the examiner Tuesday Aggy 1971 extra Metro Portuguese call for clean up of Yonge strip IORONIO ttPt Police said that about 20000 members of Torontos Portuguese community marched to city hall vlIIKiEIV calling for the cleanup of the Yonge Street strip Leading the marchers in car an organizer of the delnmlv st ration shouted slogans in Portuguese and English The death last week of Manuel Jaques 12 whose body was found on the roof of Yonge Street sex shop sparked the monstt ition In another car an effigy hung from noose with sign saying It eath to Eiiianucls murderers Marchers carried signs reading We Portuguese ask cages for inhumane savages and Hang them on hook One of our children died organizer Joe Rafael told the crowd at city hall lle happened to be Portuguese But we are all Canadians mg in this beautiful city of Toronto ew York bomb remOvaI drama Vance now in Israel JERUSALEM AP US State Secretary Cyrus Vance carrying word of possible Pale stinian concessions arrived in Israel today for what might be the climax of his current Mid dle East peace mission Vance faced close questioning by Prime Minister Menahem Begin and other Israeli leaders on whether the United States remains com mitted not to negotiate with Irish boy Yasser Arafats Palestine Liberation Organization PLO Foreign Minister Moshe Da yan welcomed Vance upon his arrival from Saudi Arabia and said Whenever you accept our views we will be in full agreement with you Dayan was speaking in light vein but his comment foreshadowed difficulties in Vances talks here 16 shot by troops BELFAST neuter Troops shot dead 16yearold boy today after night of strategicallyplaCed Springfiel Road police station where sniper fired several shots and peace mission climax At news conference in Taif Saudi Arabia before flying here Vance confirmed that he has had indirect contacts with the PLO through various Arab intermediaries NO DIRECT CONTACT We have had no direct con tact with the PLO he said ad ding We are informed by the various Arab parties as to the positions of the PLO and have been so informed as we proceeded through my visit Vance has been in the Middle East for nine days The PLO has so far refused to accept United Nations resolu tions laying the groundwork for peaceful settlement of the ArabIsraeli conflict in part because these recognize Israels right to exist and ak of the Palestinian quest or homeland only as refugee Acting may Arthur Egglmon said that the death of 12 Members of the New York City bomb section remove known whether anyone had claimed responsibility for plac Sporadic violence amid me in cmwd of about 50 Cathulics problem The pLO Charter wantId Emanuel Jaques not be in vain we must see the dynamite boiiili from the Auras building located in midtown ing 10 mm in lht bllidintk Rtsltttltshlll creasing tension over the mainly youngsters hurled also calls for replaCement of ti impm on Yonge 511901 Wm in fact be deade up Manhattan at 1270 Sixth Ave which is adjacent to Radioi blasts in New York tity office buildliigs was claimed by Queens silver jubilee visit t0 stones and Shoule abusa N0 the Jewish State by secular Music Ilall in Rockefeller Center Police said it was not Term Rim Ilillimilliï¬l tZlml PALS Northern Ireland one was injured milesutile gr British army spokesman Huge bonfires blazed memoran m0 ee JS favors release Of Hess odd of said the boy was shot after throughout the night to mark Went belwfe the muted MINKH West Germany tAPt US State Secretary hurling two gasoline bombs at the sixth anniversary of the in States and Israel in 1975 then yius ance said iiia letter made public here Monday the patrol in West Belfast and ige troduction of the now Stale secretary Henry K1551 18 government favors release of convicted Nazi war noringtwowarningstostop abandoned practice of in pledged that waShngton criminal Rudolf lless from Spandau prison in Berlin where The Provisional Sinn Fein ternmcnt without trial About WEI recognize or egouate lio is the sole prisoner Iless 83 is the last prisoner held tiii the Pomlcal Wing 0f the IFISh duzcn vethles Wch hilaCked 1813110 85 king as the It lKV1hlVUIltWtlilglttmtmS Republican Army IRA ac and set on fire One driver Riftde 9t recgggze Israel DLNDALK Md tAlt Tickets for the raffle which viticed that it hours for two at harlcsleGaulleAirport for cusedtliearmy of murder police reservist was shot and ext d8 0915 ï¬c Brian Beikeridge was not wor aims to raise $70000 go on sale hour flight carried the tradition the new cabin staff to arrive During the night snipers and 17yearold youth also was fem Lemij ounc 95° lum bers IOllfy new COHITOCI ried about that hissing he heard at t3 cents each two weeks from oflongsifferingtoofar fromLondon stonethrowing an WOUHdOd mg 2423 338 coming from the front of his iiowlhedraw willbelec Police were called to the Catholics attacked army and But there was scant evidence DEALS WITH BORDERS It EINDSOILOiiI tCIt Local plumbers were back onthe car He thought it was just The $3500 car goes on show IiiStar jet but the 290 passen Sefs record