Bonnie Zimmerman of Toronto holds pot of marijuana during free rock concert sponsored by the National rganilation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws at ity Languages commissioner Iw 3a ng on Ilall Sunday About 3000 persons gathered for the event which was intended to educate the public about the organization Although Inaiiy at the gathering smoked mari juana openly there were no reported arrests Photot Quebec government is right asking for equal treatment OTTAWA CPI The Quebec government is right in asking other provinces to treat their Frenchspeaking minorities as well as it has treated its Englishspeaking residents says Max Yalden newlyappointed commissioner of official languages During the Cl show Ques tion Period taped for broadcast Sunday he said that if Quebec is expected to continue to pro vide the services it has in the past other provinces should be gin doing the same perhaps starting with education Quebec Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Claude Morin said Friday that Quebecs pro posals for agreements with other provinces on reciprocal minority education rights will be hammered out at cabinet meet in Wednesday The proposals will be sub mitted to the other provincial premiers at their annual cori ference at the end of the week in St Andrews NB Yalden said that although he hesitates to suggest each prov ince adopt its own Official Lan guages Act some com mitment which is more formal and more lasting in nature is needed The former deputy minister of the federal communications department said that although he is less flamboyant than his predecessor Keith Spicer he does not feel his appointment means the government is plac ing less emphasis on the role of the official languages commis sioner hope the government did Iiot think they were getting someone who would retire into his tent and stay there for seven years because thats not going to be the case he said Yalden said he supports Spi cers View that bilingualism must begin in the school sysr tem not the public service He said he does not believe the whole country will be fluent in both French and English dont think Its realistic to expect that this country is going to be functionally and fully bilingual in the sense of hearing both languages spoken daily and frequently and com monly on the streets of Van couverorSt Johns Nfld or in various parts of Quebec he said Itut think that there ill be more and more people who will for one reason or another have an interest In themselves being bilingual and If they arent bill ngual then in making their children so Yalden aid ltt bellevcs ITtlltlljtlftlï¬lllll anadian would lime harder time doing his lol than in iinghshspcak ingoni Some hard truths lia to be said to the anglophnncs in this country he epIained think that It llltptigtlltlt for francophone to do that your monday world digest TIIOLSANILS DEMOSTRATIC MADRID AIJ About 5000 persons marched through the main streets of Badajoz in Beach stroll Prime Minister Trudeau carrying youngest son Michel 22 months keeps close watch on Sacha It sprinting out in front during stroll on the beach at Iear Lake Man Irudeaus oldest boy Justin is content to walk beside the prime minister Two urnidentified men accompany them Sacha is so far ahead hes out of the photograph altogether Ihotot engineering firm NOTICE TO BARRIE TV SUBSCRIBERS During the next few days our system will be un dergoing number of Dept of Communication technical performance tests by an independent Regrettably this will mean momentary channel shutdowns as each individual channel is subjected to series of tests throughout the system We thank you for your patience and understanding BARRIE CABLE TV Co ltd western Spain near the border with Portugal Sunday to pro test plans for nuclear plant at nearby Baldecaballeros Several thousands more rallied at Valencia to voice objections to nUclear plant being built at ofrantes in their Mediterranean pttullttt SIASSKV WINS GENEVA IAIi torts Spassky of the Soyiet lnson moved one point ahead of Him garys Lajos lortiscli by Ill ning the litth game of their world chess tlllflltlflltr seini ll nal Sunday night Experts stifll Spassky who leads sewn games to six played as well as when he was world champion from time and 19711 Spassky can win the semifinal by gamma one win and one draw in the next tworounds IJXIIZNIIS SIIItVItIIS JEItlTSAlilCM Ali Israel extended government services to Arabs in its occupied terri tories Sunday on basis equal to treatment of Israeli tllf lens move government spokesman said would draw the territories closer to Israel DEVELOP INII tlteuteri EAST BERLIN Area Director Weight Watchers Open Meeting BARRIE ROYAL CANADIAN IEGION 410 51 VINCENT 51 war AUG 17430 pm THURS AUG I8 930 am liast Herman and Soviet scicn fists Iic ItIIoptll new vac cine against rabies the official ljast icrinan news agency reportul Sunday said it Kils the worlds first Ilally tllttlHt accmcagainst the disease usually spread by vildai Ina IIIiIISIS IINISI IZII IxlNiwflS Zaire II Ircsidint Moliutu Sisc Nico said Sunday that Nuna Karl Itond was