IIWu CONVENTIONAL FIRST MORTGAGES 101696 No salary qualifications QuicksaieTelephone7284990 or moflgog brok and 1968 DODGE MONACO Convei tlble new TACK SHOP English equipment Ger ma qsy LOCAL SWIMMING POOL dealer has man saddles since spocloilzo can guaron 293 33305 beg 30 33 gpo ALUMINUM COMMERCIAL ART NANDYMAN PAINTING mm Wow new males Robinson IQ We 77 tb apts to rent ONE BEDROOM turnished apartment overlooking the lake main lloor 194 Dunlle St East One year lease re qurred $185 monthly 7268420 or 7260241 BRADFORD ST new decorated older home completer sell enclosed upper Hour bedrooms plus third lloor as storage balcony and Closed in porch Downstairs is beauty salon Parking Adults only please $250 monthly plus utilities Available October Ist Call 726 5467 or 728 8285 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT ground lloor $230 monthly heat hydro and ap pliances included One child welcome no pets tirst and last months rent re quired Phone 728 1415 17houses to rent 32 cars for sale gt 1959 METEOR stationwagon excellent condition standard Certilied $550 lirm Telephone 436 2899 1971 LTD FORD station Wagon tor sale Power steering and brakes Needs minor repairs Asking 3300 Telephone 726 7109 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600 Deluxe tour speed guaranteed rustprooting ex tended warranty radial white walls radio rear delogger 19000 miles Telephone 728 2138 1974 GR EMLIN blue and white automatic six cylinder radial tires low mileage Excellent condition Best otter Telephone 458 9416 1971 PONTIAC VENTURA six cylinder automatic radio mechanical condi tion good mileage Certilicd Priced to sell 737 3170 REPOSSESSED 1972 Buick Skylark Clean car in good running order Accep ting otters Contact Jim Campsall Bank at Montreal Telephone 728 5949 ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible WEEDS Lot or field cutting Also Brush Clearing 7264536 says My so action lSlngar SEWING MACHINES and other models is lust superli They start as low as Guaranteed No money down in store financing S6 Sbcamping equipment UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 9I°P w°3I lIm TOURAHOME to loot trldge lust west of the Barrie Arena stove lurnace toilet propane and elec 7262900 trlc At condition Asking $1900 Phone 3224689 1968 16 FOOT CITATION travel trailer Sleeps six Stove and away lridge in good condition Telephone 4245709 57Iivestock tor sale for SALE Old lashloned cast Iron bathtub ping pong table and paddles brown velvet couch liquor cabinet Hardware 31 Dunlop East 7282431 Imprices16ttx32ftlnground53883 to prompt and individual at EcstVIew bus route two Camping WOUIdsiCaPSI° NM COMMERCIAL ARTIST to design art HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ax ï¬nned om sues com HORSES BOARDED Close to Barri parstlvely mic mongog bedrooms mmowlme con éggddiï¬gï¬lnElLEéo 339gtgms1ctkpmzl GIBSON ALUMUNIM ggdgwm Pl cal collect as GENERAL MAINTENANCE Iorlor °IIP9IOIOI cuIgfagflggdbmll mm polymlm Pools We mechaarrrdggr56 Luck and trails wtndv nqulrl nguï¬ng maximum dItIOn IUII basemant Oll healr wheels power windows steering and 5de PIIdCI WIndOW5 Cleaned and05k0roperaor FOR SALE Herford Holstein