1800UNLOP ST Direct Toronto Line 3646625 REAL ESTATE LlMlTED 7269933 TREED PROPERTY WITH VIEW 160 200 mature hardwood beautiful setting for your future home approximately minutes drive from Barrie For more detail kindly call Ruth Gibbons 7281409 or 7284401 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL RM $40900 just listed this bedroom home near downtown Fireplace in living room dining room l2 baths rec room LTD EA LTD 40 Maple Ave Agent for Pinevlew Estates of Midhuret SUNNIDALE ROAD years old brick and aluminum bungalow with attached garage paved drive dining room with patio doors to $28900 Brick bedroom twin home Newly decorated with full basement possession and 90 financing available lmmediatel ipal Offers 31 Open 1st and 2nd COLONIAL STOREY This bedroom home features family room broadloomed all in beautiful condition Ideal retirement or starter 30 cedar Fleck compieely finIShed bosemem fridge Stove and JUST REDUCED IWIIII Mom Immkl fireplace bar games room broadloom patio cedar deck 14 pc home Hurry on this one it wont last long Call Rita Scandrett 726 Ref eXms nCIUded Large 00 240 only $51900 Hurry $43 900 bedroo BONUSIDNlhfmm and 12 pc both 29 car garage beautiful gardens Located on 1938 or 7284865 MLS2642 °° Pee GUbbels 7284425 Ievél home wh ajfolcï¬ed Luella Boulevard Anten Mills All this at price you CO allord and SELL OR TRADE $45000 bedroom home in country setting with MIDHURST 1800 sq home on nicely 89d Io sunken Ving 9099 room or 11 lomllY With good terms Call Joe Dyson 7262090 smuu bum on almost an acre and or vendor would consider and family room on main floor wall to wall fireplace patio doors room ï¬replace on quiet BEECH AVE INNISFIL 1300 sq ft of gracious living in this trade for home in Barrie Call Bill Barr for details 7261938 or 728 car garage ca AICOIhOUn 8352742070 court bedroom brick bungalow single attached garage master bedroom 0744 No1264 BACK SPLIT in excellent condition bachelor apartment to rent C4 ZONING 13 125 good size kitchen large freed lot Excellent financing For further details call Joe Dirracolo 7260567 or 7284401 COTTAGE NEAR WATER on beautifully freed lot two bedrooms living room dining room and kitchen fully furnished Call Milan Heron 7373584 MIDHURST EXECUTIVE features acre lot bedrooms den main floor family room with fireplace finished games room laun dry room off prize winning kitchen car garage central vacuum system plus many more amenities For appointment please call Joe LOCAL TEXACO STATION FOR SALE Good repairs and gas volume Comprehensive list of equipment two trucks and good location Vendor is retiring and will hold mortgaging Building is yrs old and in excellent repair For complete details call Ian Rouse 726 1938 or 7265407 MLS707 PANORAMIC VIEW of Bay on beautiful Kempenfelt Dr bedrooms and large rec room with wet bar in basement Prestige area For complete details call Jane Young 7261938 or 7284717 No1188 Au22 out to help you purchase paved drive in quiet location Asking $46900 Call Al Calhoun 8352742 no toll SWIMMING POOL lnground 16 32 heated pool surrounded by deck and bedroom bungalow wrth finished rec room and fireplace paved drive and central air conditioning Only $52500 Call Bernie Blum 4872299 100 ACRE Farm in Anton Mills 70 acres working 25 acres bush acres pasture artesian well and creek on property Call Tom Cair ns 7280653 Only $33900 Brick storey duplex on 165 deep lot On main street of Barrie May be purchased as part of larger parcel Call now for details VACANT Only $48500 This bedroom bungalow with garage and area for future family room den and Prime Bates 48 hour Commitments Commercial Residential or Vacation Properties Dyson 7262090 Au2229 fireplace to suit your tastes is