police bases in Belfast Their of systematic action by Irish Resolution 242 calls for Mi Monday after ratifying new contract Sunday which leakytue today in the lates sculpture gers refusing to leave the plane main target was the guerrillas who have promised Israeli withdrawal from oc rises them litilIOUI work week union spokesman said But as Berkeridgc pulled into gallery It was offered to the until senior British Airways lNllNAPOLIS AP IIsr the Queen hot time and the cupied territories resolution of bont Koo plumbers members of Local 552 United car wash here state police Tate home of many of the na officer promised after 13 min Copt illtlhl Bill Shirklsquirmed worlds press time to re the refugee problem and tltltociation of Plumbers and Steamfitters have been on trooper spotted fivefoot boa tions art treasures by the head utcs of argument to refund half litsway out of straightjacket New IOW member police spokesman recognition ofthe right of every mikeagamst the Mechanical Contractors Association siii constrictor gliding out of the ofaLondonbasedoilcompany the far aboutStiltach Whlll dangling UPSIdt dOvtl d5rlbfd the In guerrilla Middle E351 State l0 live in Jul seeking 36hour fourday week rather than the grin of wear Other prizes include two $437 The passengers mostly Brit froma helicopter 1000 feet in l0mlmg31md UUHCkSO 0095 Secure borders and ReSOIUlion hunt fiverday week they had becnworkiiig Trooper James lCmcrick and vouchers from grocery chain ish vacationers told reporters lht 1111 lo rtwrllt IWU CIIlFKS In or asuanttleIWS Hlm 33 Up lhe GeneVa Peace terry Boyle business agent forthelocalsaidthe new con pl Francis France used and clothing store chain and they were scheduled tofly from the Guinness World Book of About 32000 police and troops conference tract pitivides for 30hourlda Work CPR for Otlstrllt stick to prod the snake into weekend for two in the pent the ltlcditerraiican island of Records MONTREAL li Ihta are braced for possible trouble ion phiml esidcntia ti Net 14 inc ters effective April 1978 Plumbers who work in and service areas will continue to work 40hour tire to June the plumbers will receive 7o ttliS LillltOllI wage increase plus benefits This raises the garbage can The hissing snake was taken to the local state pt lice barracks to await word from its owner That word came quickly as house suite of top London ho tel Refund or Majorca to London on Saturday evening but found no plane waiting at Palm airport The airline flew TM Star from London to pick tip the Shirk set records Sunday for time and altitude for such an escape Helicopter pilot Wayne Me lermott said the altimeter on nadian dollar fell to new sevcnrycar low today as it drop pcd below 02 IS cents on New York money markets the Royal Bank reported today the eve of Vednesdays jubilee visit At least 30 republicans were detained but police insisted this was not jubilee precaution Vance told reporters he has heard rumors that the PLO may be considering change of position in regard to Resolution 242 orkers hourly wageaaiidvbenefit package to $13 73 from John HUSH1mm of lowsoii LONDON tAIt ltwasthc stranded paggttnw mt inty the helicopter registered at At the opening of trading the spokesman said all were being But he said have seen Md reportth that he anti his OPPUSH it 5k5Jiitkmf1 Ill took off hours bthmd schtd 101 lllllnL lht SkalXH dIllitr W115 trll15t293178 cenr questioned about sheriff nothing concreteyet pm bu mnqylyphnmd bcwnm plane landed andlpassengers which was officially timed iii ts less than half cent above fences jJ separated while they were out MYUIK flltW ml Then the cabin tall refined 11231tstconds the value it was pegged at from Two soldiers were reported in If the PLO accepted the reso yeree country mUSIC fan forsomeexercisc Walling fUStd ltlltlgtikll to work overtime and lIll ml lhc prcxious records held tittiztolttitt serious condition after being lution adopted after the 1967 IHIIi lilt $70m to explore the possibilities of entering the Big raffle offending induin has and they received Soyxrtciit rcr fund The passengers became con tht plane land in laris for relief crew The passengers separately were 120o feet for altitude and lllllt of 24 sec The dollar had gamed ground since last Tuesday when it fell ambushed by snipers while on patrol in Londondeiry on Sun war the United States would not insist that the PLO charter xAgnyulLE you waittd hours in transit ltttlllut onds tojust below 93 US cents lay night also be revised Vance said Tanzanian President Hmch Tm Tn JUWS Verill WWW art gallery is offering car music fan Visited the rand grwerivs and wwkmd huh 00 OW W59 Id 35 ll day for two as raffle pties to tertamed by country music mm mum my hm ml limlim MISW ablepaintmgsandkIcpthcmin Britain MUS ml 11 PM lhepamhngsdated1785arc formed for about two hours by NM NM WWW Mlltlday Nymw ll stulibs known for his pictures par ll lt tt Nyerpw asked that PPM Elizigtlttititltfftiiltlfe lItll is 977111 XIitJlIIl at the show Jtt uisc my may Hum Ill mll If the money is not lLlttl by my533755t