Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1977, p. 4

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NEWSROOM Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlay city editor Randy McDonald sports editor Bill Curran county editor Bill McFarlane wlre editor Hope Dempsey lifestyle Rot Kralker photographer ADVERTISING Len Sevicli manager SALESMEN Dan Gaynor Lyall Johnson BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Betty Armer Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays D°°V SWING Subscriptions Gail Mc Parlana WE EKLY by carrier Barb Boulton Vikki Grant 90cents Daria Graham YEARLY by carrier John larecky $46 80 CRCULATION Mixiagare National advertising ottices 65 Queen St Toronto 861 int 640 Calhcart St Jon Buttonmanager SIMCOE COUNTY M° kes asst manager $3650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out 23 MOTOR THROW OFF of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied Laplame $3913 year by that portion at the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error Pu LSEWHERE CANAD is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability tor Mom Sum 83850 Year non insertion at any advertisement beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement The xaminer is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of Circula lions ABC Only The Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The xamner lle Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material reated by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 2038l5 register oi the examiner serving borrie and simcoe county Monday August 15 1977 Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited REPORTERS l6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 John Bruce Paul Detean Richard Dunstan Pat Guergis Scott Hasklns Sheila McGovern Sue Routlitte CLASSIFIED Ruth Blais superVisor Lesley Young Freda Shinner Karen Atkinson Peggy Chapell Elia Agostini publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 CLASSIFIEDS 72824l BUSINESS 7266537 IllIINK THE MEDiAs GREAT IMAY HAVE MADE Aeour Public access to information The importance of an informed public in the democratic role has been emphasized by arguments over peoples rights concerning access to government documents The Canadian Bar Association has been taking an in terest on behalf of Canadians generally with study by Murray Rankin professor of law at the University of Victoria It was the first official response to the govern ment paper recently issued by Secretary of State John Roberts former MP for neighboring YorkSimcoe riding The Rankin study says that the British and American experience showw that giving the final decision on disclosure of documents to cabinet minister would make sham of access to government information This is made in support of the argument that legisla tion allowing more freedom of information should pro vide for full independent court reviews of government rulings The contention was counter to government policy paper issued in June which said judicial officer cannot be properly made aware of all facts leading to decision to withhold document It also proposed wide range of exceptions under which the government could refuse to release informa tion and would allow documents to be withheld at the discretion of cabinet minister Itiinkin says it appears minister could dcfcnd non disclosure with arguments so insubstantial that he could ncvcr hopc to persuade an independent person of their worth It is acknowledged there are documents dealing with national dcfcncc and foreign policy which might not be in thc gcncrzil intcrcst of the country to makc public Ihcrc also is nccd for government powers to hold back facts dciiling with ccrtziin ncgotiations until it is in the public intcrcst to ltltilSt thcm Whilc othcr similar exceptions might bc dcfcndcd thc gcncrzil principlc of the publics right to know all about lllt spending of their tax money by governments in dcmocriicy socicly should be uphcld Ihcrc should be protcction against any blocking out of information on matters whcrc the public has right to know down memory lane Ill EARS it IN liAltltlll lrom tlic Iiixiililincr August If ltllliz Mopjstriitc omplon lclfs rcsuiiicd his court dutics zittcr hziv iiig littll on lcuvc of zibscncc for thrcc months duc to illncss Formcr Illilllt prcmicl Elf lrury one of thc curlicst boosters of reforestation in thc province gave an outlinc of the program started when he headed the govern ment at Smcoc County first an ma fort9r f1cid da and tour PJ of tho Ontario rc oig In GI Sirncoc ip in Io at coin rd oro Eleanor iv VL If II it If posh lfli coc 13a fawn his Gillan vjJJT 125 if Will to ic 1I Your busmess IS VINI PAT lbtk Business ondt UllUIIHI Affairs Analyst Thomson News Sii North Allltlliizli stir it ninthts hth burn drifting through llzitiiil Iitiil lllllt wtu slonul short livcd itilhct Gone is thc mut toi optimism lllill ni companicd the installation