mllklng mongogo under $05 plus and uhlmes adults ggskfzï¬ï¬gllent condition Best oller Siding 50m Trough CONCRETE General awn care cowand 3monthold Limousine typecall favorable market terms Ample funds for residential only no dogs Phone 7284752 1971 AMBASSADOR WAGON va Awnings 000 Wiltdows automatic good on gas $950 1975 PON MANIERI PAVING Cleanup and fertilizing CONTRACTORS AIRLESS SPRAY PAINTING my DINING ROOM SELECTION ls at loot $500 tor both or best otter Telephone7281069 BUCKSKIN MARE 152 hands 11 TIAC Cat in commercial and mammal Between omit on Animist onli€33i Patios sidewalks Garages and basements we Palm Factories pleasure Io show bu° staiieizzllllcl Ilsiitl °° properties 11 See at Park 58 MotelWasaga Beach steps curbs cleaned Any Size hutch table leaf and live hands Yew3 Green abroaari 197 PONTIAC Station Wagon Chairs onl 499 delivered areal as Shell °II° IM IIIIII passenger deluxe Air conditioning FM and garage floors Refuse removed Both interlor 8i Exterlor °i 122 oZnoZ 11 yerSAr19iepptTityé tgagos for cash radio radial tires good condition Any oTrees and hedges Also under round orking areas Ion °WI lane 7257979 Call Mortgage Manager Ion reasonable ollchelcphonuIza om Work Guarantee UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Kerr who adv SING HOMES 1975 cnev IMPALA 350 power steer 10 Discount Available FREE ESTIMATES trimmed and CUt °d C°mm°m°l buId95 202 Dun°p 51 west WW pgéspgweéwlralkefé and trabrlts All GUARANTEED was of the Barrie arena DEKALB READY to lay pullets availt BUS 73718 for rent 9350 ableAlsolarrn fresh eggsCraig Hunter 355 TOLL FREE 4375335 andA bedrOOms Yalcpmwm 5m PAUL FORBES 7262900 Poultry Farms5trwd 43613 19o7 COUGAR 390 tour speed headers TTWTT in WT doibie glorages ou15lders Goo tires Shelby magnesium Au3 ME irep aces rlms All otters considered Telephone GREENLANDS SEEDS and lawn mix °7 °°P call anytime 7264544 BUILDING iLtlIni59 no to HELP now it main in BARRIE or Toronto 88142515 507 IrownEchupce luxwiï¬s PR 1507 005 gt In your costrofts Tolophono Fight inflation by purchasing mg ewe NDY We It Le TT 077 6344i ngED QUEEN 7L7 777777 777 Member Ontario Mort Aims lumped Tvlcpholw 728 6525 alter onuas 7v7 A7 reezor wo Brokers Associatiog9 pm HOME IMPROVEMENTS Exrmr ZZIngicsga Isizes 12 cu ft and 15 cu It for Iarm mac THRE BE 1969 VAUXHALL 1C ome TF with Snragoo Soitilaiiéiio Nomi iiiiml telephone 3923 345800 36 Lure 5an NEmc ll ISMQPLIANJZI SATISFACTION GFIJARANTEED as Iow 537722 BROWN AND BELL vrv Aailable September option to pur seen alsz Adelaide StrecIUnltNo2t OVGS YOUQ 00 0154 iotorb30pm Chasi it rtduired $325 monthly Call 1903 MONTEGo CONVERTI LE Soffit oWindows BEINIIEIJILIEIIIIIIfL 7777 Farm Dot Ul ment tLflflleItoflesjtgllerrs mm arms one New makes LBn Fade rs NEED MORE living space 00 mm Ask tor TERRY DElLYAViL ywo FIVE BEDROOMS each Un terror in immaculate condition Tell 00 deroomplayroqmlumdryommImcg $6 turnlshcrt houses on bus route centrally phonon 2m Shutters Awnings gï¬gï¬mawmg wallpoporlng Murray MAVWW KROEHLER ROCKERmm SALES AND SERVICE locattl one nerds sumx re 77 TelepLhone 72o 255i ice It to 30p ELI StillnhiidloIOSIIIILIL Add°5R°°t9 G°IV°led ond VYI