GRACIOUS OLDER HOME in complem seclusion in the em end of IJOHN COLE 7288017 PETCERGUBBELS 7282425 Lite lowest priced full detached Barrie Feoures 43 25 mgrOUnd poet professional landscaped TOM CAIRNS 728 0613 AL ALHOUN rla loll 8352742 orne in the area lot and view of the Bay Home is approximately 5000 sq ft has lt BERNIE BLUM 4872299 ARI MAW 72871346 $35000 bedrooms French doors to balcony bathrooms fireplaces Owner moving west must Third floor is completely selfcontained This home is in immaculate SOUillce his bedroom saVngS ioan corporation condition and must be seen to be appreciated Call Doug Ferguson bungalow with garage 88 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE 7286172 or 7284401 basement on large treed homesite EXECUTIVE ESTATE large luxury homes nice lots brand new Choose from variety of models starting at $89000 Located on STH GRANT HUNTER 7267993 beautiful Valley Drive Call Doug Ferguson 7286172 or 7284401 RON JONES 7268997 ACRE FARM for nice living try this modern bedroom brick Pho MU Us mg servce Aun home with breezeway and garage New barn with box stalls for horses This is Choicepiece of property fronting on Highway 11 north and Concession l2 Oro Call Lorna Verstraten 4241956 or 728440l SNOW VALLEY ROAD at Highway 26 27 this bedroom storey home is in excellent condition and features 81 ft lot frontage with gorgeous mature trees Priced to sell at $43900 Call Joe Dyson 7262090 DOUBLE WIDE MODULAR HOME bedrooms kitchen dining room ANTEN MILLS colonial storey four bedroom executive home on 90 250 lot baths attached double garage Please call for more details GILFORD boat owners note marina area bedroom bungalow with sun porch tool shed many extras Asking $40900 ORO WATERFRONT LOT 100 285 With genurno log cabin paved road INDUSTRIAL LOT 75 300 zoned M3 $25000 MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 728 4067 TORONTO 416 889 9437 OPEN DAYS AWEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Vi7110M LanirLg TWO BEDROOM brick bungalow lthqu rOOn dltiinu rrxnrl kilr hIn rec r00 COUDII rit lilurks $47000 Phoni 718 7l27 SANDY COVE ACRES SOUTH threr h0lrllll niodulrir TITTLHTUOV Slavr KlrlplS liruadloovn Pirtirl lacatirm TtITTZilli 44 14 from downtown MEL ROSE AVE rllrjf lirllrrimi or rk llullst lrrtlltll tll Slllil r0 lflilll altrtltlid rr YOU NEEDMONEY Immediate lst and 2nd Anywhere on all homes Open Mortgage Loans cottages farms vacation and commercial properties AUQ lerdiil 61 170 tumor to lilVill pill family room master bedroom has both ensuite Homers now skir 55m WW pm MM Clasp SHWM er Kenned 4245471 Vicki Kent 4872501 Haunt am at will wcll vrmrnnii id Fnr ted and sat on rental property Can be purchased and moved For Leo CavonoUgt 7284207 Bob Saundeys 7263883 MIDHURSY II 51 Yo conEOhdme dams low mommy poymen more detail kindly call Ruth Gibbons 7281409 or7284401 Lorry Wood lno toll 4873148 Ross Batstone Iii726 3043 09 1W iitiiiw It ml Home mwommms any worhy mason llllet ua on arqi It tivi CODRINGTON STREET 1800 sq ft spacious rambling bedroom Marg Wood no to 4873148 ruuif rwtrrilu Dual 7nI rltil 20 Pay at QXIiSTlndg Orma usingemo 90598 bungalow Formal living room with fireplace separate dining room luff Li 0mm Ion ree MI it Errfr vrtlm in your rvu ni large kitchen open to family room Oversized double garage Lot BlTlrglzliirAIilrrerIl L61 yIBLITIyIII 5W WTWJII II we have ready cosh purchase morgages 147 225 suitable for tennis court and pool Just listed Call 0009 WM 1544 WWW yC Pir lyri UM Jlrll Ll Ferguson 7286172 or 7284401 JOTIIII Cillwt II 7726 lllylAQJllil II RURAL DEsrcN CRAFTSMANSHIP iust lsted meticulous buyers 1m WEN syrupngr Doug Bokiri 718 3274 Lorry DeWiIdr 728 3253 wrlmxmq llt park slum will lit appreciate