of lltlltllrill in the US prcsnlrncy lost lillllll Wall Sticlt hzis bccomc itlltllll iczil Here in Canada the slcndy diIiei motion of the equityinvestininl syslcin gocs on 1d though the flamc ol Spftlllilllflll still flickers most rcccntly in wcstcrn Illh and pipelines By any objective standard North Americas economy badly nccds iicw capital investment to crcatc uscful jobs and stimuv latc activity But to encourage capital investment would go against the egalitarian spirit of the times There would be profits to be made by some fat cats Any profits made in the stock market this year are likely to accrue to professional traders people who devote their full time to the market and who are able to anticipate the shortterm movement of stock prices in response to periodical statistical pronoun cements or other news of temporary significance ANALYSTS VIEWS Here is sampling of current views of stockmarket analysts Argus Research Corp of New York has just changed its assessment of the outlook for ounty rural softball Iciiguc chum pionship Ihc pitching of Ed nlnp bell and lziirc Ilutchcr fcziturcd zilong with lllt hitting loc liob and liill Itcll lcii Nccdhnm Iiurric station zigcnt won thc wcckly hun dicup golf competition at the Barrie ountry club Mrs IIIsic Montcith was clcctid worshipful mistress of thc niw oronzition Loyal Iruc Illuc Lodgc zit Midhurst with Mrs Marion Urscr dcputy mistrcc and Mrs lrzinccs Iriiig recording scirctury lcn tangoishcnc fmishcd first zind Itzir ric third in thc North Simcoc hasthall Icaguc tinnl standing Essa township council sct lllt szimc tax ratc for 19117 is for 191m of ii rnccting IJlingrovi Normzin on worth iIcik Itllilflffl thl miniitcs II Itinhop won llll most points at tht innuol llUWtl show of thc Anglia Horticultural Socicty licld it tho lorcztry itllfllltilllllll Miiyor If Itobcrtson congriitiillilied Ilic toriii lixoiiimci for wmning lllt Manon trophy til Ifnnndnin wcikly nowapopcr compclilion filorIJiiln var thcn editor and Vinitainnnxgir Slurdclcniliimn With auriii Hilts Alvm Huck lonc IIlIIVIIl ollcrs to turn pro from both thi Iiitroll Itcd Wings and oronto anli Limits Stock market hopes fading llN nlxt six to12monthstohciirish from neutral to bearish Ihi reasons llltlllllt it continuing uptrciid in US ililcrcst raitcs zmd in cxpcrlzition lliiit Itill IIS corporati profits lIlIStUllllltIl for infliitioni will lIVtl olf toward lllt cnd ol 19 This suggcsts IllXl yciirs chIronminl Will be conducivc to Illiljttl cycliciil dccliiic in ziggrcgiilc stock values thc firm says Wood iundy Ild ZtmllySl llorst Mucllcr commenting on thi US outlook SilySI Whilc thc longlcrm piillcrn is still con structivc the market miiy bc on the way down to dccpcr ovclsold condition tlizin wc have seen so fur and product thc cxtrcinc of pessimism necessary to fuel susliiiiiziblc id vancc it ncur tcrin busts 2i dccply chrv sold position zippczirs closc Yorkton Securities Inc illlillySl Robert Stonc belicvcs that thc uptrcnd in US iii tcrcst rates is enough in itself to prevent any recovery in the stock market But he recom rnends retention of public utilities gasand Oll intermediates and gold and silver stocks What longterm effcct is the weakness in the Canadian dollar likely to have on equities If it should fall to about 89 cents US by latc 1977 from its currcnt cents then it may nizikc Juniidian stocks attractive oncc zigiiin to hardcurrency investors thinks Robert Stone The dcclinc in thc Tziniidizin dolliir from about $ltl3 USl ill this timc lust ycur lIiIS presented Canadian cx ortcrs with good op portunity to step up icir foreign sales and thus czirn new profits SUPER ANY CDMMENTS Irfi DISCIPLINING THE PRESS WERE PROBABLY MADE INIIII HEATOFIIIE MOMENT BESIDESDISCIPLINING IIIE PRESS HEAVENS Parliament hill lty SIIIH lll Mitcl Ilttll Ultimo litlrciiii Ihomsoll News Sch lct Wlth lurlliiiiiinl now iidjouinid illitl llll lrimc fVlIIIIfilII lriidiiiu ofl on rililwiiy viiintion Wllll hls clnldrcn llll most cxclling sport iirouiid lltnwii is hpttlllullllt on ciibiiiil cliiingcs Itsiiiiinliunlcviiil llii plinll mmlstcl lilis ltl it ltt known Ilile llltlt will ht tilltllltl iliiingis lltlttlt liirllnlnclil IIhlllllth oiitlil l7 blil lu llilsnl oflirld any lltlllh about who may be myolvcd How you lltilltl iny Illlllltlh tlmlil cliiiiigi toriiicirk¢1lonc scnior ministcldllc otlicr diiy Wlltll it With suggcstixl to llllll lllill llc should lx lllt dtllltt of such lllltlltllillltlll llt stud lruiliiin llilh licvcr lilcnlioniil thc sub jch toliim IIiconly llllltllt lillkillttlll It is wllcn llt holds it prch ttlllltltlltt Ilul llllh lnilnslci did ollcr onc tidbit for llll spicllliillng gnmc llc iiiid lllill at it tcccnl illlllltl inclling llll prlmc Iiimislir ilhkttl lilri illllllll collcligllcs whcllicr llliy liIthIttl it fit clcctlon and Mini wllcn llii qniiition tillllt lo llllilllll Mllllriltl Iltlllilltl Miiciloniild lll ltll Ilull llllltltHslltll lII Would