custortrl REC ROOMS Compilio basamoTli PAVING 23219 fflï¬fioo liioéixgi complme Lin DOW FOUR BEDROOM detached home recent bodV loll Willi nlw llont tllltleis PorCh EnCIOSUresSIOHBWOII InSIOIIed pianning and d°°9 PIWY and leather 5150 small tile top at Farm EQUpmonI and SUPPIIQ Dams gawk largo Io ammo In Ba ï¬lm on rlpih 36 who FREE ESTIMATES Illd poliosxlumlnum door The number Icrr casional table $5 Torcan 44 baseboard Burma Holly Hwy 27 rie $375 monthly First and last MAVER NU do mg lIor fee estlmote your my 97798906 heater 7501500 we 15 V3 WYCk 7260338 or7286766 SALE RENT Sï¬ggtsmiï¬gkb Cyllnder bucket so Iloor console cgupml Spulmc CALL iPï¬IALIZING flu Judd pomth immune electricimagingeréusfgatagoezsgsbfll vmyl root chrome trlltt Call Ellen proulng whim 19M veryg TOWNHOUSE three totour bedrooms 456 Noaatternounhour 66 4ng93429° WWI 9° 973 CUSTOM GRAIN coMalNlNr arm baths tour appliances broadloom AL on lerrlce throUghout garage SJTS montth In L365 ListsErégarrinnuzgs colgdnylgd omlly Busmess CUSTOMngJILDING House lilting loundor 5106 LawOmaha 79°7907 fI xc usiye ea er or cludes can and water Close to schools RN tiom an moments oddltlom and to 19524 51°23 i512 TIEEIN EENCE co RI CLEARANCE en an en TWO OR THREE BEDROOM ï¬nish AUYIOITIBIIC lï¬ï¬lxlgooktyfrolldltlitll med 7262609 5°00 NORMERN OWEN °° met qrahveepleiSzvhgeaggeziegï¬zednoggw pupE NYUQAL HOEV Modular Homes 2350 i113liisifc533li32 2131513333 $1995 rolooiiooo 705 on 3481 160 Bradford Street 3323233 72232333fnglwrc 0W ALL WORK GUARANTEED Motor Supply co Ltd 39 Hing St 33 WIN 1975 AUSTIN MINI od or 728 5911Nowo enSaturda Still4 Nonhlcnders Tehpho 30° Jo 000 miles Extra tires sfslldotloor PAINSWICK Barrie 0mm PM mmwmm WWW FREE ESHMATES 77777 PM personals Travel Trailers SUBLET BEDROQV milhm 5390 best otter Must sell Call alter plumbing Ilorliliul exterior imam 777L77 monthly Available 15th at AugusttoLlOth paltltltig Rullnlshlngturmlur 7260033 73 3348 Corsair Glenette September Tuiopizonolloesl 8005 OWNER OPERATED 0° In ence EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Renovations Cygnet EXECUHE HOUSE With ppaumul titcars wan ed to bUY PROTECT and BEAUTIFY supphes at lower prices lEmIIIIIg irimlpnry arid Illmnyg worms is here to guide you safely Terms UP 7015 Yeors aFOrLIruflettomggs tire your home with Do II YourseII or we InSIOII itznitocgttztmï¬tgzs Huuso Ialslrlg loun Driveways Parking Lots BhErgltOOgh MUEUITIE sEdwioln hol do 19659 TtiéDiOWTIO SJILCVMOBJI datlorls renovations additions Ph xomp or Io Irrf no JSIXVZY II 5°02 rooms For Barrie Newest Car Dealer REYNOLDS ALUMINUM Far free estlmates call 43679550I4361175cllml 6p on Tenns C°Urts pc suites with bookcase head Jamaica CLUB CAPIBEEAN in TOP CASH SdW INCOME IAx C°°°W°Ik boardsonlvsm hordel lit rr stop Leaking tam ties avaitnbzn GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL Soim F0500 mCOME mm pupa Ana so FREE ESTIMATES UNCLAIMED FREIGHT MWIS DVOW be gt69 TRAMELMATE MSW no Sleeps gzesrltï¬lgnégrl erltiglriiud Totoplow AUTOMOBILES nEovestrough DRESSM KI 00 up Demon 274 590 Written Guarantee 202 Dunlap St West lember 24 Draw 539 LvSDV5 lags 3835 Teun eaofamgtmsfge 35 If seamless W°Id lust