amenities ie 1500 sq ft baths fireplaces RR STAR leer 710 773 FIllUCY 7280676 IWM Hifmii Tyldnhiig walkouts sun deck bedrooms and rec room twin garage lower Harold Dam 728 7543 Paul Durnmilin RI lit Iii10 tilAd in 79 DUNIOP EAST COHAnylme 37 BAY STREET level ideal set up for apartment Offers comfortable and affordable Frid Reynolds 728 5133 7370731 MM BARRlE ONTARIO 24 HOUr TORONTO ONI living Priced in the 505 Call Bill Hockley 7284401 EAL Lu Paul AlbaUr 726 3597 11355 WW 72s 0981 Phone Service 3633 won CRAFTY PEOPLE SAVE MONEY Mature treed lot 72 150m quiet 3U Nt ALE ROAD Member Onlolo Morlgoge BrOkers ASSOC setting enhances this bedroom summer home pc bath ideal list TF tt in in equity starter withlow down paymentCaIIBillHockley7284401 Hm uniui In in XAMINER Joe Dirracolo 7260567 Nora Rivers 7262596 MW be somgfggï¬w ggzoflgï¬fï¬ï¬id pumhmp Iliuiariii ilii wmvrs Aos MORTOSAZIECS Qrzchaoco Ruth Gibbons 7281409 Joe Dyson 7262090 Mower bedroom has tour piece ehsuite barn two other bathrooms WWW PHONE 7282414 Reasonable Rates J00 TTOTOQOOd 7284742 Morg Ferguson 7286172 three bedrooms rer room broadloumed newly decorated double 02pr0periy wanmd EXISYmg Morho 075° 7792090 DO Alia gt 4879412 paved drive to double garage Excellent location close to 400 hiin COLLIER ST warm HOME 11R slut HM MOHQOQeS Lorna tersraev 4241956 Murray Valiquette 7260617 WO Pricessg 900 CO Doug Renoul CORNER or OWEN corner stunts mm till nuni rm tin mum Purchosed Milan Heron 7373584 Doug Ferguson 7286172 BANK 776 7611 31 lv lainfiliiii52177iii F9 Qs Bi HOCHeY 7262596 Au22 YOU MISS THE LAST ONE flipnutbn llttirliilul ir Rtrtl ism Mortgage Life Insurance Dont miss this buy Owner leaving ourltry DOT Mm Qumr 718 6338 Hole Upkmx 78 166 04IOTS for sale AVOIIObIe bdrms bums Cor Adams 728 6829 Ross Loader 726 9245 RGOITOF JirnQUlrilari 726 0873 AUQO ope Liv lit at wrl iwornscmtmg EAST END BARRI Main floor Fain Rm wrth dblr glass tr patio HILLTOP LOTS FULLY SERVICLD 55 Collier St TWOllrepIoces NORMAN slots 75 1w Show BAYFELDST atrium ph 7374771 ï¬dhiihdeligomiz paved ME ll 168 In Hunt 7267130 eep gar an recs nwrars iru Tor Line Excellent financing $5 500 down for qualifmd purchaser DUNLOP 7283 guy ow punt om liil OHKebHZUPI Sorta$911 Ashmg $52 00 EAST PHONE 7254590 AU74 113402 Menibcyr OITTOFIO Mortgage Mortgages Appraisals Cansulting Ompw NOW REALTOR Lb 8mm 5000 AshJain 7269915 HoriJarn 7269915 Hours ankdn 59109 Saturdo s9irs mil 50 vi ormom mm Lowi II ipll iprir lil bi it rm smce we specialize can guaran WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS Lorry Thompson 728 5219 Doug Renault 7180810 illtil mortal lt to $10000 ipli OPO WATERFRONT 73 of shoreline beauty with carefree new name to enloy year round llllllg TWO waikcu Ia bu Choice of colors and broadlocrr we 94 azc 3EE terr today Call INCIyne 7371771 ï¬replaces PALMS71 Spacious new side spin wr 9g Lax finished recroorrCIasca park Ca Hay or737l77l fireplace ir 726 222Jur 737177l WORKING Ali SPECIALS EASV TERI3 Accessible to shopping and or toms and garage $37900qu prce BRAND NEW $44 90 Big Boy Pom country home bedrv treat at the price Call Wayne 7371771 or 726 8220 VJANTED How much IS yours worth Mil with full bJnt HOMES FOP SALE Call WA NE WARD 757 I771 Au22 STERLINGss 51m 73 IWWfllVle BEDROOM STARTER or retirement home Clean and attractive Price $26500 TOINSPECT above property call Ernie Reed 7266821 or 7285753 Au23 ï¬Young Biggin LIVIFL HEAF REALTY WORLD s9 Collier it Ierrls pinrt Ierrle line 7264491 Toronto line 8630398 $1101101111111111111liï¬ifliiiiflflflfli $111111 ï¬nItInItmtiittffliï¬ï¬‚iï¬ï¬‚ï¬iï¬ï¬liï¬ï¬lï¬ MEMBER tiVIE Ii 11PAG ii Real Estate Professionals Since1913 EXCELLENT STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME $39900 An immaculate large br frame bungalow with LR 22 x13 DR 10 wrth walkout to 12 x12 cedar dork Beautiful kitchen broadloorned throughout all on good sized lot 60 136 close to water with bearh rights Please call Enid Day 7370011 EXCELLENT COMMUTER $79900 beautiful 8R Custom built storey home Gorgeous custom rabrnets throughout also expensive broadloom Must be seen to be appreciated Please call Enid Day 7370011 HONEY HARBOUR WATERFRONT $38500 most attractive BR cottage large LR with fielclstone fireplace knotty pine walls attractive kitchen all with 320 water front Coll Enid Day 7370011 Peter Brocalqnte 7263916 Bill McCreary 7281365 JImCarlcilla 7371597 Verna Mullin 7232375 Enid Day 7266904 Judy Pennett 7371264 Muriel Jeffery 7266383 Wayne Pennett 7374264 Jack Slessor 7266280 Bev Neill 7260205 AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Bayfield St BARRIE Ontario 7370011 FOR SALE GEORGE Au22 EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP SE51 BARRIE 726 1881 TORONTO 364 7941 WHERE THE RED CARPET IS OUT Ross Miller 7260563 AlROse 7288l16 Harvey Weber 4363815 Percy Ford 72879310 Gerald ONeillf 7267733 Ross Burwell 458 9248 Rob Knapp 726 7294 Ken Miller 4873365 Hannah Pentland 7288028 LIST BUY on SELL wrrrrl LEON ARRICK REAL ESTATE LTD Engiéiéï¬iill MWFTF Mika Lysahild 7266054 Cec Cook 7283036 Ron Tllorne 7288714 Les LovegrOve 4241289 Nelson Garrett 7266096 Halon Burns 7262386 Jerry MrNabb 7262386 Sue Drennan 7370437 Bill Purvis 7260452 01 property for sale $45900 Now illitllt frlllllY llllll Ulltftl lll ilrui imlt wrll Ioialirl in Ctrruiriri RARRIE phone 717 NH NEAR SWIMMING and tailing lils rill Ul kwilrtti S1 80 100trood lots Only 31 ï¬t it lwll full pi it Sir S00 all 10 rarr it Rrril Estni Lllt 111716 1877 SllNNAIE ROAD lrlllt trtit Ints llllJ 21 pitvirt rurirt liyrtln tits ltIlltllllli at tho 877 5710 iuatiwllil evvrlinrs itllll Nltr 01 ixclusivr Tutti lritnli Wixvits tmlt wrxvtid rrtvnir lot 1110 lixil tr iinlmtr ltlt51lltlllt77fl 61411 rrmd 07business opportunities mural slurrtitr vii FOUR AR 101W SHOP or nilr tiriitii iI rumor airrui Aim srrimltlu tnr SHtl limit iniirliiyn Irn Hllrll rxlssiusmn Crlll Mr Rintlty Ini Riiil Tstati Brilkll 717 101i itaysor all thrill116 41741 VQlllllqi 09ltommerciaiindustriai GARAGl flay 77 10 font rtuurs washroom Avmirthlo July Dunlap Well lrlrriliiini 716 5457 drrys nr 778 0147rvoririlgs IHREL 11E RCIY Slitill tlorrnrrly lllt Arirtml rrrfl iiiliiry is litr rinl This Llimrnirlu sparrow nlit twiliting would downtown DP ritual as tlllltl rusrdrnii or protis Simial ottii rm and lldS rtrnplr parking TllOltlliltll Mr Pursur or Mr Oathy 710 9071 or TOMSS llTLTUllllS to lirr Iy Llllliltl Horny Striti Barr ll 3600 SQUARE uiinblu lur Stori Sr Iiimi irri ilViIllrlllli Juitlily lUlll lty Frrrtl Harm Tllllllllt 7281239 it 716 797 LANG IHREI BEDROOM luxuryi lOWlllltlllvt liriimult brrsrnimit $10001 rtawrl vlltIS llkl rrnt lllPDlttllTi 717 lilh INIQSON PERSONAL I7fD SERVICE 728 4294 MW TF LowLaw Down Iaymonl And you assume the mar tgage Modern four bedroom corner townhouse with low JUST LISTED $44900 BRANT nrw srdv splits at BM my Porril 100 lil TRi LOTS for fur tllcr illfornmlriin rlll Al Brnrmk rtp Uniuruut if Brnkrr 716 7919 or 7171771 JUST LISTED $54900 NEW HOME in InniJil thULJII rrtr ianitgi liriplrtrt and trotLl tut For fur ther intiiriiialinn all Al Biarlirk rep Brokir 726 794l or Unigruup inc 737 NH MIDHURST Largo untrnrshorl brick house $39000 Also lat $5000 with 961 7745 Toronto evenings PRIVATE SALE 21 STRABANE AVE well maintained home treated With trot rilliiir rtrirr vrtriily at rntrrinr 01in Us unrirqrt warulmuw 70 Maplu Avr Apply at Valliy it and Tim Rentals In Mnuli Avu ilvplinnv 