not lw Hill The world today lly IOIIN IIAIIItIttIN Itlllllflll Affairs Analyst Thomson Ncws Servici think the first Illlllllllillltillill ttllllllillly to expcricncc lhc globiil brickbiils of lIKiIl nationalists and mcizilisls was thc ocu olii Company Long cforc wc lizid thc llliljltl iicudciiiic studies on the powcr of international titlllr panics the revolution by govcrinncnts iind politicians of their allcgcd machinations there was something called focii Colii iin periiilism You couldnt be the head of dynamic new nation unless you took crock zit focii folii Imperialism It went along with the job like bankrupting the country to build new steel mill start new airline and generally smoothing the Wii for your political cronies Sukarno in In onesia Nassef in Egypt Castro in fubzi ilnll Ulhricht in East Germany all ranted against the ruvnucs ind domination of Iocti Tolzi imperialism Goodness knows what thcy mount have trusted substitutes for thc bcvcrugc which personally like in Poland Cubu IiISt Ger many and the Peoples Itcpublic of Ihinu which rungc in taste from nail poliin and re sin gonc bad limg zigiim dont ciirc he was rcportcd to llilt sand dont mlcnd to bc cum pingng ltlMtHlSAlilllNll liin oiic pcrson knows for slirc what cliiiiigcs wdl lI lllillt illll pcrluips hc hasnt Illitllt up his mind yct blit Ill pass zilong Mimiof thc Iiitcst rumors inywuy Ihc most prcvulcnt one is lhill ltIlIl button now minister of industry trzidc and commcrci will bccomc Ihc first Frcnch iiniidiiiii minister of fmnncc It would bc mnsiilcrcd ii promotion tind thc Ii ycarrold lawyer may bc thc motat dcscrving minislcr Ill illlllltl And should hi dccidc lo scck lhc lliltltlSlIlll of thc Qucbic Liberal Party thc tnizincc porltollo thtllll givc him an ziddcd toucliof lustrc totiikc With him As for his rcpliiccmcnt in industry trudc lind commcrcc tlicrc illt scvcltll nalncs men tioiicd lillliougli lhc numc of Ilculth Ministcr Milrc Lulondc sccms to bc hcurd most oftcn llc llilS bccn lIl his prcscni portfolio sincc hc tllltlttl lillllilllltlll in lili Illltl likcthrclicn llt wants it tllilll IIIIIIIAIS Mill IAtlllIN And now it is Indias turn to pick on oczi kiln III country which morc than all lhc others mentioned lcspcrtitcly nccds poliiblcs in bottlcs lllill dolil tilllSttlyStllltly or thc Indian cquivnlcnt of Mcxicos Montc mmiis rcvcngc Sad to 5in the new Indiiin minister of in dustry socialist allcd George liernzindcs wzinls focal Cola to surrender the formula and lit pcr ccnt of the Indian opcrut ion And there is invcctivc about multinational which doesnt make anything as dangerous as jet fighters nuclear weapons or promotes the growing and sale of marijuana and other bad drugs Its iust good old Coke that hes talking about when gnashcs his teeth as follows The activities of the Coca Cola Company in India during the lost 20 years furniin ii classic example of how multinational cor poration operatin in lowpriority high rofit area in cvcloping country attains runaway growth in the absence of zilcrtncss on the NIH of the government All that about bottle of Cokc In any cuscthc new Indian government like more uusptcnous ones before it are out to get the Coke folks who are just as likely to WOULDNT KNOW HOWTD eo ABOUT AIIIING LIKE IIIAT WEN fit it Impending cabinet changes stir Ottawa speculation liut sonic pcoplc olfcr the suggestion lhill Allan Mzicldlichcn who last year agrccd to givc up tlic prcstigious external affairs port folio to rcsumc his old duties as Privy Council lrcsidcnl and governmcnt housc leader is due for unothcr upwzird move He had becn COIlSldCIttl it highly successful external af fiiirs ministcr and thcrc is widespread belicf that sonicthiiig bcttcr had been promised him whcn he agreed to this further stint as housc lender However its morc fun to ussumc lélltllitlt will move since that would lcavc an opening in thc hcalth dcpzirtmcnt And when it comes to Xltulilllllg on his succcssor thc mnziwuy lender is tto Lung now minislcr of tran sport think it would be fair to say that Langs zirccr us transport ministcr has not been onc continuous succcss But Trudeau cant af ford lo iilicmitc any wcstcrn support with 2m obvious dcmotion The health dcpartmcnt would do iiiccly Aild then this would ltilVC handy opening in lhc transport dcpurtmcnt for Jack Homer the formcr Tory who now is ministcr without portfolio India socialists resent popularity of Coca Cola sziy to hell with it and get out of India altogether Tocii oliis sulcs in that giant country rcprcscnt only one per cent of the total in lCIlliIlltmill sulcs of the irln and the company is not likely to give in to the Indian demands Its interesting that the Indian industry minislcr mentioned surrender of the formqu before hc ordered 60 per cent local control guess Kentucky Fried Chicken hasnt made it to Indian or 0150 the determined in dustry ministcr would want its secret for mula for cooking chicken surrendered as well