west of the Barrie arena OIOIIObie at rie Ba Far sips we IIOEQJSYSNE C9 3355 Rg1sjgii OR HARDY MOTORS FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP messes made by JOSIE AQUINO msuuflon 7262900 rsmmma EM Gwyn Beï¬d deue rams Cal Ma Snap 75 Jam l76 BRADFORD ST 728 4777 FREE Spaciolmng in pom suits gowns and allure serving Simcoe CoUnY Aul7 Ester lywrr siugnisiuws W19 Stle Extpa LARGE FUPNISNED ROOMS WT rTF All 726 9769 °9°° PM 7766000 to Wyeors iw Auw PENN 705 95 59500 show ken For singcs Luna 41boaI5 and mOIors Vigil195790 intslxlirres 705 445 L130 coup es rem cuppligc Djï¬nlgwl TOP PR tif hr ttlp can Yoko Motors mr LL 7rrvriw flieruvmrviï¬ v7 REPOSSESSED 197 Olympic mobile area 25 Ltd llillrllltr15 Barrio 7le R111 allonA Dnwal and Kgmmul 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany my IF 375 ll Al aw home 641i 90°C 3115an 395 0i CENTQM FURNISHED Rooms JUNK CARS WANTED lemtrs prices and cammarctul no lob too big or small OAYESV 87 Dunlop Eu cunom 0009 Our CYIIMIJV Chï¬e 599 7923 iSsociriG T°mem°°°m 32 EC it 5=¢Sil MU SidingSoiiitFascia °°°°5°m Immlna °°Yrm nail many ï¬zzl041357m232 555$ Id+7 Isuzu so was so rec ers ton7203270 COMFORTABE BASEMENT BED TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tar ShUIIerswndOWS lt Blown Cellulose Fibre ARHFRAM harm blew homing WM 17 FOOT squRLINE Dee or 11 2slaesls FEICI SITTING roocr primate immoth reczni and paprts lfrjo pjï¬Lus DIIIU DoorsOEavestrough GRAHAM szsmollonmo Emu FREE ESTMATES Ol0ticms Fast nrytco Low low prlca gTomfliiï¬diinflgfl IAiPIvB eevlsrcr showgr le and 35 mg Veep lLlt mitt1 no hm mflunmd cullyzswn 77g 5633vm won on cmvertble top sir bar rvan err 42 edcai acc WELLINGTON PLACE if ï¬wrwddwflexfffl Cogs Esoiqclliéygm ï¬nika mater CO Idol suPElIIott EAVESIROUGHING SWCIOIISH MWF S7 pluMBING Telepridnena 3865 ia 9Ctl eec Eecrtloqm Vivi lt it Telephone Lo ertoai yi 35 All Dodo 27 22 vigocilpggelnepgrqsgozlx43trï¬ MUST SELL 19 FT CABIN CRL SEQ NEW WORK aid IOPOIVI drain and sewer cccr arena Lr head and sink so usrrscr at 135 Weiingon We cgitrgls High 90 sari it 53m fi 59 aazf APPLIANCES Eunmul BOTTING PROPERIY Sumo Rough Mow KlOunmg complete lulrlion and bathroom board includes SIID at the Mar Iues ONE Two and new mom 376 Esta °6 16 777777 in 777 777 77 77 777 77 mg pruning lawn and garden inalnlononrg unevatioris uremic tile Bilotia quire at Barrie Ivar rte Agricg cr My THREE BEDROOMS 737 loan fï¬jijf5TIVMIM ELECTROLUX Cartoon lid nuthotllod soles PETER GAMBLE Eiarlllc Comrnerrlal gfggzmu Ioddiilo Fror Ultimat 45mm New V3 who gm 805 A169 ondsetvico lBAiliunteï¬lrd 72a 3397 solidaitiol Industrial Installations and to ROOFING to FOOTER AND any 9325 T1 ADULTS ï¬ns pg we me 726 49 made Day Salter lie 2w rec JCS For appointment to View all clearly l11lt 34IrUCkS and trailers and Roohng MW Awhal mmgl times the offense 343 gr 1a $313 lac lt vi Ropaiu guaranteed quality work I3 It II 7263827 Gem pyr 4x4 Atle Ev or nil REPAIR alltlsh Etlttapent and Japanese Roasonable 14169957533coiivcl 79 ces 33c 31 9°E rttv II rt TF FURNiStt 230 tor at $3 35 tits iif 3° COMM AU 3° MW 95 ommerco WANDR ROOFING New and old town 77 Cl 95 av 3915 rï¬ near and Mtg plum 