IISIlIISxttl as lttltltll Intni Itl and arrested for tria son because he had lltlllltt kllitltltt ol the larrh in tlttli of lanes Shalia prov lllltlll did not warn Mobuu SAN III Slti SANIH IIilltii Ian Itipnlilii II President Ioaquin littlittllll announced Sunday during meeting with Andrew Young iniliassa dor to the lnited Nations that the Donitnnatt ltcplilihc would sign the Inter inIrican oii ventiononltunianltiuhts tHIlMt IiII luhllA torsica Itcutcii About lotion poisons lllIIlttI suppoit of oisican alilonotnf Sunday after week of bomb attacks IHlllltl WEIGHT WATCHERS The Authority WEIGNT WATCNEHII ANDaARE REUISIEHIU TItAUFMAltV UI WIIGHY WAHHI INTERNATIONAL INC MANHASSFT OWENth WAICHI INItlINATIUNAL IDH Gas pipeline Would pay $200M to offset damage in Yukon route VANCOUVER CPI The Sun says one of the companies proposing to build gas pipe line down the Alaska Highway has told US President Jimmy Carter that $200 million pay ment to offset environmental and social change in the Yukon isjustificd The newspaper says John Mc Millian chairman of Northwest Pipeline Corp of Salt Lake City Utah also told Carter in July 25 letter that route change requested by Canada in the project is small con cession Northwest Westcoast lrans mission of Vancouver and AI bcrta ias Trunk Lines of Cal gary are the principals in the pipeline project which would transport Alaskan gas from Prudlitie Itay across Tanada to the They are competing with the El Paso AllAmerican route in which the gas would be quue lied and then shipped at low temtwratures by tanker The aIiadiansrequested route diversion near Dawson Yukon and the payment were quoted earlier by unidentified Washington and Ottawa sour ces as examples of separate positions on pipeline terms acrosstanada and the IRS ICRUIIII POSITION The eastern sources said the additional $500 million cost of changing the route together with the $200 million payment to the Yukon would erode the competitive position of the pipeline through Canada Various cost figures for the two schemes range from $65 billion to more than $12 billion No official estimate has been given of the effect on gas costs of making the pipeline route companies pay $200 million compensatory costs to the Yu kon Referring to the Canadian proposed diversion to take the pipeline near Dawson Yukon rather than straight down the Alaska Highway McMillian said in his letter to Carter that it Would add 123 miles or only three per cent more pipeline to the total project and would iii crease the capital cost by $380 million in 1975 dollars or less than six per cent IItiGYBiuK ROVEE Ihc NEB has told pipeline backers to prepare proposal to build line later from the Deltaalongthelempsterlligh way to link it with the Alaska line at Dawson The line would then piggyback Canadian gas to market as cheaper alternative to separate Mackcimevalley pipeline Church administrator is charged with fraud lttlttiNlt II The ad ministrator of St Pauls Angli can hurcli has been charged with defrauding the church of Silllll Metropolitan loronto police said Sunday Police said an audit of the EXAMINER CARRIERS WIN SOFT DRINKS churchs books revealed that in voices were altered for building supplies bought for repairs in December 1973 Iiarged is Donald James Graham 40 of loronto PIZZA FOR EXAMINER CARRIERS FREE SOFT DRINKS COURTESY OF CAVALIER BEVERAGES the examiner Monday August 15 1977 Baptised before thousands Fashion model Ileather Farrar prepares for baptism as convert to Jehovahs Witnesses during animal Watchtower convention in Toronto Friday Fred Holder left and Larry Sikorski helped baptise Miss Farrar in special pool built for the convention at Woodbine Racetrack Miss Farrar was one of more than I00 persons baptised before large crowd CP Photo Most suspected NY looters were members of the labor force NEW YORK API city survey shows that 43 per cent of the suspected footers and ar sonists arrested during New York itys latest blackout were employed compared with the ltipercent employment average for New York criminals In general teputy Mayor Nicholas Scop petta released profile Satui lay based on interviews Itli 11 706 of the 5071 persons arrested during the July lit lt power fail are He eniphasied that the sin vey was taken among those at rested not convicted map accompanying the profile showed lilackout crimes were virtually confined to pre dominantly black or Hispanic areas Most of those arrested tern was normal for the neigh were looting their own neigh borhoods where the crimes took borhoods place Scoppetta said the ethnic pat IN STOCK AT STAR 3M Photocopy paper Telex Rolls NCR Cash Register rolls Overhead Transparencies All color Xerox Stationery Supplies Canon Calculators Sales Service Rentals Star Business Machines ltd Sorieunt Drive 7266595 WIN TRIPS AND PRIZES EARN STEADY INCOME FOR PARTTIME WORK °MANAGE YOUR OWN BUSINESS GAIN VALUABLE TRAINING WHILE EARNING PROFIT SEND IN YOUR APPLICATION TODAY EXAMINER CARRIERS WIN MOTHERS PIIlAS r1 WOULD UK to AN EXAMINER CARRIER MAIL to THE EXAMINER to BAYFIELD 51 BARRIE MM 416 IADDRESS PARENTSSIGNATURE INAMEAGE LJ