Then there is McDonalds the hamburger people who arc claiming more than 20 billion hamburgers conslnncd ill thc United States alone They dont have it sccrcl formulli its form know just hugc part of thc North AllltlltIlll hamburger consuming populiit ion If thc Iii Miic could be llflllSliIltd into the major liiiiguiigcs of India at country which has lltVtl Icilrncd how to fccd itsclf think of tlic polcnlinl for busiiicss by Mc Ikiiullds and solving thc liungcr problem for thc liidiiins Or would Mcllonnld inilxrililisnl ill the 08 succcixl lllt ilcn olii version of tho lltfitls Queens park MPPs split over awards By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Political parties are like all groups Although they naturally try to present united front to the public and usually suc ceed there isnt one that behind the scenes doesnt harbor its differences resentments and splits big and small At the present time for example the Con servatives or at least section of them are upset over an appointmentthe naming of defeated cabinet minister lohn Smith to the Workmens Compensation Board The section made up of backbenchers mostly veterans is not bothered by ethics that the Smith appointment was political one Nothing could concern them less No what irks them is where the ap pointment went They feel that the government takes care of former ministers and does an excellent job But that in turn it does nothing to speak of for former private members many of whom need to be fixed up much morc And they are right in that there are num ber of former back bcnchcrs around who are in poor straits They have some pcnsron But there has to be very long service before this rcally amoun ts to much And aside from this they are struggling And it is true that the government of today seemingly doesnt even know they exist GREATER REVOLT Probably the most interesting conflict in Tory ranks happcncd fcw years pa however It could have been labelled the eat Revoltrof the buck bcnchcs against the front benches At the time when thcrc still was com fortable IC majority cabinet ministers were hardly ever seen in the house except at question period Not cvcn for votcs This bothered thc foot soldiers con sidcrably So much so that they threatened public protest If the practicc continued they said one night before votc the entire third row would walk out Then let thc ministers stivc thc government from defeat which they couldnt have done even if they all had showed up The threat turned the trick Ever since thcrc has been much better showing of ministers And this before the minority situation for ced good attcndancc Canadas story By BOB BOWMAN Even in the l9lli ccntur pcoplc in Upper aniidu had difficulty finding doctor or get ting married It was not until it that dissenters nuirriiigc bill became law in tppcr Canada and thcrc wcrc similar problems in other British North mcricin colonies ln Upper Canada it was necessary for some timc to be married by Church of Eng land clcrgymnn Thcrc wcrc only 12 of them giillantly trying to cover the prm incc on hor seback and many nmrriagcs had to be dclziycd In 1815 thcrc were only tit qualified medical practitioncrs in Upper timiida The result was that the province was milking ground for highprcssurc salcsmcn of wonder reme dics Some of them brought along en tertainers They would crcct it big tent and put on show during which the quack would dcllvcr spicl about thc wonders of his products The Toronto Patriot protested in an editorial in 1838 Quncks are an intolerable nuisuncc in any country whcrc cmpiricism and radicalism go hand in hand It is mon strous gricvantc that our governmcnt should allow the province to swarm with these tilent vagnbonds every one of whom is ankcc loafer Dr John Rolph begun mcdical school in York in not but bcciimc involved in the Up pcr Canada rebellion in 1837 and had to flec to the The Royal ollcgc of Physicians and Surgeons wiis iiicorporiitid in lttiti to cxumine candidates for licences to pructisc medicine in Upper Canada The College rcccivcd its chzirtcr at Kingston on August 15 1866 YTIIEII AltilST I5 EYIINIS l5itr Carticr began his return trip to Frilll ce after the first voyage to tunzidu 16897 Frcnch and Abcnukis tittilckcd Icmaquid Muinc l696 Pcmaquid surrcndcrcd to at force led by Ibcrville 175477 Anthony Monday was fllSl white man toscc buffalo on tho Iriiirics i324 rtiov Simpson of thc Hudsons Bay Company began canoe trip from York Fac tory to New Caledonia British tolulnbiu ltititi 0ttawa Collcgc bccumc it university llllilAc1idian Frcnch meeting at Mcmramcook NB chose Aug 15 as their national day bible thought And behold send the promise of thy Fiitlicr upon you but tarry yc in the city of Iirulutlcln untll ye bc cnducd with power from on hlgll Luke 2449 The energy crises of the church is met at this point If we are unwilling for Him to come ill thcrc is no point in going out

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