htripmw Hi ltivil we 55 Iii io 10 lttltIQU fIU tIII1I And we ve icdes1gned our engines so they re no ttll lliillltf piotai ti appreciathyou asking 541 the pointing abroad for fl III SllUtUN Hth lU If3 full03 luster and MORE efflClCnt mt to be here ride lOltt mm Hwy Hm MPH fttlfglWimte my SIIOH IS ttllfi mm In highspeed passing the olvo 2ft Wit iroug octnttts gigco tt oprynuusv It how long car lasts is any indication its overhead camVosurpasses BMW 3201 ritsxvicitiati mmvopo Conservmon of how well its built you ll be intcicstcd TheVolvo 24lwnh its fuelinjected 4cylmdet ii their aim to know that in Sweden Volvos have been engine0utacceleiates Cutlass With aV8 519 hghe COYOIe bOUmY VWHH lasting longer Weve also made the mSldC of Volvo 77 tl gt 1fii23223411toaiiiiffiilfiiWitiiiiiiiiixiiiifif 31 tmW glaring Latest ltgtiics hom tlicchdish Motoi mute LOIIIfOIIdhlt placetospendthe years oit Mg gtï¬gilIVI1liyfjfjï¬gmfgtrumpy iii31IIifia intvol Vehiclclnspcction ompanyshowthat in the With things like 12outlet heatan and li servation organizitioii called HHIHEW the lltttllttorte IInyironiiicntal létSl tCll yCZIIS lllC ZIVCI 212C lllC CXPCCIUIIC VCntllatlon ll saw during the weekend he has not had any requests mm iilill tlnionri of lfaldiiititnd about iittmlltb mm Watson was dismissed front ll LIWflVU In SVClCll llllS IIICICUSCd to air armor weip1ncontrollingcoyotes mpm mm Hm Fm mum local http tarmcrs claim the coyotes art thitéll WNW 1wHi Ldll LUtll tilllL cl Nl dbl Lontlnunus les my to Tltt ott their flocks btit Mayor Dave ltllgtlll of dinraw iflf flieroyoteproblem is not criltical V11I1llplt1 In Slime lcngl ll lllIlL In flllS LOUIIII IthOpCdILdlly lit nd fftlflfl are asking fora higher mind mntit lt lfltslillt httatsonhtadtd MalaItltyiia$ mmmwm WW But its nicc to know the potcntial lot stii Vlle demgnedhblmklet lion of nuclear weapons and HH MI ttwlnndwf lflllll is environ ls Ir intact and membersol the Of course reducing the speed Will supports that you 1dillil0ttl0y $98k Games human family hityt no other than to dtclmt nun nu which aVolvo travels to the ninkyai isn can soften or font ilfllll Ont It Ii ity council agreed Monday to ltlll tltillzttlttl ltllllLLlf£lHitlllHl the only improvement weve made in ten years Come in and youll see that weve found lot of ways to make that trip safer and more enjoyable Weve introduced rack and pinion steer ing for surcr more precise handling Weve improved our suspension for smoother ride against the small of your back When it comes to safety even the US government is impressed by what we ve accomplished They recently bought 24 Valves for testing program that will its help establish safety standards for cars of the future What all of this means is simple Volvo may last long time at test drive one at yourVolvo dealer and youll see that ittrtmt with itioihtrtiniario cities for the right to bchost to 10111 aiiada SunnnerGamcs Kittl itéll ing and discussing proposal by Doug Lewis biuirinan of an informal committee that is looking into the Musibility of holding the games council agreed that oiehuiiiirtry draft bid should be drawn up The bid will then go to city council for approval Bids for In Homes are tltlt by Sept 10 report from city treasurer Dennis Wein said that the hiit til the cit share of the cost of the flames would have firin the private sector govttinnitus Watson said in press rtltn He said Ilnithtorcc plans to launch its first lllitlltl ex petlifinn in November 1077 tithiling to Kenya lanania and Iganda to confront the lttll of those African nations in an effort to halt the mass slaughter of the majestic African elephants briefs SIII III Sllt ltIll lltll lolin legendary Thrist inn monarch of Asia was actually named Irosbyter hiirch lIldtr loliii lie was fir st litaid of in Home in 1122 tl OI Alt WIS IIOITIIII llit lfnittd Slalcs coat of tti mu shouting the American eagle hearing shield with lit stars and lllptK was adopted Ill 1111 IIll ILXIIIIII lcat an curly stage in the formation of coal and has about two thirds the heating value of coal lob member acquitted titlyl lttIIN Nit WIN member of the Toronto ad agaliondn motorcycle club was acquitted Monday of rtia go of resisting police officer John Wayne irown 28 of Mississauga Ont was one of to motorcyclists arrested following disturbance on the Canadian National ferry PrincessofAcadia July 23 Tim ixions were charged after riot equipped police mtt it terry when the cruise ended Brown was the first to be it til lro intml oiiit Indge McNamcc said it was clear the govci detention of the motorcycle club members had been antiml lolitt Thief Eric Ferguson of Saint John and the was no tltltllt indicating the officer had seen ltrown ttitvltlll indictable offence or had grounds to believe he hurt tiittllllliftl an offence upl nlrflm u4 lt Fiberglass Concrete Vinyl Liner Pools Kits Alt Shapes and Sizes Never needs painting yo mr written guarantee Call John Campbell BARBIE 7280492 Ridge Road Shanty Bay 01in in man 178 Essa Road Kitchen Motors Limitd 7282287 mmhTmsgtrz 44 ofif OUR DISPLAY POOLS