11 7° ReSIdeniiai Farms mm 377 may moor Dunner Neecs sme Aich 3ND 1T9 33 50C Ca1 lei sjc ja yny Ctjl VIE 33 KANEFF It role Mr msw BIRD HOUSE Lighting design noormo mo Odd Jobs rm km Mm 21room and board WAN Soddlng lawn and garden Workguoromud 424 oozl syrrut on lsfeg jic LYVDEal gum MANN MW mm App 97 Eiectrlcal consultan APARTMENT HOMES 42articles wanted TOW TVUO MBIIIsnAro Barrie or intention 723 5733 20 yrs experience Tmmencnce ff AW pfffflj RETIREMENT HOME rgt Rototliilng EVegfeens sres as Borne Fmes VON City Masters Llc ilB me res 05 ch as sou Home like surround 45 incivllurll Cedar Hedges Fertilizing and rr £13 lMPERlAL TOWERS nil NSC tentlon cgml rtablt VJOT excclit It ll My SWUCGUNG ï¬lm BOOKS hm Poio Re SEW EASV CO Sonics caill irorr 55 7269580 7264991 meals laundry IJTmm moi Near Ag ml 3r In myan bu Sportolim rogom oll motn Indusal itsdogs and pets Ad Dark and downtown Immetlnw upon FREE ESTIMATES and home mdlthlnu Nov used min nw ings Telnpnonc7jé so ivdr CHE tor Lukoo lrUit Ir 737 16m Ana 9037 it TF ROOM AND 80520 Sung arlqu al rlrlt lus truvtr war it trip and Ag ld Cm lierals mm rtrltesrl ht ldllillxt summi ltln Apply mdusriol Commefciol 9533 vie rs le erscrs Ver FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom mg 34 155 émgtfyn 0ch nirlrlu Carma ti WA apartments available Central Adults 72875 FOOD WHY AND colloiol Como Klirhetl io oForm ReSldentlol CA PAULS SNOWPLOWING rusidama and 90 0Y 776 0985 WEEKOGYS an no 1i to WI 300WW Oddllllt illvim 12 777 Hm romnmugl money saw Enus It 7371507 nc ea rm Lcc ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments 230IIICESSIOI95 for rent pound Vid Nb If 14 nlctm 31RR IIIILIIING WEEDIptayIIlg mowmg hedge mm Paul AV poos om $160 mommy Cam mam 250 Cum ma ms whoonng Promo Dryers Ranges oriduirub trlngnilm Also Itth immng WRlGHTdS SNOWPLOWING Small Low lwm TN WC MODERN 07 ICE at frr lease 3700 A1 il ll 90 Ill etlt arise to Vic rlorrlsira7 604 to an residential venerable rural 35 equred ADDIfmes and in mde 728 8884 after Roof Delcmg 10b nbpy lame aes electclr LIDch heat included Telephone 776 NIB alter ldrn it I5 1977 GMC halo will Moral 6pm imamy 90 for WI 5405 not irlrtgrt sin turn Mental MAKER EulJWUl troutit xii QUALITY SINCE 1949 MAI ENANCE co TA Stucco WC sk gt 30 xIex ï¬i HQGIQ rhun 40105 PM TTVT 7777 77 Wi AIL3 CfdJC TWO BEDROOM apartment avallable 041 Ilir SIM tiU Tulltil illt pow ANNG to law 77777 7777777 in or es vei gt at €€3I September 151 bachelor apartment 1700 f0 at all Ci waif It rent 43o IJMItnr 776 718 3896 on gig building riionogoniont rmo RUSSELL TEXTURE smut Enote no or LoJr use ll Downiuv arca Si Marlo 40 Ample 7948 st avallable now ren IIICIUGCS al itles 737 3556 ltll tillurd walla and owing Fr pluscable and parkinqclose to Baytieid Damn fvallao star Semimoor 37motorcycles LICENCED CAnrtNiws cotton no EXCAVAUNG winiqu Dial numb ohm wink gt1th uccies twirltri rr in Mall Telephone 726 6046 istléigqpatgr bl 1m Ho 01qu oiiomnoos rep salmon MASONRY 729 m2 or or ter In it Irrilri Ullrtli mu Hm pl tr no L7 Idlv Two BEDROOM apartment $200 man nostril BOYCHOH Ellllvutlllg huuloga thly plus hydro Refrigerator stove and 24space for rent ei AIIPEIIIEII