715 6666 BARR CENTRAL I200 snurtri tril 5100 monthly CnrnpruusiLt air lllil hydro sunplrid 726 8716 SPACE FOR EAST Units 10 sq ft rain or may be llfll11l1l tur Inrucr tron Surtaltlu tor dlilOllllHHH wholl salrirtr rlr Prime location Phunr 72601910xtnnsiuntl am ltrO SQUARE FLET Mary St mnrtli of Dunlap Control varuuin air COITdIllOlllll lll1leltl Willi parking SUitalm for HOflSilOlrl or screri or cupanr 728 1991 PAINSWICk SUllLf two acres lilii til MW li lrnntuun approximately 9401 sq ft twilrlina spare 70l1td Telcplinnu Mb 126 1191 EXAMINER WANT ADS The building is claw lo e954 tgages tgljtiiï¬llflilg tee prompt and individual at 14 mobil homesitrailers tention to all mortgage in inquiries ensuring maximum mortgages under the most favorable market terms Homes Ample funds for residential commercial and recreational properties We also purchase existing mor tgages for cash SALE RENT parts and Service Co Morlgago M°°9 Im Exclusive Dealerfor Kerrfor valuable advice Bendix and Gtendote BUS 7371881 Modular Homes RES TOLL FREE 4875385 Northlonders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South TF 170 BurtoliAve 7289866 TF KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Second Oliggges 16 opts to rent lOAN HLV ï¬w gm WELLINGTON PLACE sloooo $106 71 APARTMENTS 500 6006 135 Wellington StWest 9° ONE we and 2531IQTILII° THREE BEDROOMS ADULTS Compare what you are paying now for car loan personal loan 7263877 and credit cards with what TF you cauld bl paying All you KANEFF save is interest Call anytime APARTMENT HOMES Tony Pomeroy 7269262 or 726 Barnes Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 726 9580 7264991 Adults For appointment to view call First mortgages from °Vu We buy and sell existing mor MWFTF TE rumrim FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom 7779292921121 EALTY LTD BARRIE aparthunts available Central Adults 0988 workdays 10 ome nd mom 5a traners ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments ITRAVELMAIE 75 Motor home sloepsl tram S160 mantlin Central location is rvrtlal or salu tully equipped Rower First and last roqurrcrt Appliances and 9418 after lnow Brill Toni and Awning 34 093 IlUdt Telcphoni 726 morgages BrytiodSl 726 6438 ep rn MORTGAGE bought and Slllil irnlrir ITANDEM nation Bond deluxe TWO BEDROOM aperlmcnt available diatr action Lnntictintinl David tmitpr luxury furnishings king size 599100le lSl boClKIOr apartment wins Real rsinri nluktt an 725 um tpea 5mm ii $7000 trrrn iiosr timoo available now rel include all utilities evenings lnewuse10ny tumr ms 445 1230 plus cable amt parking close to Beytieia COMPARE OU dfS FISI lttlllilr LOVELV ballroom rnullrli tliirno tutti Ma Telephom no 60 third mortuauis appraisals Gerry Gil yard 3000 UllfllllllSltd rapPs FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom SYVOKGA 43 316 PM QUIlll Ill end carpeting included Tuliplinnc 424 apdll15 ï¬YalablE C°l5l AUDI 737 1414 101 or 581 only no 0988 weekdays water ramin room with lrcplaro Vrry private larue T7000 63 153 teniLrt lot Will 20 40 nearivi pool Askino $611000 Cclll 726 8980 muint cost Nicely decorated Close to schools Immediate OCCUPGCY Mu 59 due $455le srx YEAR OLD spilt entry sicknuss Call 7267464 00 bedroom bungalow on large lot AUQO 22 Closr t0 sr finals and strappinl Villaut of Strourl load trrlanrrnn Apply Vic Small 141167105 rlflTDsClllllk Dnvrrt Wass 7282414 79 BAYFIELD ST IARRI PHONE 7261405 llODUNLOPST Les VAT llndrooms fireplace parade on acrel Ready TO BUllCl well trrrort lol year round 8th SIX UNIT anarlmenlbmldinocentrain Midtlurst arrit ntrIis from Barrii nut lUdllln bus roule contact Pratt paved road $47000 TCltDllOflL no 6168 Construction at 76 7972 or 728 2210 7373200 MWFTF