will 1m llurIrs Humor on wool limitinng tool writIl SIM NICE MASON 3m bwk TWOWAY RADIO snEL IA sein to parking provided App Viuoria It immanhlllg qty NFtll 77612 90 431155 at 757 and nor work Flroplmn spï¬lulty eatle sable ul nulls it A9 it 0° 93 PRME 3957 SPICE 190 MA II cousrrturrlml inoiood orponioii 05 CB tt COMMERCIAL ti it Eerevcec rgtI expending please 60000 Sq it Ialy spr nits9 transport IV tfiJ II bl JI Iuhme ï¬ï¬lertED ONE and two bedroom andlifllt MO was claw mt lair III1$5tht rxII rrililolm1 Gautier WW9 WEST GROVE MUSIC NTEIIIAINMIIII way rodlo =0 as In WWW rimI ler in or vlm ilIII IilrirlnJv artments available Central Adults Cieaiï¬drofliai If Dtlru gl dim WARM OWND LC is ct Jcr OEIY 726 0988 weekdaS mall 7m grirrjziAlre ClAtuiwnntle WWII tAdidIWHIT like Iu dam Good rlllotmrgsgups sales and serVIce Cessci es CLEO00 VW tCP IIIz lUl lrilrle irywtl BACHELOR one bedroom and two FopthASE+ 57 32 317 Iff U57Zï¬u tinuri will in on in million mun Backhoe Elmo PIANISI AVAllAalt tort wmolNGs lucrr SHOP ON PREMISEs Doom JL we JLID nc bedroom apartments lor rent Utilities ngzmï¬w rlrv 44 414ijjuhrK no 385 Trench OMS OWN Mums 7651 um Mm me It No oeiwLu relrigerator and Stove supplied Call 6p Doc SI 7371674between5 7pm VERY NCE lrtdJsr building on CARPET CLEANING Horizontal Au or TWOBEDROOM apartments available DWIJD jg 595 IVE 52ITICI for sch EIGCTIOIIICS ham mw°nunnu AU property Mir Im 0r Ale wtllll IW H01 mmeda bedroom ava ab 615 0737 twilrllim IIllll18 millA lrmpnl noon OUIIAII HSSONS Inslltul Tint Pupuitll 53 lthlll bl d1 Wasnt WAT September Ist $230 monthly plus hydro Al Remrences no pen parking laund BAPPE CENTRL rlhrlr ll 111011 REPLACES MollolPutytliGuliui Sluttkl 72o IAIN it iHU Lr 103 commaLl it gag Tito EDROOM erMilliIS323 selection oi ilne OIL PAINTINGS mu WWW DANCIth INSTlIllCTIoN wm mum tins was Dartmoor or Ii vii gas toms am over 14 PPORTUNITY available immediately Centrally zsgarages enholce Your home by WUIEiIIlItliIlwnsllillullvl 72h159l locatedielephoneï¬Ã© 5465 such unknown greats as rlntleus Custom hull ol now Tap 89m Jo 80m IM WWII Ii uiln iiire ld my so TWO BEDROOM Apartment Angus Fora DENT rsrd0a Rodriquez Roberts 9t tio sputum rlullllni storm utlil tltlllqtm Elltoilltlgllowlottlosaes WW II IIW to arat an irrrI NW rb sci gea newly decorated Alallable Mgie Samaria Ll View fjw ITID Oifllt brill All woillinonuno uiirliririiooil Iulul mmog guplenma Wm Wv ptember $220 monthly Day oler flint Pgj 4M money own in are lrlarlClrig mudkmm demmlg Hiulrn 11 1871 Will DGGING kKQItN Iw We 35 ¥é°mph$3le$7°27 0121 99 delwt shgarrllx rllleooo °° Itl$ NM NV SULA TION EDROON art r4 merits $225 and mo mono ridge UNCLAIMED FREIGHI GWllum MAllA wm DIGGING We It NW will SPECIALTIES stovetheat parking Telephone 737 2145 83 53 20 Dunlop St West BUDGET Jygï¬glct77bcgw 33 212 DANCING 15455 335 gaï¬lkggfï¬mng Taro bedrcoom 26accommodationsto share iust west of the Battle arena REFINISIHNG SIO In No an we osr rr tolactories and downtown $750 mommy FEHL 21 JDENT MS dont 726 2900 737 I9 PAINTING Home In mm In lt ls HNI Pint no 5n muv al ortunit om lo or If rp yr r1 00 plushydï¬o Tegep lonc 7m 3r rm rim agtmflgh EzraMID pli Aul7 $3 NARDWOOI Morph Itulnllntllnl uillI CUIKIBIU well lllcts mm NH and Mush wmdow pgu YBO FURNISHED rAPARTMENT 12 miles men WW hwihugb In 54 zlm III VllliNOA iAlNiiNG mill Itlllullllu In Punlp illslullutlulls taunting Garages and sheds dismanll we as I9 rm trorn Barrie amt businezs person an gym lilooop uuonuout Atoll 1lliilluml Irlrtolli WlIiItguulllllaIlI llIilli RtMIIIIIIIIII WWW requires person with stainer Non smoker pre red Prone rlldimi mm luau rr rail 4101 CARPET INSTALLATION norm 79 75 77° 9007 It Id II bl lid EBON 28cottages IOI Sale Irm 11141 lrryll or WUllll illll InIuIIer WAVNI lOllV Prilionklil ll lull ltuls sorwgarden SUPPHes mxhamca on so rr til gigECrgjijéTifjDEEDPIDJ arm BEL AVE dIllI EAHHI Alli tlltlrl limiting Irttulrlllmi All out wall nosuir yak Illlul mitt IIIIIIIIII tron Istilllulfl wrilk 50p to MIKE rm 5m qua hISIorY Io be IIOIned In III art gr ydr er is Dear UVJ nrIjrrrrl mltrrxilaell mull ll no new trance available Alumni til anew Hind CNNMW P0 WW WHO and wnyl Shaun gutIon nut myth titles Dellvtled to lob or homL Call home Insulation field thly First and Ir rrlrx Ir gr re Ml 10 aar now up our rigintl Mr mingmnqg 1ml DON IIISING PIIIHIIIHI itllllllu 07 AUI5I6 quired reergnï¬el TN 3474 trig by all 11 tr ammlul II ry rlr haul nitri min WOIN guaranteed your hunt IIII pilpar titlllulrlu Illstnlll willh NOICE TOP SOIL Excellent tor ï¬ve 850900 awmwH Mal an MM am Mqu WWW Pr Suttoluilniligunmanoil IM Milli lawns gardens etc Evening and Satur 53 yemnw ism do cars IO sale Quintana gr no IN OC OIOII TIIO Company ymmmg PArut NANQINU mummy AuEN 0mm windy km day delivery Call 726 J9280r7261117 7777 mm fr wmmtlrk litAer ll urlrtwnll tiling 129 2197 it till r2o son in II Si no QUALITY TOP SOIL sat an we mommy only Ha ar in 04 roe run as mu wll tl lilos urlas III Islll or prox September 15LHA ri 27193 LitaII ï¬lnéJOId below you burl nll wlllirl alllimi I56 8874 Illlulu phone it WU Iinately 20000 cubic yards located 12 57 mow only IrtIt on in am Wï¬arWIrmrtWW tiWï¬tï¬WéIWWttwamztmwrwmmwzwmm Ws 39 i°°°° GETTING MApplEpa tar1J9 twp artlimi SNIHNIIIG IDlIJ lw IIiflllrlllqill EmVGINOS 7545 For building supply dealer All Ret Putr v5 vt it SYdllili Ill tintinlmrl llIl mar névt agDéIrrlt7 Ti 57 33 3L ANTI WWI UIIIIIIIII will illlltip minor 40 Id It lie 40 articles for sale 40 articles for sale 40 articles for san Ire and SICIIS OPPICOMS COPSIdON bedroom apallrrr 3w WIII WIIVWII and um SHADE TREES Now is the time to APPYI Willing 01 monml can all Wy Itll ill utilrflmrt IIllli pm 1227 Ammuni Ml ROI 5A1 late summer sued Your shade we have We Mr 75 or Vtll Is war lltlust 19 all LAle HQ BE 0100 IIMmim IrtWIal IHirllplrvrllrlllill blitz allriillrfrl HHIIIIIJIII svlIlutllltiu pools MUSI IgefgllIogicTtrIJ 68$8yfltcvglllrolg wit rlg am with My rr lawn7 room OWEN MW Im LyWILIIIII GIN Ittlayilatj rrItVlllll 71 Iiit hm TELEVISIONS that are the and Km Kn wow and hand HuntslltlVIIIHIESigutgzré Femdalo or 795 xaml erAus Ir We muIr Wm ulna rmlml mono alibi Irtlllrlll lithlnim WWI 70 In our MAtlltEss DIVISION lIlw titill lIIuIIIItIIwII IIIItI IvrIIIs III PLANTY°W95°°9F°°°W A¢ lumbarto 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